Uni Things - Tumblr Posts
i'm really going thru the whole 'do i really want this career or do i just dont want to starve when i'm older' stages
and let me tell you, after days of existencial dread and a look into my bank account ive come to the realization that self satisfaction will have to wait
financial security here i come *finger guns*
are we even that hopeless? or are we just tired of watching the news everyday and get saturated of how many people die everyday? of how many people suffer in uncountable ways and we are helpless in the face of it all? in the face of the corrupt? of the consequences of human made disasters?
are we even that delusional? or are we just tired that our dreams might never come true because the arts, as beautiful as they are, are meaningless to capitalism and paints and pretty words dont make money
am i even that bitter? or am i just so alone and in need of a hug and just want to lie in the middle of a forest and let the world just swallow me and to never have to think again? do i just want to lie here with you waiting for the world to end for it to be only ours when everyone else is gone?
am i even who i present myself to be? or am i the persona that created the least problems for those around me and have nailed that skin so hard into my bones i cannot move without feeling it constraints against my soul?
why cant we just appreciate the passing of time?
why must we always rush tp the next thing? the next zoom meeting? the next family gathering? the next test?
why must my soul go back into my body to suffer an experience i never asked for?
why cant i just stop existing in this material stressful world?
i would gladly join the stars in the universe
go somewhere i can just admire beauty and art, reading tragic classics and enjoy life through the eyes and words of hundreds of authors in the comfort of the love of someone who cares for me
What's the point of studying Shakespeare when I KNOW that there is a 17 year old girl on Ao3 who puts that's mans whole career to shame with a fic that has #smut as a tag!