Imagine Request - Tumblr Posts
Night Terrors
Five Hargreeves x Reader
Warnings: none...?
A/n: this request was quite fun to make! I hope this is what you were thinking about while requesting, if not i apologize. I wrote this more around Five with the reader comforting him because i mean he was stuck in a wasteland for 45+ years. He definetly has truama/ptsd of some kind which probably comes with attacks or night terrors (hence the reason he hates sleeping). Also I apologize for this not being very long, it's more so short, sweet, and fluffy.
Requested by: @five-manchild-hargreeves
Prompt: 12 and 13 with five maybe?
12. "I heard you scream. Nightmares again?"
13. "Hey, just look at me. Breathe."
(Not my gif)

It hurt.
The unbearable heat and the acidic ash pouring into his lungs and caking everything and around him.
He couldn't breathe.
The low rumble of another building falling to rubble in the distance. There was no way he was back here. Or maybe he hadn't left? No, it couldn't be real. He didn't dare open his eyes.
He didn't want to see the corpses of his dead family.
He didn't want to see the burning city.
He didn't want to see the wasteland he had tried so hard to forget.
",no,no,no." He murmered as he tried to wake up, the ash seeming to muffle his senses and thoughts as he struggled to comprehend what was going on.
His chest felt tight and he wanted to cough as he clutched at the sleeves of his dirty blazer, his breaths ragged. He cried out in hopes it would all go away.
It wasn't real, he had to wake up.
A voice. It was muffled and faint but he heard it.
There it was again, louder and much cleaer this time.
Five's eyes shot open as he sat up in bed. He took a few deep breaths and raked his hands through his hair as his eyes darted around the room before landing on his partner. "Y-y/n?" He stuttered. He could see the concern and worry in their eyes as he took in another breath to try and calm down though it wasn't very helpful.
"I heard you scream. Nightmares again?" They asked, also sitting up and placing one of their hands over his own and gently laced their fingers together. The touch was comforting but his breathing was still erratic.
"Hey, just look at me. Breathe." They murmered, tilting their head to get a better look at him. Five sighed, trying his best to steady his breathing as he looked into his partner's eyes. "I...i didn't wake you did i?" He asked after his breathing had calmed down.
"Not exactly, i was just about to though." They replied with a small shrug and a shake of their head. A book lay forgotten beside them showing they hadn't gone to sleep when he did. "Sorry." Five mumbled as he looked down at their hands.
"It's okay Five. Are you feeling any better?" They asked, tone raising into the question. "Yes, maybe, better. I'm better, yes." Five stammered with a small nod and he gave his partner's hand a small squeeze. "That's good." They replied with a small hum.
" wanna talk about your nightmare?" They asked after a moment of silence. Another short silence occured before Five slowly shook his head yes. "I...i was back in the apocalypse.." he said slowly, " just hurt. The ash and smoke, i couldn't open my eyes." He explained further.
Y/n gave his hand a small squeeze as he spoke to assuree him she was listening. "It was hot, and i felt alone...a-and scared out of my mind." Five hated to admit he had been scared. He didn't like being so vulnerabke either even if it was with his partner.
"After a bit i heard your voice saying my name and then i woke up." He finished. The explanation was short but so had the nughtmare been. Y/n thought for a moment before responding.
"Well, it wouldn't be uncommon for you to experience flashbacks like that. But all that matters is that it's not real and you're alive and safe." They spoke softly with another gentle squeeze of her hand on Five's. "But it felt real." Five replied, looking up to meet his partner's gaze.
"All dreams do, until you wake up that is. Then they slowly trickle back into your imagination and are forgotten. Though i suppose that's different in your case." Y/n replied, trying their best to understand everthing. Five simply nodded in return.
The couple talked a for a little more before deciding it was time to go back to sleep. They layed down and themselves in eachothers arms. Five nestled into the crook of Y/n's neck as they gently played with his hair. The feeling helped lull him to sleep and thankfully there were no more nightmares that night.
awesomenewtimagines - What about a Newt imagine where it's basically the same as the scorch trials movie but the reader was in the maze with Aris and they are best friends. Instead of Minho knocking out the guard the reader does that. And while running out of the compound the reader get shot, nothing serious, just a flesh wound on the upper arm. Since the moment Newt saw the reader he felt like he knew her, like Thomas felt like he knew Teresa and the reader feels that way about Newt too. The reader is fearless, protective of the people she love, hates having people take care of her, or worry about her. So she doesn't tell them that she was shoot right away. They figure out she was shoot when Thomas and Newt is fighting about not having a plan and she almost faints do to blood loss. (the bullet hit a blood vessel) not to much fluff. And you don't have to stop writing in the mall, continue maybe to the end of the movie? I don't mind it being long and multiple parts, but if you like it short and have a good idea for a short one, don't let me stop you. Write how you want to!
Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
You followed the others half way down the corridor before stopping and turning to the other end.
"Y/N! What are you doing? Come on!" Newt yelled, but you ignored him and took off running in the direction you had just come from.
'I hope this works', you thought to yourself, the shouts of the others barely audible over the sound of the air whistling in your ears. As you reached the end of the corridor you slid along the floor, swinging your leg into the legs of the guard who had just rounded the corner, causing him to fall to the floor and hit his head on the wall, his gun sliding across the smooth surface.
You grabbed the gun and pushed yourself off the floor and ran back to join the others, met with looks of astonishment and pride.
"Are we gonna wait around for more guards or are we gonna go?" You asked, resting the gun on your shoulder. The reply was a mixture of silence and laughs, making you grin and walk off down the corridor, trying to find a way out.
The group followed Thomas to the medical ward where Teresa was being kept. You stood back as Thomas ran over to Teresa, helping her up, your gun pointed at the rattling door. In a flash, Thomas and Newt had smashed the window with chairs and you threw Thomas the gun before you climbed through the window, Newt helping you to make sure you didn't get cut by the shards of glass.
You soon found yourself running alongside Newt again, trying to get away from Jansen and his guards, your fingers linked as you helped him run faster until you arrived at a door. Thomas swiped the key card again and again, the mechanism denying access every time.
Thomas turned to face Janson as the rest of your group tried in vain to get the door open. You watched as Thomas moved towards Janson, pointing the gun at him before the door opened and Thomas started firing.
You heard another gunshot and felt something hit your arm, pain radiating off it, but you tried to ignore it as the group ran for the big door that lead to the 'Scorch'. Thomas managed to get the door open and you followed the others out into the unknown, ripping a piece of cloth off the bottom of your shirt to tie around your wound, hoping the others wouldn't notice. You saw Newt glance back at you and slow down to wait for you to catch up before the two of you chased after the others.
The group finally arrived at what looked like an abandoned mall and you all slid down the sand dune and stumbled in. You took in your surroundings as best you could with the slight darkness around the edge of your vision, pressing down on the cloth tied around your arm. You heard faint conversation between Thomas and Newt which soon turned into an argument, bringing your attention to them.
"You brought us this whole way and you don't have a plan?" Newt yelled, a mixture of shock and anger on his face. Suddenly you felt light-headed and tried to find something to lean on, accidentally pushing something metal off a surface, drawing attention to you.
"Y/N?" Newt asked gently, his tone changing as he took a few steps in your direction. You looked up at the group, taking in their looks of concern and confusion before your legs gave out from underneath you and you fell to the floor, your vision blackening.
"Y/N!" Startled voices cried out and you felt yourself being pulled into someone's arms, brushing your hair out of your face as the others crowded around you.
"What happened to her?" You heard Aris ask, worry evident in his voice.
"I don't know!" Newt replied; obviously flustered before you felt a hand brush across the wound, causing you to flinch slightly. Moments later you felt your makeshift bandage being pulled off your arm and heard sharp intakes of breath and you guessed they had seen the blood and the bullet hole.
“Oh my god.” Aris whispered and you could imagine his hand covering mouth as it had done so many times before in the glade.
“I don't understand, when did she get shot?” Newt questioned loudly, his panic shown very expressly in his tone.
“It must've been on the way out, y’know with Janson and his guards…” Thomas muttered, his voice just audible.
“Does anyone know anything we can do to help her?” Minho asked, taking control of the situation.
“I don't know man, we don't have a lot to work with.” Winston sighed and you heard Newt’s breathing speed up and become uneven.
“We have to do something!”
“Frypan see if you can find any cloth we can use as a bandage for her arm.” Minho instructed and Frypan quickly set off, trying to find something to help. “Whilst he's looking, everyone else try and get as much stuff as we can take with us. Newt, you stay here with Y/N.”
The group dispersed, leaving Newt holding your body in an unconscious state, your head resting on his lap and one hand with your fingers loosely intertwined. You could feel Newt’s shaky breaths and he tried to calm himself.
“How could I let this happen to you?” Newt quietly said to you, making sure the others didn't hear. You wished you could convince your eyes to open and make yourself sit up to tell him it's not his fault, but your body was ignoring you. The two of you remained in silence until you heard shouts in the distance causing Newt to sit up, making sure not to injure you further in any way.
You weren't sure what was happening, all you heard was a surprised exclamation from Newt and soon found yourself being carried out of the building in the arms of a running British boy. You heard the others catching up and their shouts at each other to hurry up. All the time you and Newt were kept at the front of the group, the others trying to make sure you would be the first ones to get out. Soon all the shouting and disorientation got the better of you and you fell into a gentle sleep again.
When you woke up you were under a giant slab of brick, shielding you from the sun. Your arm was aching and your head was pounding slightly, the aftermath of the running and blood loss. You slowly pushed yourself up into a sitting position before glancing at the people around you. Everyone was asleep except for Frypan who was left on watch over the group.
You coughed, the lack of water in your body making your throat dry and also bringing Frypan’s attention to you. The moment he saw you awake and ‘healthy’, his face lit up in a relieved smile.
“Y/N!” He exclaimed before pulling you into a hug, careful not to put pressure on your bad arm. You smiled and wrapped your other arm around his side, watching as the others stirred from the noise. One by one they realised you were awake and all had similar reactions to Frypan, especially Aris and Newt, who both pulled you in for a long hug, obviously relieved you were okay, the bags under their eyes visible.
Once you had drunk some water and had something to eat you changed your ‘bandage’ before tying your hair up and linking hands with Newt, ready to start in the next part of your journey. Little did you know, everything would go downhill from there.
Request from @xdarksnowrosex - Hey!! Could you do avengers x reader imagine were reader is Tonys' kid and saves the avengers from really dangerous mission, that almost cost readers life? 😊
Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
The mission was supposed to be easy for the famous superhero team, but things never go quite to plan and this one didn't go to plan at all. Now 5/6 of them were out of action, some trapped under debris and some lying against a wall, trying to support themselves. The only one left was Iron Man, but soon joined his friends after being hit by some strange light beam, sending him crashing down.
You were waiting in the Quinjet after your dad forbade you from coming in with them, giving the whole “it's too dangerous for you” speech. As you say swinging your legs over the pilot’s seat and throwing a blue ball in the air you heard a crash and immediately sat up. After a moment, you heard another crash and a yell, making you jump out of the seat and grab your electric nunchucks and your protective gloves your dad made for you and ran out.
You hesitated just before running in to the building, your dad’s warning ringing in your head. But you were Y/N Stark, you were brought up with danger and your dad’s attention to warnings, meaning there was very little.
You pushed through the doors, quickly running towards where you knew the team would be and you were greeted by an unwanted sight. Everyone was on the floor, except your dad who was flying around but was soon hit out of the air.
“Dad!” You cried, quickly covering your mouth and taking a few steps back to try to stay out of sight. Unfortunately, it didn't work and you soon found everyone staring at you, including whatever the hell it was everyone was fighting.
“Y/N! Get away from here!” Your dad yelled out to you, but your attention was focused on the enemy that was now making it’s way towards you. You quickly pulled out your nunchucks from your belt and slipped in the gloves, getting ready to fight.
Most of the fight was a blur, you swinging your nunchucks at the enemy, landing a few hits but mostly trying to dodge attacks, bruises and cuts forming all over your body. You were starting to tire slightly when you saw the others slowly getting up. You kept fighting, trying to hold him off for long enough to let them regroup, twirling your nunchucks and repeatedly hitting the enemy.
The enemy caught your nunchucks, puling you into the air and leaving you hanging on. You looked up at him and smirked, causing a surprised look to appear across his face. You pressed the button on the end of your nunchucks, sending an electric pulse through them into him. The nunchucks started to crackle with electricity, sparks flying off it occasionally.
You hesitated for a moment before holding down the button, storing electricity to release in one go, knowing full well that you would be on the receiving end as well as him.
‘This is gonna hurt’, you thought before pushing the button down again. The electricity stored in the nunchucks was all released at once, causing the enemy to drop you and you to scream out in pain from the drop and the electricity.
Your head hit the floor and black spots started dancing before your eyes. You saw your dad reaching out towards you, a look of horror on his face. You smiled gently at him before leaning back and letting the darkness consume you.
*3rd person*
Seeing Y/N passed out on the floor set a spark off inside all of the team, especially her father. He turned from her sleeping figure to the enemy and charged at him in pure rage. The rest of the team followed, all of them now more determined than ever, not caring about their own injuries.
Finally they defeated the enemy and rushed to your side. Tony pulled Y/N into his lap, running his trembling fingers through her hair as Steve called Maria Hill on his comms and telling her to hurry.
When they got you back to Stark tower you were rushed to the medical ward, your dad struggling against the people holding him back. You were in bed for two days before you woke up, your eyes slowly adjusting to the light. You saw your dad sitting in the chair beside your bed, his hair pointing everywhere and his mouth slightly ajar with small noises coming out every time he breathed out.
You leant forwards gently, ignoring the slight pain in your ribs that flared up as you put pressure on them and tapped your dad on the nose, muttering a quiet “boop”, causing his nose to twitch and his eyes to slowly open as he sat up in confusion.
“What- what's going on? Who died?” He mumbled, rubbing his eyes. You laughed, his hand shooting away from his face at the sound. His eyes widened as he rushed forwards and pulled you into a giant hug, knocking the wind out of you.
“Hello to you too, dad.” You chuckled, wrapping your arms around him. You sighed and nuzzled your head into his shoulder, both of you unaware of the rest of the team watching from by the door, smiles on their faces at the sight of father and daughter being reunited.