Tubbolive - Tumblr Posts - Page 2
Day 2/31 of drawing Minecraft YouTubers
Today Tubbo!
Tommy and tubbo roommates pog?
They both said how they wanna move into a house together right? Here’s a take on that:
Obviously, Tommy and tubbo appearing irl on each other’s streams more
Tommy’s face cam FINALLY shows a new location. We don’t get to see the closet and the shelf and the door anymore :(
When Tommy gets a technical issue he looks back and shouts ‘TUBBO- TUBBO HELP’
And in tubbo’s stream you can pick up the yells and tubbo looks to the direction of the voice ‘whaaaaaat tommy??’ He shouts back
‘TOBY MY FUCKIN MIC JUST BROKE AND SHIT- TOBY HELP ME’ tubbo leans to the mic, ‘just a moment chat’ and takes his headphone off, mutes, and heads out.
On Tommy’s stream you see him waiting and then boom tubbo is in his webcam and they bicker a bit over technical issues. ‘Thanks’ ‘no problem’ ‘aight imma farm primes now see ya’ then stream continues.
Imagine they go on and stream but they wear each other’s iconic shirts. It’ll be so cool. Tubbo’s shirt kinda small and Tommy’s shirt mostly just hanging off tubbo’s shoulders.
They win MCC and Tommy jumps up from his chair, gives a victory cry, runs out of his room and
In tubbo’s stream you hear a bang and tubbo stands up estatic and they both holler and hi five and jump together and give powerful back pats
Tommy’s stream can hear the celebration faintly and (if they can see a door) they see tommy and tubbo bro hug and act feral through Tommy’s open doorway.
Bc tubbo is streaming past dinner time, at some point tommy comes in with a plate of food and a glass of water for tubbo to consume.
As he does you see him tower over a sitting tubbo, his head pops in from the top, and he says, ‘Hi chat!’ Then goes away.
If one is streaming and the other isnt, the other sometimes goes into the one’s room and just sit on their bed or floor and they chat. The streaming one looking at them every now and then.
Rare moments where they say ‘you wanna see him, chat?’ And turn the face cam to face the other, whose either slouched against something looking at his phone, or just lying flat down.
Tommy makes more irl videos where he pranks tubbo or basically does stuff with tubbo.
Tommy playing piano on stream pog?
Tubbo cooking streams but we get to see tommy pass by every now and then,
Or maybe tommy gets tasked with skipping annoying donations.
When tubbo opens the fridge it reveals a stack of coke lmao
They play fnaf together :D
If it’s Tubbo’s stream he’ll close tab before the actual jumpscare, yelp, and Tommy would be ‘wha- what? What happened-’ and/or be a bit spooked as well and/or laugh the iconic Tommy laugh at tubbo’s reaction
If it’s Tommy’s stream he leans back in his chair quickly and scream, horrified, and tubbo, lacking a chair with a backseat, flings himself back 2 meters.
Tubbo’s headphones rip out, he covers his face, let’s out a curdling scream, while tommy keeps yelling. Tommy looks back to see a pile of half-dead tubbo, and they both cry internally to each other until they hit around the 1 hour mark.
Or, they would grab each other, Tommy staring at the screen and shouting, tubbo screaming as his head snaps away from the screen.
They end up in a fear fueled hug and tubbo pulls Tommy to the floor where they just awkwardly lie there gripping each other’s arms. Tommy cursing and tubbo’s ‘oh my god oh my god-’
They open a PO box together and like every now and then they stream in another setting, like a living room on a couch, and open the stuff people send them.
Just a small thought, but LanuSky (tubbo’s sis) could be there as well-
Tubbo carries his face cam while streaming and walks into Tommy’s room while Tommy is streaming, and shows chat how bad his posture is ;)
Tubbo says something sweet, smiles at Tommy and Tommy looks at him like ‘wtf dude’ (for comedic effect) and the chat goes ‘AWWWWW’
Far fetched but uh- sleeping stream? It’s probably tubbo’s live and they pillow fight and play games and snack and sleep(ofc). But holy- a pillow fight would be great.
If Lani ties tubbo’s hair what’s to say she can’t tie Tommy’s hair?
Tommy’s outdoor stream and a fire is set (again) but tubbo is present so he starts chanting ‘we didn’t start the fire-’
They go to Twitchcon together!! They have a station together!! Wefies with fans TOGETHER!!!!!!!
They are present more in each other’s Instagram pics now.
(Etc; them eating after tubbo’s cooking stream, TWO BIG MEN OUT IN WOODS, HOPE WE DONT GET MUGGED, them both squatting under a tree or smth and pogging)
That’s all for now.
Manburg festival execution but tommy dies
Context: I was writing a comment on an epic YouTube animatic and got carried away ⬇️

Oh man I love writing angst
I actually wrote this like plotting an animatic so it’s kinda of not emotional but imagine
Tommy and Tubbo roommates headcannons part 1.5

Say it’s a winter’s night, Tommy’s heater is broken, so after he finishes streaming he’s tired and cold so he just heads over to Tubbo’s room, who has a working heater. Tubbo’s is streaming, so tommy makes a brief entrance then just lounges around of tubbo’s bed.
Then he just- falls asleep.
Tubbo was making small talk with Tommy, and after a short period of not tommy chatter, he looks up at him, ‘Tommy? Tommy you there?’ And when Tommy doesn’t respond he just breaks into a grin
‘Haha- chat- tommy just- tommy just came into my room, and fell asleep’ and giggles as he continues to stream and his chat goes crazy. They beg him to show tommy, ‘you guys want to see tommy sleeping? What? Ok lmao’
The camera is turned around, and you see a body slouched on tubbo’s bed, legs curled up and arms wrapped around his torso. Chats goes PeepoLove and POGCHAMP and Sleepyinnit
After streaming, tubbo probably just lets Tommy crash on his bed, whilst he ends up sleeping on a mattress on the floor.
Once tommy finds out he’ll be jokingly enraged
If the roles were switched, tubbo would go into Tommy’s room, Tommy being, ‘oh hello tubbo!’ And tubbo explains that his heater is broken, Tommy laughs at him, and he streams with tubbo sitting behind him for the next few minutes.
Tubbo wouldent fall asleep in his room during a stream bc tommy is so loud
After ending, they’d just get on with their night routines, as well as providing another mattress for tubbo to lie on.
Tommy wakes up the next morning, forgetting tubbo crashed in his room and trips over Tubbo.
SNHSKSHS I just got inspiration there’s just so much to work with it’s great
Smp!tommy ‘s character is so passionate and dense.
His willpower is astounding, but his focus is so strong he’s blinded from more peaceful alternatives, due to have grown in surroundings that usually use conflict as pleasure or solutions.
His environment forced him to be strong willed and focused, but he never got a chance to widen his perspectives on things, making him strong but narrow minded.
His narcissism makes him difficult to manipulate, but also makes it hard to communicate with allies.
He can see certain stuff clearly, while being equally obnoxious and ignorant of others, and holy shit I love this.
Tommy can only communicate with people under certain conditions, if they so much as break out of the strict line, communication is futile.
Because tubbo had different goals from his now, Tommy knows their bond is breaking, but isn’t able to find the best solution because it requires him to put his ego aside and accept that he’s wrong.
He wants to apologise genuinely, but he can’t find the right reason to be sorry for
And usually, tubbo would just let him off. They go straight back to being good friends. In this scenario tho, they don’t really go back, as tubbo clearly sees that Tommy doesn’t know what he should be sorry for. It also doesn’t solve their problems.
He sees that Tommy doesn’t understand the seriousness of the situation he’s dragged lmanburg in, or how tubbo is forced to choose ONLY between Tommy and L’Manburg.
Tommy didn’t understand that staying quiet and serving the probation would keep him in lmanburg, the walls would be taken down, and he wouldent have to consider sacrificing the disc.
Because tubbo wishes to avoid war, which is something tommy couldent understand. Tommy thrives in war, and never took notice of tubbo’s choice, even if it was logically right.
And even though he didn’t understand fully, (and ig was sleep deprived lol) he still couldent follow tubbo’s one request, a beg even, which says a lot about how ‘equal’ the two friends were supposed to be.
In a situation as precarious as theirs, being the bestest and most lenient of friends are not very useful. Tommy can’t stop taking it personally, as his character is one that follows their emotions.
To him, exile is betrayal, when in reality, is safer for him and lmanburg and his discs. He is extremely against probation, even tho it’s better than getting exiled.
Tommy can’t seem to compromise, until he’s hit bedrock. And despite everyone’s best effort to make it better, his willpower certainly exceeds all.
Idk it’s 3 am
Tubbo is probably stronger than Tommy o_o
I can’t believe it’s a canonical life fact
The man did NATIONAL trampolining, which means he’s trained for competition and he can handle jumping like, METERS high and doing a triple back flip, brace and recovering quick and fine.
Tommy is one lanky twiggy boi, and his back would probably snap in 10 different places if he attempted what tubbo did /j
And after jumping and spinning like a fidgit spinner, man would probably collapse or be unable to walk straight at least.
And given the epic vlog, tubbo can balance on a surf board, which is already pretty poggers when compared to *cough* my own personal strength *cough*
Not saying Tommy’s bad at balancing on surf boards, but he certainly can’t do national trampolining
And Tommy mentioned that he’s got low blood pressure (in big q’s food competition vid)
that probably makes him more prone to dizziness, nausea, fatigue and fainting bc his head ain’t got enough blood, or he’s overheated or dehydrated or sweating too much or exhaustion *
*I’m not a medical professional, idk what type of low blood pressure he has, so I’m gonna assume he can experience every symptom via every possible cause that www.google.com tells me.
And rp wise, said possible causes are very common in war ngl.
I bet, if tubbo and Tommy actually wrestled in real life, tubbo would win by a sliver.
Bc tubbo’s actually got the bodily strength, but Tommy is way bigger than him. It’s like throwing a large jacket on a cat.
My take on Tubbo origins

Also when asked his name, because tubbo is young baby he can’t even read his own name, so he pronounces ‘Toby’ as ‘tubbo’
I have a second alternative which was he doesn’t remember, so tommy helps him make a name.
Starting with T and O because T-O-mmy and ‘bee’ bc tubbo likes bees
And then the other sleepy boys see it as adjust it to ‘Toby’ (toe-bee) and ‘tubbo’ (tuh-bow) and everyone is cool w it
I only have the second alternative bc the names Tommy and Toby are so coincidentally similar it hurts.
Tommy did what now- holy shit.
That means he has muscle strength to carry himself, and a strong grip. And playing Table Tennis means he has good accuracy for hitting things. And overall great hand eye coordination.
So tommy could probably somewhat wack tubbo away and tubbo can take being flung in the air.
But what can spiderinnit and fidgit spinner tubbo do when a 6’6 teenger in platforms come charging at em?
The fact tubbo and ranboo are literally the same age (I think) is sending me
When ranboo reaches them, they’d be screwed BUT if tommy throws tubbo at ranboo they MIGHT stand a chance.
Tubbo is probably stronger than Tommy o_o
I can’t believe it’s a canonical life fact
The man did NATIONAL trampolining, which means he’s trained for competition and he can handle jumping like, METERS high and doing a triple back flip, brace and recovering quick and fine.
Tommy is one lanky twiggy boi, and his back would probably snap in 10 different places if he attempted what tubbo did /j
And after jumping and spinning like a fidgit spinner, man would probably collapse or be unable to walk straight at least.
And given the epic vlog, tubbo can balance on a surf board, which is already pretty poggers when compared to *cough* my own personal strength *cough*
Not saying Tommy’s bad at balancing on surf boards, but he certainly can’t do national trampolining
And Tommy mentioned that he’s got low blood pressure (in big q’s food competition vid)
that probably makes him more prone to dizziness, nausea, fatigue and fainting bc his head ain’t got enough blood, or he’s overheated or dehydrated or sweating too much or exhaustion *
*I’m not a medical professional, idk what type of low blood pressure he has, so I’m gonna assume he can experience every symptom via every possible cause that www.google.com tells me.
And rp wise, said possible causes are very common in war ngl.
I bet, if tubbo and Tommy actually wrestled in real life, tubbo would win by a sliver.
Bc tubbo’s actually got the bodily strength, but Tommy is way bigger than him. It’s like throwing a large jacket on a cat.
Ranboo and tubbo’s wedding be like
When tubbo first proposed, he kneeled down, and said ‘ranboo, will you be my beloved and let me take all your items?’
They have their marriage at Church Prime🙏✨
Tommy is the flower boy(flowers from niki), the best man and the bell ringer, ring bearer
Phil and Techno are there for- uh- ig Techno for ranboo and Phil for both
Micheal is sitting on uncle techno’s lap bc ✨pig solidarity✨
Ghostbur would’ve been the priest but he’s kinda gone so they make master wu gui the priest
The egg people can’t really go inside, so they watch from outside
Tubbo and ranboo standing next to each other, the height difference is very prominent.
Ranboo is in his usual suit,
Tubbo just wears his snowchester stuff
Tommy performs a one man wedding show, throwing rocks and flowers, before tearing up in his schlatt buisiness suit and saying his best man speech, runs back to get the ‘rings’ acts voices master wu gui.
The rings I’m thinking are little red heart necklaces on necklace chains.
Tommy gives ranboo and tubbo their allocated hearts, then stands atop the pedestal,
‘We are gathered here today for the wedding of big man tubbo and ranboob. Uh- say your vows or something’
‘... no? No? You both forgot to write vows? Haha- ok’
‘Big man, open the heart pendant,’
Tubbo opens it to show ‘tubbo my beloved’ and shows it to ranboo
‘Ranboo, will you allow tubbo underscore, big T, small T, Tubzo, Big man, [a bunch of other nicknames] to be your beloved, even through sickness and death, something something I forgot?’
Ranboo is laughing, ‘yeah ok’
Tubbo struggles to put the necklace onto ranboo so ranboo does it himself,
The same thing but with tubbo,
‘Tubbo underscore, will you accept boob boy to be your beloved?’
Tubbo excitedly says yes
‘You may now prime’
Everyone asks for primes, ranboo, tubbo and Tommy mercilessly ringing the prime bell.
They all came out richer in the end.
(Is this shipping? I’m not sure if it’s ok or not bc im pairing them up into a platonic relationship and not a romantic relationship?-)
Ranboo: "Do you sleep talk?" Yeah, um, so, Tubbo made a list of the things that I said, and I'm gonna tell you the two creepiest ones that I said. Because I slept talked a lot and it was proper yelling as well. So, one of them was.. um- *changes subgoal* but basically, right, one of them was- I just screamed and started to bang the wall with my fist. So you just hear, like, random noises and then me just going "PAH! PAH! PAH! PAH! PAH! PAH! PAH!" like that; and then another one is that I actually got up, walked over, right, looked him directly in the eyes apparently and said "welcome boys and girls", and then walked back; and apparently I also said- I also cursed a lot apparently. Yeah, I walked over, I just stare and I just went "welcome boys and girls", just like full speed and everything. So, um, as you can see this is affecting me well.. Yeah. So I, um, kind of did that. I swore, apparently, a lot, which is really really funny; and then I also just did a bunch of screaming and everything. I said "it feels like there's a thousand gloves", I said that. I also- I apparently, I just, like, rolled over a lot. I, like, shook, you know? I, like, shook, which was weird. I just kept on hitting the wall. Yeah.. Yeah. So, um, that was cool. That was, um- yeah.. yeah.. That's- *laughs* we're doing great, chat *talks about changing subgoal*. So, yeah, it was really really weird. Because I apparently just, like- I sleep walk apparently, a lot. Like, a lot. *laughs* Um, so.. that is something new, that is something new for me.. that is something new for me, chat, that is definitely a new thing. It's terrifying.. legitimately terrifying... *changes subgoal* enderwalk? Yeah, I guess.. I guess..

haven't drawn dsmp in a hot minute but michael being back made me happy enough for some morning sketches
Sleepy little boy! :3

over the garden wall au where Wilbur is Wirt, Tommy is Gregg, Tubbo is Beatrice, Ranboo is the woodsman, Dream is the beast and Techno is a literal pig instead of the frog. That is all. Good night.
that's it,,,I'm gonna write this,,,for spooky season
over the garden wall au where Wilbur is Wirt, Tommy is Gregg, Tubbo is Beatrice, Ranboo is the woodsman, Dream is the beast and Techno is a literal pig instead of the frog. That is all. Good night.
Bench Trio-centric zombie apocalypse au with background sbi but it's just poorly written notes, by me:
-Tommy and Tubbo were 13 when the apocalypse began, and the two of them are very close childhood friends. Tommy was at a sleepover at Tubbo's when the apocalypse began and zombies attacked the house. In a midst of fear they hid in the attic for days, listening to the horrors going on outside, until they eventually had to leave for food.
-Tubbo lived with his aunt Puffy and his two cousins Foolish and Dream before everything began. He doesn't know where they are but fears the worst. Tommy hasn't seen his father or brother either. It's been four years. He doesn't like to think about it much.
-Ranboo and his mom's were on holiday when the apocalypse happened. One of them was bitten, and he was forced to kill her. The other died during a raid by a group of surviours leaving Ranboo alone in an unfamiliar place.
-Tommy and Tubbo found Ranboo a few months into the apocalypse. They were running from zombies and quite literally bumped into eachother.
-Tommy was very skeptical of having another person tagging along with them, but Tubbo took to their new friend immediately and insisted he stay with them. They've been friends ever since.
-After two years of fending for their lives, dodging death and the undead together, the trio meet a kind man that is willing to help them. His name is Sam and he had a car and a radio that he would use to try contact other surviours, but no one else reached out. Only one station ever played anything beside static: American Pie by Don McLean.
-Tommy really liked Sam as he reminded him of his dad, Phil. Out of the trio, Tommy was probably the closest with Sam. They would go on supply runs together and Sam was the one that taught Tommy how to actually defend himself.
-Unfortunately, the bench trio can't have nice things so one day, on a supply run at an abandoned gas station the group is attacked by a large horde. There was no sign of escape until Sam threw the keys to Ranboo and told the three of them to run while he held them off.
-Ranboo had to teach himself to drive. He has been the designated group driver since then.
-Which brings us to present day; The trio are still going strong in Sam's car. Tubbo is hellbent on finding other surviours and spends most of the time they're not fighting for their lives working on the radio (it still plays that song over and over, Tommy is sick of it but Ranboo quite enjoys it. They argue about it frequently) but nothing ever happens.
-That is, until one day it does.
-They're driving, as they often do. Tommy sits in the front seat, Ranboo driving and Tubbo in the back. The radio is still playing American Pie - much to Tommy's annoyance - and then it crackles off and a voice calls out for anyone listening. Obviously they jump to reply.
-the voice - named Niki - tells them about a surviour camp on the otherside of the city and for the first time in the trios life, they have hope.
-They set off immediately, but - because the bench trio can't have nice things - lots of things go wrong. The main being Ranboo getting bit.
-He hides it for as long as he can, but around three quarters through his journey things get too much for him and he is forced to tell Tommy and Tubbo.
-This is where things get complicated because none of them want Ranboo to die. Tommy suggests cutting off the bite like they do in Zombie films but the bite is somewhere rlly inconvenient like his shoulder or something so they can't do that.
-Tubbo is the one that suggestes they try create a cure from Ranboo's infected blood. It's a long shot but it might work. However it will take a long time, a lot of blood samples and a break in to the nearest science lab.
-But Ranboo isn't willing to wait that long and potentially put his closest friends in the world at risk just from being around him. So, while Tommy and Tubbo are asleep, he leaves in the middle of the night.
-When they wake up to find Ranboo gone, Tommy and Tubbo dedicate a week to searching for him - this week includes the two of them taking turns horribly driving around and screaming out Ranboo's name. When they don't find him, Tommy decides that they need to keep moving, to get to the camp. Reluctantly, Tubbo agrees on the condition that he continues to try create a cure.
-And the two set off.
-When the apocalypse began, Techno was on the bus home from college. He never made it back to his house.
-He has spent most of the four years alone. Apart from roaming around with Bad and Skeppy - two people he met along the way - but they went their separate ways after Bad and Skeppy wanted to create a haven for survivors. Techno couldn't stay in the one place as he was intent on finding his family.
-He never did find them, even though he's been searching for four years.
-Unlike his brothers, Wilbur was at home eating dinner when the apocalypse started. His first thought was of Tommy, about his safety. His second was the zombie trying to eat his face.
-He and Phil were evacuated out of the city with most of citizens - much to his protest, they needed to find Tommy - and escorted to a temporary military camp that doesn't last long before its swarmed with the undead.
-Together with more survivors they grew to know (like Niki, Jack, Eret, Fundy) they survive together, eventually creating their own gated camp.
-Wilbur and Phil used to believe that one day Tommy and Techno would somehow find their way back to them. But as time passed, Phil slowly started to lose hope.
-He doesn't have the heart to tell Wilbur that though.
-In the camp, Jack, Eret and Fundy are scavengers that go out beyond the walls for supplies while Wilbur and Phil tend to the farm and Niki man's the radio, looking for other people out there to expand the camp (the crew boys)
-Wilbur keeps up hope that one day his family will be reunited, that the next voice he hears on the radio will be Tommy's or Techno's.
-But this hope dies when Puffy stumbles through the gates.
-She explains that she told Tommy and Tubbo to hide in the attic before she was evactuaded. She has no idea if they're alive or if they even made it out of attic.
-Heartbroken,Wilbur and Phil make the boys an empty grave. It's the least they can do.
-Wilbur never visits this grave, still in denial. He still waits up at night for Tommy every night.
-Techno was a surprise, stumbling upon the damp by accident resulting in a tearful SBI reunion which only becomes more tearful when Techno asks where Tommy is.
-Upon seeing the grave, Techno only wishes he could've been there from the start.
-He becomes the lead defender for the camp.
-Months pass, and soon another member joins the camp.
-His name is Sam. And he is adiment on using the radio.
au where Tommy is an orphan, right. He never knew his family and has lived in a shitty orphanage his whole life. Then one day, he inherits a shit ton of money and land from a distant relative he never knew existed.
Which is great, right? Lots of money, a big ass house, no more shitty orphanages. Sounds fantastic!
One thing though, the aforementioned bigass house? Yeah, it's smack bang in the middle of a bigger ass graveyard - Which Tommy also owns now.
Oh, and it's infested with ghosts (the rest of the SMP) that only Tommy seems to see.
And like, all the ghosts are from different eras in time. Like Wilbur is a poet from the 1800's, Phil is a grounds keeper from the 80's, Niki is a baker from the 17th century, Puffy is a pirate captian that died while docking at the house, Tubbo is a victorian chimney sweep and Techno is a Knight ect.
But here's the thing: all the ghosts died under mysterious circumstances and they can't move on to the next life until they figure out how they died. So not only does Tommy havd to deal with going to a new school - and this kid named Ranboo that is perisitent on befriending him (Tommy is quite against this, because yknow, he's got a little ghost problem) - a creepy butler named Dream that acts like a character out of a stereotypical murder mystery movie; he also has to solve multiple centery old mysteries to help his new friends find peace.
Edit: so...ive written this
So...I've written this
au where Tommy is an orphan, right. He never knew his family and has lived in a shitty orphanage his whole life. Then one day, he inherits a shit ton of money and land from a distant relative he never knew existed.
Which is great, right? Lots of money, a big ass house, no more shitty orphanages. Sounds fantastic!
One thing though, the aforementioned bigass house? Yeah, it's smack bang in the middle of a bigger ass graveyard - Which Tommy also owns now.
Oh, and it's infested with ghosts (the rest of the SMP) that only Tommy seems to see.
And like, all the ghosts are from different eras in time. Like Wilbur is a poet from the 1800's, Phil is a grounds keeper from the 80's, Niki is a baker from the 17th century, Puffy is a pirate captian that died while docking at the house, Tubbo is a victorian chimney sweep and Techno is a Knight ect.
But here's the thing: all the ghosts died under mysterious circumstances and they can't move on to the next life until they figure out how they died. So not only does Tommy havd to deal with going to a new school - and this kid named Ranboo that is perisitent on befriending him (Tommy is quite against this, because yknow, he's got a little ghost problem) - a creepy butler named Dream that acts like a character out of a stereotypical murder mystery movie; he also has to solve multiple centery old mysteries to help his new friends find peace.

Late post be yeeeee