This Is Very Accurate - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

Things the signs love

Aries: To feel wanted. Baby animals (especially kittens). Corny gifts. Stability. Forehead kisses. Red lipstick. Deep and meaningful conversations. Vodka. Mutual feelings. Drunk texts. Holding hands. Hot showers. Comedy movies. Someone that will make them better as a person. 

Taurus: Traveling. Roller coasters. Commitment. Neck kisses. Fun dates. Comfort snacks. Peanut butter. Watching horror movies with a significant other. Warm, fluffy towels. Buying pointless things. Late night tumblr sessions. Stuffed animals. Meaningful letters. Getting dressed up. Bubble baths. Forest. Rain and storms.

Gemini: Make out sessions. Instagram. Feeling wanted. Cute dates. Tall boys/short girls. Fluffy rugs. Romance movies. Collecting random things. Messy rooms. Wine. Conversations about sex. Being made feel special. Driving with the windows down.

Cancer: Small animals. Silk pajamas. Pretty things. Flowers. Cute lingerie. Vanilla milkshakes. Buying expensive makeup. Stuff that smells good. Fan-girling over celebs. Late night Netflix. Pizza. Roller skating.

Leo: Night drives. Fairy lights. Soft, worn in hoodies. Stars. Instagram. Fireworks. Soft cheeks kisses. Bear hugs. Stomach butterflies. Giving advice. Salted caramel. Champagne. Amusement parks.

Virgo: Face masks. Commitment. Dogs. Turning up music loud while driving. Disney movies. Feeling acknowledged. Sound of rain. Music. Shooting stars. Black and white photographs. Fashion.

Libra: Candles. Fireworks. Bonfires. Commitment. Romance novels. Big animals. Warm houses. Skinny jeans. Drinking with friends. Salt and vinegar chips. Sending ugly pictures to friends. Lip syncing beyonce or justin bieber. Smell of books. Dogs. The milky way.

Scorpio: Cold drinks. Full bank account. Adrenaline rushes. Deep, passionate kisses. Warm socks. Inside jokes. Staring. Hand written letters. Sarcasm. Movies (scorpios are movie freaks). Soapy showers.

Sagittarius: Horror movies with friends. Weed. Photography. Architecture. Gossip. Classy outings. Sarcasm. Face and body products. Reaching high levels on video games. Sassy remarks. Traveling. Cactuses. Piercings. Adventure. Croissants.

Capricorn: Expensive makeup. Feeling wanted. Photo booths. Clean houses. Clouds. Sarcasm. Dirty jokes. Sparklers. Green grass. Festivals. Drunk texting. Pretty underwear. Boybands. Late night tumblr sessions. Dark lipstick. Passionate kissing.

Aquarius: Aquariums ( :’) ). Beach bikes. Long strolls on beach. Sundresses. Innocent gossip. Booty. Late night texting. Blasting music in car. Exotic drinks. Trampolines. Rock jumps. Books. Christmas lights. Pretty views.

Pisces: Old movies. Heart shaped sunglasses. The universe. Knitted blankets. Shimmery eyeshadow. Learning. Smell of rain. Daydreaming. Chill songs. Sea shells. Drawing. Brand new pens.

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8 years ago


This is a guide to bird classification:

Barb: a mean bird


Berb: a fast, thin bird


Birb: applies to any bird


Borb: a fat and/or adorable bird


Burb: a bird that is diminutive in size


Byrb: a mysterious bird


Thank you for reading! Now you will be able to properly classify any birds you find in the wild!


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9 years ago



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1 year ago

Non-autistics living with autistics:

They keep eating the same freaking food and it frustrates me so much! We can't have the "big scary light" on just lamps everywhere! Even when I try to find peace by doing stuff with them they just ignore me and do whatever they want. They can't even do the simplest of things like go with me to the grocery store every week! How do people expect them to survive in society??

Autistics living together:

So as long as we get my 10 packets of this really specific food, and some snacks, I'll be okay. Also is it cool if you go to the grocery store? I can clean the bathroom since thats bad sensory for you and the store is bad sensory for me. Can you turn on the lamp instead of the big light? It gives me a headache. Thanks man. Yea I'll unplug the TV for you since you can hear the high pitched noise. Do you want to do two separate things in the same room as bonding again this evening? Thats my favorite part of the day too.

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4 years ago

So I’m two episodes into Leverage, and I’m kind of living for all the double-plays and corrupt businessmen getting screwed over, but man, do I have to not think too hard about how plausible this all is. Pulling up to a hospital with several million dollars in cash in the back of a truck, revealing it to one nurse and her patients and having them all gently bump shoulders and laugh, before simply strolling off? If someone showed me several million in cash and said I could have it, I think I’d throw up. 

I’m a sucker for criminals with a heart of gold going on campy missions and uncovering corruption and becoming found family though. And there are 5 seasons, plenty of time for shit to hit the fan…..

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