Tw // Injury - Tumblr Posts - Page 2
They grow up so fast ( @mustangs-flames )

some art i made of one of my ocs. her name is elizabeth btw, and she’s a ghost.
more injury prompts bc reasons
“ no— stop. go on ahead. i can take care of this myself. ”
“ fuck. i think something’s wrong. ”
“ shit it hurts. i can’t move. ”
“ i don’t think i can keep going like this. ”
“ is that my blood? that’s my blood… ”
“ if i tell you to leave me behind, would you listen? ”
“ well. there goes my favorite shirt. ”
“ it feels like i can’t breathe i— ”
“ how bad is it— wait don’t tell me. i don’t think i wanna know. ”
“ i can’t feel it. ”
“ i don’t wanna sound like a wimp but this is really freakin’ me out. ”
“ i’m scared. please don’t…please don’t let me die. ”
“ it’s okay. think i can walk. ”
“ i’ll be okay but i’m gonna need to get this bandaged and fast. ”
“ is this the part where i’m supposed to be heroic and say it’s just a scratch? ”
“ i think i’m going into shock. ”
“ i was just trying to be brave. like you. ”
“ please be okay, please be okay. fuck! ”
“ well this isn’t how i pictured i’d be sweeping you off your feet. ”
“ i can’t get to it to stop bleeding— it won’t stop. ”
“ okay, i’m gonna keep some pressure on this and we’re gonna get you some help, alright? ”
“ no. don’t move. you need to stay still. ”
“ i’m sorry— i was gonna try to help but it happened so fast. ”
“ please don’t die i really don’t need that kind to trauma right now. ”
“ if it hurts, good. it means you’re still going. now just hold on a little longer. ”
“ no, shit. fuck okay. we’re gonna fix you i promise. ”
“ shit shit shit shit. ”
“ i dunno what i’m supposed to do— what do i do?! ”
“ you’re going into shock, alright? i need you to just focus on my voice. ”
“ no— don’t take the fucking knife out. ”
“ fuck. that’s a lot of blood. ”
“ jesus christ i am not prepared for this. ”
“ if you die for me i’m gonna be really fucking mad keep your eyes open. ”
“ you shouldn’t have done that. fuck. ”
“ you did really good. i’m proud of you. just relax now. ”
“ if you die it’ll be like my villain origin story so. don’t die. ”
“ you bleed so pretty, don’t you think? ”
“ shit— shit i didn’t mean to… ”
“ huh. i thought it’d take more than that to bring you to your knees. ”
“ this really isn’t personal, you know. ”
“ i could’ve made this quick and painless if you hadn’t tried to fight me. ”
“ this didn’t have to happen. ”
“ why did you get in the way?! ”
“ oh fuck, i’m sorry. i’m so sorry! ”
“ after all this time. and it was so easy. ”
“ if you want to live, don’t follow me. ”
“ next time, i’ll go for the heart. ”
“ i told you to stay out of my way. ”
“ i know you’re probably about to go into shock so pay attention. don’t take the knife out. this won’t kill you if you stay down and let me go. ”
“ are you really still trying to fight? ”
“ stay down! ”
“ shh-sh-sh just breathe. it’ll all be over soon. ”
“ i’m sorry. i wish i didn’t have to do this. ”
“ you brought this on yourself. ”
Oh, it's anything but okay. TK realized it the moment he lost sight of Carlos and then heard the echoes of the gunshots. With the 126 being the first aid vehicle to arrive at the scene, they were there just in time to witness Carlos running after the robbers and disappearing around the corner of some alley. Which is never good. If New York taught him anything, as cliché as it is, it's that alleys are where the bad things happen.
Despite the order to stay on standby and wait for the Chief of Police for further instructions, TK runs off the moment the booming sound of gunfire reaches them. He thinks he hears Tommy and Nancy calling after him, but pays them no mind. Even without the police sirens blaring he's sure that he wouldn't have heard them over the blood rushing in his ears.
A flutter of panic has his heart skipping beats as he rounds the corner and is faced with his worst nightmare. Carlos on the ground – unmoving – with his partner, Officer Mitchell kneeling down to press her hands against the wound. TK practically falls down on his knees on Carlos' other side, batting away Mitchell's hands so he can replace them with his own. Vaguely, he hears Tommy's voice over the radio, telling TK to start on the ABC's, but everything's a blur and all he can focus on is Carlos Carlos Carlos.
"Hey, baby," TK forces a smile to his lips, knowing damn well that it's in vain. Knows that it's just a pathetic attempt to reassure Carlos, same as Carlos is trying to reassure him. "More help is on the way. Just stay with me, okay? You'll be fine." TK refuses to look at the pool of blood that's slowly seeping out from under Carlos. Refuses to accept that this could be the end.
@f1rstresponder „ there's too much blood. " / carlos baby

HOW COULD THINGS ALWAYS ENDED UP SO BADLY ? HE WENT WITH HIS GUT , WENT WITH PROTOCOL HALFWAY AND YET it all went downhill so fast. He was one of the first people on the scene with his partner , bank robbery with hostages , it wasn't a good situation and they had just arrived in time in order to watch the robbers run out of the bank and into an alley , where he immediately followed to stop them. It was his responsibility , his way of protecting the people of austin and he knew there was always a way to get hurt in the line of duty , he was aware of it. He just never thought it would happen like this. Carlos had raised his gun in order to make them stop , but they were surprised by a van almost running them over and carlos was about to make a call when the gunshots were fired and then everything went so fast. Barley any pain , but he could feel it , the bullet that went through his stomach , then his partners voice , more sirens , a lot more sirens , but all he could focus on was the way his body crumbled down.
This wasn't supposed to happen , not like this. He had fucked up big time again, didn't he ? He coughed up blood soon after , feeling the strength from his body fading when he saw a familiar face kneeling next to him , yet a face he didn't want to see. Not like this. TK wasn't suppose to see him like this. „ “ , he gasped out in pain , yet he wanted to reassurance his boyfriend and his hand reached up to settle on top of his boyfriends one. Even though he couldn't feel his skin , he knew it was just a small act , one that wouldn't calm him , but it was an attempt. b it's.. okay. It's okay, baby. “
It's stupid how TK's brain is refusing to cooperate for now. He used to pride himself on his ability to compartmentalize and stay calm in times of stress and danger. It's not just the training, but the experience as well. After years of being in the field, the overexposure allows for his brain to normalize the situation and look at things in a logical manner; to be able to perform under pressure.
Nothing, though, could've prepared him for this.
"Stay awake. Come on, baby. Look at me. Carlos, look at me." He's rambling, begging, and God.. how he wishes he could comfort Carlos the way he really wants to. Caress his face or run his fingers through those curls. Hold his hand. "I love you, too. And I'm going to remind you every day, Carlos. Today's not the end. Don't you dare close your eyes." The pressure he's applying to the wound increases a little as TK moves to lean forward, trying to catch Carlos' gaze whenever his eyes flutter open again. Until they don't.
Tommy and Nancy are here now, and in a haze TK follows their orders as they turn Carlos on one side to both check for an exit wound (there isn't one) and to shove the backboard underneath him. It's both the longest and slowest minute of TK's life as they lift Carlos onto the stretcher and prepare him for transfer.
The drive to the hospital feels the same. With Nancy behind the wheel, both Tommy and TK are tending to Carlos. They get an IV going (or Tommy does, because TK's hands wouldn't stop shaking), clean and bandage the wound as best as they could, and keep monitoring the vital signs. It's not until after Tommy gives him this look, followed by a nod, that TK takes off his bloodied gloves and finally, finally takes Carlos' hand in his.

HE FELT EVERYTHING BUT FINE. HE KNEW BY THE WAY HIS sight was blurry and he was starting to feel dizzy that nothing was okay , that he was about to pass out , but he was trying to hold on. he couldn‘t make TK worry more , not after what they had been through and with a weak squeeze of his boyfriends hand , he tried to make sure he was doing okay a forced smile on his lips as his dark chocolate hues moved up , trying to find his boyfriends green ones. „ TK..'s fine.. j..don‘t “ , he whispered quietly as eyes fluttered shut and he whimpered in pain.
he had to fight. he had to try keep his eyes open , he owned that much to his boyfriend and his eyes opened again , trying to keep it that way , but it was hard. the darkness was such a welcoming place to be , because there was no pain , just peace. or at least it felt like that. „ you , TK.. “ , the words coming over his lips were barley even more than a whisper and he was trying to fight against his body giving up , but with every passing second it was getting harder and harder to do. and then he just couldn‘t fight any longer.

he passed out just seconds after he told the words and he meant it. he meant it all. his whole heart and his whole life belonged to TK and he knew he wasn‘t going to love anyone else as much as he loved TK. there would never be another man in his life , even if this meant goodbye , he needed to make sure that TK knew he loved him. that his last words weren‘t something he‘d regret or hateful. he passed out completely , his body not moving and his face was pale due to the blood loss.
Profic Party Day Three - Your Most Problematic Ship
(featuring everyone's favorite fazacon)

Enji whos guilt consumes him and makes him enable Toya's bad behavior >>>> (prolly ooc but idgaf im balling ⛹️♂️)

No Text | No Filters | More Burns 🤤
this took so long, I'm finally free 🕊
If I messed anything up no i didn't. close your eyes
I’ve been staring at this the last five minutes, and my brain? Going b a l l i s t i c.
I’m just ~loving~ all the little details and care put into this - like- Artemy being positioned so the first thing he sees is the bull - the Town, the earth, etc. - being hurt by the Polyhedron, seeing the Polyhedron as a parasite of sorts, feeding off the life of the Town (the Polyhedron stabbing the heart of the bull), and thus wanting to destroy the Polyhedron so the Town can heal. Daniil being positioned right next to the Polyhedron because he’s first and foremost awed by it, by what it represents as a triumph for humanity over nature, and thus wants to preserve it, even at the cost of the Town.
And Clara, overlooking it all, able to see the whole picture: that the Town and the Polyhedron support each other. (But unrelated, but I think I see a Steppe symbol on the Town-Bull’s shoulder/upper leg? I might be seeing things that aren’t there, but if it was intentional that’s cool as hell)
Sorry if I got any of it wrong - I need to brush up on the Pathologic lore and such. Just - really love this. It’s making my brain overthink. In a good way.
The uncertainty conjugation - Сопряжение неопределенности

Tw: bright color, eye strian, injury, blood

I'm sorry for leaving.
Note SPOILERS FOR UNDER THE RED HOOD: UtRH been on my mind so i thought of some childhood friends reunion in that universe. This was after he confronted bruce about the joker, u can tell he very tired poor bby :(
This is honestly amazing (as always)
I love all the blood and trauma :)
Trigger/content warning‼️‼️
- blood
- injury
- character death
And any others, please view with caution!

Part 1 of ???
Btw I just wanted to clarify that Echo jolting in the 2nd to last panel was from being picked up somewhat abruptly, it felt like they were being stabbed. Nothing else.
Based off of this post
Main masterpost