Voltron Oc - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago
Day 1: Introductions

Day 1: Introductions

Please welcome… My paladinsona!!!

Name: Rosabell

Age: 14 (human years)

Birth date: Twentieth rotation of the second Mahine on the third Quintant of the Spicolian movement (Wednesday February 20th)

Height: 5'5

Gender: “Flowers don’t have genders, silly!” But they just rolls with the pronoun “her” because that’s what everyone assumes, they doesn’t really care unless someone uses it as an insult

Specie: Floseran

Occupation: Red Paladin of Voltron, Red Lion Pilot

Bayard: Multifunctional whip

Personality: Likes peace and quiet. Like their Lion, they’re temperamental — unnecessary loud noises tend to rile them up the most. Actually unnecessary anything bothers them. (“Can’t they just, I don’t know, talk it out?! They just start shooting us on sight!” “They’re the bad guys! Of course they’re going to shoot us!” “SHUT IT, YANG ← @y-annah ’s paladinsona”)


When angered, thorns sprout from their skin (which is very often because a certain paladin cannot be quiet), their suit’s been modified so the thorns to destroy the inner spandex layer

Believe it or not, the flowers on the crown of their head are a part of her (“So… you’re a living garden?” “Shut up.”)

Doesn’t like wearing their helmet, it bothers the flowers

Got mistaken as an human quite a few times

Doesn’t like their fire power (“Why not it’s so cool!” “I’m a plant.” “Right. My bad.”)

Likes to make tea with the flowers they grow on themself

Has an odd habit of making puns when they’re annoyed

Their flower head is also multifunctional like her Bayard, the flowers can be used as food, medicine or poison — depending on Rosabell’s mood — so be careful!

Bleeds green blood because science — chlorophyll.

@ectochoir hope you enjoy the next few days with my paladinsona!!!

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8 years ago
Day 2: Bayard

Day 2: Bayard

Rosabell’s Bayard is a multifunctional whip. It actually has two modes of activation (a bit like Pidge’s Bayard). When it first transforms, it’s cord is black and it acts like a normal whip which can also serve as a lasso. But depending on situation, it will glow red and serve a function. Like electrocuting an enemy or grappling on to a ledge to escape.

Rosabell prefers close-range combat rather than long-range. She likes to use her whip like a lasso to incapacitate and drag her enemy towards her. On a side note, it’s an awesome way to control the “wilder” Paladins.

( @ectochoir I wonder if you'll be annoyed if I constantly tag you...)

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8 years ago
Day 3: Team Bonding
Day 3: Team Bonding

Day 3: Team Bonding

“Oh come on Rosy, my flower girl, having a portable personal garden is pretty sick.”

“Give me my clothes or I will give you a personal taste of my portable garden’s tea. It’s got a killer taste.”

Well, Rosabell gets along more or less fine with the others, but Ya-yang ( @y-annah ’s Paladinsona ). The Blue Paladin just loves getting on their nerves. Well maybe they doesn’t actually mean to, but Ya-yang is really really loud. So they are the reason why their thorns sprout other than in battle.

The one thing they won’t admit is that they like working with Ya-yang, when they’re not being obnoxious.

“But you’re sure you don’t want to talk about it? I’m a good listener.”

“Maybe after another cup of tea?”

“Sure thing, Anloki.”

On their home planet, Rosabell was known for their unique calming tea. They make it often for their worrywart leader, Anloki ( @bearoflimes ’s Paladinsona), and only sometimes will he talk to them about his worries. If not, they like to keep their leader company. The one thing they loves the most about Anloki is that he respects their need for silence, so sometimes they just sit back-to-back for hours without a word. Just enjoying each other’s presence.


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8 years ago
Day 5: Battlefield

Day 5: Battlefield

Rosabell is pretty level-headed for the sake of the mission, but she easily gets fed up if it takes too long. In the heat of the battle, she gets more reckless and often takes off her helmet — breaking away from the communication — much to the team’s displeasure.

Injured? Yes. They’re often injured with scrapes and bruises but nothing too serious. At least until the Galra targeted their home planet. Just their luck that the first Floserans they target are their family, they ignored everyone’s call to think of a plan before jumping in. They hopped into their Lion and raced to their planet. Not a smart idea on their behalf, but her family was on the line. Needless to say, they got their ass handed to them.

That mission was where they got their by far worst injury, their flowers were ripped from her head. After a close battle, Rosabell spent weeks in the healing pod; however, even after they got out, their flowers didn’t grow back yet — they were only a small bud. Rosabell locked themself in their room, they took pride in their flowers and it didn’t feel right without them. They didn’t make any tea — which made everyone sad because they knew Rosabell loves making tea and everyone loves their tea — for a few months.

@ectochoir what’s paladinsona week without a little drama? Am I right…? 😜

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8 years ago
Day 6: Downtime

Day 6: Downtime

Rosabell likes to read over their training status and find points of need-of-improvement from watching recordings of themself, or read different literature — human or alien alike. They do this as they drink their tea. Another thing they like to do while they read is make new sorts of tea mixes. Sometimes they end well, other times… Uh… Not so much.

P.S. There’s a message, can you decipher it? Hint under the cut!

Tilt your phone or device to the left.

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8 years ago
Day 7: Free Day
Day 7: Free Day
Day 7: Free Day
Day 7: Free Day
Day 7: Free Day

Day 7: Free Day

As bad as I feel for drawing Lance getting nailed in the face, I couldn’t pass on this opportunity.

Floserans have similar traditions as Balmerans, when you take something, you must give something back — which is normally Quintessence. In this case, Lance does one small wrong move of not performing the said ritual which is why Rosabell flipped shit. Otherwise they would’ve accepted the flower, but that was the only thing they would accept.

Anyways Lance has learned from that day to read up in alien traditions before flirting with one.

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7 months ago
A Bunch Of Season 1 Screenshot Edits!
A Bunch Of Season 1 Screenshot Edits!
A Bunch Of Season 1 Screenshot Edits!
A Bunch Of Season 1 Screenshot Edits!

A bunch of Season 1 screenshot edits!

My style really stands out huh… i gotta try to find a smaller lineart brush LOL

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7 months ago
TW: Sexual Abuse Mention

TW: Sexual Abuse Mention

This is Alisha Alvin. She's my Voltron OC, former self-insert. I initially created the character in 2017, while going through some very intense emotional, verbal, and sexual abuse in my first relationship. The person I was with did not like the fact that I paired her up with Shiro and acted like I did not know the difference between fiction and reality. It's been years since that conversation, and I'm still genuinely mad that I was treated like a stupid fucking child. Regardless, let me give you some information on her, since I do like this redesign.

This is Alisha Alvin. Full name Alisha Anne Alvin. She is 24 years old, making her the second oldest amongst the paladins. Despite her color palette, Alisha's favorite color is blue.

Alisha met Shiro at summer camp, when she was four and he was five. She was crying in the woods after some "friends" left her while she was counting for hide and seek. Shiro found her and brought her back to the camp center and she latched onto him, not leaving his side. Growing up, she will say this was his first big mistake. The day was the start of Alisha getting a crush on Shiro.

In light of Shiro's dad getting a new job, his family moved to Alisha's neighborhood. The two have been conjoined at the hip ever since, especially when Alisha skipped a grade. They were always in the same grade, not always in the same class.

Alisha knows her way around cars thanks to her father. She initially joined the Galaxy Garrison to be a mechanic, but had a talent for flying. She was promoted to Junior Officer before Shiro, which is something she continuously brags about.

Despite being in the Galaxy Garrison as a pilot and mechanic, she has a talent for music. She and Shiro made multiple videos with friends which were music video covers. Most of them involve silly dancing.

When Shiro, Matt, and Sam disappeared during the Kerberos Mission, Alisha made it her priority to find them. Between work, she would enhance a miniship's engine. It took a month and a half, but she was able to do it. The engine was only 20% more powerful than the normal ship engines, but she was able to make it to Kerberos. She was then captured by the Galra as a prisoner of war, and was a Gladiator.

Where Shiro would incapacitate his opponents, Alisha had no choice but to kill them. She claimed it was to stay alive in the prison, since there was no way out at the time. No, she did not meet up with Shiro when she was imprisoned or fought him in the Gladiator ring. She overheard his escape and scoffed, knowing she was as good as dead if she even tried escaping like he did.

She was later rescued by the paladins of Voltron a day or two later, while fighting a really bad injury that resulted in internal bleeding. She was running away while there was commotion throughout the ship, but was stopped by a bunch of Galran soldiers. She played nice for a bit, raising her hands to feign a surrender. She then took one of the guns, pushed and shot one of the soldiers, causing him to scream in agony. The other two soldiers backed up, and Alisha proceeded to beat them.

Shiro and Pidge were able to catch up with Alisha, who stopped herself to cough up blood into her hand. They offered her to rest at the castle and she replied "As long as I live long enough to kill Zarkon."

After getting healed from the medical pod, she resides at the castle, helping Coran out with anything he needed. Her favorite room is the training facility, getting to a higher level whenever someone asked. When working on the lions for possible maintenance, she always plays music from her phone. She claims the lions like her singing and dancing while getting fixed.

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5 months ago

I realized that my OC accidentally replaced Keith as someone who saves Shiro a lot in this fix it fic.


Sorry Keith. Still love ya, bud.

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5 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Shiro/Original Female Character Characters: Shiro (Voltron), Original Female Character Additional Tags: Bisexual Shiro (Voltron), Fix-It, Childhood Friends, Friends to Lovers, Yes Plaht City is spelled like that I hate it too Summary:

Shortly after the events of the news broadcast for the Kerberos mission, one woman puts her life on the line to save the most important person to her. She must bring him home no matter the cost.

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5 months ago

I'm in a bit of a joky mood, so I basically just thought of my Voltron OC giving Honerva a sandwich so she could have enough energy to fix the damn multiverse.

Allura's not dead.

I'm still bothered by that ending.

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1 year ago
Here's My Old-old Voltron OCs. They're A Russian Space Crew That Somehow Got Lost In Deep Space. May
Here's My Old-old Voltron OCs. They're A Russian Space Crew That Somehow Got Lost In Deep Space. May

Here's my old-old Voltron OCs. They're a Russian space crew that somehow got lost in deep space. May or may not continue on with the fanfic I was writing for these guys.

My Russian's definitely not the best, but I think I got the translations right for this. Lemme know if there's anything funky I need to fix.

Red hair is very fun to shade and highlight. So nice.

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