Tradfem - Tumblr Posts
is it weird that i actually would like to be a housewife/stay at home mom? like bro im scared of having a job, having to pay the bills, the only thing i know is how to take care of a baby and i feel very weird for it😩
the idea of baking for my man every day sounds so sweet and heavenly ♡
When we garden, we create a protected and nurturing space for plants to flourish… Unlike a good chair, a good garden is constantly changing, as it adapts to the changing circumstances of weather and the seasons. And in the long run, that kind of varied, flexible, complex, dynamic system will be more robust and adaptable than the most carefully tended hothouse bloom.
-Alison Gopnik, The Gardener and the Carpenter
"Childhood is not a race to accumulate all of the consumer goods and stresses of adulthood in record time. By simplifying, we protect the environment for childhood's slow, essential unfolding of self."
-Kim John Payne, Simplicity Parenting
✨ veggie garden year 3 ✨ made almost entirely of recycled & upcycled materials. So far, lots of leafy greens and baby bunnies!
Not only do I look like this IRL but I had a dress made out of this EXACT fabric. I'm scared y'all. This is truly the Wojak of Dorian Gray.
And no, I won't be posting a comparison because I'm an FBI agent shy.
Not only do I look like this IRL but I had a dress made out of this EXACT fabric. I'm scared y'all. This is truly the Wojak of Dorian Grey.
Trust in the name of the LORD, who knows what you need and what you are ready for better than you yourself do. We often try to force certain things to happen in our life - marriage, parenthood, careers, and more - but these choices are often to our detriment. Know that the Almighty God has a timeline for us all, a timeline which cannot be rushed.
There are lots of lonely people out there, people who are desperate to find someone who can fill the void in their life. A spouse will not bring you ultimate happiness, nor will a huge salary, a mansion, or even parenthood - the only Way to true happiness is Christ Jesus. I hope that you will stay strong and stay faithful as you wait for God to bless you when the right time arrives. God bless you
What’s the best thing about having a trad wife? Coming from a woman who doesn’t get the appeal… sell it to me 🫣
Ooh, I can rant about this for a while! :D
Traditional relationships are firstly founded on stability and commitment. They're not something temporary, they're not something that can be easily thrown away on a whim. This makes it a lot easier to build up a strong, lasting relationship and a good environment to raise children in.
I also think such a relationship is the more natural state of things that we are better suited for. Two people with different skill sets and abilities completing each other instead of competing with each other. Man and woman working together, in their own way, for the betterment of themselves, the other, and their children.
As for specifically having a tradwife from my perspective, it goes thus:
I get to be a protector and a provider. This is not a role that's just given, one has to earn it. And when someday I'm strong enough to be all those things and earn a woman's trust so she may marry me, and submit to me, well... that'd be simply wonderful! I'd feel like I've achieved something great! It's caveman brain - I bring food, shelter, security, my woman brings warmth, cooked food, bears children, makes the house a home, etc.
(For the submission thing, I'd like to briefly say that I think both parties need to submit to the other in their own way for a relationship to be successful. In the interest of this not being a novel, I'll leave it for another time.)
The other big thing is children. I want a lot of children one day, and the logistics of having that and both parents working is not good, to say the least. Especially when you want to raise them well. So, a wife at home to be with them when I'm out is perfect! Of course, the ideal would be both of us being at home, but that's a little difficult to achieve.
The home itself would be better run when there's someone there at the regular. It's not going to be just the place we all gather at the end of the day to sleep in, but it'll be a proper home.
To summarise: protecting, providing, being strong for someone is one of my primary love languages. I think traditional relationships last better, and that they make for a better environment to raise children in.
To explicitly sell it to you - if you find yourself a proper man for the job and he wifes you up, you'll be taken care of, loved, cherished, and appreciated. You'll of course need to give back all those things, that's love. Just because he's the employed one doesn't mean you're not working. But you'll be more fulfilled since you're not working for some corporate overlord who couldn't give half a stomped shit about you - all your efforts will be in service to people you love and care about, your family.
I can write three times as much about all this, but I think this is enough for now, it got pretty long as it is 😅
There’s something incredibly calming and lovely about when someone, particularly an older gentleman, sweetly adds “Miss” before my name. It feels so elegant and charming.
When he says things like, “Here you go, Miss Juliet,” or “Hello, little Miss Juliet,” it just warms my heart.
I’m completely in love with this little gesture.