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Which demon brothers has the best control on their sins.
This is just my opinion and what I have seen so far in the lessons. Also because I need something to get rid of the writer block I'm having currently. ANYWAYS, Enjoy!
The first one would be, Satan.
Satan, my cat-loving demon has the best control on his sin! He's very patient and cool-headed despite being the avatar of wrath. There's even some HC's that he took this trait from Mammon, for how Mammon took care all of his brothers after the fall.
Even so, is no excuse that he hurt us before but he has the best control on his sin so far. Not turning into his demon form and hurting us at least.
The second one would be, Mammon.
He doesn't have the best control but hey, at least this cute tsundere never transform into his demon form out of anger towards us before. He's the most patient out of all the brothers and took care of them after the fall. It would be hard holding his sin while simultaneously take care of his brothers.
Even though he doesn't have the best control, his caring and giving attitude kinda makes up for it, don't you think? He might be a bit of a scum yes, but that's just him being the avatar of greed. He deserve some credit for this.
The third one would be, Asmodeus.
Another one that never transform his demon form towards us. He's also patient like Mammon and rarely gets angry. Although he doesn't have the best control, he's been doing an incredible job at not hurting us in any way. I place him at third because he tried to charm us which disappointed me.
I have nothing else to say about him much really, but still impressed how he never transform but also not wanting to make us uncomfortable. He's the avatar of LUST hello? His love for us and is willing to wait is just really...sweet.
The fourth one would be Belphie.
I STILL don't forgive him for killing us. I put this cow at fourth because he's also don't have good control on his sin. But at least he doesn't sleep all the time. He at least does something like reading mangas, watching the stars, playing games, exercise.
Overall, he's okay. He doesn't sleep all the time and does things to occupy his time rather than drifting himself to slumber. He's like Satan, doesn't transform and hurt us after lesson 16. Still holding a grudge tho.
The fifth would be Leviathan.
This otaku control on his sin isn't bad but I place him at fifth because of the occasional times he summon Lotan. Whenever he get angry, he would sometimes summon Lotan. Which would lead to flooding the whole place and cleaning up afterwards.
He's a 50/50 I would say. He is the avatar of envy but doesn't act upon his sin. He doesn't kill anyone out of jealousy or anything, he just drown himself in self-hatred most of the time. But seriously, he really need more confidence in himself.
The sixth would be Beelzebub.
This sweetheart...I'm sorry, I'm placing you at sixth. He doesn't have the best control on his sins because of the constant hunger he experience. He does transform and got angry because we, mc's and Mammon ate his custard. ( I'm still a bit upset about this. )
He's like Mammon, his caring and kind attitude makes up for his uhmm healthy appetite. He would help out with anything as long as your willing to give him food. He helped Luke and patient with us. Also, consent. He always ask permission before doing anything. So, he's good.
Lastly, Lucifer.
Alright, this peacock...how should I go about him? He's just terrible. Terrible at controlling his sin. He let his sin run loose and took pride in what he does. He even hurt us and nearly kill us. He never apologise for it either. I can't with this man...
But nonetheless, his pride is what kept his sibling under control. He does put his pride away, just...he really should be more honest. Him, Mammon and Levi are just bunch of tsunderes really.
The End~
( I just want apologies from them. Even if they kill us and stuff, they should at least apologize to show that they regret for hurting us. But if I we're to think in another way, them spending time with us and treating us nicely is probably a way of them making up for their actions. Still, I want my sorry. )
3rd Grade Me being shy to present a project be like:

(This was just made for fun cuz im B O R E D)

Three whole days late for the April Fool’s bodyswap, oh well. XD
I like both writing and drawing, but I decided to do fanart for this since A), I usually write more than I draw (shocking I know), and B), I need to quit being lazy and do more art anyways. 😝
So have some OS/WG doodles! SO MANY MISTAKES AHGJKL
and yes, that is humanized Bob at the library with Becky.

I can't watch the new episode of Yuri!!! on Ice yet, but I'll post this in the meantime :) I don't know if I can handle it if I cry as hard as I did in the last episode.

Just a demon girl hanging out.