Volume - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago
Https://www.instagram.com/leeorio/ The Last Volume Of Oyasumi Punpun!! (in German) I Think It Really
Https://www.instagram.com/leeorio/ The Last Volume Of Oyasumi Punpun!! (in German) I Think It Really

https://www.instagram.com/leeorio/ The last volume of oyasumi punpun!! (in german) i think it really is one of the best manga ever written. You definitely should check it out!!

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13 years ago

Lunatic's Entry to Funk Volume's "Don't Fu[n]k Up Our Beats" Contest IV VOTE for Lunatic @ http://bit.ly/ywk8mR DOWNLOAD @ http://snd.sc/zM1nB7

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6 years ago
#Secreto, $ #aquele #lugar #Que #vocs #abaixa O #Volume Do $mundo #para #Ouvir A #voz #de #Deus. #lindo-es-Jesus

#Secreto, $é #aquele #lugar #Que #vocês #abaixa o #Volume do $mundo #para #Ouvir a #voz #de #Deus. #lindo-es-Jesus #ConhecerJesus Que Deus Seja o Centro da Sua Vida...

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1 year ago
We Used To Pay Less For Generic Foods And Products To "save Money". But In This Instance, The Top Ranking

We used to pay less for generic foods and products to "save money". But in this instance, the top ranking food and product merchants have become so greedy, that not only do they keep raising their prices, but also decrease plentiness by reducing volumes, sizes and quantities: So that "we pay less to get less", and no longer save on the dollars. And the government(s) turn their eyes to another way, taking no notes on what's happening regardless of their denials.

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9 months ago

I Hate Math I Wrote Notes For An Hour, Zoned Out And Forgot To Finish! 😭

I Hate Math I Wrote Notes For An Hour, Zoned Out And Forgot To Finish!

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11 years ago

Last Minute Annoucement

I’m happy to announce that we have a last minute table at Volume Print Fair at the new Library of Birmingham on Friday 6th and Saturday 7th December. That’s this weekend! Click here for more information about the full event. I’m super excited because the new library is awesome and it’s great to do local events!

If our last minute plans work out Shaz Jubeen, Jack Davies, Sarah Fogg will be around at the event with their work as well as extra stock by Gem Sheldrake and Sammy Borras. And of course we will have our group anthologies and hopefully some free mini comics and/or bookmarks.

Thank you very much to all Inspired Members for their last minute help and support this week!

Thank you!

Sammy Prefer Tumblr? www.inspiredcomics.tumblr.com Prefer Blogger? www.inspiredcomics.blogspot.com

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11 years ago

I'm sad that I was only there for the Friday and missed the zine-making!

Hello! I Would Like To Start This Time With A Big Thank You To Shaz, Sarah, Jack, Mum And Dad For Their
Hello! I Would Like To Start This Time With A Big Thank You To Shaz, Sarah, Jack, Mum And Dad For Their
Hello! I Would Like To Start This Time With A Big Thank You To Shaz, Sarah, Jack, Mum And Dad For Their
Hello! I Would Like To Start This Time With A Big Thank You To Shaz, Sarah, Jack, Mum And Dad For Their
Hello! I Would Like To Start This Time With A Big Thank You To Shaz, Sarah, Jack, Mum And Dad For Their
Hello! I Would Like To Start This Time With A Big Thank You To Shaz, Sarah, Jack, Mum And Dad For Their
Hello! I Would Like To Start This Time With A Big Thank You To Shaz, Sarah, Jack, Mum And Dad For Their

Hello! I would like to start this time with a big thank you to Shaz, Sarah, Jack, Mum and Dad for their help at the weekend! I really needed the help due to a bike accident at the begining of this week so it was much appreciated, you are all super awesome!

Thank you to everyone who came by our table at Volume for a chat. I hope everyone enjoyed reading their comics and zines!

We had to travel light this weekend so the table looks a bit less packed. If you are interested in ordering online you can browse through the following online shops

Sarah’s Etsy Shop www.etsy.com/shop/sarahfogg

Sammy’s Etsy Shop www.etsy.com/shop/sammyborras

Jack’s Etsy Shop www.etsy.com/uk/shop/JackDaviesarts

Gem’s Store Envy www.petitecreme.storenvy.com

In the morning on saturday we were given the chance to draw or write something to go in a 3 colour risograph zine which was printed before the end of the event!

My alien drawing is on the inside back opposite a lovely illustration by Kristyna Baczynski

Jack’s illustration ended up opposite Dan Berry’s illustration

and Shaz drew super cute pink portraits of some of the Inspired gang!

Thanks again for a great time

Sammy Prefer Tumblr? www.inspiredcomics.tumblr.com Prefer Blogger? www.inspiredcomics.blogspot.com

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11 years ago

Hahaha look at my wrinkly old forehead!

BONUS PHOTOS!! Some Extras From Volume Print Fair
BONUS PHOTOS!! Some Extras From Volume Print Fair
BONUS PHOTOS!! Some Extras From Volume Print Fair
BONUS PHOTOS!! Some Extras From Volume Print Fair
BONUS PHOTOS!! Some Extras From Volume Print Fair

BONUS PHOTOS !! Some extras from Volume Print Fair

Poppet sent me a tiny get well note because of my bike injuries

Roley Rhino met Sarah

Roley found some beautiful rhinos both illustrated by Jane

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2 years ago

opening tumblr to see smm notifications cuz my ttlotfk art blew up kinda?? mwuah mwuuah 🫶🫶🫶

idk if Volume art will get as much attention as the v twins or val but idc too much cuz volume is the skrunkly my boo my favourite gay boy

Opening Tumblr To See Smm Notifications Cuz My Ttlotfk Art Blew Up Kinda?? Mwuah Mwuuah

idek what this doodle is btw its super lazy and dont gib the vibe i wanted it to like not at all but is fine, is totally fine, is soooo fine

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1 year ago

btw i look at every reblog i get, i kiss u on the lips for leaving hihihi and funne hashtags there

Btw I Look At Every Reblog I Get, I Kiss U On The Lips For Leaving Hihihi And Funne Hashtags There
Btw I Look At Every Reblog I Get, I Kiss U On The Lips For Leaving Hihihi And Funne Hashtags There

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