Truly Scrumptious - Tumblr Posts

Me: *drinking water*
Me: *starts choking on water*

been a little slow with art so heres some mha x mystic messenger art i did a while back !! because i always have to combine my hyperfixations
close ups under cut!!

*Gobbles up your art*

absolute git
(anyways it's so PRETTYYY:3333 it's been some time since I saw shopping list lore/hj)

shopping list

Who's a-comin..? He's a-comin...! The star of the show!!!

A ghovie-related big thing I did as a commission for some adorable people from telegram
HAIR HAIR HAIR 😫😫😫🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

FUCKKK WHAT RHE FUCK GUYSS WHAT RHE FUCKKKKKK😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 OH NYOGOOODD (creds marmar0u on twitter this is so delicious beautiful amazing i’m shedding tears)
Me fr

Tack is so pretty I’m gonna explode
Oooooo pretty!

a normal etho
⪩⪨ Family Adams!Ateez ♡ GirlyPop!Reader ⪩⪨
cw: multiple possessive and slightly derogatory pet names, smut? probably?, VERY suggestive <- like real suggestive, jealousy, possessive behaviour, pathetic behaviour, they're losers in love, creepy behaviour? in the very end of yunho's segment, complicated feelings, poly relationship

— Gomez!Hongjoong who gets so angry whenever his brother Wednesday!Wooyoung keeps leaving his sweetheart's neck full of angry, possessive purple marks, his princess is HIS, and whoever else has the privilege of being allowed to do so much as touch her should treat her as what she is, someone else’s most precious possession which ultimately doesn't belong to them.
— Gomez!Hongjoong who only allows his boys to touch her at all because his many centuries of living within this dark mansion has proved to him that they’re the only men in this world, other than himself, who are deserving of being around his angel.
— Gomez!Hongjoong who sometimes gets too jealous and considers taking away the boy’s "touching the princess" privileges, but as soon as he thinks of how much she likes them he stops entertaining that idea immediately because he would rather force himself to ignore his possessive tendencies than to see his sweet girl upset over something he did.
— Gomez!Hongjoong who only allows his pup into his office so he can keep an eye on her somewhere he knows nobody else in the house would dare to come in, they know better. Who bought a fluffy white rug and a vintage pink armchair to put in the middle of his big office, right in front of his desk, so he could watch his lovely petal wasting the afternoon away watching things on her phone or reading a novel the whole day, all his to watch, all his to use and break, all his to keep on his lap while he’s working late at night, all his.

— Morticia!Hwa who woke up in tears in the middle of the night because he had a nightmare about God herself coming down to take their angel away from them and back to heaven, claiming that it was a mistake that she fell on earth and now she's taking her back.
— Poor Morticia!Hwa was in such distress he didn't even think before pounding his pretty puppy into oblivion, leaving scratches, bites, bruises and handprints all over her beautiful body as a desperate attempt to make her unholy, if there was anything about his girl that made her deserving of ever witnessing the golden gates, there wouldn't be anymore, not after he was done with her.
— Morticia!Hwa who pays for a whole new closet to be built and added to the master bedroom(which belongs to him, his princess and Gomez!HJ) all because he loves to dress her in pretty goth gowns that won't fit in just one closet, so he makes another.
— Morticia!Hwa who clicks his tongue in fake disgust when he holds his angel’s chin and judges her bright and cute makeup, who tells her that she should ask him for help to do darker makeup instead of ruining the family’s aesthetic. Who smiles to himself when his bratty doll sticks her little red tongue out at him and calls him a “toxic goth” for bothering her about her makeup.
— Morticia!Hwa who secretly adores her cute makeup and even gets off to the fact that she’s so different from everyone in the house but will keep bothering her about her looks until she ultimately goes to him to ask for help on doing a darker makeup look, then he’ll be able to sit his princess in his lap and look at her adorable face features while doing the very same makeup he wears everyday on her instead, his own little twisted way of making her his, even if she doesn’t even realize.

— Gomez’s Brother!Yunho who was so cautious about the family’s new “pet”(who was only the pet until G!Hongjoong and M!Hwa decided to claim her as their girl, less than a week after she got into the mansion) and was so sure that her personality was all for show and it wouldn’t take more than a month for her to lose her mind with the dynamics of their home, ultimately letting her true self shine through. Who was so bitter about not being correct on his assumptions of her as soon as he got his first taste of her, god, how he needed that.
— G. Brother!Yunho who is intoxicated with affection for this girl to the point he keeps traveling around for no specific reason, the real motive being to prevent him from becoming as dependent of her as the others in the house, he misses her a lot when he’s away, but knowing his and G!Hongjoong’s temper, it’s for the best that he doesn’t get too attached to her, sick possessiveness runs on the family.
— G. Brother!Yunho who buys her cute trinkets in all of his travels, who goes to every single vintage shop in and out of sight to get her unique things from everywhere around the world, everything she couldn’t have gotten from anyone else, anyone else other than him. Who gets all warm and fuzzy when he comes home and hears his girl’s quick footsteps coming down stairs to see him.
— G. Brother!Yunho who messages her on a daily basis, most of the old souls of his family refuse to use phones regularly, especially to talk to people inside their own house, he knows she is always free when it comes to messaging him, no matter who is actually with her physically, so he takes advantage of that.
— G. Brother!Yunho who gets not-so-innocently excited when she texts him “yeah!! I’m free to call :D” so cute, he could destroy her, but unfortunately his girl isn’t truly his to break. Who tells her his phone’s camera isn’t working properly and that’s why he won’t turn it on, while he gets off to her sweet voice in the most silent manner he can manage.

— Pet Servant!Yeosang who was not expecting to see a person coming home with his bosses after they told the whole house that they would go out on a mission to find the perfect family pet. Who was not disappointed or appalled by it either. Of course he had many actual animals to care for, The Adams have snakes, cats, dogs, fishes, just about any little thing that can show some sort of life in the house since they’re all so dead, but the girl was sure a fun new addition to his daily routine.
— Pet Servant!Yeosang who takes full advantage of the fact she loves animals to easily scoop her away all for him for the whole day whenever he starts the morning taking care of the snakes, she loves them but no one other than M!Seonghwa is allowed in the snake’s area, no one other than PS!Yeosang, who feeds them, cleans their spaces and makes sure they stay healthy. Who breaks one of his very few rules by bringing her into the snake area because she likes them, and he likes her.
— Pet Servant!Yeosang who allows her to change the pet’s collars to pretty bows just long enough for her to take cute pictures of them, then he changes it back to their black leather collars with spikes. Who sits in the garden with her the whole day while saying that he’s “watching out for the dogs”, he isn’t, he barely looks at them while she’s there. Who has decided that his favorite part of the day is the sweet kisses he gets to have with his kitty as soon as the sun starts fading out and the night arrives.
— Pet Servant!Yeosang who spends the rainy days with her lounging in The Adam's big living room, him slouched on the couch, hands massaging her soft(and often sore) thighs resting above his own while she reads a book, both enjoying comfortable silence.

+ thing!san has a normal body, his hand is just detachable +
— Thing!San who was already very excited about his new toy as soon as G!Hongjoong and M!Hwa walked into the house, only to be pleasantly surprised by the sight of a beautiful girl in a pretty skirt instead of a smelly animal. Who as soon as he realized how sweet and pure said girl was, decided to become her living nightmare.
— Thing!San who did it all, said all kinds of vulgar things to tease her out of nowhere, all of the things that made his pretty marionette snap her, usually all marked, neck at him in dangerous speeds. Who always laughed at her big reactions, who found it hilarious she behaved so innocently even after all of the filthy things they’ve done with her, to her.
— Thing!San who once overheard G!Hongjoong calling her “his marionette” and decided that’s the only nickname he would ever call her, shamelessly stealing her actual owner’s little pet name, just like he would shamelessly steal his girl the second he had a chance of doing so, the chance would never come, he knew it, but a man can be delusional every once in a century.
— Thing!San who sneaked his detached hand on her multiple times a day just to scare her, his hand came right back to him successfully every single time. Who everytime she complained about him scaring her made sure to remind his dear marionette just how much she loved his hand whenever he and Wednesday!Wooyoung played with her.
— Thing!San who fantasies daily about the possibility of using his special hand to touch his pretty girl while she’s with someone entirely, the idea of him not even being in the same room as her but still being the reason behind her sweet little sounds just makes him go a little bit insane, he hasn’t had the courage to talk with her or his house members about it yet, he will eventually, it's bound to happen.

— Manservant!Mingi who was just so, so, so shy as soon as her pretty face showed up in the door, he was so scared of her. Who never thought of himself as presentable or handsome, and was so embarrassed of doing so much as being in the same room as her, when he noticed that despite his distant behavior she continuously kept trying to talk to him, he gave up on hiding and faced the scary monster that was the prettiest girl he had ever seen.
— Manservant!Mingi who went out his way to start reading books so he would have something to talk about with the pretty girl instead of just listening to her rambles, as much as he enjoyed them, he wanted nothing more than for her to find him interesting, cool even, it was his dream.
— Manservant!Mingi who opened up about feeling unattractive and insecure in comparison to the other men in the house and listened very carefully as she explained to him that he was just as handsome as them, the only difference was that they had a very specific style wich fit them well, and they took advantage of it.
— Manservant!Mingi who went all smiley with his precious girl to the mall to search for things he liked, who was confident enough to joke with her and was just so giddy when she laughed. Who has trouble falling asleep because his brain keeps replaying all of their sweet moments together. Who after a while starts having trouble falling asleep because his mind keeps replaying all of their sinful moments that make his mouth water and his body shake.
— Manservant!Mingi who years after the arrival of his dear girl looked unrecognizable, multiple piercings and some tattoos here and there, who started dressing with clothes he liked instead of the work clothes he used to, so much more talkative, much more of a goofball, a proud goofball, who actually had conversations with the people of the house and felt like a part of their family. And about her, God, he loves her. His sweet little thing, who he leans down to multiple times a day so she can hold his face with her pretty hands and place a thousand kisses on his cheeks.

— Wednesday!Wooyoung who was convinced upon first sight that he would have to ignore her constantly and was so sure she would be nothing but a pain in his ass with her pink clothes and her shiny hair that looked so soft and smelled so good. She smelled good all the time, it annoyed him, spending such a long time inside meant he was pretty much used to the same 8 smells for such a long time. Then this lil kitten turned human shows up with her pretty kissable face and plush red lips and long sparkly nails and the sugary tone of her voice and… Oh, oh no. He likes her.
— Wednesday!Wooyoung who kept telling her to stop following him everywhere after he started showing up in all of her favorite places in the mansion, who dreamed that at some point she would like him enough to follow him around like she did with his older brother.
— Wednesday!Wooyoung who discovers a new side of himself while he teases her alongside Thing!San. Him who was always the reserved, quiet one of their friendship, most reserved and quiet one of the whole house, had seemed to have found a new passion in bothering their favorite girl, as time went on he became louder and louder and the boys seemed to be amused watching him change into someone else right in front of their eyes, that was, until he started bothering them as well.
— Wednesday!Wooyoung who somehow always ends up as her little toy that she walks around with through the whole mansion the entire day because once they hold hands for some reason in the morning, he simply doesn’t have the heart to let go and just allows her to drag him like a ragdoll while pretending to be annoyed, he secretly loves it. Who keeps telling her every single scary story that comes to his mind(or he makes up at the spot) only to not-so-discreetly offer his companion to protect her when the night comes around.
— Wednesday!Wooyoung who gets pathetically addicted to her, her scent, her voice, the feeling of her hand on his, the feeling of her lips on his, the feeling of her body on his, he’s long gone. Who takes far too much pride in being the person G!Hongjoong and M!Hwa allow to sleep with their precious doll on the all too rare occasions that they aren’t home. He spends these glorious days teasing her about experimenting with group intimacy, said experiment would be kept as their little secret. Nothing actually happens, he knows that their girl is far too obedient and would be telling her owners about everything as soon as they arrived back home, but a boy can dream.

— Bodyguard!Jongho who was, at the very least, really confused when he arrived to pick up M!Hwa to his monthly trip to the town’s most fancy mall and said man walked out of his mansion not only with his husband, but also with someone else, someone new. His bosses didn’t give him much information about her, they have always been secretive so it came as no surprise, they only told him that she was a new addiction to the family, therefore, outside of the mansion; she was under his protection too.
— Bodyguard!Jongho who found all too amusing just how gentle yet undeniably obsessed his bosses managed to act around their new found passion over this girl, he wondered what was it about her that would make these well put together men act like feral dogs protecting their territory. Who just after his second ever encounter with The Adam’s girl, got his answer, he, who barely spoke to his bosses during all these years of serving them, found himself laughing comfortably and even engaging in her never stopping rambles.
— Bodyguard!Jongho who allows her to doll him up while they hang out in his parked car, ready to go home, not wanting to just yet. Who lets her put sparkly makeup all over his face and test different lip combos with her newly bought makeup, who plans on letting his hair grow a little bit so she can play with his hair like she does with PS!Yeosang or W!Wooyoung, he’s sure that she does it with M!Seonghwa as well but he’s never seen it.
— Bodyguard!Jongho who shoves information about silly things she likes in the boy’s group chat, any movies she mentions, any new style she’s looking into, any new interests at all, they all do it but he does it the most selflessly for sure, while the others hide most of the information they pick from her to use to their own advantage.
— Bodyguard!Jongho who doesn’t allow himself to be delusional when it comes to The Adams’s girl. He knows that at the end of the day his little shot of a expresso of a person isn’t truly his, nor will she ever be, he’s fine with that, as long as he keeps his head in place and doesn’t let himself fall into the dreamland, which she proves time and time again to be quite the challenge, he’ll be fine and she’ll be safe, and that’s what matter the most for all of them.

; these are all just oh my stars. They're so !?? Stunning !?? Burkina Faso especially the pattern is so cool. /gen ( btw what's the wooden posts for ?? Are they simply for decoration orr ?? /genq )
some really beautiful african architecture because honestly this site is so western-centric




burkina faso



burkina faso
please add more if you can!

@seashoreships as promised <3 them
the luckiest
word count: 3779 tags: established relationship, angst, angst with a happy ending summary: Evan’s been increasingly…distant isn’t the right word. Distracted, maybe. Tense, definitely. Tommy would be lying if he said he hasn’t been waiting for the pressure to pop his cork. He just wasn’t expecting for it to happen over the fucking mail.
read it on ao3
thinking about how crowley gave humans the ability to know good from evil and aziraphale gave them the ability to fight for themselves
how these two gifts are painful if they aren't together, because knowing what's right but being unable to fight for it is hopeless and fighting without knowing what's right is chaos