Tyler Speaks - Tumblr Posts
I'm going to do a headcannon arrangement of some MR characters.
I've been away for a week so my schedule has been different. I have a two new docs that I'm editing and the longer one is coming close to be being done.
My Tyrell X Elliot fic may bloom into a two chapter story. We will see... I keep on adding to my work load. I do like the idea of writing a more consistent story/headspace.
By the end of the week I will be releasing a two chapter Elliot Alderson x Tyrell Wellick fan fic.
It’s PG-13 and it’s filled with warm fluff and angst.
Fan Fic/Headcannon Masterlist
General Audience:
Within the Haze series - Tyrell Wellick x Elliot Alderon
-Ch. 2/3 posted, a guest appearance by Mr. Robot.
- Fluff, angst, and comforted feelings. Tyrell wakes up from a long night he doesn’t want to remember and is visited by an uninvited guest. Someone is doing the dishes and it’s someone he loves.
Vices - (Oneshot) - Tyrell Wellick x Elliot Alderson
- Fluff and angst, sweet boi’s talk about their emotions smoking cigarettes under the cold summer rain.
Tyrelliot x Coffee Shop! AU
-I decided to make this alt. Verse Tyrell and our verse Elliot. It’s a nice change-up from our regularly scheduled program. We have a sweet softie Tyrell! Who’s as much as an awkward geek as Elliot.
Tyrelliot x Coffee Shop! AU, Expanded Version
Tyrell and Vera Faceoff
- TW: violence. Takes place after 408 in an alt. canon where Tyrell is still alive.
Tyrell Wellick X Mr. Robot Fluff
- Takes place after 309 after Tyrell realizes he’s been played by Whiterose.
Tyrell Wellick visits Elliot at the office, at AllSafe
- Takes place in S1.
Elliot and Wellick break it to Darlene that they’ve been dating
- Fluff, fluff, and feelings! And fro-yo at the park.
Elliot Alderson/Host, Darlene Alderson, Tyrell Wellick
Alt. Verse Headcannon on Tyrell x Mastermind
Smut: 18+
Cruel Devotion - (Oneshot) Tyrell Wellick X Mr. Robot
- Angst, heavy smut, emotional instability, hurt, and kinky time at the F Society arcade
A Deal with the Devil - (Oneshot) Tyrell Wellick x Mr. Robot, Tyrell Wellick x Elliot Alderson
- Angst, hurt, and comfort. A re-write of Season 3 Ep. 9, where Mr. Robot appears at Wellick’s home in Chelsea to talk about Stage 3. Things go wrong and a deal is struck between them.
tfw you’re watching a video of Martin Wallström speaking in Swedish and the subtitles say that he reads Tyrelliot fic at night and you’re thinking to yourself “there’s no way he said that” but then you remember it’s Martin Wallström, captain of the Tyrelliot ship, so maybe he did but then again you don’t speak Swedish so you just don’t know

top 5 Robot episodes

1. S 4 12/13: whoami/Hello, Elliot
- Tied, I’m still emottionally wrapping my head around the ending. I don’t like endings, but this was an incredible one. It gave me everything and more. 10/10 with lots of sniffles.
2. [S3 ep 10] shutdown-r
- The barn scene
- The barn scene
- Kom Veacha Tha Sneha Knom by Pan Rom plays as Whiteroses’ #2/husband (?) arrives.
The song is a version of Cher’s Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) sang in Khmer
3. [S4 ep 4] 404 Not Found/ [S 3 ep3] eps3.2_legacy.so
- Tyrell/Elliot episodes that were glorious. Also, we get to have further insight into Tyrell Wellick’s psyche.
4. [S4 ep 10] eXit
- Stopping the world from ending- or ?
5. 403 Forbidden
- Whiteroses’ backstory ep. There is trans (problematic) representation but I still love this incredible back story.
Runner up: eps3.4_runtime-error.r00
- Angela hacks into the mainframe of Evil Corp to execute Stage 3- incredibly cinematic and had me on the edge of my seat. I was gripped.
top 5 movies ??
Hey Anon! I’m going to do TV shows since Vortex asked for movies first :)
Here we go!
TV Shows:
1. Trigun
- My favorite anime hands down. Watching this show was life changing to me at a time I didn’t know I needed it. Whenever I watch any animated piece, it’s compared to Trigun. Somehow, the manga was even better. Thank you Yasuhiro Nightow
2. Doctor Who
- Every season of the reboot, especially Matt Smith’s seasons!
3. Mr. Robot
- This is a close #2 but Mr. Robot is incredibly dark. It’s a sad friend, reality, feelings, that are hard to touch. But it’s oh-so-important to feel them.
4. Steven Universe
- Having a bad day? Steven Universe can fix everything. It’s soothing to me.
5. Will & Grace
- Problematic, I know. But growing up it was the only place where I saw other queer people. And that it’s okay to be queer. You can be queer and you can be happy. It’s not a death sentence. That’s something that took a long time to wrap my head around and it’s for the better.
Note: I am not a boomer.
I just grew up on records, so Boomer music.
Top 5..... Albums that are NOT boomer jams ;D
Ahhh....! FUCk! Okay, I got you~!
Top 5 Albums that were made after I was born:
1. Discovery by Daft Punk
- I’m still so sad they’ve broken up. But what they brought was absolute magic to this world. I can listen to this album on repeat and not get tired of it. I wish we had more upbeat and super fun music like this coming out more often.
2. Plastic Beach by Gorillaz
- The beat drops, Snoop Dog speaks, I’m hooked. This got me through high school in all of the best ways. Listening to this music was life-changing- turned around my whole taste in music. This album can be played at any time.
3. Thrill of the Arts by Vulpeck
- Insane, weird, funky album. I’m even a lover of their Smile Meditation song (?). They’re so strange and sO much fun!
- For fresh listeners, skip over the first few songs and go to: Back Pocket. What a jam!
3. Ego Death by The Internet
- Favorite Song: Under Control
- This is an album I play when I’m feeling myself or staying up late night, working hard on my art. It makes me want to dance and chill.
- Lead singer is female and GAY. She makes songs about wlw and I love it.
4. Art Angels by Grimes
- Grimes is a problematic person and I don’t love that she has married the capitalistic monster: Elon Musk. But her early work? Transports me. Sends me into a fairy/dystopian/dreamland I wish I could live in. Especially when I want to go kill a man or burn down a building. Anger is a real emotion and we gotta channel that shit in healthy ways.
5. Iteration by Com Truise
- Electronic heaven, this album will transport you out of your head and into an ethereal realm. Really a piece crafted in love, feeling, and expression of life.
Hot Summer 2021 take: Satin Thief by Abram Shook
- This is literally the sound of Summer. Released this Spring, this is a fresh, upbeat, funky, kind of ‘Driving with the windows down, blasting music with a car full of friends, soda pop in hand and feeling the Summer sun’ kind of music. Abram Shook has made 3 incredible albums and I can’t wait to see what he makes in the future. His work is super exciting!
- I really like Silk Sonic right now, but their full album hasn’t been released! I am happily waiting for it~ Anderson .Paak is one of my favorite artists right now and his giant smile makes me thrilled. If he’s making music, it’s going to be INCREDIBLE.
Within The Haze

Chapter One: Corrupted File: Error
Chapter Two: Restore_File-Backup_[Upload]
Total chapters: 2/3 posted
Rating: General audience, PG-13, swearing
Summary: A hazy night, fuzzy memories, and deep bruises... Something is amiss. Tyrell Wellick wakes up from a nightmare and has to piece his lost memories together.
There's an uninvited guest and a sinking feeling in his gut.
Ch. 2 Sample:
Than why had he …?
His eyes found deep purple splotches across his body and had a yellowing afterglow under the skin. They were thick with fluid. The damaged muscles ached when he moved as he twisted and turned around in his inspection. In particular, his throat was deeply damaged, set with a heavy line of bruises wrapping around the front of his throat. His adam’s apple sent a sharp life of pain when he swallowed.
His hands grazed the sensitive flesh, massaging the sore muscles against the sensation.
His fingers slipped across the area, a single hand covering half the mass. It was clear he had been choked.
A pierce of fear lept through him, feeling his sense of control slipping. He really was breakable, a china doll.
He sneered and gritted his teeth, sharply striking himself across the face. He mustn’t be so pathetically feeble.
Okay, after posting my next chapter I’m ready to crawl back into my spot and rest. Please munch on that while I re-coop and finally get around to that “Elliot Eats” post.
Maybe send me writing asks I will write some small fics/headcannons?
That would be so wonderful and enjoyable. I am primed to write about Mr. Robot and I want a break from writing my Within the Haze series.
Okay so that wasn’t a suggestion that was a command.
Send me writing prompts/asks and I will create your dreams.
Vera Anon: What season do you want Vera to be alive in? Do you want the writing to take place after the “Act 1-5″ episode or before?
Thank you anons for sending me writing prompts <3
As a sweet little reminder, my ask box is always open for writing prompts. They warm my heart! And I’m happy to write about any character <3
Hey Guys!
I wanted to put this here because it’s important.
This is a Trans/Nonbinary friendly blog. Anyone of the LGBT+ community is welcome and we don’t stand racism or homophobia in anyway. If anyone ever tries to bullying anyone *cracks fingers* we will have problems.
This blog is a safe safe for everyone, including myself. I wanted to draw that line in the dirt. Racists and terfs aren’t allowed here.

it's high noon and I'm already tired as frick
Okay I’m a whore for coffee shop AUs can I have Elliot as a barista and Tyrell goes to his coffee shop every morning/as frequently as you want for his coffee ? Cos getting his coffee while Mr S is in the car waiting is the only thing he does by himself all day ? Also can you give Tyrell a Bluetooth earpiece thingy so he sounds like an asshole :) Bonus for a lil Swedish <3
I decided to make this alt. Verse Tyrell and our verse Elliot. It’s a nice change-up from our regularly scheduled program. I think it’s a little different than what you were expecting, but I hope you enjoy it~~
And, we have a sweet softie Tyrell! Who’s as much as an awkward geek as Elliot.
Skipping away from work was one of his favorite reprieves. Amongst the long structured days, it felt good to leave the office to get a bit of fresh air.
There was a queer coffee shop a few blocks from the office. Inside, the walls were littered with books stacked high. Shelves arranged by a range of genres to the heart’s content. He especially enjoyed their window display. As it was packed with hanging mini pride flags on the string. Zines carefully picked and put out for display. Queer stories about queer love and trans rights advocacy, representing people of all breaths of life.
For him, it was the addition of plants. Who doesn’t love walking into a mini tropical forest?
Psycho killers. Psycho killers down. They’re the exception.
His favorite genre was the fantasy/adventure section with the caveat of gay romance. It swooped up his heart, amidst the dragon figure and sword clashing, a little bit of love wrapped it all up for him. Bonus points for vivid descriptions!
Beating back the woes of evil~
They had all his goods!
He fixed his glasses to his nose as he stepped out of his old outback Subaru. Locking it closed.
He was a regular at the shop. Every few days he would stop by to collect a snack, peruse the line of books when he was looking for something new. It felt good to be seen and happy in such a wonderful place.
He stepped up the counter, scanning the chalkboard. “I’ll have a matcha latte with soy milk...and a tossed chicken salad.”
“Will there be anything else?” Elliot asked, thumbing it into the system.
“And ahh…” His eyes moved to a corner of the menu. “A slice of your bacon and spinach quiche. With a macron.”
“Which flavor?”
His eyes flicked down, taking in the employee before him. His curls black curls tossed to the side, slightly wild and free from his short shaved sides. They framed his delicious lips and striking cheekbones. He could cut ice with that jawline.
And, there was a wonderful little pride flag pinned to the corner of his apron.
He’s new!
“Chocolate…” He said softly, eyes gleaming in a smile as they rested on him.
He hadn’t noticed him before. Usually, there was a helm of queer fems running the front. Though, there was that one busboy...
Alright, this isn’t the time to gush! He’s just a random barista!
“That’ll be 24.89,” The ticket clicked out and he slid him over the paper after he paid. He plucked him a pen that bobbled, unicorn head jiggling as Tyrell signed. Their fingers brushed when he slid back the bill. “Did you just start here? I haven’t seen you before.”
“About a week ago… What’s your name?”
“For the order?”
“Oh-” He blushed, “Tyrell.” Elliot slicked the name across the cup.
“Do you like it here?”
“It’s alright,” He mumbled, reaching into the case for a slice of quiche. “The people are nice.” Another guest stepped up the board, searching for their order. “It’ll be a few minutes for your food. I’ll bring it over, okay?”
He gave a quick nod and tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. “Of course,” and crossed the room. He settled into a nook under the hanging baskets in front of the window. It was his favorite spot to be. He would read his naughty books in private, quietly flustered in the best of ways.
It took some time but eventually, the order came. Elliot slicked a hand through his hair before bringing it over. “Here you are,” He said, setting down the plates. “Do need anything else…?”
Tyrell startled, head shooting out of one of his dirty romance novels. Face flustered, feeling caught red-handed. “Huh? Oh, no, it’s fine!” He gestured, lips still moving. “But…”
Elliot’s eyebrows raised.
Shit! “Um,” He blubbered, trying to find the words to speak. “What’s your name?”
He blinked, holding his gaze. Softening. “It’s Elliot.”
“Elliot! Elliot, that’s nice…” His mind drifted, swaying with the words of his book. “Would… would you like to get coffee sometime? Not like this, not now, but some other time?”
Now, it was the other one’s turn to blush, cracking a smile in surprise. “Yeah, I’d be open to that.”
A phone blared, buzzing in Wellick’s back pocket. Mr. S blowing him up about something annoying urgent. “Ah- I’m so sorry,” He fished it frantically out of his pocket, blaring in his hand. “I need to get this, I’ll come over when I’m done. Okay?”
Something drummed in Elliot. Maybe it was the light or the sound of his soft voice. But those soft blue eyes, they got him. “I get off in 10, let’s talk then.”
“Min here, [My lord]” He whispered, breathless.
“Excuse me?”
“Nothing! Don’t worry about it!”
anonymously tell me what my specialty as a fanfiction writer is
Please do it–
Your specialty as a fanfic writer is your passion, your overwhelming dedication to the thoughts and feelings of the people you write. The complexity of the characters and the universes you create are so full of depth and life, it makes for an enchanting page turner that never feels quite long enough.
Okay, Anon!! *smooches your cheek* THANK YOU!!!
I appreciate your love, writing these prompts and fanfics are some of my favorite things to do. They’re so much fun and I love building a complex verse. I want to continue to grow, making us fan fiction and stories for us to lose ourselves in. Queers for queers!
Also, since you enjoy my Mr. Robot blog so much Anon, please check out lis-alis on Tumblr. They’re an artist that makes Mr. Robot comics and doodles. I know our fandom is quieting down, but it’s so wonderful to see other people making brilliant work about the show. It helps me fuel my fire!! And they make Tyrelliot comics!! I die every time they post. (They also have an Instagram).
<3 <3 <3
Sweet Memories of the Mind
I wanted to expand on the recent Coffee Shop AU prompt I got. So, here it is:
Sweet Memories of the Mind
Warnings: None
Audience: General, M/M
Summary: This is a Coffee Shop AU for the show Mr. Robot. This is a version with reality verse Elliot Alderson (Mastermind) and alternative verse Tyrell Wellick. In S4, we get to see how each character wishes themselves to be. Their true selves, without the chaos and trauma of the real world. I wanted to write a fic that showed the softer side of both characters and what their lives might be.
This was born out of a writing prompt from a Tumblr user: imslimshadey. I wanted to re-write the fic and extend it. So, here we are! And I hope you enjoy this tenderness and heart.
Note: This is complete fluff! It’s really sweet and more developed than my previous version. I hope everyone enjoys it!