This Is Why I Love Tumblr - Tumblr Posts

someone on twitter pointed it out that this is their dynamic, and I agree 10000%

Well, hello to this lovely chameleon lady!!

No you don’t get context for this
Thank you! You followed me which I guess means you like my reblogs which means you like some of my personality 👍
So thank you!
Have a wonderful morning!
Thank you! And yes I do, have a nice day as well!
@hazelfoureyes @macabr3-barbi3 @alastor-simp @anniflamma @gigizetz @goldsnek @gildedoak @sailorsmouth @sunlit-mess @sickie-chan @alastor-artist-seren @adyophene @alastorss @bambiilooloo @bernicedoodles @burguesinha24 @busines-as-unusual @charlottemorningstarsdarling @doe-eyed-fool @dabislittlemouse @dazelvel @duhaerith @elsa-fogen @epicthemusicalstuff @fraugwinska @featheryhoe @greypistacchio @heart-of-the-morningstar @hishumanbelle @ichiiixs @inuxi @jyoongim @justtnat @king--of--ducks @lanveril @lustylita @lurochar @multi-fandom-imagine @micah-k @mircsy @nunalastor @nyx-umbrakinesis @nyx91 @notherpuppet @nekophy @oliviamax100 @official-alastor @oatmealdoodles @ohdeerfully @prodigal-san
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Yes, I am mentioning like 1000 people- THEY DESERVE TO BE INFORMED!
@prettiestgrlinthemorguexo @peachedtvs @polarisinhell @redfoxwritesstuff @redvexillum @radioducky @re-unknown @rod00dles @the-xolotl @terry-perry @urbestestwindgod @velvetydream @voxisdaddy @wolfythewitch @whatswrongwithblue @worldofkuro @writteninlunarlight-years @xluciifer @yandere-daydreams @yanderemommabean @youre-a-loser-babyy @yesihaveaobsession @yourdoorisunlocked @zealousllamawolf
I’m pretty sure there are some people I forgot but I’ll tag them soon!
(Don’t mind that I did this alphabetically, I don’t know all who i follow-)
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@stayasleepanddream @selineram3421 @sciencebecameouraddiction @liliannadelaphinehartifelt @lilivae @cryptidghostgirl @sinner-sunflower @ohproserpine @checkertrains @christinebloodwrittings @strawijuice @luciferlightbringer @silasours @scoutswritingcorner
@fics-and-quotes-andthelike @huskersbooze @hurthermore @selenezq @bunniesanddeer @senseichaos @stolasdearest @somethingiswrongwithme @lady-ethne @puparella @bdjapan @humphangh @dhey0
@hazbinhotelie @hazbinfallinginaspiral @sweethoneyrose83 @betti2024 @jinuaei @doliacuddles @lunarmango @fizzierolli @synamartia @mooneggtarts @illiardbilliard
@hyperfixations-keep-me-going @6esiree @princesscait26 @wiryuu @mascotdang @ma91c @junocornkiwi @lyrarizi @snazyros @sooguru @suiana @moringmark @dirtgrubber @morningstarwrites @jib0 @sharkcutlery @cyrusicehz @celestialalpacaron @soulsyo
@hazbinsboss @viablemess @doumadono @lxves1ckfire @ephiesoup @hellisharchive @hellvcifer @smoky000 @pinksartdump @lovekipani @carlizwall @8pxl
Sorry if I tagged you twice!
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my beloved leo !! it’s okay to not update daily. you have a life out of tumblr and it’s perfectly fine to take your time away from writing everyday. pls, tale all the time that you want because i don’t want you to have to feel like it’s a chore.
take all the time that you need because your mental health and feelings should be first priority okay?? lots of love <33 take good care of yourself
hi, my lovely jel!!! thank you so much, you’re so sweet :’) you care about my personal life and stuff like that so i’m really grateful to have you as my moot :((
idk it just felt like a priority for me to write daily and ofc it was my own expectations of myself but i learnt that it is just not possible for me and i’ve accepted the fact <3
thank you again so much for your kind words ily girl!!!

Deceit on a string
LMFAOOOO bestie im not even on my rp blog side blogs wtf

other social media websites im on are like. hawk tuah girl and mr beast are collabing for a festables event. and tumblr is like. here are my top 10 favorite ants

Pamela wearing an Angel wings necklace, wearing a “to Hell and Back” shirt, telling us Dean wants what he thinks he can’t have.
In the same ep meanwhile:
- Jack reminds us Cas used to have wings.
- Michael reminds us that Cas is the one who raised Dean from perdition (so, to Hell and Back).

I completed my pokedex today!!

And then I went off and caught 10 shinys some how😅

1: Shiny Farigiraf
For my first shiny with the shiny charm I decided to make one of my main six pokemon, SpotShadow, shiny. With lvl 3 normal sandwich powers I went into area zero, and after 60 encounters (including Girafarig and Farigiraf) he popped up! He also just happened to have the Dawn Mark

2: shiny Dunsparce
With still quite a long ways to go on my lvl 3 normal sandwich powers I decide to try shiny Dunsparce, and just as my sandwich power was about to run out he spawned (sadly he didn't evolve into 3 segment form)

3: Shiny Orthworm
Ever since my friend and I started playing pokemon scarlet she has fallen in love with an Orthworm she named Yurmi, so for a christmas present I decided to get her a shiny Orthworm! After 58 encounters, and lvl 3 steel sandwich powers, he appeared. He also just happened to have the Uncommon Mark
4: Shiny Orthworm
With some more sandwich time left I decided to look for another Orthworm since I already have a shiny Revaroom. She also happen to have the Lunchtime Mark
5: Shiny Chansey
Will trying to level up shiny Dunsparce in the roaring moon cave with a lvl 2 normal encounter sandwich a shiny Chansey walked into the background of my screen while I was battling another Chansey

6: Shiny Klawf
The next shiny I decide to hunt was Klawf, as it is one of my new favorite shinys. After 178 encounters it literally jumped off a cliff at me! It was hilarious

7: Shiny Charcadet
A fellow pokemon friend of mine gave me some Malicious Armor so I could have my own Ceruledge and I decide to get a shiny Charcadet for it. After 412 encounters, and lvl 3 fire sandwich powers he popped up! His name is Volgo. (It comes form the words Violet and Blade in Esperanto) I now have the final six member of my scalret team of six!! He also, so happened to have the Calmness Mark

8: Shiny Charcadet
With only 10 or so minutes left on my lvl 3 fire sandwich power I decided to try and see if I could get another one, and I did! I now have an Armarouge named Lieutenant who is the true king of the Falink!

9: Shiny Chansey
While training up Volgo and SpotShadow, and a lvl 2 normal encounter sandwich a shiny Chansey pooped up on my screen lol
10: Shiny Chansey
Same as number 9 lmao what is my luck
Special shout out to these three amazing people @the-mfing-sauce @zeriphi and @piplupcola
Thx to these three I was able to complete my pokedex and have one of the best weekends of my life so thx you from the bottom of my heart!!!💙💙💙
Mistakenly touched my weenor after crushing up a chili pepper for my Ramen honestly not as painful as one would expect more of a gentle heat much like the pleasant burn of cayenne in a spiced coffee or even much like . A chili crushed up in a bowl of delicious Ramen. Much food for thought
If Agatha fell for Death that means TO ME that she fell for all of her "faces" and that includes THE SANDMAN VERSION OF THE DEATH NO I DONT CARE THEY ARE IN DIFFERENT UNIVERSE-