Web Weave - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago
Bittersweet Symphony - The Verve / Unknown / The Civil War - Anne Sexton / Sun Bleached Flies - Ethel
Bittersweet Symphony - The Verve / Unknown / The Civil War - Anne Sexton / Sun Bleached Flies - Ethel
Bittersweet Symphony - The Verve / Unknown / The Civil War - Anne Sexton / Sun Bleached Flies - Ethel
Bittersweet Symphony - The Verve / Unknown / The Civil War - Anne Sexton / Sun Bleached Flies - Ethel
Bittersweet Symphony - The Verve / Unknown / The Civil War - Anne Sexton / Sun Bleached Flies - Ethel
Bittersweet Symphony - The Verve / Unknown / The Civil War - Anne Sexton / Sun Bleached Flies - Ethel
Bittersweet Symphony - The Verve / Unknown / The Civil War - Anne Sexton / Sun Bleached Flies - Ethel
Bittersweet Symphony - The Verve / Unknown / The Civil War - Anne Sexton / Sun Bleached Flies - Ethel

bittersweet symphony - the verve / unknown / the civil war - anne sexton / sun bleached flies - ethel cain / unknown / head of a young girl - jean baptiste greuze / @avainblue / sun bleached flies - ethel cain

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8 months ago
I Think I've Always Known You, In Every Life.
I Think I've Always Known You, In Every Life.
I Think I've Always Known You, In Every Life.
I Think I've Always Known You, In Every Life.
I Think I've Always Known You, In Every Life.
I Think I've Always Known You, In Every Life.
I Think I've Always Known You, In Every Life.

i think i've always known you, in every life.

quietvoiced x / unknown / animal crossing / i will follow you into the dark, death cab for cutie / notes, jeff buckley / normal people / unknown

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8 months ago
GirlpoolBefore The World Was Big // Memorial Bench Quoting Toni Morrison's Sula // @inanotherunivrse
GirlpoolBefore The World Was Big // Memorial Bench Quoting Toni Morrison's Sula // @inanotherunivrse
GirlpoolBefore The World Was Big // Memorial Bench Quoting Toni Morrison's Sula // @inanotherunivrse
GirlpoolBefore The World Was Big // Memorial Bench Quoting Toni Morrison's Sula // @inanotherunivrse
GirlpoolBefore The World Was Big // Memorial Bench Quoting Toni Morrison's Sula // @inanotherunivrse
GirlpoolBefore The World Was Big // Memorial Bench Quoting Toni Morrison's Sula // @inanotherunivrse
GirlpoolBefore The World Was Big // Memorial Bench Quoting Toni Morrison's Sula // @inanotherunivrse
GirlpoolBefore The World Was Big // Memorial Bench Quoting Toni Morrison's Sula // @inanotherunivrse
GirlpoolBefore The World Was Big // Memorial Bench Quoting Toni Morrison's Sula // @inanotherunivrse
GirlpoolBefore The World Was Big // Memorial Bench Quoting Toni Morrison's Sula // @inanotherunivrse

Girlpool—Before the World Was Big // memorial bench quoting Toni Morrison's Sula // @inanotherunivrse // Iain S. Thomas, I Wrote This For You // Zadie Smith, Swing Time // Fall Out Boy—The Kids Aren't Alright // Audrey Emmett // Mikko Harvey, "For M" // Mahmoud Darwish, Memory for Forgetfulness: August, Beirut, 1982 (tr. Ibrahim Muhawi) // Langston Hughes, "Poem"

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8 months ago
Musings On July
Musings On July
Musings On July
Musings On July
Musings On July
Musings On July
Musings On July
Musings On July
Musings On July

musings on July

"NW" Zadie Smith, "the Hands of Friendship" in Yerevan (@metamorphesque). "Jane Eyre" Charlotte Brontë (@flowerytale), Franz Kafka’s Diaries (@hungryfictions), "Summer night by the beach" Edvard Munch, "A Magic Mountain" Czeslaw Milosz (tr by Czeslaw Milosz and Lillian Vallee), "Answer July" Emily Dickinson, "Four Sunflowers Gone to Seed" Vincent van Gogh, The Diaries of Franz Kafka (@shisasan)

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8 months ago
I Didn't Realize Your Reasons And I Didn't Know Your Plans, Until I Became The Same Age You Were Back
I Didn't Realize Your Reasons And I Didn't Know Your Plans, Until I Became The Same Age You Were Back
I Didn't Realize Your Reasons And I Didn't Know Your Plans, Until I Became The Same Age You Were Back
I Didn't Realize Your Reasons And I Didn't Know Your Plans, Until I Became The Same Age You Were Back
I Didn't Realize Your Reasons And I Didn't Know Your Plans, Until I Became The Same Age You Were Back
I Didn't Realize Your Reasons And I Didn't Know Your Plans, Until I Became The Same Age You Were Back
I Didn't Realize Your Reasons And I Didn't Know Your Plans, Until I Became The Same Age You Were Back
I Didn't Realize Your Reasons And I Didn't Know Your Plans, Until I Became The Same Age You Were Back
I Didn't Realize Your Reasons And I Didn't Know Your Plans, Until I Became The Same Age You Were Back
I Didn't Realize Your Reasons And I Didn't Know Your Plans, Until I Became The Same Age You Were Back

I didn't realize your reasons and I didn't know your plans, until I became the same age you were back then and it horrifies me. I wish you had done more so I could prove the world I am right, and I wish you had done nothing to me at all. Isn't it weird how it works?

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8 months ago
@januaryhoney // @naynawrites On Instagram // @sunflorally // @geloyconcepcion On Instagram // @lucidloving
@januaryhoney // @naynawrites On Instagram // @sunflorally // @geloyconcepcion On Instagram // @lucidloving
@januaryhoney // @naynawrites On Instagram // @sunflorally // @geloyconcepcion On Instagram // @lucidloving
@januaryhoney // @naynawrites On Instagram // @sunflorally // @geloyconcepcion On Instagram // @lucidloving
@januaryhoney // @naynawrites On Instagram // @sunflorally // @geloyconcepcion On Instagram // @lucidloving
@januaryhoney // @naynawrites On Instagram // @sunflorally // @geloyconcepcion On Instagram // @lucidloving
@januaryhoney // @naynawrites On Instagram // @sunflorally // @geloyconcepcion On Instagram // @lucidloving

@januaryhoney // @naynawrites on Instagram // @sunflorally // @geloyconcepcion on Instagram // @lucidloving // @petrichara

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7 months ago
Sinking Friendships
Sinking Friendships
Sinking Friendships
Sinking Friendships
Sinking Friendships
Sinking Friendships
Sinking Friendships
Sinking Friendships

Sinking friendships

i. The Ultracheese - Arctic Monkeys / ii. Unknown / iii. Brooklyn Bridge to Chorus - The Strokes / iv. How to Save a Life - The Fray / v. @archbudzar / vi. Where Did the Party Go? - Fall Out Boy / vii. True Believer - Nicholas Sparks / viii. Tiffany Blews - Fall Out Boy

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7 months ago
Tumblr post by manincaffeine reading: hey do you want to go to the park together and sit on the swings and look at the moon together
An old, Japanese style painting of two crows flying in front of a full moon.
Oil renisance painting of a boatyard at night with a full moon shining brightly in the middle.
I was just an only child of the universe
And then I found you
And then I found you
You are the sun and I am just the planets spinning around you
Your the sun, you've never seen the night
But you hear its song from the morning birdd
Well im not the moon, I'm not even a star
But awake at night ill be singing to the birds
A photograph of several glass animals and stars on a greenish blue tiled floor.
Star, it feels selfish of me to want to be the only one you shine on.
And he's passing by
Rare as the glimmer of a coment in the sky
And he feels like home
An old painting featuring two people looking up at the starry night sky, where a shooting star arches away. One figure stares at the other.
 I’ve nothing else – to bring, You know  – 

So I keep bringing These –

Just as the Night keeps fetching Stars

To our familiar eyes  –
A non realistic paining of the sun and moon over green hills. The light rays from both the sun and moon reach out toward each other and cross.
A scientific looking painting of the solar eclipse with several lines and circles over it.
A spotify song lyric of Sunlight by Hozier that reads: Each day, you'd rise with me // Knowing that I would gladly be // The Icarus to your certainty
A painting of several sunflowers in a white vase on a yellow background.
You can't help but become the sun.
I don't know why 
I always run from you
If you are the sun,
surely i'm a kind of moon
and maybe there's a god above
maybe he's just filled our hearts with love
An unrealistic drawing of the sun rising over the water, with huge bright rays stretching out towards all corners of the the painting.
It is late now, I am a bit tired; the sky is irritated by stars. And I love you, I love you, I love you- and perhaps this is how the whole enormous world, shining all over, can be created- out of five vowels and three consonants.
Discord message reading: Goodnight sunshine ! Sleep well !!! There is a sparkling and sun emoji reaction image.

On the sun, the moon, and other things I compare you to

To @psychotic-agentwashington

Tumblr post by manincaffine// Crows at Full Moon, Ohara Koson// Moonlight, Philip Ralley// The Last of the Real Ones, Fall Out Boy// Your Best American Girl, Mitski// Kiki Smith: ‘Constellation"// JRWI Riptide Ep112// Long Story Short, Taylor Swift// Falling Stars, Franz Von Stuck// I've nothing Else to Bring, Emily Dickenson// Celestial Dance, Michelle Montague// Unknown// Sunlight, Hozier// Sunflowers, Van Gogh// True Blue, boygenius// I Run Away, Summer Underground// The Sun by Edward Munch// Vladimir Nabokov, Letters to Vera// Discord message from thatlonelybird14 (me)

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7 months ago
Why Do I Love So Hard, And Why Do They Never Understand?
Why Do I Love So Hard, And Why Do They Never Understand?
Why Do I Love So Hard, And Why Do They Never Understand?
Why Do I Love So Hard, And Why Do They Never Understand?
Why Do I Love So Hard, And Why Do They Never Understand?
Why Do I Love So Hard, And Why Do They Never Understand?
Why Do I Love So Hard, And Why Do They Never Understand?
Why Do I Love So Hard, And Why Do They Never Understand?
Why Do I Love So Hard, And Why Do They Never Understand?

why do i love so hard, and why do they never understand?

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7 months ago
Anjali_yyy On Pinterest / Unknown / Agamemnon - Aeschylus / Unknown / Yearningforyourlove On Tiktok /
Anjali_yyy On Pinterest / Unknown / Agamemnon - Aeschylus / Unknown / Yearningforyourlove On Tiktok /
Anjali_yyy On Pinterest / Unknown / Agamemnon - Aeschylus / Unknown / Yearningforyourlove On Tiktok /
Anjali_yyy On Pinterest / Unknown / Agamemnon - Aeschylus / Unknown / Yearningforyourlove On Tiktok /
Anjali_yyy On Pinterest / Unknown / Agamemnon - Aeschylus / Unknown / Yearningforyourlove On Tiktok /
Anjali_yyy On Pinterest / Unknown / Agamemnon - Aeschylus / Unknown / Yearningforyourlove On Tiktok /
Anjali_yyy On Pinterest / Unknown / Agamemnon - Aeschylus / Unknown / Yearningforyourlove On Tiktok /

anjali_yyy on pinterest / unknown / agamemnon - aeschylus / unknown / yearningforyourlove on tiktok / lookinginsidemymind on tiktok / woh_kaun_thi on pinterest

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6 months ago
Your Life Is Changing, Whether You Like It Or Not
Your Life Is Changing, Whether You Like It Or Not
Your Life Is Changing, Whether You Like It Or Not
Your Life Is Changing, Whether You Like It Or Not
Your Life Is Changing, Whether You Like It Or Not
Your Life Is Changing, Whether You Like It Or Not

Your life is changing, whether you like it or not

i., vi. Stop This Train, John Mayer / ii. @alisonzai / iii. Yes, I'm Changing, Tame Impala / iv. @exai / v. A Little Life, Hanya Yanagihara

For @sdavirose

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6 months ago
Beabadoobee, One Time // _serratedshadow._, Instagram // Wolkenleere, Tumblr // ? // Olivia Rodrigo,
Beabadoobee, One Time // _serratedshadow._, Instagram // Wolkenleere, Tumblr // ? // Olivia Rodrigo,
Beabadoobee, One Time // _serratedshadow._, Instagram // Wolkenleere, Tumblr // ? // Olivia Rodrigo,
Beabadoobee, One Time // _serratedshadow._, Instagram // Wolkenleere, Tumblr // ? // Olivia Rodrigo,
Beabadoobee, One Time // _serratedshadow._, Instagram // Wolkenleere, Tumblr // ? // Olivia Rodrigo,
Beabadoobee, One Time // _serratedshadow._, Instagram // Wolkenleere, Tumblr // ? // Olivia Rodrigo,
Beabadoobee, One Time // _serratedshadow._, Instagram // Wolkenleere, Tumblr // ? // Olivia Rodrigo,
Beabadoobee, One Time // _serratedshadow._, Instagram // Wolkenleere, Tumblr // ? // Olivia Rodrigo,
Beabadoobee, One Time // _serratedshadow._, Instagram // Wolkenleere, Tumblr // ? // Olivia Rodrigo,
Beabadoobee, One Time // _serratedshadow._, Instagram // Wolkenleere, Tumblr // ? // Olivia Rodrigo,

beabadoobee, One Time // _serratedshadow._, Instagram // wolkenleere, Tumblr // ? // Olivia Rodrigo, enough for you // ? // beabadoobee, One Time // Jolie Ruin & Weezer, Why Bother? // beabadoobee, the way things go // Sarah Lindsay, Primate Behavior: Poems

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5 months ago
Some Kind Of Long Distance Love
Some Kind Of Long Distance Love
Some Kind Of Long Distance Love
Some Kind Of Long Distance Love
Some Kind Of Long Distance Love
Some Kind Of Long Distance Love
Some Kind Of Long Distance Love
Some Kind Of Long Distance Love
Some Kind Of Long Distance Love
Some Kind Of Long Distance Love

some kind of long distance love

1. @homidiotic | 2. @carfuckerlynch | 3. @ophanic | 4. hanya yanagihara | 5. @stuffedgrapeleaves | 6. george mallory | 7. image | 8. ryan o’connell | 9. @sunlightafterdark on instagram | 10. @latifaalajlan | 11. unknown | 12. image | 13. @plangentia | 14. hallie bateman | 15. @werenotreallystrangers |

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5 months ago
I Have Loved You. I Have Had To Deal With That
I Have Loved You. I Have Had To Deal With That
I Have Loved You. I Have Had To Deal With That
I Have Loved You. I Have Had To Deal With That
I Have Loved You. I Have Had To Deal With That
I Have Loved You. I Have Had To Deal With That
I Have Loved You. I Have Had To Deal With That

i have loved you. i have had to deal with that

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1 year ago
Louise Glck, The White Series // Claude Monet, Houses In The Snow // Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Gentle Spirit
Louise Glck, The White Series // Claude Monet, Houses In The Snow // Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Gentle Spirit
Louise Glck, The White Series // Claude Monet, Houses In The Snow // Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Gentle Spirit
Louise Glck, The White Series // Claude Monet, Houses In The Snow // Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Gentle Spirit
Louise Glck, The White Series // Claude Monet, Houses In The Snow // Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Gentle Spirit
Louise Glck, The White Series // Claude Monet, Houses In The Snow // Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Gentle Spirit
Louise Glck, The White Series // Claude Monet, Houses In The Snow // Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Gentle Spirit
Louise Glck, The White Series // Claude Monet, Houses In The Snow // Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Gentle Spirit
Louise Glck, The White Series // Claude Monet, Houses In The Snow // Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Gentle Spirit
Louise Glck, The White Series // Claude Monet, Houses In The Snow // Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Gentle Spirit

louise glück, the white series // claude monet, houses in the snow // fyodor dostoyevsky, the gentle spirit // jane o. wayne, with solitude //reddit user artsykate, winter nocturne with lonely road // joseph brodsky, to m.b. // fyodor dostoevsky, poor folk // caspar david friedrich, winter landscape // audre lorde, the cancer journals // mahmoud darwish, memory for forgetfulness

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9 months ago
Sinking Friendships
Sinking Friendships
Sinking Friendships
Sinking Friendships
Sinking Friendships
Sinking Friendships
Sinking Friendships
Sinking Friendships

Sinking friendships

i. The Ultracheese - Arctic Monkeys / ii. Unknown / iii. Brooklyn Bridge to Chorus - The Strokes / iv. How to Save a Life - The Fray / v. @archbudzar / vi. Where Did the Party Go? - Fall Out Boy / vii. True Believer - Nicholas Sparks / viii. Tiffany Blews - Fall Out Boy

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6 months ago
- Love In The Mundane
- Love In The Mundane
- Love In The Mundane
- Love In The Mundane
- Love In The Mundane
- Love In The Mundane
- Love In The Mundane
- Love In The Mundane
- Love In The Mundane
- Love In The Mundane

- love in the mundane

warsh_tippy and zelda- whatever, dad/ minari/ new years day- taylor swift/ @death-born-aphrodite/ stay, stay, stay- taylor swift/ everything, everywhere, all at once/ i will- mitski/ @death-born-aphrodite/ fleabag/ sweet nothing- taylor swift

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