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Doctor Who - Clara Oswald x 12th Doctor

One last black bird without a place to be turns around, in hopes to find the place it last knew rest.
Doctor Who universe characters as John Mulaney quotes (part one):
Twelve in Kill the Moon:


Clara Oswald:

Twelve after Clara asked how long was he in the confession dial:

Ten when someone mentions Rose:

Thirteen to the Master:

John Hart:

Jack Harkness:

Owen Harper:

Donna Noble to Ten:

“i love you” “it’ll pass” // “i don’t deserve a friend like you” “clara, i’m terribly sorry, but i am exactly what you deserve” // “if you are intolerable, let me be the one to tolerate you” // “i’ll take care of you.” “it’s rotten work” “not to me. not if it’s you.” // “you betrayed me. you betrayed my trust. you betrayed our friendship. you betrayed everything that i’ve ever stood for. you let me down!” “then why are you helping me?” “do you think i care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?”
i think 'I trust you with my life but not your own' as a trope is one of the ones that can always fuck me up no matter what

clara oswald and the doctor + «snow and dirty rain» by richard siken

Francesca by Hozier // Doctor Who S9 "Heaven Sent" + "Hell Bent"

twelve x clara + wuthering heights by emily brontë + ghosts

Francesca by Hozier // Doctor Who S9 "Heaven Sent" + "Hell Bent"
god made 12clara straight presenting because he knew society couldn’t handle them as evil messy toxic yuri
twelve is made for clara the same way victorian clara was made for eleven if that makes sense
>Brought light to his life once more after he suffered the depressing loss of what was his first family in centuries.
>Lived thousands of lives and likely sacrificed herself in most of them to protect him, and she has done this since even before he started traveling.
>Saw him at his lowest point and motivated him to save his planet instead of doing the mistake that would haunt him for centuries.
>After spending centuries fighting with no hope, thinking his death was fated. She still managed to rewrite the timeline to give him 12 more lives, and she could do it because she loves and accepts the person he choose to become.
>Saved his life in many other occasions.
>Has all the traits he loves in a person. Brave, caring, funny, mysterious, intelligent, etc.
>Canonically complements his personality perfectly.
Yeah, no shit The Doctor spent 4.5 billion years punching that wall for her.

“do you think i care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference” is one of the most insane sentences ever said in my opinion

favorite intros to doctor who episodes are when they give the doctor and companion incredibly post-coital energy for zero reason
"NOT WITH ME! DIE WITH WHOEVER COMES AFTER ME! YOU DO NOT LEAVE ME!" god she's so selfish i love her (normal people usually just say i love u but that works too ig)
i am a firm believer in the sicko4sicko relationship. characters who are obsessed with one another not in spite of, but because of, whatever bizzare or offputting or unusual things they've got going on. guys who look at each other and go "you're the only motherfucker in this city that can handle me" and they're probably right too. rivalries romances obsessions built on mutual hate undefined Close Companions. any sort of Thing. sicko4sicko.
“do you think i care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference” is more insane than any love confession ever
insane that twelve quite literally could not get away from the sound of her. all that comes to mind when he thinks of the face he can't remember is a melody of love, loss. you'll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you

happy 10th anniversary to Deep Breath, the beginning of the 12th doctor era! I couldn't decide which poster idea I liked more so I did both.

Wherever she is, is where I’ll go.