Time Traveling - Tumblr Posts
back to the future (t.m.r.)
tom stumbled as you harshly pulled him by his robes, basically dragging him down the corridor.
“(y/n), this is completely inappropriate. I have rounds to complete.” he says impatiently, irritated that you pulled him away from his prefect duties. quite literally.
but you were unbothered.
“that should be the least of your concerns riddle. I have something to show you.” the slytherin was taken aback by the sternness in your voice, but that didn't stop him from smirking. “well you should've just said that you wanted-”
“shh! now hold still.” you instruct him. giving your surroundings one more scan, you pull off your house tie. he gives you an odd look.
“trust me,” you say in a much gentler tone. tom is reluctant at first, but eventually stops moving around after seeing the look in your eyes.
“I saw something in the future,” you explain, covering his eyes and tying the fabric behind his head. “and I need to show you, but I don't want you seeing the other things.”
“am I in a febreeze commercial?”
you put the silver chain of the time turner around your neck, and tom gives the smallest flinch when he feels the cold metal of the pair go around his own. you twist the turner and watch the world whirl around you, grabbing the stalky boy’s wrist as he stumbles. you watch the successful parts of riddle’s plan of domination unfold around you. the parts you didn't want him to see.
“what is going on?” he asked loudly over the drafts of wind. before you could respond you recognized the preliminary scenes to Voldemort’s downfall. the battle of Hogwarts. a gust of window pushed your body into tom’s, and he wrapped his arms around you instinctively. holding onto you, the force threw him onto his back.
“are you alright?” he asked, pulling the blindfold off.
“yes,” you responded. the familiar sounds of bricks falling, explosions, and curses being cast by students, parents, faculty, and death eaters alike shred through your ears.
“lets go.” you scramble to your feet and pull the boy up hastily. this was only part of what you wanted to show him.
nagini slithered her way beside her master-pale, bald, and noseless. he was a walking version of the snake.
“is that-”
“shh..” you pulled tom lower, behind the pile of grey stones, but he continued to try to get a better look. curiosity killed the cat, but it would not kill the tom or the (y/n), you decided.
"this is going to hurt me more than it will hurt you,” you tell yourself.
“what?” he whispers not tearing his eyes from his future self. you jab riddle in the throat with two fingers, making him choke, allowing you to pull him down with the blindfold around his eyes and place the necklace on him.
tom collapsed on the cold stone floor of 1940′s Hogwarts, gasping for air. you dusted your robes off and took the tie off him, filled with remorse.
“I'm sorry tom, I just wanted-”
“I end up bald?” he looks at you in disbelief. you look at him strangely.
“yes, but you must understand that harry was also an orphan-”
“with no nose...”
“and all the people that die-” you continue.
“and I lack the decency to wear shoes...” he continues to ramble on. you sigh in resignation. he has the spirit, just the wrong idea...
“yes and people also call you moldy voldy”
full creds to vid owner
Dark S2 E5 thoughts on Jonas x Martha dream
(beware of spoilers for the whole season)
I saw that some people here were creeped out of seeing the dream scene from 5th episode of Dark's new season.
Imho, the dream with the Stranger and Martha was beautiful, dramatic and disturbing. From where I see it, Jonas as the Stranger is an emotionaly scarred adult, who lost the love of his life, when he was young. This is how he remembers her, young and beautiful in his hands, beeing happy together when everything was normal and nobody knew the truth. She still haunts him and he is trying to make things right. And he keep seeing those dreams of their moment of intimacy, which causes the Dark matter starting to form out of her belly as an allusion of their connection triggering the black hole to open and the loop to exist.
This dream is a memory projected onto the screen of his new reality, as they where both 16-17 when it happened in the first place. Him being 49 years old now and her still being 17ish, is not the main reason for the scene to be seen as wrong, cause it's just a memory. He changed, she didn't. Would this scene be easier for us to accept, if they were both the same age? Maybe. We've seen those two dreams already. But Jonas grew up, and she never will. The love making scene is probably his last happy memory of her. And in that crazy world, can we judge him for having these dreams?
It's actually the dark matter formation that makes this dream a nightmare, I've found more disturbing. And it's the dark matter stuff that wakes him up all in a cold sweat. That's what makes it ominous.
I mean, she is still his aunt, we don't forget that. But the family trees here are so intertwined, that it's not even that disturbing anymore. You can be your own grandma in this show, for God's sake! In Dark your daughter could give a birth to you, and send you back in time, so you would marry your own granddad and give birth to your mom and your aunt!
Who still thinks that dearly loving a girl, who loves you back and with whom you're a perfect match, apart from the fact she is your aunt, is that bad?!
Oh, this season is blowing my mind...

Just when you’ve started to think that Jonas has no game… #bitch you thought

The story of a boy who traveled through time
A tribute to Jonas Kahnwald
Which Jonas took Mikkel to the caves?
(Dark S2-S3 thoughts)
Usually there are two opinions - either it is Jonas after his trip to another world or it's Jonas from his travels with Claudia.
We know that time is linear within the loop, if you travel with a help of the passage or the time apparatus. Only the God's particle can break the rule of linearity, and can take you whenever you want /to some random time. And we still don't know how Martha's golden sphere works, and what can it do.
Ok, let's jump into the "which Jonas..." discussion.
In my opinion, Jonas who got Mikkel through the caves is probably Jonas from his year with Claudia. Let's briefly recall the events supporting this idea:
So Jonas 2020 returns on 20-21 June of 2019 through the Dark matter bubble. He kisses Martha, already being 1 year older than her at the time (if it's safe to presume they were born in the same year). He causes Jonas 2019 and Martha to make love and then goes to save his father. That idea fails, as Michael tells him that Jonas from very near future gets him through the caves. Claudia appears, and Jonas 2020 leaves with her to linearly travel in time by 33 years cycles. So I assume that in 4 and a half months he returnes to show Mikkel the way and then continues his travels with Claudia. When he returnes home in the day of the Apocalypse, he still is at least 1 year older than he should have been if he would not traveled in time. Then Martha finds him, Adam finds them, Martha 2 finds them too (Seriously, Jonas, were you even hiding??) And they travel to another world to which we have 1001 questions to ask. We don't know how the time-space traveling works there – do they have a loop, and how can you time travel, linearly or not? We still have no idea for how long Jonas is going to stay there, or when it will be safe to come back.
That's why I think the Jonas from his "travels with Claudia" time is the one who gets Mikkel to the caves.
So, untill proven wrong by season 3, it seems like a solid theory to me:)
Let me know your thoughts in the notes section:)
#I know it's a bad meme, but I don't care