Virgil Anxiety - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago
"How Bout Playing Your Guitar! That Might Calm You Down!"

"How ‘bout playing your guitar! That might calm you down!"

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4 years ago

Incorrect Quotes with Sander Sides (kinda)

What if Logan and Remus switched personality's?

Logan would go in a in-depth rant on how to kill someone with a egg shell 

Patton is very concerned about Logan 

Virgil is very nervous of what Logan knows about 

Roman is taking notes because Y E S

Logan then talks about how to use a leaf as a weapon

Roman is still taking notes to kill his brother and then grabs another notebook since he wrote too much on the subject

Patton gave up at this point to make Logan stop since this rant has been going on for a long time 

Virgil is having a Mental Breakdown at this point

Roman is chasing Logan for more ideas about the subject 

Logan just keeps talking

Patton is drinking with Deceit and asking how he does it

Deceit with a dead expression: i don’t

Virgil is laying down on the ground with his hoodie on while rocking back and forth in a fetal position

Roman is happy for getting ideas while the others are concerned 

*Logan looks like he has not slept in years while his hair looks like a birds nest with his shirt is not tucked in and his eyes wide open when talking*

*Remus has his hair like how Logan does it for the day. His shirt is tucked in his pants with a belt on with his makeup on point (surprisingly) *

Remus is reading a book

Roman is confused for his life 

Patton is still with Deceit talking about to deal with stress

Virgil is just in “space” at this point in life

(You could add to Remus, my friendo and me ran out of ideas)

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5 years ago
My Rendition Of @thatsthat24 's Virgil Sanders.

My rendition of @thatsthat24 's Virgil Sanders.

I wanted him to look as if he was deceit posing as Virgil and I am pround of it. (even if his eyes are a little wonky.)

I also have a inclination of giving mu drawings sharp teath and nails. Please don't hurt me.

Please don't repost my work. It's not good to begin with anyway.

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