Wise Mind - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

My DBT skill graphics organized by moduleđź©·

Please feel free to save them, share, print and submit requests if there’s any skills you’d like sooner than others (as I make more, I’ll add them to this post for easy access).

Mindfulness: FLAME

Emotion Regulation: ABC PLEASE

Interpersonal Effectiveness: GIVE, FAST, DEAR MAN

Distress Tolerance: STOP, TIPP, ACCEPTS, ACCEPTS Worksheet

Misc: Wise Mind, Box Breathing

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7 months ago
Wise Mind: a Venn diagram that breaks down the different states of mind for mindfulness and DBT practice.

Wise Mind

This diagram breaks down the states of mind that we experience.

Please note that neither side is “good” or “bad”; the aim of practicing mindfulness is to combine both and act in your own best interest.

Emotion Mind

Feelings control actions

Can disregard the facts of a situation

Impulsivity based on emotions in the moment

Self-injurious behavior 

Reasonable Mind

Logic controls actions

Detached from emotions

Can invalidate your emotional experience

Wise mind

Combines the facts of a situation with the emotional experience

Helps you process a situation before acting

Mindfulness will help get you here

*More DBT guides here*

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