Vlad Dracula - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Such a great job you did, i really appreciate it.

When i was reading the Bram Stoker's book i thought about this questions, happy that you found the answers to them🤍📚

On September 6th, 2022, I shared this realization with my friends on Tumblr and I remember going bonkers over it:

I shared this with Maddie. I realized something while I was going through the novel, Dracula, again. So the events take place in the month and year the book was published in May 1897. But doesn't that seem off? Then it occurred to me that the seven-month-long events of the book happened before it was published.

Then I remembered that Jonathan and Mina have a son at the end of the book and it's mentioned that seven years had passed. So the events of Dracula took place in the year 1890 or as early as 1889 before the book was published.

So my idea is Abraham Van Hellsing had Bram Stoker publish the book with the year changed.

Also, while a sequel was written by one of Bram Stoker's descendants (which wasn't well received by the fandom) it did mention Abraham had Bram Stoker publish the book because he wanted to help other people that went through the same ordeal he and the others had with Dracula.

On September 6th, 2022, I Shared This Realization With My Friends On Tumblr And I Remember Going Bonkers

So according to Jonathan he and Mina had Quincey on November 5, 1890. One year after Quincey died and Dracula was defeated.


So I am making this post because I not only made a mistake on the year the events of the book take place, but I have two possible years the book is set in.

The clue I am going by is the conversation Mina has with Abraham Van Hellsing when she recounts to him Jonathan's shocking although justified reaction to Dracula showing up in London. She mentioned it happened on a Thursday, and earlier in the book she wrote and dated the episode happening September 22nd.

With this information, I went to Time and Dates to look at 17 calendar years for a September 22nd landing on a Thursday and found three: 1881, 1887, and 1892.

I want to believe the events happened in 1887 since not only would Quincey Harker have already been born and seven by the time his family and their friends return from visiting Dracula's Castle in Romania but following these events Abraham Van Hellsing gathers the handwritten and audio accounts of their time dealing with Dracula.

He writes the manuscript that would become the Dracula novel or he meets Bram Stoker who writes the novel after meeting Abraham because Mr. Van Hellsing wanted to help other people that would likely deal with vampires like he and his group did.

After having a difficult time getting the novel published Dracula finally hits the shelves on May 26, 1897, which is ironically Dracula's Day.

I needed to dig a little more before settling on which year Dracula took place in, and boy I hit something and find another clue I overlooked: the Demeter.

After reading up on Bram Stoker and an interesting article about his time studying for the elements pertaining to his novel on Time's website, apparently, the book was centered around real-life events and real-life people.

Jonathan Harker, his wife, and Dr. Seward were real people. The Demeter Incident was real, but the ship was called Dmitri. The sailors said the incident happened a few years ago. Bram Stoker started working on Dracula in the summer of 1890. So I can without a doubt say it was set in 1887. Which gladdens me.

When he tried to hand over the manuscript to be published as a non-fiction book his editor refused it since it pertained to events centering around a mass murder and then before it was finally published in 1897 101 pages were cut out, the epilogue was shortened, and other alterations were made to avoid a mass public panic since the madman was believed to still be around.

I never expected to learn this much about the book and its events to this magnitude but I was certain I would need to change some of the dates on my previous post about vampires and ghouls.



Dracula by Bram Stoker

My Homework on Vampires and Ghouls
======================================================== Corrections for Mercy’s Background Story: Vampirazation =========================
Bram Stoker | Biography, Books, Dracula, & Facts
Encyclopedia Britannica
Bram Stoker, byname of Abraham Stoker, (born November 8, 1847, Clontarf, County Dublin, Ireland—died April 20, 1912, London, England), Iris
Bram Stoker Claimed That Parts of 'Dracula' Were Real. Here's What We Know About the Story Behind the Novel
Bram Stoker claimed that many of the characters in his novel 'Dracula' were real people

@merumely @thirstyforlulu @alucardownsmyass @doodleferp @diamond-star @sundove88 @michi-tala @amikartest @trashbaby92 @goblins-riddles-or-frocks @blood-and-cigars @the-hellsing-organisation @icecry @thecrimsonwingsfckerabridged @elixirvitae @therejectkat @alucrd @autumnaaltonen ​ @valentine-bites @theloveandthedead

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2 years ago

Vlad: Dad, I'm having a problem

Magda: Oh dear. This sounds like a father son thing so 'lll just step back and ...watch it go horribly wrong.

The count: Son, I'm happy to help. You be you and I'll be a fetching little villain named Cookie

Vlad: Not that kind of problem!

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Niki: So I am Romanian Cassaras: Oh, I have one friend in Romania. He is a little older than me Niki: What is his name? Cassaras: Dracula Niki: Cassaras: Niki: Cassaras: I'm just joking. Niki: Oh… Cassaras: Dracula is his last name, his first name is Vlad --- Dracula: I'll drink your blood Cassaras: Cassaras: That's kinda gay, Vlad

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Italy. Restaurant. Cassaras, being ace: I'd like garlic bread Dracula: dramatic gasp Cassaras: Sorry, sorry. I forgot, Vlad. I wouldn't Dracula: What about fagottini? Cassaras: I'm not a cannibal Dracula: Cassaras: Dracula: Eeee, good one, Cassis. Waiter: Waiter: Y'all are cosplayers or something?

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Cassaras: I lived in Romania for a few years. Like in Vlad's castle. And I had to renew my ID twice. I had to do the necessary military service twice! Niki: Oof, that sucks Sammy: Wait, why does he live in castle? Is he bisexual or something?

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Texting. Cassaras: So I adopted three kids - Sammy, Thea and Lennox… Vlad: THANKS GOD, I HAVE PEOPLE TO TELL YOUR EMBARRASSING STORIES FROM OUR YOUTH Cassaras: Vlad Ţepeş Dracula, you are menace to society

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2 years ago

Rules & Regulations for Asks:

All written works are ©️ Michi Tala and owned by moi.

Rules & Regulations For Asks:

First off the HARD LIMITS aka NO:

1. No Student /Teacher under 18 years of age. College student/professor is acceptable. No on minor and adult sexual relationship. Dont ask about it with Shouta Aizawa of my hero academia.

NO means NO!!

That also means MINORS Do Not Interact!

2. Noncon or rape theme. I don't care if it's role-playing kink for some in the BDSM community. One more, No means No. No on shame play too.

3. NEVER ask me to do incest...ever. I tried to write one in which it was a Father and daughter(over 18) that were unaware they were so closely related. It makes me uncomfortable even if by 'accident' and consent is between two adults family members.

4. Racism-NO! Everyone is equal in my eyes until someone acts up then I don't respect you as a racist.

5. NO derogatory asks on Special disabilities such as Autism. No on derogatory on mental illness.

No derogatory asks lgbtqia2+ members of society. They get enough crap by csi men and women.

6. No beastialty! Other Beings who can communicate consent is permitted but not animals.

7. No to dark content I deem not appropriate. Yes I do write some occasionally but always aware what it could due.

8. No religious bashing. I will use historical information and it will be stated clearly.

Note: Hard Limits are subject to change to even more unacceptable.

Rules & Regulations For Asks:

So now the hallelujah Yes is:

1. People of color/ lgbtqia2+ if I have enough knowledge. I currently write yaoi, bi, aces, neutral gender and polyamory in honor of my oldest daughter. I use them, their and Mx. When definitely needs to be appropriate for my asker.

2. BDSM kinks and fetishes though some I am not up to speed. Primal play is my specialty and we leave it that.

3. Dom/sub relationships. Brat tamers, switches. I will use pet names and titles like "Dominus Rex" (my lord), little one etc. Shouta Aizawa is my BDSM responsible Dom. Collars mentioned.

4. Omegaverse but as far as Dubious consent. Once more-No means No!

5. Yes to simple but tasty vanilla sex.

6. Historical pieces but expect longer time for research. I take my researching serious and so accurate as possible.

Note: Subject to change to Hard Limits movable from Hallelujah Yes....

Rules & Regulations For Asks:

DON'T MAKE ME SEND ALUCARD to straighten you out.

Art courtesy of : 🎨 AmikArtest

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1 year ago

Even though they poor, Vlad bring victory to keep his Country and become a hero

Answer to Why were the Romanian people so poor in medieval times? by Catalin Olteanu

Why were the Romanian people so poor in medieval times?
Catalin Olteanu's answer: The Romanian commoners were indeed much poorer than their Western counterparts (or even from central Europe) for s

"Politically, we had a major problem. Any child of the previous ruler could claim the throne, even an illegitimate one born with a (fish) merchant (we had a case). Almost every succession to the throne meant a major political division and civil war(that means some extra-internal destruction). The famous Vlad the Impaler was involved in such a (hard-won) civil war."

Thought this was very helpful to understand more of Romania's past history...

@artsy-jandi @amikartest @xhunniebunx @three-of-crows

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1 year ago

(Opens the door and peeks in)

Hello! What trustworthy descriptions of Vlad do we have? In terms of describing what he looked like.

We have Nicholas of Modruš's description from De bellis Gothorum (page 1v)

(Opens The Door And Peeks In)

“In fact, he was not very tall, but with large limbs, which impressed of power. His stern look was terrifying; нe had a large and aquiline nose with distended nostrils; on his thin and slightly reddish face were planted his wide open gray-green eyes* with prominent lashes hat were framed by thick black eyebrows, which made his appearance look threatening. Besides that, his cheeks and chin were shaved, except the upper lip (mustache). The swollen forehead increased the size of his head. A bull’s neck was supported by broad shoulders upon which swung his dark curly hair, which fell down from his head.”

*It is very difficult to translate nuances for colors because they changed from one era to another. What is turquoise for us today, for some it was green, and for others blue. For now, The CD team proposes "Graugrün", so greenish gray. Also this description is a lot more detailed than it meets the eye if you know the anecdotes of that time: aquiline nose = royal blood. prominent lashes = Good looking.

slightly reddish face = He was angry. large limbs, which impressed of power, A bull’s neck was supported by broad shoulders = He is describing him like having the features of a warrior.

2. Contemporary portraits: Oldest from late 1460s/early 1470s (In this one he is portrayed as the bad guy so his features are portrayed uglier)

(Opens The Door And Peeks In)

Second and third oldest from late 1470/early 1480: (those are also portraying him negatively but without the ugly features)

(Opens The Door And Peeks In)
(Opens The Door And Peeks In)

3. His seal from his third reign:

(Opens The Door And Peeks In)
(Opens The Door And Peeks In)

I know what you think, "Isn't the guy from the left Vlad Tepes?" That's what I thought at first too, the CD team as well and most likely everyone who will ever see this seal. But nop, Vlad is the bearded one. "THEN HOW ABOUT VLAD DRACUL'S FRESCO FROM CASA DRACUL!?"

Casa dracul was completely destroyed in the great 1676 fire and rebuilt after. the respective fresco represents Ali Pasha from Timisoara, together with Mihaly Apafi and the mayor of Sighisoara, very probably during the first visit to the city in 1662. You can learn more about it + Where Vlad truly lived here:

So that's it, as a bonus here is how Vlad looked in battle:

My favorite depictions of Vlad (All from Dan Ianos):

(Opens The Door And Peeks In)
(Opens The Door And Peeks In)
(Opens The Door And Peeks In)

My least favorite depiction of Vlad:

(Opens The Door And Peeks In)

The Massacre of the Innocent (with an alleged and highly disputed cryptoportrait (physically degraded)) with Vlad as Herod the Great on a South German church fresco

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