Vine Reference - Tumblr Posts
The Area 51 tomorrow
Incorrect Quotes with Sander Sides (kinda)
What if Logan and Remus switched personality's?
Logan would go in a in-depth rant on how to kill someone with a egg shell
Patton is very concerned about Logan
Virgil is very nervous of what Logan knows about
Roman is taking notes because Y E S
Logan then talks about how to use a leaf as a weapon
Roman is still taking notes to kill his brother and then grabs another notebook since he wrote too much on the subject
Patton gave up at this point to make Logan stop since this rant has been going on for a long time
Virgil is having a Mental Breakdown at this point
Roman is chasing Logan for more ideas about the subject
Logan just keeps talking
Patton is drinking with Deceit and asking how he does it
Deceit with a dead expression: i don’t
Virgil is laying down on the ground with his hoodie on while rocking back and forth in a fetal position
Roman is happy for getting ideas while the others are concerned
*Logan looks like he has not slept in years while his hair looks like a birds nest with his shirt is not tucked in and his eyes wide open when talking*
*Remus has his hair like how Logan does it for the day. His shirt is tucked in his pants with a belt on with his makeup on point (surprisingly) *
Remus is reading a book
Roman is confused for his life
Patton is still with Deceit talking about to deal with stress
Virgil is just in “space” at this point in life
(You could add to Remus, my friendo and me ran out of ideas)
reblogging this because i do NOT remember writing this. comedy gold.
Sole boarding the prydwen: back at it here at Krispy Kream *does a backflip*

Day 18- Bojack is no fun at parties. Based on a vine by Not Even Emily
(∩ ͡°ᴥ ͡°)⊃━☆゚.* Click on the picture for better quality

I only realized Blitz is voiced by the guy behind this vine (Brandon Rogers) yesterday so I had to doodle this...
(∩ ͡°ᴥ ͡°)⊃━☆゚.* Click on the picture for better quality
The hyperforce as vines is what gives me life

monkeys. (applause)
Just realised in this scenario Gibson’s probably raven lol. And at the end instead of being chill to freak everyone out Mandarin reaches a new level of pubishment assignment because he has no chill...

Of course, based on this.
Part 2 later…
Uh yeah, I sure hope she does.
Someone: You know Lady Dimitrescu is probably gonna turn into a horrifying tentacle monster at the end, right?

Not gonna lie, I have very impure thoughts off this gif alone. 😛😛

Uh yeah, I sure hope she does.
Someone: You know Lady Dimitrescu is probably gonna turn into a horrifying tentacle monster at the end, right?

Not gonna lie, I have very impure thoughts off this gif alone. 😛😛

Simon: *lovingly writing a letter to Markus* Hey
I think you're really cool
I like you a lot
Maybe we can hang out or something
(volume warning)
this was surprisingly fun to make so i'll probably do another
Yuu : am done with this dumbass school and it fake-ass people.
Crowley : *passing by* *nod* hey.
Yuu: *smile* hey ! *sneer* fucking bitch
AJ: Everytime you yell at your kid's, put a quarter in your No Yelling sock. And soon, you'll have a weapon to beat them.
Melanie: "You ever want to talk about your emotions™?"
Kyungah: "No."
Minhyuk: "I do-"
Melanie: "I know, Min"
Minhyuk: "I'm sad."
Melanie: "I know, Min"
Charlie: "Do you ever use shaving cream?"
Amasa: "No, I don't like the way that it tastes"
Charlie: "Wait, you eat shaving cream?"
Amasa: "No. Why would i eat it if i dont like the taste?"