chill vibes and rampant gay thoughts | he/him | 20-laid-back fan of vibes, nature, literature, art & gay shit-
204 posts
Questionable-idea - The Snake In Eden Is My Spirit Animal - Tumblr Blog
apologist? not necessarily. explainer? perhaps. understander? intimately. enjoyer? greatly. sexualizer? frequently,
my greatest curse is i think "ill kill you" is the funniest response to anything but sadly many disagree
there's an odd comfort in being cooked alive by blankets indeed
i love cold room and lots of blanket

this hit me like a truck
i love cold room and lots of blanket
the r/curatedtumblr -> tumblr migration is so funny to me. it's like going to the zoo and enjoying it so much you climb into the enclosure to live with the monkeys
i nearly finished an art project and it's so close- but i've lost any and all interest in working on it. But it's so close to being done. This is torture. I'll finish it. But I want to do something else. But it's so fucking close to being done.
only cute people can see this post so if you can see this you must be very cute wow
"i'll take a 15min nap"
wakes up an hour later, alarms blaring throughout the body. we're sick now, the left arm is not responding, and we've lost contact with three of the five senses. also the brain is refusing to turn on
I feel like there should be research on why people covered in blood/are insane are so attractive
I want your blood on my tongue. I want to break you open and crawl inside of you. I am a monster because of the things I could do to you that you wouldn't be able to stop me from doing.
-tj klune
my biggest creative passion in life is ‘the project I’m not supposed to be working on right now’
before i accuse a story of being bad i must ask myself one crucial question first: am i perhaps fucking stupid
'It's eighty five degrees outside why are you wearing a jacket?' Because my outfit FUCKS next question you poor, poor, swagless fool
I am a terrible combination of “whatever happens, happens” and “If everything doesn’t go according to plan, I will vaporize”
you see my brain is bursting at the seams with creativity and i'm unsure how to externalize it but i sure hate when obligations prevent me from being tortured by my own mind in peace
I sure do drink coffee a lot for someone who doesn't like the taste of coffee and doesn't feel its effects

Werewolf boyfriend
i want to lock him in my basement [gets scared about the optics ] with his permission,