Red Hood And The Outlaws - Tumblr Posts

11 years ago
An Art Trade With Zi-prince Couldn't Have Gone Any Better, Well Maybe If I Got Mine Done In A More Timely

An art trade with Zi-prince couldn't have gone any better, well maybe if I got mine done in a more timely fashion. Ah well, Yousuke from Persona 4 as Arsenal from DC fame! I enjoyed this, so much.

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6 years ago

Jason Todd x Mom!Reader- Babybird Part One

More Jason Todd cause he is my son. This is pretty long, and there will be more parts. 

Warning: Graphic mentions of violence, mentions of nightmares

  You were woken up by a string of screams coming from the room opposite yours. In a matter of seconds, the duvet was thrown to the floor, and you had dashed across the hall to the room where Jason resided. The young boy was sitting up in the bed, the screaming had ceased, but his chest heaved up and down, and his shaggy black hair skewed the view of his usually youthful face. Carefully, you made your way towards the bed, speaking in such a soft tone Jason could barely hear you, but yet, in a voice that always managed to ground Jason after being rocked by a nightmare.    "Honey, it's okay," you hushed him as you gently lowered yourself to sit on the bed. Twelve-year-olds shouldn't be having dreams that bad, you thought. Jason seemed so tiny, and fragile, compared to such a large bed, as he curled in on himself, watching as you sat next to him.      This wasn't a rare occurrence, Jason had nightmares often. You supposed that was what happened when a child was thrown into an adults battle. Jason had heard and seen so much back with his biological parents. and when he took up the Robin mantle, that only seemed to make things worse. But Jason was like Dick and seemed to desperately seek Bruce's approval. Willing to fight alongside the Batman in order to spend time with him, to make Bruce proud. Bruce was your best friend, but if there was one thing you hated about him, it was his need to take in kids and allow them to fight beside him, to become sidekicks. Allow them to fight the heinous criminals of Gotham at such a young age.

     You watched sadly as Jason trembled, his breathing uneven, swaying slightly in place. You had dealt with situations like this before with him and knew by heart what to do. Carefully, you reached a hand out to brush the black mess of hair away from Jason's eyes, revealing tear coated and reddened cheeks, as well as bloodshot eyes. He was exhausted. It was rare, though, for dreams to be so severe that he had to rock back and forth, as well as not attempt to hide the flowing tears. Usually, you came in, checked if he was alright, he would force out a reply, and you stayed with him until he fell back asleep, but tonight was clearly not going to be like that. The dream had been too real. So much so that Jason clearly didn't want to deal with the aftermath alone.      As you brushed his tears away from his cheeks with timid fingertips, Jason would swear that it was the softest thing he had ever felt. No one was so gentle, and caring for him as you were. He wouldn't admit to how happy that made him. Even with your velvet touch to his cheeks, it wasn't enough to soothe away the pain that had been brought on by the dream. More fat tears rolled down Jason's cheeks. They were silent tears until you spoke.    "You're okay, Jason, it was a dream." A wretched sob escaped past Jason's lips, urging you to pull him close to you. Nuzzling into the crook of your neck, Jason continued to cry, some sobs quiet, while others were loud. No, this was more than a nightmare, it was a memory, you remembered from past experiences. Jason only cried so hard when it was something he was forced to relive. "Oh, Babybird," you cooed, raking your hands against his scalp. Pulling back from his hold slightly, which he whimpered at, you placed a kiss on his forehead. Then on his cheek, and the other, then back to his forehead. It hurt to see a child so vulnerable, in so much pain. Every instinct in you was telling you to hide him away, to tell Bruce he could no longer be his Robin. To keep him safe. Unharmed.    "Stay?" Of course, he wouldn't want you to leave, as evidenced by his tight hold around your waist. No child would want to be left alone after something like that. You nodded without speaking, continuing to hold him as he finished crying. It was a solid hour before he fell asleep in your arms, his breathing finally going back to being even. Peaceful.      You stayed with him for the rest of the night, occasionally fallings asleep, only to be jerked awake when he moved slightly in his sleep. The protective mode that had been activated when you first entered the room had yet to subside. All you wanted to do was keep him safe. Make sure that he was never put through something like what he has seen before again. That's what parents want for their children, and surely you were Jason's mother, as he was your son.

     Over the years you had spent with him, the bond had only grown stronger, and by the time he was fifteen, you had completely taken up the role of his mother. Which is why when he got on that plane to Ethiopia and never returned, you left. You put the blame so heavily on Bruce that you couldn't bear to be around him anymore. He should have never let Jason be Robin!      But Jason had been Robin, and the Joker had killed him. And when Bruce said he wouldn't get rid of the Joker for good, you left Gotham in general. For months you had disappeared, you knew full well that Bruce, Dick, and Barbara had been looking for you, needing to know that you were alive still. You were very much alive, though you knew they would never find you where you were.      Many months, almost a year and a half, after Jason's death, and your disappearance, Talia Al Ghul was the one to find you. You had met her back when you and Bruce were teenagers, and though she occasionally assisted her father in committing atrocities, you were still her friend. By your account, she had done many things to prove that she could be trusted. And so, you went with her, back to her home on the other side of the planet. So far away from Bruce, and Gotham, and away from everything that reminded you that you were a mother who had lost her son to a villain that should have been killed years before Jason was even born.      The League of Assassins were a group of people you were familiar with and often found yourself hating. They were trained to brutally kill the innocent, and you were trained to do the opposite. You were to save those who couldn't keep themselves safe. But the conflict you felt, and the pain that gripped your heart kept you there.      Everything had changed so suddenly. For years you were convinced that killing was wrong, even when it came to criminals. But as you sat beside Talia, you thought deeply, eyes trained on the two people that dueled each other in front of you. Was killing the evil people of the world so wrong?    "My new protege," Talia hummed, pointing to one of the people who battled the other. "He shows great promise." You watched in horror as her protege kicked their opponent's knees in, forcing them to the ground with a yelp. With the sword, he held in his hands, in one quick motion, the head of the opponent was detached, left to be taken away by a servant. Blood covered the ground, and sword, the smell was horrific, and you were forced to hold back a gag. Why were you here?    "I thought you had a son to take care of Talia," you remarked bitterly. A young son, in fact, a baby. You never could understand how she bared to be away from him, knowing what the people here could do. "How do you have time for a protege?" You stared at the boy she had been training as he let his sword fall to the ground, his shoulders slumped. His body language read loud and clear- he didn't want to do that. He didn't want to kill that person. You knew that look.    "My son is a baby, he knows not if I am present or otherwise. This boy needs my attention now," She said calmly, running a hand through her thick black hair. "I want to help him."    "By teaching him to murder?" You questioned, Talia rolled her eyes.    "By teaching him to do what is necessary," She corrected. You bit the inside of your cheek hard. Maybe she thought she was doing the right thing. "He has unused potential, I will show him how to use it."      You didn't belong with the League. Well- you weren't there for them. You didn't like them. You were there for Talia, your friend. But she was one of them, and it was her job to make more of them like her. Assassins. Killers. Half of yourself wanted to leave, but the other half told you that this was the only place for you.      You stood from where you sat next to Talia, smoothing out the wrinkles in your skirt. The body of the murdered man was being taken away, the sun shining against to puddles of blood.    "It is too hot here, I am going inside," You says, pulling at the headscarf you wore, feeling dizzy and sick. The protege, you noticed, had moved to sit on the ground, probably feeling as miserable as you, as he wore all black, not an inch of skin visible. You couldn't imagine how he was feeling, nor did you want to. Not a thing in the world could make you want to do what the Assassins were trained to do. Murder, train in harsh conditions and live under Ra's Al Ghul.      The heat of the desert was brutal, the sun beat down relentlessly, the air was still, and humid. Entirely different from Gotham, which rained almost at a constant, and was often cold and had a bitter wind. You found yourself longing for that familiar weather. Your home had always been the city, after all, and being away from it for so long was beginning to take a toll. Being away from your family did nothing to help.      Talia stood up as well, motioning for her apprentice to follow her. You dipped your head down, trying to avoid the sunlight. The headscarf you wore was lightly colored and did help a small amount in protecting your head and face from the harsh rays of the desert sun.    "My friend," she spoke kindly, you glanced up at her in acknowledgment. "If you wish to return home, I will understand." It was as if now she was reading your thoughts. You nodded slowly at this. "I can see your discomfort in being here, you are not happy."    "I won't be happy there either," You sighed.    "Happier then here, I believe." She was right. You didn't belong here. These weren't your people, and the desert was not your home. Gotham was your home. Dick, Barbara, and Bruce were your family, whether you hated Bruce or not. You would go back to Gotham. You were beginning to feel as if you had to return.      But the Joker was going to die when you arrived. No matter what Bruce said or did.

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6 years ago

I Got You- Jayroy Fanfic

Words: 2,086    Request: No   Type: Gay

  Roy was aware that the best thing to do would be to leave Gotham as soon as possible, knowing that the Batman was on the hunt for a certain Red Hood. Roy was also aware that if Batman were to find them, they were both likely to be thrown in prison- or rather Arkham Asylum. At least, that was where Jason was going. But, Jason was bleeding, and Roy needed to stitch him up as soon as possible. So as Roy struggled with the lock of his hideout on the outskirts of Gotham, he peered behind himself one more time, his eyes scanning the rooftops for any sign of a masked vigilante. When the archer was sure it was safe to enter, he kicked in the door and hauled a bleeding Jason into the hideout.

  It wasn’t the nicest place, but it would do for the time being- they wouldn’t be there very long. As Roy tried to plan out what he was to do with Jason, he dropped his bow on the ground with a loud, echoing, clank which made Jason let out a whine. Wrapping his arm tighter around Jason, who leaned his head on Roy’s shoulder, Roy began to practically drag Jason to the bathroom. There, Roy lowered Jason into the bathtub, fully clothed. Roy quickly scrambled to the sink where, in the cabinet, there was a first-aid kit filled with an assortment of tools. Situating himself back at Jason’s side, Roy began to pick at the first-aid kit, pulling out what he thought would be useful, and once he had everything he needed set to the side, he turned his attention back to Jason. Jason still wore his helmet, or at least what was left of it. Roy reached behind Jason’s head, releasing the helmet from his head. Pulling the shattered red remains from the mop of black hair, more injuries were revealed. A swollen eye, and scratches across his cheeks and forehead. A dislocated arm and cuts that needed to be stitched were among the other injuries that were scattered about Jason’s body.

 “Alright, Jaybird,” Roy sighed, pulling Jason to sit up by his good arm. It was a struggle, but Roy managed to work off his coat and upper armor. Bruised, maybe broken ribs, Roy thought. Watching Jason’s chest heave up and down rapidly, Roy realized that Jason was more than likely panicking, which wouldn’t help with the blood pouring out of his body, or feel too good on his ribcage. Roy hummed as he moved back to the cabinet, grabbing a bottle. It was an anxiety relief, which he was hoping would work for Jason. Shaking one out of the bottle, Roy returned to Jason. “Here, take this, it will help,” Roy said. Jason remained still, his eyes squeezed shut. Roy sighed, leaning forward to open Jason’s mouth and drop the pill in before he closed his mouth again. “Swallow it.” Jason seemed to listen, taking a hard gulp, wincing again. 

  As Roy got to cleaning and stitching the larger cuts, Jason’s breathing slowed. When the copious amount of bleeding ceased, Roy moved to Jason’s bad arm. This, Roy knew, was the worst of it, and Jason wasn’t going to like it. Who would? Having an arm relocated wasn’t a walk in the park exactly. But it wasn’t the dislocation that hurt Jason so badly, it was who had done it to him that was the cause of the tears rolling down Jason’s reddened cheeks. Roy, without giving a warning, relocated the arm in one quick motion, to which Jason yelped and writhed. Not knowing it’s coming is better than expecting it, Roy had been taught by Oliver. 

  Next, Roy moved to Jason’s ribs, which he assessed, and came to the conclusion that at least one was broken, but he couldn’t wrap Jason’s chest yet, as the man was still covered in uncleaned cuts and blood. So much blood, that Roy couldn’t tell what was a cut and what wasn’t. Great.

 “Help me take off your pants,” Roy said, a hand running down his face. Jason’s eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.

 “What?” Jason’s voice cracked. 

 “I need to wash you off so I can find the rest of your cuts, clean them, and wrap your chest and ribs up,” Roy explained. Good thing Roy had already seen everything, Jason supposed. As he slowly wiggled from the rest of his clothes, he pondered that which was his relationship with Roy. They were never official, technically, though everyone knew that the two of them were something. They were exclusive. They had spent countless nights together. Unofficial dates, mostly because neither of them wanted to call it a ‘date’. It was mostly the fact that neither of them had the balls to ask the other if they were officially boyfriends. 

  Jason tossed the rest of his clothes, boots included, out of the tub, and the water was promptly turned on. The hot water that poured down into the tub felt heavenly on Jason’s aching body. Muscles and joints were sore and limp, and the water seemingly worked wonders on aiding that discomfort. Roy knelt beside the tub again, leaning against the side of the porcelain bath with a tired groan. 

 “You took a Klonopin for your anxiety, so no pain reliever for a while, alright?” Roy said, his head rolling back to rest on the side of the tub. He waited for Jason to respond, but when he did not receive one, he peeped one eye open. Roy slid on the floor, turning around to face Jason, who finally seemed calmed. “You awake?” He tried softly. Jason seemed to mirror Roy’s previous action and opened one eye in response, though Roy wasn’t sure he could actually open the other eye anymore.

 “I heard,” Jason said, his voice hoarse and worn. Roy scowled. For a moment he contemplated his next actions, before deciding to follow his instinct. Without anymore spoken words, Roy slid his hand up to Jason’s, which gripped the side of the bathtub in a tight hold, where he pried at Jason’s fingers for a moment. Slowly, as if fighting off the pain, Jason released his grip, letting Roy card his pale fingers between Jason’s tanned, and bloody ones. Squeezing tightly, Roy brought Jason’s limp hand to his lips briefly, a gesture of both affection and concern. 

 “You wanna talk ‘bout it, baby,” Roy yawned, his other arm coming up to rest on the side of the tub, his head resting in the crook of his elbow. Jason shifted a bit, moving closer to Roy as much as he could. Roy took notice of a slight shake to Jason’s hand and squeezed a bit tighter.

   “No,” Jason said, his mouth pulled into a tight line. 

   “S’okay,” Roy mumbled, rubbing at his eyes, “I gotta finish stitching you up, eventually,” Roy pointed out.


   “Not too much later, Jay, you might still be bleeding,” Roy reasoned. Jason said nothing in response, choosing rather to sink further into the hot water. Roy felt his mouth twitch up involuntarily as he watched Jason finally seem to relax. Crawling onto his knees and leaning down to Jason’s level, Roy gently, in a mindful manner, placed his lips on Jason’s, who reacted almost immediately. It was a sweet, simple kiss, one that held meaning. It said, ‘I got you,’ and ‘I’m glad I got there in time.’

   When the two separated, Jason’s grey eye (the one that wasn’t swelled shut) met Roy’s bright green eyes that were slightly creased as the archer smiled. Jason pulled Roy back shortly thereafter, as a continuation of the first kiss. It felt, to Roy, as if it were a response: ‘Thank you.’

   When it came time to pull Jason out of the bath, Roy disappeared from the bathroom for a moment, going to retrieve a clean pair of boxers from the dresser by the bed. When he came back, the water had been drained, and Jason had already begun to dry himself off with the towel Roy had tossed at him. It was less of a struggle to put clothes on, then it had been to take them off. Once Jason was no longer entirely naked, Roy assisted him out of the tub, and into the main room where the bed was. 

   The bed was large. Roy had insisted upon getting the largest bed he could find, as this was the hideout that he and Jason usually spent time together in. The enormous amount of mattress also made it much more comfortable to sleep beside each other on. The bed was layered with an absurd amount of blankets- Roy guessed at least six at this point. Jason ran cold, Roy thought it might have been a symptom of dying and being resurrected, so the larger man had to pile blankets on himself to keep warm. And the hundreds of pillows that were splayed about the bed and floor were Roy’s idea.

   Roy, as he had been doing all night, was gentle with Jason as he set him down onto the bed. Jason let out a sound that made Roy think he was in pain, but as his eyes scanned over Jason, he realized it had been a sound of exhaustion. 

   “I think you need a few more stitches, and then I can work on your ribs,” Roy said, mostly to himself. The redhead retrieved the kit once more and began to fix the damage that had been done to Jason. 

   Roy thought himself lucky, and Jason too. Roy had been working a job on the east side of Gotham City and had seen the live projection of the execution. Roy guessed what would happen next and was quick to head in the direction of Jason (it was also lucky that the news report also gave the location.) He was almost too late, as when he arrived the Bat had been in the midst of dragging Jason’s limp form off to Arkham. Roy pondered where Jason’s new friends- Artemis and Bizarro- had run off to. Unreliable friends, Roy thought.

   As he placed the last stitch, he grabbed the bandages, and carefully assessed Jason’s ribs before wrapping them. A broken rib near the top, Roy decided.

   “You can’t move too much. We can go to the car, but after we get to where we’re going, you stay in bed,” Roy said, his voice affirmative. Jason scoffed, then coughed.  “Take deep breaths, you’ll get pneumonia.”

   Roy was careful not to wrap the ribs tightly. When he finished, he set the bandages down and brought his attention to Jason’s eye. Roy hissed.

   “Ouch,” Roy guessed.

   “Yeah,” Jason said in a sigh. “Ice.”

   It was a demand and one that Roy was willing to comply to. Shuffling off to the kitchen, Roy rummaged through the almost bare freezer and settled on frozen peas and corn. One for the eye, and the other for the ribs. Jason hummed in approval, placing the frozen bag over his eye, and then the one on his very sore rib cage. Roy felt himself begin to relax as he watched Jason finally rest. They couldn’t stay long, but sleep was sleep. Roy busied himself with packing.

   Where Roy was planning on going already had his and Jason’s clothes stored away in it, but he knew a few things that Jason would want. Namely, the red sweatshirt that had an array of holes in it, and had loose threads hanging from it. Roy wasn’t sure why Jason was so attached to it, but the black haired boy took it almost everywhere with him, often slept in it. And then there was the plain black turtleneck. Alfred had given it to Jason the year after he returned to Gotham, the butler wanted him to have something decent to wear. Roy had taken note months ago that Jason wore it on days he was missing home- not that Jason would admit to it out loud.

   Roy made quick trips out to the Jeep, storing their bags and gear in it. He knew he had to be quick, Batman was sure to be gliding about overhead, looking for his son. If Jason was his son anymore. Roy didn’t want to think about that. Starting up the engine of the car, he made the last trip inside which was to retrieve Jason. Running a hand against his scalp, Jason shook back awake with a grumble. Standing up, more steady then the last time he did, the two made their way to the car and sped off out of Gotham City.

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6 years ago

Overprotective Part Four (Jason Todd Fanfic)

Words: 2,874      

Note: Lots of more people in this one. Ruby is seventeen.

It was a mission that her father had forbidden her from going on, but it was a demand she chose to ignore. Teenage rebellion, she supposed with a smirk. As wisps of auburn hair whirled around her face in the cool, salty wind, her eyes tracked the moving criminals. The lead that she had read on her Uncle Tim’s computer told her that the thugs she was watching were working for Two-Face, a villain she particularly despised. When she heard the activity going on in Old Gotham, she proposed going out to fix the problem herself, to which her father and Damian both dismissed her proposition, instead instructing her to stay at home. Ruby chose to simply ignore both their commands.

Grappling from edge to edge of buildings, Ruby stayed on the heels of the thugs. They drove two vans and one truck, with ten men in total. Dent wasn’t even in attendance. Ruby couldn’t think of an easier mission then this as she ran across the edge of the clock tower. She wasn’t sure what she was going to say to her father when she returned home from the mission with new leads, and the thugs suddenly off the radar, but she had no time to ponder such things. She noted that the vehicles were headed to Brown Bridge- out of Gotham. She had to stop them before they left the city.

Reaching to the left side of her utility belt, she pulled out a gadget she had seen her Uncle Damian use when the two worked together. She loaded it three times and took aim at the truck. The plate that she had loaded it with magnetized to the hood of the truck, and with a flash of yellow light, it had drained the car’s battery. She aimed at one van and did the same until all three cars were stopped. Slowly, and with a commotion, men began to unloaded from the cars. Now was her chance.

Damian had always taught her to start at the back of the group and pick the ones not paying attention off first. Once the others take notice of the disappearing teammates, grapple back up to a building, and take as many as you can out with batarangs or a taser, which her father had granted her use of. As she worked through the steps, picking men off one by one, she let out a laugh.

“Oh shit,” one man exclaimed, “it’s Robin.” Ruby laughed again, prideful, and eager to show off to her family about the work she had completed. Taking the last three men out by hand was hard, Ruby was still quite small. She took a few hits and kicks, but she learned quickly to shake it off and keep fighting. Eventually, she had taken all the thugs out, standing in the middle of unconscious bodies while panting heavily. What was so hard about that, Dad? If only he could have seen her, maybe he would have been proud. Ruby knew that he was more than likely going to bench her for sneaking out, and if he didn’t, Damian would.

Once she had her breathing back under control, she began to unlatch the door on the first van. Slamming the doors open, she peered in to see an empty car, with no equipment. Ruby shrugged, moving on to the next car. The second van also had no equipment or anything of importance stored in it. Ruby raised an eyebrow. Strange, she thought, everything was in the truck? Approaching the truck she pulled up her hood and situated her gadget back into her belt. Unlatching the back of the truck with a loud clanking sound, the door was shoved open from the inside.

Ruby felt the air knocked out of her lungs as she was kicked back, landing on the hard ground with a thud. Struggling to breathe for a moment, she peered up, adjusting her domino mask. Ruby had been sure he wasn’t there when she read over the leads or counted the thugs when she first arrived at the scene, but as Dent stared down at her with crazed eyes, she realized how wrong she was. She wasn’t prepared to fight Two-Face by herself, or the two abnormally large thugs that stepped out of the truck after him.

“I was wondering if you were going to catch us before we got to the border,” Harvey spoke, his voice gravelly. Ruby groaned, rolling her head back.

“Y’know, for an old man, you got a mean kick,” she said, thumping a hand against her chest. She kept her eyes on him as she stood back up. “But is that still the best you can do?” She was aware that she was pushing buttons when she wasn’t supposed to be- this wasn’t a fight for her. She’d be lucky if she walked out alive. Two-Face shook his head, reaching behind the tail of his jacket to pull out his silver and black gun. The two thugs held large guns themselves, Ruby wasn’t sure what kind, but she knew that one gun could take her out with one bullet.

Two-Face let out a sigh, beginning to load the gun. Ruby scanned over him, his black coat was the same one he had been wearing since he first began his crusade as a notorious Gotham maniac. His hair had gone gray on the normal side of his body, but the hair on the burnt and mangled side remained stark white. It was an odd contrast. Harvey loaded the gun, moving towards Ruby, stopping in front of her stomping his foot slightly and clicking his tongue. He reached a long finger into his pocket and pulled out the coin Ruby was unfortunately familiar with.

“Last time we met, the odds were in your favor, and you got away,” he remarked. The ‘last time’ Ruby had been with Red Arrow, her best friend Lian, and they narrowly escaped without a bullet in each of their bodies. The main difference this time was that Ruby was alone, and how often are the odds twice in your favor? “Maybe I can catch a Robin by her toe this time,” Dent said. Ruby scoffed, though she felt her heart begin to pound. She had taken her tracker off before she had left, as to not be followed, but that meant there was no longer communication between her and the other Bats. Dent clicked the gun once and held it up at eye level to Ruby. “Heads, I kill you. Tails, you get to leave. Deal?”

Ruby was about to respond but bit her tongue as a mass of shadow slid down behind the two thugs, effectively taking them out in silence, going unnoticed by the man who still held the gun to Robin’s head. Elegantly, Dent flipped the coin into the air but was rather quickly distracted by the massive hand the grabbed the barrel of the gun, bending the metal with ease. The clink of the coin on the pavement snapped Ruby out of shock, and she ducked out of the way, retreating into the shadows as she watched Dent be taken down with ease by Bizarro.

Ruby sank further into the shadows, an attempt to disappear, but was taken off guard when a hand firmly grabbed her shoulder yanking her back out into the light. Red hair that cascaded down past her broad shoulders was the first thing that Ruby saw. Then the angry face of her mother. Artemis, though not Ruby’s birth mother, had taken up the title of mom when Ruby was just a little girl. The Amazon had been hesitant at first, but her love for Jason, and eventually Ruby, was stronger than the feeling of fear. And Amazons laugh at the face of fear. Ruby haunched back a bit.

“What are you doing?”  Artemis was practically seething in anger. Her green eyes, which were usually gentle when directed at Ruby, were hard and concerned. If her mother was this angry, then Ruby could only guess how angry her father was.

“Red Him angry at Baby Red,” Bizarro chimed in, his voice booming from where he stood over the thugs, and a chained Two-Face. “Very angry,” he added for emphasis. Ruby flinched, the pride she felt having washed away almost completely and replaced by regret.

Artemis grabbed her daughter by the hood of her costume, beginning to walk her to the car, wherein, Ruby was crammed against Bizarro. Artemis sped home, Two-Face had been tossed in the trunk. A quick stop to Arkham Asylum and Dent was no longer the problem at hand for Ruby- it was facing her father’s wrath. Ruby slowly slumped down into her seat as her mother ranted from the driver's seat. When they arrived home, the teen nearly refused to exit the car and enter the home. Regret had completely swallowed up her pride by the time she was slinking through the doorway of the apartment, and into the living room where Jason lounged on the couch.

“Two-Face is in Arkham now,” Artemis informed her husband, to which he nodded in response. There was a moment of complete silence in which Ruby waited for her father to say something to her, and in that time, her mother had disappeared from the room leaving the two alone. Ruby remained in the doorway until Jason motioned her over to the couch. Hesitantly, Ruby moved to sit beside him. Lowering her hood and removing her mask she waited for him to speak first, which took a painful amount of time. She knew that he was waiting on purpose- he wanted her to feel guilty, and that she did. It was his form of punishment, she supposed. It was working.

Jason ran a hand over his face, scratching at the stubble on his cheeks and jaw. His hair was standing up in all directions- he had been pulling at it more than likely, as he did when he was anxious or frustrated.

“I have been trying to think about what to say to you since I realized you had snuck off,” Jason began, his voice hard and annoyed. “But, I don’t know exactly what to say to make you realize why what you did was...wrong,” he paused again, Ruby said nothing. “So, I figured now is a good time to tell you something I have been needing to share with you. I wanted to tell you the day you became Robin, but I didn’t know if that would have done anything to sway your decision. I didn’t want to scare you, I guess,” his voice remained stiff, but there was more emotion than just annoyance as he continued.

“What?” Ruby asked, a little shocked that he wasn’t yelling at her. His reaction was far from the one she was expecting the ride home.

“When I was two years younger then you are now- fifteen- I was Robin. I had been Robin at that point for a few years, so I thought I knew what I was doing, I was far too confident and arrogant. Prideful. I didn’t listen to adults- Bruce, Alfred, Dick. Whatever, I just thought I knew better than them. I was the all-powerful Robin, nothing could hurt me, right?” Jason, once again, ran a hand over his face, his eyes focused on the ground. “I got over-confident one day and thought I could take something into my own hands, no help from anybody else. Just me. I ran off, like you did, and took on something I couldn’t handle. It turned out to be something that I wasn’t equipped to deal with on my own, someone I couldn’t deal with on my own.”

“Who?” Ruby questioned softly, her eyes staring intently at her father. Jason huffed.

“It doesn’t matter now, Ruby. But-” Jason seemed to struggle for words, something that Ruby wasn’t used to seeing. Jason was fairly well-spoken. “I died.” The room went deafeningly quiet. Ruby questioned if she heard him correctly. How could he have died? He was right in front of her, breathing, and had a beating heart. Had he gone mad since she left? “I had been killed by a bad guy. I was dead for months before Talia Al Ghul tossed me in the Lazarus Pit, and brought me back. I went through hell because I got too cocky, Ruby. My life was altered completely because I didn’t listen.”

Ruby said nothing, as she did not know what to say in response to what her father was telling her. How could that possibly be true? But why would he make up a lie like that? Ruby shook her head, mimicking Jason’s actions of running a hand over her face, and through her hair.

“A-are you making this up? Cause this sounds pretty made up. You died? That isn’t possible!” Ruby stood from the couch, adding a certain emphasis to her words. Jason watched her patiently. He couldn’t even count how many times he has told someone about his death, but none were so imminent as telling his child. Jason bit the side of his middle finger.

“I wish I was making it up Rue, but I am not. So you can imagine why I am telling you this.” Truthfully, and horrifyingly, it did not seem to Ruby that he was lying. She had so many questions if it was true. “Ruby, I can’t let anything like what happened to me, happen to you. But when you do stuff like this, that becomes hard, and frankly, it gives me a heart attack,” he chuckled breathlessly at the last part. He wasn’t laughing, he was nervous. Ruby opened and closed her mouth several times, trying to think of what to say, or how to phrase it.

“But y-you’re here? How? I don’t-” she struggled, her voice fading out and words trailing off. Jason’s mouth was pulled in a tight line, something he did when he was bothered by something.

“It doesn’t matter that I came back, it matters that I died in the first place. Me coming back was a one in a million chance, not everyone gets so lucky,” Jason said, standing up from the couch himself. “I am telling you this so you don’t make the same mistake I did.”

“You have to tell me more than what you are! Who ki-...who did it?” Ruby found herself not being comfortable saying ‘killed’ out loud.

“Ruby,” Jason started.

“Why won’t you tell me?” she hissed. Jason rolled his head back in annoyance. He knew how she would react to his answer- he never planned on getting that specific, but he also didn’t plan on raising such a stubborn daughter. He couldn’t withhold that information, he felt as if he was lying to her, and he didn’t want to do that. As he paused, his grey eyes searching her shockingly blue ones, he felt a rise in his anxiety. Once he told her, she’d stop at nothing to get justice for him. She was overprotective of him like that. Jason crossed his arms with a huff.

“Because, if I tell you, you’ll only put yourself in more danger for me,” he reasoned. She barked out a forced laugh.

“Tell me, or I will find out myself,” she demanded. She knew she had no right to demand things from him, especially after her previous actions, but she needed to know. This wasn’t something she could so easily brush off and forget about. Jason glared, but Ruby held her ground. As she always did.

“The Joker,” he finally answered.

It had been years since the Joker had been imprisoned. There were constant eyes on the clown since, but when Batman, more specifically Bruce Wayne, retired for years, the Joker disappeared. The inseparable duo, Jason thought grimly. Jason watched Ruby’s expression contort from one of distress to one of pure rage. Her ability to change moods was similar to Jason in a remarkable way. The temper she had was nearly unadulterated, despite Jason’s attempts to teach her to control it. She was too much like him to learn otherwise. At the age of seventeen, it seemed she almost did not want to. Her eyes turned hard, unblinking, and it looked as if she stopped breathing. Almost a mirrored image of Jason. Her nose scrunched up slightly in a sort of snarl, and her jaw clenched so hard it looked almost painful like she’d crack a tooth if she clenched any harder. Jason stepped forward in her direction, his hand reaching out to cup her cheek.

“Don’t get angry, I don’t need you to,” he spoke, it was a demand, but a soft one.

“I’m not angry for you, I am just angry,” she corrected.

“He’s in prison, he’s not getting out,”

“I am not just angry at him,” she said in a cold tone. “I know why you hate Bruce now, at least.”

Jason cocked his head to the side. ‘Hate’ was a strong word. He never hated Bruce, he couldn’t. Ruby seemed to misunderstand that.

“Ruby, I do not hate Bruce,” Jason said, his thumb swiping across her cheek to catch the tear that had fallen. Ruby huffed.

“Well, I think I do.”

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6 years ago

Overprotective Part 5 (Dad!Jason)

I decided to make this part because I wanted to describe in more detail Jason’s feelings about becoming a father. This part was made specifically because I just felt like it. This part can be read as a stand-alone, but part one (on my masterlist) will offer more details on how Ruby came to be for those who haven’t read the full story. This part is more about Jason than Ruby, and its pretty short.

Throughout most of Jason’s life, he was uncertain of what the word ‘love’ truly meant, and what the connotations of it were. He was almost entirely sure that he had loved his mother, the way that a son does, but she had betrayed him in a way and got herself killed by her own volition. Whenever Willis would raise his voice at Jason when he was a child, and frighten him to the point of tears, never did Catherine hush her husband, or aid her child in any way. It was a onesided love that Jason had for his mother, and much to an aching feeling in his stomach, he eventually outgrew that love, and only had resent.

He had loved his father once, for a very brief time. He loved his father when Willis would pick up Jason’s small form off the couch where he had fallen asleep, and bring him to his bed, where he planted a kiss on his forehead and bid him only good dreams. He loved his father when he would come back home from work with Jason’s favorite snack, which were sour gummy worms at the time. He loved his father when Jason had a bad dream, filled with all too real horrors, and would crawl in bed beside his mother and father, buried in scratchy blankets and wrapped in his father's arms. But, of course, good things always come to an end in Jason’s life, and eventually, those good moments ceased to happen, and a small and vulnerable Jason was left with a cold space where his father once had been.

Jason loved Bruce. Loves. Much to his misfortune. Jason still loves the man that replaced his biological father and gave him the proper home and love that he didn’t think he deserved. Though, it’s on nights when Jason is alone, not inside Wayne Manor, while the others all eat dinner made by Alfred, that he wonders why did he have to love Bruce so much? There was always a bitter taste in his mouth when he thought of it, and that bitter taste almost always brought on a stinging in his eyes. So, Jason tried hard not to think of it too often.

Jason considers the love he has for Bruce, his mentor, and possibly a father, unfortunate because of the circumstances. Jason grew up reading, watching, and listening to stories about love, between any two people family or not, in which sacrifice is the ultimate showing of love. Sacrifice, in Jason’s personal dictionary, didn’t necessarily imply giving up one's life, it simply meant doing what needs to be done, no matter the consequence. Because you love that person. And no one had ever done that for Jason- not even Bruce, who was Jason’s father at the time of the young boy’s death. Jason could recall many times when he did sacrifice something for someone he loved, and yet, no one had ever returned the gesture. He tried not to let that bother him- it was a lot to ask of someone. Wasn’t it? Maybe he was simply suicidal and willing to die again so easily, or maybe it was that Jason didn’t know how to love something reasonably.

Jason came back from the dead with a twisted sense of what love truly was. And yet, despite the confusion, Jason loved freely. He loved his friends- Roy, Kori, Artemis, all of them. He loved them deeply and had promptly decided after befriending them, that he would, in fact, die for them.  Drastic he knew, but he supposed that their lives were simply worth more than his. The world had already forgotten about him, people don’t need him, however, the world needs his friends- therefore he would sacrifice his life for theirs if he needed to. He would sacrifice anything for them. Of course, that same sentiment went to his family members as well, but that left a hard knot in his throat.

Conclusively, Jason had his own idea as to what love was, and in actuality, it was very different from what the real world definition was. But Jason simply shrugged that off. It was a reality fuck up that he was alive- no one could tell him how to love, not when he was given a chance at life again. If anything, dying and coming back gave him a more profound idea as to what love truly was.

For years, Jason had one type of love in his life- an unreturned favor, and one that decided if he lived or died, come the circumstance if it will. That was until the carrier ended up on the entrance to his hideout, and the girl he found out was his own flesh and blood, came into his life. As per Jason’s usual style, and his typical empathy for children, he came to love the child, his child, at a rapid speed. He loved her so fast, it made him dizzy, and on the third day of her living in his apartment, which was the third day of Jason being a father, he threw up. It was nerves, he assumed, but he also held a cool hand to the pulse on his neck and felt his heart rate so elevated he was surprised he didn’t pass out or have a heart attack. What twenty year old has a heart attack?

Soon the words, “Red Hood has a baby,” started playing over and over in his head, echoing in his ears rather obnoxiously. Red Hood had a baby, true, and he was determined to keep her a secret. To protect her, to keep her safe. He quickly decided that being a crimefighting vigilante would have to come to a slow, much to his teammate's annoyance, but mild understanding. Jason needed to stay home with her, and he wasn’t about to tell anyone about her in order to get a babysitter. It was absolutely, and rather unnecessarily overprotective. A babysitter wouldn’t do any harm to his baby, it was their job to protect children, and his family would be willing to watch her, he knew, but he didn’t care.

The nerves that had been so wound up when he first found her, had finally unwound, and Jason was left feeling nothing but a new kind of love. It was separate from what he felt from friends or even the rest of the family. It was a kind of love that he had never experienced and was determined to never let that love go. It was a feeling of being ready to do anything for that child, to die for her, but not wanting to die, because if he died, he wouldn’t be able to see her anymore. It was feeling the happiest he had ever been- even when Bruce took him in for the first time- when his daughter wrapped her small, chubby hand around one of Jason’s boney, and calloused fingers. It was how the babbling noises of nonsense that she made were the best thing Jason had ever heard. Everything that she did made Jason happy, even when she woke up crying loudly, or when she threw a fit because she had been angered by something. She was a true gem in his life, for that which she was named. Ruby.

And what stemmed from that love he had for her, was her love for him. Jason couldn’t recall a time when someone spoke the words, “I love you,” to him. Not from Catherine, or Willis, nor Bruce Wayne. He was always left unsure whether they truly loved him, or if they simply felt obligated to. Then, there was Ruby, who didn’t need to speak the words to let him know that she did truly love him. And that was in the way that she looked at him- like she needed him, and never wanted him to go away. How she smiled when he did, laughed when he did or cried when he did. But, Jason’s favorite thing, though it did make him feel quite guilty, was how she never wanted him to leave. If he made for the door and left her sitting in the arms of someone else, she would promptly begin to cry. Not loud, and ear piercing, but a small whimper until her father returned to hold her, and of course, Jason always went back to her. He would take her back from whoever, and hold her against his chest, whispering to her softly until she settled down. It was only when she was asleep that Jason could slip out. She loved him with all of her small heart, and never wanted him to leave, and Jason had never seen someone care about him that much.

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2 years ago

Batkid Groupchat

Dick: someone save me pls

Jason: What's wrong?

Dick: Gala at Wayne Manor

Dick: This guy won't stop talking to me

Jason: lol sucks to suck

Damian: Sorry Richard, I cannot attend to the situation. That would give up my hiding spot.

Damian: I meant vantage point.

Damian: If any of you tell Bruce, I will murder you.

Cass: Damian, look up

*sends photo of Damian in the rafters of Wayne Manor*

Damian: Ah, great minds think alike I see.

Tim: hold up Dick, I wanna get out of this conversation too, I'll be over in a sec

Steph: Can't relate

Steph: This is why you don't let the first billionaire who offers adopt you

Steph: then you gotta go to the stuffy parties

Steph: Duke and I are the only smart ones

Duke: Agreed, have fun at the party

Later at the Gala

*Red Hood and the Outlaws come busting through the door*

Red Hood: This is a hostage situation

Red Hood: We want Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain, and Damian Wayne.

Bruce, also desperately wanting to get out: Aren't you forgetting someone

Red Hood: Oh, right, Alfred Pennyworth

Bruce: aren't you forgetting someone else?

Red Hood: No

Bruce: Ja- Red Hood. Aren't you going to take me!

Red Hood: what would I need you for? I already have CEO of Wayne enterprises *ruffles Tim's hair, about to get fought by Tim* (under his breath: you fight back, I'm leaving you behind), a police officer, biological son of a billionaire, cool af dancer Cassandra Cain, and Alfred the Almighty

Bruce: don't you want a billionaire too?

Red Hood: If I take you, who is going to pay the ransom?

*Taking the Batkids and Alfred out of the gala as Bruce pouts*

Jason: one of you swipped Bruce's credit card before we left, right?

Tim: of course, we aren't amateurs

Jason: then ice cream on Bruce!

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1 year ago

◜Dad! Jason Headcanons ◞

 Dad! Jason Headcanons

          ┊ ᝰ﹕Characters : dad!jason todd x latino vigilant! Reader

          ┊ ᝰ﹕Summary: recently I saw a post from @super-marvel-dc here on Tumblr where she said her headcanons of Jason being a father of a big family, and it inspired me a lot! So I decided to share some of the crazy things that had been on my mind for a while about this. If you like this maybe it could become a series

(Link to the initial post by @super-marvel-dc, )

          ┊ ᝰ﹕Theme : nothing but fluffy and google translate english

 Dad! Jason Headcanons

- You and Jason had already been married for about two years, things were stable and happy for both of you, taking into account your busy vigilante lives.

- The first child to be adopted was Naomi, who was found when she was just 3 years old abandoned in the alley of crime, and since then you and Jason have had her as your daughter

- Shortly afterwards, things got complicated with a completely unplanned and surprising pregnancy, after all, after the incident, Jason thought he could not even have biological children,and nine months later you had twins Holden and Skyler

- Shortly after two years, a little boy named Austin had been rescued by the Gotham police after a major attack caused by the Black Mask, having arrested the culprit Jason felt the responsibility of taking the boy in

-And then came the twins Savannah and Aspen, who were adopted after a Wayne gala in support of Gotham Orphanage, the big surprise for everyone was Jason and Y/n adopted two of the children instead of Bruce

- After that came Hazel, a little girl who had been purposely abandoned at the mall by her mother.

- and then we had river, a boy from a troubled family who lived in the alley of crime, and with him little darcy who was protected by river while her parents were too busy spending all their money on drugs

- And that was how the simple routine maintained by two people over five years together, in less than three years multiplied, becoming a family of eleven people

- At first things were chaotic but over time a routine was established, Fridays were reserved for friends, Saturdays for meetings and Sundays for family.

- Jason despite initially being terrified of fatherhood and literally shaking with fear, things changed in a short time, this man read every book on pregnancy, fatherhood and positive parenting he could find, he watched vlogs and tips on YouTube and Instagram from mothers and fathers on how to care for and educate their children, and I say with conviction that he has become an incredible father and making it his personal mantra to become the father he wishes he had had

- because you have children of different ethnicities, you reserved one day a week with us. traditional cuisine dinner, holidays with foods typical of each place, you made sure your children knew about their respective cultures and origins

- As a Latina by blood and raised in a Latin neighborhood in Gotham, you made sure your children learned your native language (Portuguese or Spanish, you choose lol), in addition to obviously the house being always filled with cultural music and food

- Speaking of home, in a short time you had to exchange your beautiful industrial loft in the center of Gotham for a large farm-style house that was about 40 minutes from Gotham, after all, you refused to raise your children in the chaos that was that city. by the way, don't tell bruce but you and jason had to accept many jobs in addition to surveillance and batman's rules to be able to pay for everything, but for the comfort of your children it was worth it

- Since the family grew abruptly, visits to the mansion became less frequent, but you and the children still visited at least once a month, especially when you needed a free babysitter. It is worth mentioning that for a long time they will be the butt of jokes on family holidays due to the large number of children

- You keep the life of vigilantes away from the children's reality, they don't even know about their second identities because you feel better knowing that you are keeping them away from this world, despite this you both agree that you will bring the truth to light when they are old enough

- Despite not wanting anyone anywhere near a gun or robin uniform, they all know self-defense and some type of fight or sport.

- An additional thing is that Jason sees himself on the river a lot, especially when he was younger, and that's why he always tries to be a present for him.

-Meanwhile Austin is the little version of Dick which makes Jason wish for death many times while you just laugh at the whole situation finding it hilarious, and all of this gets worse after I give Austin gymnastics lessons which results in Jason taking his son away from him. you from the roof of the house after ending up stuck in one of the tiles.

 Dad! Jason Headcanons

.˚。  💋 .˚。 💌

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1 year ago

◜Family Todd Verse ◞

 Family Todd Verse

After the repercussion of my headcanons about Dad Jason, I decided to create a universe from him and publish it for the rest of us. I have the intention of creating, in addition to headcanons, some scenarios that involve the family and possibly some social media au .

 Family Todd Verse

.˚。  💋 .˚。 💌

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11 months ago

This is another reason the outlaws bother me, why is he so calm about dating his brothers ex? Honestly both of them need to get a bit of self respect there like don't pls

Starfire presses her lips against Red Hood's to share vital informations with him as quickly as possible. Calmly Jason says


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10 months ago

Koriand'r costume redesign bc what did outlaws do to her 🧡

Koriand'r Costume Redesign Bc What Did Outlaws Do To Her

Some details I included:

- less skin showing because I doubt she can actually move in the regular outfit (I'm talking about new 52/outlaws specifically)

- still skin showing because it affects her powers and just because I feel like she wouldn't want an outfit that completely covered her up

- I fully believe she has awesome abs but I don't know how to draw those yet so please just imagine she has them 😅

- got rid of the thigh highs because those must be hard to fight in

- removed shoulder/neck thing and put a regular choker instead because imagine trying to fight with metal around your shoulders and neck? Could you move your shoulders or breathe?

- replaced the bikini with a sports bra and trousers you could actually move in

- I kept the green gems and the wrist things.

- And tried not to make it too far from what she'd actually wear

Also I'd tie up her hair but

1. She flies more than she walks and it just flows behind her and

2. Her hair melted a gun, you try to find a hairband that could hold it

3. She has such thick hair (especially in the earlier comics) and it's like it's so long, it'd be pretty hard to put it up

4. I just suck at drawing hair tied up (and I like how she looks with it down

(I could do better but I was in class and didn't have great pens/paper/planning)

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10 months ago

Another poll! I love making polls sm, I have to hold back on posting like 4 at once lol

I've seen every variation of these three together and personally my favorite is jayroy with joyfire coming in second but I want to see what you people like! They're all very similar but still, which one do you like most?

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7 months ago

Part 3 of my DC/Danganronpa crossover!

(Part 1 , Last , Next , Masterlist)

If this is the first one you've seen - I'm making a crossover of DC comics and Danganronpa by assigning the characters a vigilante that I think suits them

The Teen Titans/Outlaws using sdr2 characters

Robin - Hajime Hinata

I'm using the second robin instead of the first because Hajime fits better with these characters! I explained Hajime being Jason in part 1 if you missed that

Starfire - Chiaki Nanami

- mostly just seen as a love interest to one of the robins/protags

- not great at social ques

- I kinda needed her to be star because the other outlaws in this are Nagito and Hajime so no one else would've felt right

Raven - Sonia Nevermind

- A (occasionally evil) princess being the daughter of an overlord felt right to me

- Both occult fans

- Dating an extreme animal lover

Beast Boy - Gundham Tanaka

- Animal Boy

- This is the only thing that feels right for either of them

- Dating occult-y princess

- Often speaks in a way used for comic relief

Cyborg - Kazuichi Souda

- mechanics, very skilled with robotics

- often shipped with animal boy (at least in ttg and the og tt cartoon)

Arsenal - Nagito Komaeda

Not really a teen titan (usually) but I didn't see the point in making another part for the outlaws bc they're all here already

- Mildly explosive at times (Nagito with the bomb and unless I'm misremembering Roy also had explosive arrows?)

- Pretty okay with murder, surprising his friends

- I'm not sure how to explain this one but it feels so right to me

Edit: Kid Flash - ?

So he's Robin 1's best friend but does makoto really have one? Kyoko's already Oracle and Byakuya rlly doesn't fit KF

Aoi is a really fast swimmer and her and KF are pretty upbeat characters so maybe her? Lmk what you think because I have no idea

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4 months ago
Couple More Comics For That Outlaw!Jericho AU I Keep Going Back To!
Couple More Comics For That Outlaw!Jericho AU I Keep Going Back To!
Couple More Comics For That Outlaw!Jericho AU I Keep Going Back To!

Couple more comics for that Outlaw!Jericho AU I keep going back to! 😘

Since Tim Drake is canonly bi now, there’s nothing barring him from hanging out with Red Hood’s team of disaster bisexuals. Jason doesn’t have to like it but there’s nothing he can do! 

Tim’s also discovering that Jericho is just as dangerous as Nightwing implied, but not in the way he thought. :|

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1 year ago

As a girl who likes other girls and person who has boobs I have a bone to pick with some comic book artists. You need to start understanding boob physics better. I get putting female characters in clothes that show off a characters boobs. It’s fun and lets you show off all the results anatomy work you have done. But I hate putting big chested women in these nonsense bra situations. But in order for you to get what I mean you must understand why boobs are so great.

They are soft, squishy and nice to nap on or hold. But because they are soft and squishy they move around a lot and need support (in bigger chests) so they don’t get in the way or cause pain.

So when you draw these characters doing things like fighting and flying in battle with nothing holding her boobs in place. I’m going to have a few questions about why her boobs aren’t moving. Now you might say she an alien/bulletproof/non human. but now I know that a bullet cannot make her boobs move like I sure in hell have no chance of being able to squish them or lay my head down on them. Because those things are not boobs they are pointy rocks. They are hard and seemingly have none of the other qualities that make boobs enjoyable. So instead of drawing a character in a good (possibly sexy) bra situation you have now created a character with rock tits and taken all the joy out of their boobs. 😔

Also another thing is that some artists can only seem to draw one maybe two types of boobs and it’s usually skinny with boobs or fat women with boobs. Which makes me mad because there are way different types of bodies and boobs. Also it can be confusing for example I was reading a comic where one female character goes “I know I am not busty like her..” and I had to step back from it because I genuinely think that their boobs were (or maybe just looked) the exact same size.

I know this is a weird thing to get hung up on but I think it be great to see more diversity in character boobs. Like you can have two different characters who are the exact same height, weight and bra size and their boobs are still different. I think all boob types are beautiful and deserve to be represented not just the type that the artist has chosen.

Sorry if this didn’t make sense or sounded weird I just wanted to get it out. To see if maybe other people have noticed it.

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6 months ago

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011) be like:

Villain: ah! You can’t stop me now!

Jason: that’s where you’re wrong! We will stop you with the power of:

Roy: friendship!

Koriand’r: incredible violence

Jason: and love!

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2 years ago

Jason Todd apologist? How can I be called a Jason Todd apologist when he’s literally never done anything wrong in his whole life?

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