The Princess Bride - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

what movie do y’all know front to back like it doesn’t even have to necessarily be Good,, it’s just something you’ve seen so many times that the dialogue is printed into the very core of your being

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4 years ago

So apparently, over the summer, Quibi (the shortest-lasting streaming service ever lmao) did a quarantine project called “Home Movie: The Princess Bride” where a bunch of celebrities recreated The Princess Bride in tiny chunks at home.

And like there was no permanent cast, all these celebrities seem to have gotten a scene or part of a scene to do (i’m not sure exactly, I did not ever watch Quibi and thus haven’t seen this yet), and then they just… recreated it as best they could. At home. Under quarantine.

So like, you had Jennifer Garner in a blanket cape playing Princess Buttercup AND the Booing Old Woman with a crowd comprised entirely of stuffed animals:

So Apparently, Over The Summer, Quibi (the Shortest-lasting Streaming Service Ever Lmao) Did A Quarantine
So Apparently, Over The Summer, Quibi (the Shortest-lasting Streaming Service Ever Lmao) Did A Quarantine

Or Taika Waititi paying Westley off a badly-drawn Inigo on a piece of cardboard held in front of someone’s face:

So Apparently, Over The Summer, Quibi (the Shortest-lasting Streaming Service Ever Lmao) Did A Quarantine

And it’s all just delightful.

But my absolute favorite part of this thing that I’ve sadly never seen but assume is probably absolutely hilarious and a treasure and I want to find it some day and watch the whole thing… is that Carey Elwes is in it.

As Prince Fucking Humperdink.

So Apparently, Over The Summer, Quibi (the Shortest-lasting Streaming Service Ever Lmao) Did A Quarantine

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9 months ago

Literally nothing has helped me further in my conversion journey than reading an article which asserted that "The Princess Bride" is a Jewish fantasy film and then rewatching the film with that context in mind.

(I lie, I kid, other stuff has been more helpful. But I'm definitely one of those olds for whom watching "The Princess Bride" on VHS until the tape wore out was a meaningful core memory, so this new understanding of the film kicked me right in the feels.)

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9 months ago
Average Transmasc Friend Group

average transmasc friend group

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5 months ago

TIL that Billy Crystal’s character, Miracle Max, in the Princess Bride was so funny that it nearly stopped the production of the movie. One actor bruised a rib from clenching to try not to laugh.


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4 years ago

So apparently, over the summer, Quibi (the shortest-lasting streaming service ever lmao) did a quarantine project called “Home Movie: The Princess Bride” where a bunch of celebrities recreated The Princess Bride in tiny chunks at home.

And like there was no permanent cast, all these celebrities seem to have gotten a scene or part of a scene to do (i’m not sure exactly, I did not ever watch Quibi and thus haven’t seen this yet), and then they just… recreated it as best they could. At home. Under quarantine.

So like, you had Jennifer Garner in a blanket cape playing Princess Buttercup AND the Booing Old Woman with a crowd comprised entirely of stuffed animals:

So Apparently, Over The Summer, Quibi (the Shortest-lasting Streaming Service Ever Lmao) Did A Quarantine
So Apparently, Over The Summer, Quibi (the Shortest-lasting Streaming Service Ever Lmao) Did A Quarantine

Or Taika Waititi paying Westley off a badly-drawn Inigo on a piece of cardboard held in front of someone’s face:

So Apparently, Over The Summer, Quibi (the Shortest-lasting Streaming Service Ever Lmao) Did A Quarantine

And it’s all just delightful.

But my absolute favorite part of this thing that I’ve sadly never seen but assume is probably absolutely hilarious and a treasure and I want to find it some day and watch the whole thing… is that Carey Elwes is in it.

As Prince Fucking Humperdink.

So Apparently, Over The Summer, Quibi (the Shortest-lasting Streaming Service Ever Lmao) Did A Quarantine

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7 years ago

Most people I know had that one movie as a kid; that one movie that they would watch over and over and over to the resigned acceptance of their parents. I’ve always thought that movie says something about a person. What was your movie?

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5 months ago
The Princess Bride (1987) Dir. Rob Reiner
The Princess Bride (1987) Dir. Rob Reiner
The Princess Bride (1987) Dir. Rob Reiner
The Princess Bride (1987) Dir. Rob Reiner
The Princess Bride (1987) Dir. Rob Reiner
The Princess Bride (1987) Dir. Rob Reiner

The Princess Bride (1987) dir. Rob Reiner

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1 year ago

what movie do y’all know front to back like it doesn’t even have to necessarily be Good,, it’s just something you’ve seen so many times that the dialogue is printed into the very core of your being

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1 year ago

The Dread Pirate Roberts

Westley x Reader


Masterlist - Join My Taglist!

Written for my Year of Olympians and part of a bigger challenge being run by @yearofcreation2023​ which features a ton of awesome creators and runs all year! Go check it out if you haven’t already!

Also, this fic wasn’t a request, but I’m dedicating it to @auroracalisto​ who is my fellow Princess Bride fangirl searching desperately for fic with me

Fandom: The Princess Bride

Prompt: Poseidon; Sea, Water, Storms

Summary: Prince Humperdinck has set his sights on Y/N to marry, but she can’t simply forget the love of her life, Westley, and give that up for a life with the prince. So, she decides to run, taking a boat and setting sail for new horizons like her farm boy did so long ago.

Word Count: 3,192

Category: Angst and fluff


I glanced back over my shoulder one last time as I undid the last of the lines holding my boat to the dock. In the dead of night, I couldn’t see much, but in the far distance the lights of the capital city of Florin stared back at me. This would likely be the last time I saw this place.

A few weeks ago, I’d been in town to do some shopping for my family, taking a bit of a rare adventure away from our farm. While I’d been walking through the market, a procession had ridden through on horseback. Among the group of young soldiers and officials was none other than Prince Humperdinck, apparently in the city to visit his subjects before going back behind the walls of his massive palace. By some strange stroke of luck, he’d seen me, and apparently decided I was someone he wanted to get to know.

We’d spent the rest of the day walking around the market, surrounded by his guards, talking and taking in the day. At first, I hadn’t minded. What other opportunity would I get to speak with a prince, after all? I told him of the troubles I faced in the countryside, and about things I thought might help or fix them. He listened closely, and I thought I might actually be making a difference. He even invited me to return to the capital city and the palace in a few days’ time to continue our conversations. Of course I’d said yes, excited that the prince had listened to me and wanted to hear more of what I had to say.

And then, when I arrived at the castle, he proposed to me. To make matters worse, it was clear from the minute I set foot in that place his proposal came out of a place of attraction to me physically, and absolutely nothing else.

I immediately knew I wanted nothing to do with him, especially not in that way. I’d already met the love of my life, and although I’d lost him when he went off to sea and left my family farm, my love for him had never faded. Perhaps, someday, I’d be willing to love someone else, but that day was not today, and no matter what I knew it wouldn’t be love for Prince Humperdinck. However, there was no saying no to the Crown Prince. So, to escape the fate of the loveless life I surely faced if I agreed to marry him, I’d decided to leave this land once and for all.

Keep reading

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11 months ago
Please Reblog For A Larger Sample Size.

Please reblog for a larger sample size.

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8 months ago

TIL that Billy Crystal’s character, Miracle Max, in the Princess Bride was so funny that it nearly stopped the production of the movie. One actor bruised a rib from clenching to try not to laugh.


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Here is a poll from @raethereptile for the final vote of The Princess Bride Quote poll. I like The Princess Bride, so I am re-blogging this to spread it around, as the user wanted!

Please Reblog To Get As Large A Sample As Possible!
Please Reblog To Get As Large A Sample As Possible!

Please reblog to get as large a sample as possible!

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