TOHftfgender - Tumblr Posts
I really liked that one you made for me! can you make more xenos relating to for the future? i want them for my hoard ^^
im gonna call you for the future anon,, lol. i made a bunch of xenos for this, come back in my asks within two days for the rest or ill just put them in my queue. ty to my account manager (aka my bfffl) for helping me with these!
"theowlhouseforthefuturegender/tohftfgender: a xenogender relating to the episode "For The Future" from the show "The Owl House.""
"Theowlhouseleakedepisodegender/tohleakedepisodegender: a xenogender relating to when the episode "For The Future" was leaked."
"puppethootycharic: a xenogender connected to hooty becoming a puppet."
"puppetlilithcharic: a xenogender connected to lilith becoming a puppet."
"puppetrainecharic: a xenogender relating to raine whispers becoming a puppet."
"possessedrainecharic: a xenogender connected to raine whispers being possessed by belos."
heyyo! --for the future anon
sorry this is pretty late, my account manager has been sick, anyways here you go! and btw long post warning-
edasnewhaircutgender: a xenogender and TOHftfgender relating to the new hair cut Eda gets in The Owl House For The Future.
lilithsnewhaircutgender: a xenogender and TOHftfgender relating to the new hair cut Lilith gets in The Owl House For The Future.
edaANDlilithsnewhaircutsgender: a xenogender, combogender and, TOHftfgender relating to both Eda AND Liliths new haircuts in The Owl House For The Future.
ithinkiwanttoplayanewgamegender: a xenogender and TOHftfgender connected to the ending scene in The Owl House For The Future where The Collector says, “I think I want to play a new game.”
thecollectershoodic: a xenogender and TOHftfgender connected to The Collectors hood/hat and/or to how it is used.
ohnoedaranoutofapplebloodgender: a xenogender and TOHftfgender relating to the scene and fact in The Owl House For The Future where Eda pulls out a bottle of apple blood from her hair, but the bottle is empty.
rainesgoogooeyesgender: is a xenogender and TOHftfgender connected to the scene in The Owl House For The Future where Eda transforms into a harpy and Raine gives Eda bedroom eyes.
lilithsapplebloodrecipegender: a xenogender and TOHftfgender connected to when lilith clawthron made appleblood with liliths own recipe.