Amrod - Tumblr Posts

So hear me out - but if the feanorians were in our time, they would absolutely have some form of mental health difficulties/things they struggle with, (putting aside whether or not they had smthing like adhd for the second) and this would be very easily shown through their actions, and you could see it in the way they responded to things.

For example, Over-Achieving Perfectionist Feanor- never fully satisfied, constantly needing to be better, best, in everything he did and having tunnel vision when it came to doing that (not in the sense that he can't focus on anything else, simply just that which would effect him reaching his goal).

Compartmentalizing Maedhros- as the eldest child, and one who spent a lot of time doing things for others/having to look out for other people throughout his life, I think that (especially after Angband, but even before) he would find it really difficult to focus on things negatively effecting him unless it would effect his brothers, and would rather just throw it in his mental box for later.

I think that Maglor probably had attatchment issues, I think that with Elrond and Elros a lot is said about potentially he and Mae trying to heal the gaping hole left by their brothers' death, but I also think that for him, as the second eldest, he spent a lot of time helping and looking after his younger brothers, (though not in the same way Mae did) but also spent almost his entire life (depending on what you think of the timeline) with Mae to lean on and depend on, to be the older brother, and with them all dying and the pain of the silmarils that he struggles not to get attached to others.

Celegorm I like to think not necessarily struggles with social interaction, but as he prefers to and does spend the majority of the time outside, with animals and with only his close family for company (i do think he had someone he hunted with but can't remember) and so when he did have to be in large groups with other people would find it awkward as he isn't in the woods anymore, and so he has to behave differently.

Caranthir I think, as the middle child, probably struggles with being surrounded by his wonderful sibilings, (not that he isn't also amazing, I love them all) with wonderfully diplomatic Mae, charismatic and creative Mags, Celegorm with his skill in nature and with animals, Curi of course has his smithing (and I'll speak on that in a sec, but it's time for Cara) and the twins are known as the funny tricksters, and he struggled to find a place for himself. He's normally described as either angry (but that also applies to Curi, Celegorm, and Feanor) and/or as very smart and scholarly (which can also apply to Feanor and Mae, at least in my understanding of these characters ofc) and so finding that space, similarly to Faenor's fears of being replaced by his dad (which I do think caused his perfectionism) was a very large part of his personality.

I think Curufin's issues are spoken about quite easily, but just to add my thoughts, I think that his fear of being like his dad his whole personality probably caused a lot of resentment, and feeling not good enough. I think he probably would have a lot of internalised anger at everyone, and although I do think he did genuinely believe in the Oath (probably the only one who actually did, at least for the majority of it) I think right before he died (and I did see another post though I can't remember who by, if I do I'll tag them but it was brilliant and based off this) and saw his brother's death, that was when he realised that his dad was wrong. I think that was mentally damaging and probably when in Mandos caused him to have slightly difficult trust issues, particularly with Feanor, as he saw it as a personal affront, after all, if he's just like Feanor, and Feanor messed everything up this badly, then what does that make him?

Ambarussa- honestly I think that their main concern would be an identity crisis, with being referred to as Ambarussa, or as the twins they'd feel that they had to be funny or memorable to get people to like them/see them as people, including their own family, and that would cause issues with their relationships later down the line as they would assume that nobody actually liked them, and that they had to work to be liked.

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Dear Feanorians. For how long a person may have a Silmaril before you have to murder them? Asking for a friend. Thank you.

It depends. Are you a potential ally? My brothers and I are all very just in following the oath of our father, and will be swift in our pursuit of justice. However, ot would depend on where you are. If you would like to share your place of residence, we can stop by to five you more exact advice. After all, we are all very eager to fulfil our Father’s final wishes whenever possible. Kind regards,


Why thank you very much for this question, and I hope I may answer it to the best of my abilities. I would say that it depends mainly on one thing: are you going to make the right decision and bring the Silmaril to its rightful owners, (us) so we may be reunited with our father’s work, or are you planning on keeping it? May your road be lit by the glory of the Silmarils,


How fast can an elf run? Likely, not fast enough to escape my brothers, me, and our many followers. Safe hunt,


Well looking at past events, I would expect that one would have however long it took for my brothers to hear you had it, or at least that whoever previously had it now didn’t, with potentially time for Maedhros to send a customary letter requesting voluntary handing over of the Silmaril, along with the necessary time to move the army of followers to your location.


As soon as I can find your location - if you think I will allow you to stand there with the pride of my Father you are sorely mistaken! I will hunt you until the light of the Silmarils run out, as I’ll follow my Father’s oath! I wish you great luck. You will need it,


It depends, does Maedhros or Curufin know you have it? You would be surprised how quickly they will find these “shiny rocks” if they can beat Morgoth to it - however I think you will find there are easier ways to get ahold of the rocks, ways which even the most experienced elf would still struggle to defend against. May your path be lit,


Maedhros or Curufin will realize you have it faster than you can blink. You would be surprised how fiercely they will fight for the return of even one Silmaril if it means they can fulfil our Father’s oath. May your path be lit,


(Amras would be dead though lets be real)

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Just to be clear - this is from the very start, so from before the Silmarils are made until their death (or self-banishment).

Sorry this is in awkward place!

Mae&Mags: We went through an entire character arc during the First Age

Mae&Mags: We became more evil if you’re curious

Eonwë: Dont worry, we're still doing the War of Wrath, there is time for a redemption arc!

Mae&Mags: (staring at the elves guarding the Silmaril) We're going to get worse on purpose

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8 months ago

Gil-galad theory of the evening, he's Amrod.

Fëanor and co. burnt the ships, Amras is like "dad where's my brother?!" Fëanor goes "oh fuck" and the drama ensues, but! Amrod didn't actually die! He woke up in time to leap off the boat and float down the shore on some scrap of a ship. He's mad at his family because he feels like he was betrayed and abandoned (reasonable) so he decides not to rejoin the Fëanorian host and find somewhere else to live. He makes his way to the Falas and lives with Cirdan's people. There are initially weird looks because he has red hair and that's weird to them, but Amrod uses elf hair dye to blend in (sometimes he goes dark, sometimes he uses elf bleach) He goes by the name Artanaro (noble fire) at first because he survived a burning attempt and he lives there as a hunter.

Whenever his lineage is called into question he'll say something vague like "oh my family were nobles" and try to drop the topic. After a while he tells some people "I'm from Finwë's family in Valinor, no not those kinslaying ones what are you talking about" and he gets called the equally vague "decent of kings" for that.

Once everything goes to shit and Gondolin falls, Cirdan is like "you're the only one left from Finwë's line who's not a Fëanorian right? You're the king now" and Amrod just rolls with it because why not? What's the worst that could happen? And then he dies in fire and everything makes a full circle and it's cinematic something something poetry something something irony

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Maedhros gave Elrond and Elros the armor that the Ambarussas came to Belariand with.

Elrond doesn't have the heart to tell him that he's the one who killed Amros.

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3 years ago
roseyloveschocolate - Why Do I Exist

So I made a Which Fëanorian are you? quiz…

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1 year ago



Pairing = none

Genre = general audiences

General ratings = family fluff

Content warnings = none

Word count = 805

Notes = Hope you enjoy! The prompt was ‘siblings’ from @tolkienfamilyweek day 2!


“What are you both doing?” Mairafinwë’s voice sounded out, her eyebrows raised in surprise.

Amrod and Amras froze as they looked at her like they had been caught doing something they shouldn’t, before looking at each other.

“Nothing.” Amras said, giving his older sister a suspicious-looking smile, while Amrod nodded somnely. Mairafinwë raised an eyebrow, unconvinced, before she looked at what the twins were trying to hide with their hands.

A bucket full of burdock seeds was there, making Mairafinwë frown.

“And what do you plan on doing with those?” She asked, crossing her arms as suspicion came over her.

Amrod and Amras looked at each other, communicating silently with each other thanks to micro-expressions made with the twitching of their ears, the tightening of their lips and the movement of their eyebrows. After a little while, they both looked back at Mairafinwë.

“We’ll tell you if you promise to help us.”

Mairafinwë’s eyebrows raised and she pursued her lips, searching the eyes of her baby brothers intently. After a while, curiosity won her over and she reluctantly nodded. Ambarussa both grinned at her, hushedly asking her to come closer. She kneeled carefully on the ground, leaning closer to the both of them.

“You see, Tyelko put a bunch of squirrels in our room a few weeks ago.” Amras started.

“They ate some of our clothes and shit everywhere.” Amrod said, brow furrowing as he recalled the state of their room after that particular incident.

“Tyelko found that extremely funny. We thought we might make him pay us back.” Amras finished, grinning excitedly at the thought of getting ‘revenge’ on their older brother.

Mairafinwë hummed, remembering the incident clearly, where she had had to play peacemaker, holding the twins back from jumping on a laughing Celegorm. She also remembered the anger that had taken over her the day Celegorm put a bunch of racoons in her bedchambers and they had wreaked havoc upon it. Mairafinwë knew the feeling of being held back by an older sibling (an exasperated Maedhros, who was tired of Celegorm’s antics and a slightly amused Maglor).

Even if Tyelkormo was punished by their father and mother each time, he never ceased to play pranks on them, Caranthir and sometimes Curufin (one look from Maedhros served to dissuade Celegorm from doing any kind of mischief to him and Maglor… well, Maglor had multiple tricks up his sleeve).

Mairafinwë looked at her baby brothers and smiled.

“Alright you two. I’ll help you. What’s the plan?” She asked, grinning, feeling a bit giddy.


A few moments later, they were in Celegorm’s room, carefully picking burdocks and placing them on his clothes, bedsheets, pillows, blankets and carpet, giggling like children all the while.

“… what are you all doing?” Caranthir’s voice sounded out from the entrance of Celegrom’s bedchambers, making Mairafinwë, Amrod and Amras freeze.

They turned towards Caranthir, Mairafinwë smiling sheepishly.

“… a trick?” She said, shrugging, making her younger brother raise his eyebrows, surprised at seeing her play into the twins’ mischief.

Caranthir looked at the three of them, then at the burdocks, before he seemed to recall every prank that Celegorm played on him, before slowly smiling. He left the room, a big smile on his face, as Mairafinwë, Amrod and Amras all giggled quietly, finishing up placing the burdocks before quietly leaving.


An hour later, as the three of them hung out in the library, they saw Caranthir pass by with a large chest. Amrod and Amras looked at each other, smelling mischief, before they called out.

“Carnistir? What are you doing?” Ambarussa asked, making their older brother turn to look at them. He smiled even as his cheeks were redder than usual due to exertion, his eyes twinkling.

“A ‘special’ delivery.” He responded, making his sister and youngest brothers look at each other before smiling.

“Can we help you?” Mairafinwë asked, getting up and dusting herself off.

“Of course. It would be greatly appreciated.” Caranthir said, grinning.

All three of them helped Carnistir transport the heavy chest to Celegorm’s bedchambers, chuckling quietly. Amrod and Amras let out gasps of delight when they opened the chest, a good hundred of frogs jumping out to hide in Tyelkormo’s room. Mairafinwë chuckled as they left, closing the door behind them.


When at dinner time everyone was seated at the table except for Celegorm (he was almost always late when he went out to hunt with Oromë), the conversation was interrupted by a loud shriek coming from the blond brother. Fëanor and Nerdanel looked taken aback, Curufin frowned in curiosity while Maedhros rolled his eyes and Maglor tilted his head.

Mairafinwë snorted as Amrod and Amras couldn’t help but laugh, Caranthir smiling deviously as he savored his revenge.

Shrieks and screams could be heard throughout the mansion, as well as laughs and exasperated sighs.


End notes : reblogs and comments are always immensely appreciated!

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