Vladimir Nabokov - Tumblr Posts

It is okay to be a fan of Lolita 1997.
You can appreciate the movie just as you did the novel.
You can appreciate the wonderful language.
You can appreciate the historic views of 1940s America.
You can appreciate the brilliant acting from the lead characters.
You can think Jeremy Irons is handsome as Humbert Humbert.
You can think that Dominique Swain is beautiful as Dolores Haze.
You can appreciate the hairstyles and outfits and the beautiful scenery.
Loving this movie does not make you a pedophile or a bad person. You are just someone appreciating the art of a very controversial novel being brought to life on the big screen.
I love this movie and you can love it too.

Vintage Americana Aesthetic

i feel it, and it's time to change that.

My dear love, my priceless joy, you haven’t forgotten me, have you?
— Vladimir Nabokov, Letters to Véra

here is the link to my paper :) thank you so much for your interest everyone!
in it i talk about the book, both films, several other films influenced by the book and the concept of the “lolita complex” and it’s effect on young girls :)
i wrote a paper on lolita and the objectification of young girls in modern media if anyone would be interested in reading it :)
We're are the cameras?!
Girl activities
biting your nails
wondering how many bodies are hidden in your hometowns hills and forests
laying naked in bed tracing your scars
daydreaming about your future
pretending to look mysterious and read in front of your cafe crush
wondering what you would look like 50 lbs lighter than trying to decide if you want to relapse or not
brushing your hair with vintage silver hair brushes than wondering who all the women were who brushed their hair with it before you
writing poetry at 4 am
falling in love with your best friend
cleaning your room on a sunday
picking at your skin in the mirror till your whole face is red and swollen
daydreaming about bleaching your hair
cuddling your dog
remembering your dreams while sitting on the shower floor
watching movies, reading books, and watching shows, pondering the stories and characters and fantisizing about your life being like those stories
![Vladimir Nabokov, In A Letter To His Wife [24 March 1937] From Letters To Vra (trans. Olga Voronina](https://64.media.tumblr.com/ca5748e71f3b9f1601e3c6c782b8e6a4/a3107cf2bebc78e9-16/s500x750/ef021e3cc4f1731a071b6734cd19248e5421d7c4.jpg)
— vladimir nabokov, in a letter to his wife [24 march 1937] from letters to véra (trans. olga voronina & brian boyd)
![Vladimir Nabokov, In A Letter To His Wife [24 March 1937] From Letters To Vra (trans. Olga Voronina](https://64.media.tumblr.com/ca5748e71f3b9f1601e3c6c782b8e6a4/a3107cf2bebc78e9-16/s500x750/ef021e3cc4f1731a071b6734cd19248e5421d7c4.jpg)
— vladimir nabokov, in a letter to his wife [24 march 1937] from letters to véra (trans. olga voronina & brian boyd)
O Segundo que precede o caos e a tormenta.
Esse será o nome do meu livro, Nabokov. Veja bem, tormenta, não aquilo que te atormenta, eu me refiro a grandes tempestades no momento do caos, no entanto, acredito que as tormentas não precedem nem sucedem, elas estão caos. Atormentando a linha. Ludibriando. Algo como o segundo que precede o caos e atormenta.
Interviewer: What difference in usage would you point out in these three languages [Russian, English, French], these three instruments?
Nabokov: Nuances. If you take framboise in French, for example, it's a scarlet color, a very red color. In English, the word raspberry is rather dull, with perhaps a little brown or violet. A rather cold color. In Russian it's a burst of light, malinovoe; the word has associations of brilliance, of gaiety, of ringing bells. How can you translate that?
- Vladimir Nabokov, Think, Write, Speak: Uncollected Essays, Reviews, Interviews and Letters to the Editor. Bryan Boyd and Anastasia Tolstoy, Eds.
...the pang of tenderness remained, akin to the vibrating outline of verses you know you know but cannot recall.
Vladimir Nabokov, Pnin
Dolores Haze is actually a character of whose “official” information we know a lot about (“Dolores on the dotted line”): We know when in her parents’ marriage she was conceived (at their honeymoon at Mexico), we know her exact birth and death dates, we know her IQ (120)… But we don’t know much about her inner life beyond little glimpses because the monster who is telling her story didn’t care about that.
tired of "loving the lolita movies is valid uwu" on here like yeah sure you can like them (for whatever reason) or have nostalgic fondness of them but theyre still bad adaptations that pervert the content of the novel, promote a victim blaming narrative and objectify child actresses (one of whom was sexually abused by the producers).
"you can like the aesthetics though" sure you can, same as above, and you can like vintage fashion unrelated to lolita but the costume design in the 97 movie is actively constructed to sexualize the child character for a modern audience and code her as a sexual object for humberts and the viewers gaze and has absolutely nothing to do with what the dolores haze of nabokovs novel wore. that is what youre celebrating and implicitly promoting.
like its your blog, no one can tell you not to post whatever you want but if you're uncritically posting the 97 movie you are also perpetuating the false image of lolita that movie feeds into, period. i'm not gonna coddle anyone and pretend thats uwu valid as if that movie isnt responsible for most of the damage to the understanding of the novel in this generation (and dont get me started on the 62 film but most people dont post that as much). adrian lyne meet me in the pit.

i think maybe, just maybe, this man was lying all the times he stressed he was the hottest person in existence that every adult woman unfortunately falls in love with.

{Набоков + unhealthy amounts of caffeinated drinks}
~ went on some voyages and have finally acquired a penguin edition of Nabokov’s writings, I’m quite saddened that the editors did not made the edition bilingual since the Russian text would have been crucial in order to have a deeper understanding of the translating intent of not only Nabokov but also of his son but I presume we must work with what we have…