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I Got You- Jayroy Fanfic
Words: 2,086 Request: No Type: Gay
Roy was aware that the best thing to do would be to leave Gotham as soon as possible, knowing that the Batman was on the hunt for a certain Red Hood. Roy was also aware that if Batman were to find them, they were both likely to be thrown in prison- or rather Arkham Asylum. At least, that was where Jason was going. But, Jason was bleeding, and Roy needed to stitch him up as soon as possible. So as Roy struggled with the lock of his hideout on the outskirts of Gotham, he peered behind himself one more time, his eyes scanning the rooftops for any sign of a masked vigilante. When the archer was sure it was safe to enter, he kicked in the door and hauled a bleeding Jason into the hideout.
It wasn’t the nicest place, but it would do for the time being- they wouldn’t be there very long. As Roy tried to plan out what he was to do with Jason, he dropped his bow on the ground with a loud, echoing, clank which made Jason let out a whine. Wrapping his arm tighter around Jason, who leaned his head on Roy’s shoulder, Roy began to practically drag Jason to the bathroom. There, Roy lowered Jason into the bathtub, fully clothed. Roy quickly scrambled to the sink where, in the cabinet, there was a first-aid kit filled with an assortment of tools. Situating himself back at Jason’s side, Roy began to pick at the first-aid kit, pulling out what he thought would be useful, and once he had everything he needed set to the side, he turned his attention back to Jason. Jason still wore his helmet, or at least what was left of it. Roy reached behind Jason’s head, releasing the helmet from his head. Pulling the shattered red remains from the mop of black hair, more injuries were revealed. A swollen eye, and scratches across his cheeks and forehead. A dislocated arm and cuts that needed to be stitched were among the other injuries that were scattered about Jason’s body.
“Alright, Jaybird,” Roy sighed, pulling Jason to sit up by his good arm. It was a struggle, but Roy managed to work off his coat and upper armor. Bruised, maybe broken ribs, Roy thought. Watching Jason’s chest heave up and down rapidly, Roy realized that Jason was more than likely panicking, which wouldn’t help with the blood pouring out of his body, or feel too good on his ribcage. Roy hummed as he moved back to the cabinet, grabbing a bottle. It was an anxiety relief, which he was hoping would work for Jason. Shaking one out of the bottle, Roy returned to Jason. “Here, take this, it will help,” Roy said. Jason remained still, his eyes squeezed shut. Roy sighed, leaning forward to open Jason’s mouth and drop the pill in before he closed his mouth again. “Swallow it.” Jason seemed to listen, taking a hard gulp, wincing again.
As Roy got to cleaning and stitching the larger cuts, Jason’s breathing slowed. When the copious amount of bleeding ceased, Roy moved to Jason’s bad arm. This, Roy knew, was the worst of it, and Jason wasn’t going to like it. Who would? Having an arm relocated wasn’t a walk in the park exactly. But it wasn’t the dislocation that hurt Jason so badly, it was who had done it to him that was the cause of the tears rolling down Jason’s reddened cheeks. Roy, without giving a warning, relocated the arm in one quick motion, to which Jason yelped and writhed. Not knowing it’s coming is better than expecting it, Roy had been taught by Oliver.
Next, Roy moved to Jason’s ribs, which he assessed, and came to the conclusion that at least one was broken, but he couldn’t wrap Jason’s chest yet, as the man was still covered in uncleaned cuts and blood. So much blood, that Roy couldn’t tell what was a cut and what wasn’t. Great.
“Help me take off your pants,” Roy said, a hand running down his face. Jason’s eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.
“What?” Jason’s voice cracked.
“I need to wash you off so I can find the rest of your cuts, clean them, and wrap your chest and ribs up,” Roy explained. Good thing Roy had already seen everything, Jason supposed. As he slowly wiggled from the rest of his clothes, he pondered that which was his relationship with Roy. They were never official, technically, though everyone knew that the two of them were something. They were exclusive. They had spent countless nights together. Unofficial dates, mostly because neither of them wanted to call it a ‘date’. It was mostly the fact that neither of them had the balls to ask the other if they were officially boyfriends.
Jason tossed the rest of his clothes, boots included, out of the tub, and the water was promptly turned on. The hot water that poured down into the tub felt heavenly on Jason’s aching body. Muscles and joints were sore and limp, and the water seemingly worked wonders on aiding that discomfort. Roy knelt beside the tub again, leaning against the side of the porcelain bath with a tired groan.
“You took a Klonopin for your anxiety, so no pain reliever for a while, alright?” Roy said, his head rolling back to rest on the side of the tub. He waited for Jason to respond, but when he did not receive one, he peeped one eye open. Roy slid on the floor, turning around to face Jason, who finally seemed calmed. “You awake?” He tried softly. Jason seemed to mirror Roy’s previous action and opened one eye in response, though Roy wasn’t sure he could actually open the other eye anymore.
“I heard,” Jason said, his voice hoarse and worn. Roy scowled. For a moment he contemplated his next actions, before deciding to follow his instinct. Without anymore spoken words, Roy slid his hand up to Jason’s, which gripped the side of the bathtub in a tight hold, where he pried at Jason’s fingers for a moment. Slowly, as if fighting off the pain, Jason released his grip, letting Roy card his pale fingers between Jason’s tanned, and bloody ones. Squeezing tightly, Roy brought Jason’s limp hand to his lips briefly, a gesture of both affection and concern.
“You wanna talk ‘bout it, baby,” Roy yawned, his other arm coming up to rest on the side of the tub, his head resting in the crook of his elbow. Jason shifted a bit, moving closer to Roy as much as he could. Roy took notice of a slight shake to Jason’s hand and squeezed a bit tighter.
“No,” Jason said, his mouth pulled into a tight line.
“S’okay,” Roy mumbled, rubbing at his eyes, “I gotta finish stitching you up, eventually,” Roy pointed out.
“Not too much later, Jay, you might still be bleeding,” Roy reasoned. Jason said nothing in response, choosing rather to sink further into the hot water. Roy felt his mouth twitch up involuntarily as he watched Jason finally seem to relax. Crawling onto his knees and leaning down to Jason’s level, Roy gently, in a mindful manner, placed his lips on Jason’s, who reacted almost immediately. It was a sweet, simple kiss, one that held meaning. It said, ‘I got you,’ and ‘I’m glad I got there in time.’
When the two separated, Jason’s grey eye (the one that wasn’t swelled shut) met Roy’s bright green eyes that were slightly creased as the archer smiled. Jason pulled Roy back shortly thereafter, as a continuation of the first kiss. It felt, to Roy, as if it were a response: ‘Thank you.’
When it came time to pull Jason out of the bath, Roy disappeared from the bathroom for a moment, going to retrieve a clean pair of boxers from the dresser by the bed. When he came back, the water had been drained, and Jason had already begun to dry himself off with the towel Roy had tossed at him. It was less of a struggle to put clothes on, then it had been to take them off. Once Jason was no longer entirely naked, Roy assisted him out of the tub, and into the main room where the bed was.
The bed was large. Roy had insisted upon getting the largest bed he could find, as this was the hideout that he and Jason usually spent time together in. The enormous amount of mattress also made it much more comfortable to sleep beside each other on. The bed was layered with an absurd amount of blankets- Roy guessed at least six at this point. Jason ran cold, Roy thought it might have been a symptom of dying and being resurrected, so the larger man had to pile blankets on himself to keep warm. And the hundreds of pillows that were splayed about the bed and floor were Roy’s idea.
Roy, as he had been doing all night, was gentle with Jason as he set him down onto the bed. Jason let out a sound that made Roy think he was in pain, but as his eyes scanned over Jason, he realized it had been a sound of exhaustion.
“I think you need a few more stitches, and then I can work on your ribs,” Roy said, mostly to himself. The redhead retrieved the kit once more and began to fix the damage that had been done to Jason.
Roy thought himself lucky, and Jason too. Roy had been working a job on the east side of Gotham City and had seen the live projection of the execution. Roy guessed what would happen next and was quick to head in the direction of Jason (it was also lucky that the news report also gave the location.) He was almost too late, as when he arrived the Bat had been in the midst of dragging Jason’s limp form off to Arkham. Roy pondered where Jason’s new friends- Artemis and Bizarro- had run off to. Unreliable friends, Roy thought.
As he placed the last stitch, he grabbed the bandages, and carefully assessed Jason’s ribs before wrapping them. A broken rib near the top, Roy decided.
“You can’t move too much. We can go to the car, but after we get to where we’re going, you stay in bed,” Roy said, his voice affirmative. Jason scoffed, then coughed. “Take deep breaths, you’ll get pneumonia.”
Roy was careful not to wrap the ribs tightly. When he finished, he set the bandages down and brought his attention to Jason’s eye. Roy hissed.
“Ouch,” Roy guessed.
“Yeah,” Jason said in a sigh. “Ice.”
It was a demand and one that Roy was willing to comply to. Shuffling off to the kitchen, Roy rummaged through the almost bare freezer and settled on frozen peas and corn. One for the eye, and the other for the ribs. Jason hummed in approval, placing the frozen bag over his eye, and then the one on his very sore rib cage. Roy felt himself begin to relax as he watched Jason finally rest. They couldn’t stay long, but sleep was sleep. Roy busied himself with packing.
Where Roy was planning on going already had his and Jason’s clothes stored away in it, but he knew a few things that Jason would want. Namely, the red sweatshirt that had an array of holes in it, and had loose threads hanging from it. Roy wasn’t sure why Jason was so attached to it, but the black haired boy took it almost everywhere with him, often slept in it. And then there was the plain black turtleneck. Alfred had given it to Jason the year after he returned to Gotham, the butler wanted him to have something decent to wear. Roy had taken note months ago that Jason wore it on days he was missing home- not that Jason would admit to it out loud.
Roy made quick trips out to the Jeep, storing their bags and gear in it. He knew he had to be quick, Batman was sure to be gliding about overhead, looking for his son. If Jason was his son anymore. Roy didn’t want to think about that. Starting up the engine of the car, he made the last trip inside which was to retrieve Jason. Running a hand against his scalp, Jason shook back awake with a grumble. Standing up, more steady then the last time he did, the two made their way to the car and sped off out of Gotham City.

Special thanks to @lesbian-cackletta for the scan. Translation notes are under the cut!
Title: “You’re a package deal!!”
Panel 1: “A rose’s flower suits you perfectly~”
Panel 2: [sfx: doki doki] “Me… a rose’s flower suits him…” alternately: “Me… he says a rose’s flower suits me…”
Panel 3: “Why do I say that about you…?” [arrow pointing to Mario] “Flower (Main)” [arrow pointing to Luigi] “Stem (Bonus/Freebie)” “It’s because you’re stem-ish!!”
Panel 4: [Peasley:] “Therefore, a rose’s ’flower’ truly suits you perfectly.” [Luigi:] “I’m not happy [about that]…”
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