Transformers Ratchet - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
I Drew Ratchet!!

I drew Ratchet!!

I also started reading the idw issues this month but only read til 4 issues in mtmte cause I uh.. I read a few wikis to catch up to date in lore then had to sit back for a moment

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1 year ago

If you’re still doing reqs, any MTMTE/Lost Light dratchet in your bones? 🥺

Hold on

Let me cook

If Youre Still Doing Reqs, Any MTMTE/Lost Light Dratchet In Your Bones?

Lucky for you my bones ARE made of Dratchet

I'M GONNA FINISH IT (someday { hopefully} )

Thank you for giving me a reason to draw them

Anyways - hope you like it and good nighty 🦐


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1 year ago

Is it alright if I use your transfomer mii's in my miitopia playthrough? They're absolutely wonderful!!

You actually like my lil goobers? 🥹 and yeah! DM me for the access code if you want :)

Is It Alright If I Use Your Transfomer Mii's In My Miitopia Playthrough? They're Absolutely Wonderful!!
Is It Alright If I Use Your Transfomer Mii's In My Miitopia Playthrough? They're Absolutely Wonderful!!
Is It Alright If I Use Your Transfomer Mii's In My Miitopia Playthrough? They're Absolutely Wonderful!!
Is It Alright If I Use Your Transfomer Mii's In My Miitopia Playthrough? They're Absolutely Wonderful!!

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1 year ago

Miitopia/Miiformers dump 😳


Miitopia/Miiformers Dump

Soundwave got pissed because Galvatron used him as live ammo 😭

Miitopia/Miiformers Dump

My ocs wondering why Galvatron and Soundwave were dancing when the lights were off

Miitopia/Miiformers Dump

Also Princess Orion Pax and Noble Ratchet being lil cuties 😳

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I Made The Autobots In Gacha Life 2, And My Oc. What Do You Think Of The Designs?

I made the autobots in Gacha Life 2, and my oc. What do you think of the designs?

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10 months ago

if Ratchet was a human he’d be named Richard.

If Ratchet Was A Human Hed Be Named Richard.

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10 months ago

I know this is tfp au but hear me out ✨autobot beach day with tfp and bayverse✨

Trust me it looks fun

hell yah!!

I Know This Is Tfp Au But Hear Me Out Autobot Beach Day With Tfp And Bayverse


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1 year ago

can you please draw ratchet oiled up, sitting against a wall with his hands tied up above him and spreading his legs while blushing

Can You Please Draw Ratchet Oiled Up, Sitting Against A Wall With His Hands Tied Up Above Him And Spreading

There you go.....😟

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1 year ago

Made more transformers OCs :)

Slight NSFW warning??



Like most of my settings, these two are from the IDW/MTMTE continuity. They are former decepticons who defected before the War was over (more info. will be disclosed later :D). Post War and they’re just trying to live a peaceful life, but that’s kind’ve hard when you ended up on the DJD’s list. Also, they are conjux ❤️

Individual Information


pronouns he/him

worked in Communications before he defected

his age is equivalent to early 30s

he turns into a boombox (specifically the ION Audio Party Rocker Go HighPower Boombox Portable Speaker with Party Starter Lights Black iSP147)

he is 20 feet tall

he weighs 3,700 lbs

he will eat anything placed in front of him

he has pica, which is where one craves/chews substances with no nutritional value

despite his alt being a boombox, Rave is not that loud of a mech (he does have his moments)

also, despite being in Communications, he as social anxiety (he will persevere through it when the situation calls for it)

he took longer to convince to defecting from the ‘cons

^^despite this, he came up with the escape plan

he’s allergic to oil


the little spoon

^^but not the bottom *winky face*

fears ducks

he cooks like a white woman


pronouns he/him

worked in SpecOps before defecting

his age is equivalent to early 30s

turns into a camera (specifically the Sony Alpha A6100)

he is 17 feet tall

he weighs 2,400 lbs

the more sensible of the two (he has his moments)

had to stop Rave from eating napkins once

the big spoon

^^NOT the top (another winky face)

also has social anxiety

^^also persevered through it when the situation required it

came up with the idea of defecting

he believed in the original cause of the decepticons, but as the War stretched on, he saw how they strayed from their original motivations and grew some major doubts

reads to Rave

fears needles

caught KOBD interfacing once

actually banned from the kitchen

cooks like a Victorian child discovering technology for the first time

More Information

the reason they defected was because they found out Nova was sparked

*in my AU, one does not get pregnant, rather when two (or more) mechs merge their sparks there is a 5% chance of getting sparked; mechs can also merge with the intent to create, and that raises the chance of a sparkling from 5% to 86%*

Rave initially wanted to name their child after Megatron, but Nova would not hear him out

^^they were then gonna name them Night Beat, only to discover that there was already a mech with that name

^^^they decided on the name Dead Beat, which they based on how they now viewed the current decepticon cause

Dead Beat is a femme

Rave and Nova are the best parents, although they do have dubious teaching skills

this little family does end up on the Lost Light

^^they had a really close call with the DJD which resulted in Rave getting badly injured

^^^once he was sure the DJD were no longer nearby Nova sent out a distress beacon, which was picked up by the Lost Light (who else lmao)

^^^^they were found and allowed aboard the ship; Rave was taken to the Medbay due to his injuries while Nova was taken to the brig out of precaution due to his intentions being unknown

^^^^^Nova had hidden Dead Beat under his armor when the ship initially touched down so no one knew there was a sparkling; when a member of the Lost Light’s high command came to check on their newest brig member, they were greeted with the sight of Nova having somehow equipped blankets guarding his kid, whom was asleep on his chassis

^^^^^^they were promptly taken to the Medbay where they got yelled at by Ratchet

Additional Images

Rave alt mode
Rave alt mode; back view
Nova alt mode
Nova alt mode
Dead Beat; art by @justashana
Dead Beat; art by @justashana
Dead Beat swaddled in a blanket; art by @justashana
Dead Beat; art by @justashana

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3 years ago

Comfort- Ratchet x Reader


TW/Bad relationships, self harm mention, self deprecating thoughts, suicidal thoughts mention, ED mention

It was another day of the same. The numbing exhaustion of the arguments and the venting filling my chest and head, rendering my face emotionless and hands sore from the excess of texts leaving my phone. Reading each message from my significant other driving me deeper into the dark hole I was in.

No matter what I said would soothe them, every offer shot down and argued against whilst complaining that there was nothing that could be done. It made my blood boil and stomach feel cold as I stared blankly at the messages, finally setting the phone down as I hold my head in my hands and softly sigh. Tears welling in my eyes but being choked back nearly immediately as I grabbed the phone again and typed out another message.

This had been going on for hours, the back and forth between an inconsolable lover and an exhausted one. Nothing I said seeming to help but still I push on, feeling sick to my stomach as they mentioned their self image. Now venting about the weight they have, and how they see themselves. I slid a hand down to my stomach and stare, jolting at the sound of a clearing throat.

“Yep-ep-ep, Stop that,” scolded the red-orange and white mech hunched over the desk beside me. His optics narrowed as he traces over my form and scoffs. “I never understood why humans feel the need to look at themselves like that,” he continued, rolling his optics before focusing back on his work.

I stayed silent, returning back to the phone and staring at the messages with a slightly twitching lip. The mech sighs again and leans against the railing, staring down at me with a raised optic ridge and poking me with the tip of his digit. An expectant look crossing his faceplates as he huffs and tilts his helm, a clear display of his annoyance.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered, hands shaking as I pressed for my phone to sleep a moment and adjusted to meet his gaze. Brilliant optics studying my blank stare as he ex-vents in annoyance and scoops me up off the couch, ignoring my cry of confusion as he pads down the hall of the base to his room. Sitting down on the berth and cupping his servos to give me a steady place to stand, his optics narrowed but voice sweet.

“Now, what is this about? You’ve been sighing and moping on the couch all day,” he said, optics holding nothing but concern as he strokes my back with his digit. The action provoking a small flare in my chest, almost bringing forward a positive emotion but not quite.

“It’s not that big of a deal, doc,” I merely shrugged and sat down in his servos. My expression blank as I stare at him, ignoring the pang through my heart as his face contorts to one of anger that he quickly quells.

“It’s them, isn’t it? Your significant other? You always get like this when they’re involved,” he huffed, judging my reaction. My shoulders slump and tears bubble up in my eyes at the mention, lip quivering at a ping from my phone. Ratchet quickly takes notice and nudges the device off his servo with his pinkie digit, hitting the floor with a quiet shattering noise as he cocks his helm.

“Oops,” he said, a hint of playfulness in his optics that has me gasping, peeking over his servo nervously, clinging to his thumb for support.

“Ratchet!” I cry, eyes wide and jaw dropped as I stare at the remains of my phone on the floor. His pede gently pushing it out of view as he stares down at me expectantly. I knew what he wanted, but I simply didn’t know if I should bother him with it or not. My head beginning to reel through the possibilities that I’m bothering him or that he’s not going to care. The idea that he has it worse flashing through my head, causing me to shut my mouth and go silent again.

He quietly hums and brings me closer to his chassis, stroking the top of my head with a digit as he leans back on the berth and rests me against his chassis. My eyes widening at the warmth of the metal as I snuggle in and look up to see a small smile crossing his features. His spark whirring loud enough to hear from this spot as well as his cooling fans kicking on.

“There, that’s better right?” He whispered, voice uncharacteristically soft as he covers my form with his servo. The protective action causing a small flare in my chest as I manage a tiny smile, staring at his optics as the feeling of fear that was surrounding me begins to fade. It’s not quite gone, but low enough for my shoulders to slump and my heart rate to slow.

My expression softens as I listen to his spark, tears slipping down my cheeks once I rest my head against the warm metal. Hand rubbing the area in front of my face gently while my legs tuck closer to me. A faint sound similar to a purr building in the mechs chassis, softly vibrating the area as he settles into the berth with a smile. His servo lovingly rubbing my back as he studies my face and relaxes, optics dimming once he’s comfortable.

“I’m proud of you. So very proud,” he whispers, optics twinkling as I begin to drift off in his hold. Sleep taking me while he rubs my back more, his purring growing louder and expression turning to one of adoration only rivaled by the face he makes for Optimus.

“So very important to me. You’ve come so far, now. You haven’t given up, and you won’t. I’m right here. Right here,” he mumbles, voice dropping slowly as he settles in a bit more. Optics flickering offline before he drifts off into recharge as well, servo cupped securely over my form and spark whirring.

The spark whirring just for me to hear.


It’s been a rough few days for me, and I’m no experienced writer. But I needed comfort and thought that maybe others might find comfort in it too.

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5 years ago

Preview to a ficlet I’m writing for Transformers

This is in response to a Mafia AU with Humanformers roleplay my friend is in. I was submitting this in response to a prompt given for the RP for the part of roleplaying as Ratchet.  The Prompt was: “ Optimus and Ratchet fighting because OP ignored a warning from him not to send out certain members and it ended up with some of them nearly dying and one currently in critical condition. “ It was pretty vague to give the writer the freedom to explore the possibilities of the scene.

I took my 3 paragraphs I wrote to get the part of Ratchet and made it my own starter for a ficlet I’m dubbing...

Whiskey Instead of Rubbing Alcohol

It had been ten hours since he left the medbay, ten hours of his hands deep in the gut of someone else, voice hoarse from barking order after order. It had been easy for him to fall into the adrenalin rush of having more patients than on-call nursing staff. The room where he had worked was freezing at one point but had since heated with the bodies that swarmed inside it like maggots to a corpse. In the chaos, he hadn’t realized how much blood had actually got on him and his once light blue scrubs were an ombre of reds. His arms still had specks of blood on them and he could feel the sweat still sliding down his face as he tried to calm his pounding heart. His eyes were thin slits as he squinted to deny the migraine that was begging to form behind his eyes. His shoulders were tense, boxed and seemed like a warrior getting ready to face off against an army he was outnumbered for. His breath shutters for what seems like the millionth time since he left the ward with all its patients in stable condition, and he bowed his head to rub at the bridge of his nose. Outnumbered like the men Optimus had sent into the fray with nothing more than a pep talk and some rushed instructions. 

His teeth grind so hard together he could feel the sandiness of his teeth slowly being whittled away. His hand slammed onto his desk from his nose, reaching again for the large jack-daniels and pouring the open bottle into his glass. He threw his head back as he took the entire glass like a shot, the burn spreading like a poison across his tongue and burning away his anxieties as it scorched down his throat before sending one last devil’s cry up his nose. As it settled to melt his stomach, he sputtered a cough, moisture pricking his eyes as he rapidly blinked to clear his vision, sure of when his vision cleared the body of one of his patients would be lying dead before him. He ran a trembling hand through his now spiked hair, trying to smooth it down as if it would soothe him, but his anger caused his hand to clench around the ends and pull with a force that ripped a few strains from his head. The burn of vinegar was pungent when mixed with the copper scent coming from the ward down the hall. 

His office was dimmed and the only light was that on his desk, the yellowed glow reflecting off his face and making him seem gaunt and sickly discolored. Heavy bags under his bloodshot eyes, staring blankly at the paperwork that would need to be filled out and filed later. He couldn’t bring himself to even recount in writing what he had to do to save those poor men- boys, they were so young- lives. His breath wavers as his shoulders shake with the manifestation of his frustrations and he shakily poured himself another glass. Occasional beeps drifted into his office from behind his closed door and it seemed to him as if the reaper was ringing his bell and trying to lure those boys to eternal sleep after all he tried to do to save them. He wouldn’t be surprised if at least three didn’t survive the night- but he hoped to any god above, if one existed, that they would all pull through. He didn’t think he could handle having to call their mothers with the news of their children’s youthful demise.

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5 years ago
imagines4abrokenheart - Sinful Imagines

Thank you so much for giving me the go ahead to request the matchup for Transformers MTMTE 💜I'm a 21 yr old female who dresses more androgynous. I'm also a Pisces so Im pretty reserved when i first meet people and tend to be very introverted. My morality is very situational but I live by "Do no harm, take no sh*t". I enjoying writing, playing RPG video games(the dirty secret is I love fps too). Im on the spectrum for autism and have trouble with textures/physical contact. Sorry it's long(1/2)

Thank You So Much For Giving Me The Go Ahead To Request The Matchup For Transformers MTMTE I'm A 21 Yr

I match you with Ratchet and Drift!

You and Ratchet got together before you even knew who this Drift was who Ratchet left Lost Light and you for. You heard about him from Ratchet and by what you heard you knew he harbored feelings not only towards you but also for the swordsmech. So with your blessing, Ratchet set out to find Drift and bring him back where he belongs.

Next time you two meet is in the middle of the battle against Decepticon Justice Division and knowing it might be the end of you all Ratchet introduces you and Drift to each other and you click immediately.

It’s your moral code, “Do no harm, take no shit” that captures Drift’s attention. What an interesting saying, is it from Earth? He likes it, it reminds him of Ratchet, which to the doctor grumbles, “We’re Autobots and we certainly don’t take this from those scrappy Decepticons!”

After the battle is over you three settle the things and to Ratchet’s joy, you and Drift like each other. The relationship may begin anew!

You have been writing ever since Ratchet left but your computer and everything you hold dear is in Lost Light that Getaway hijacked. Maybe it’s for the best, I mean, most of them were love poems, stories and novels so they could be a little bit embarrassing.

Drift loves playing RPG games with you and he plays as Lawfully Good and you have to tell him the sad truth that you can’t date a Krogan yet in these games. He can’t wrap his helm around the idea that humans haven’t developed a romantic route to Wrex, he is a catch! No one has the heart to play as the bad guy in this relationship expect from Ratchet but he has better things to do than to play some stupid shooting game where you can romance an alien. It takes you to blurt out that “That’s how you got me!” and Ratchet grumbles stubbornly and demands to get the controller, “Let me show how the best generation does it.”

Ratchet is a great medic, but he can only heal your scraped knee. When you first started dating and Ratched had left, he had insisted you see Rung. He should have been able to help to put your mind at ease. When Drift learns about your condition he tries to get you to meditate with him. You don’t need to touch in it and it improves your mind and anxiety.

Two of them get you a birthday present from Brainstorm. It’s a 3D first-person shooting game, made to be the most lifelike gaming system there is. Not only can you actually shoot with a finger on your trigger if you want, but it can also make popcorn and you can play it with friends or lovers! You go crazy on those zombies in Call Of Duty and as  Ratchet and Drift offer you backup against the living dead you keep making these dark jokes and puns. Ratchet retires, Drift takes the vow of silence, but no matter what they do, they can’t escape the puns. The puns that Drift can stand are light-hearted jokes.

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1 year ago

Thought I'd draw more of Izure and Ratchet

Thought I'd Draw More Of Izure And Ratchet
Thought I'd Draw More Of Izure And Ratchet
Thought I'd Draw More Of Izure And Ratchet
Thought I'd Draw More Of Izure And Ratchet
Thought I'd Draw More Of Izure And Ratchet
Thought I'd Draw More Of Izure And Ratchet
Thought I'd Draw More Of Izure And Ratchet

Typo in the last pic, *she often covers them with her hair

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10 months ago

Guess who’s been rewatching TFP?

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