Wof Peril - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

The DoD would totally play rpgs growing up, I know realistically it would be Webs to tea h them about it, but young Dune totally would have played during his warrior fantasies, and later with Six-Ckaws in both the army and with the Outclaws. So I'd like to imagine that, when the DoD took interest in one of the scrolls Webs brought back (a how to play guide the older seawing prolly didn't think much of), Dune gruffly but reasonably encouraged them to try it out.

Tsunami would be the DM, but would probably keep getting into arguments with Glory and Starflight. Clay would just want to keep the peace, but he'd have a hard enough time figuring out the game. I think Sunny is very into it, but nobody listens to her, so Starflight ends up echoing her sentiments to keep the game moving. All in all, the DoD probably all get pretty into it, Glory probably lounged nearby during the session 0, watching but pretending not to care, until she quietly joined in the first session, with enough confidence that nobody openly questioned it when she described an intricatly fleshed out edgelord character (think full tween deviantart oc). Starflight was a rules lawyer, but they loved him and if it ever got bad someone would pounce on him and they would keep going. Already touched on Clay and Sunny, but Tsunami probably tried to make everything cool, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse when she did a bit too much railroading (She definitely sneaks the plot of the Missing Princess in there). Dune encouraged the DoD to stay with the game, waiting until any fights cooled down before suggesting they try again. There was no overarching story to the 'campaign', but the DoD were young and it was just something fun to do.

Later in life, Sunny decides to try and run a campaign for some students in Jade Mountain. She probably runs a couple different games for different students (at least one of them tries to involve Stonemover, but he's too sad for it), but the one we care about has Kinkajou, who dragged along Moon. Qibli of course came with her. Kinkajou also invited Tamarin, which means Anemone is there, too. Pike tried to follow, but he strikes me as the kind of dragon who thinks dnd is Satan worship, and won't get close.

Thanks to her character development, Sunny is actually a great GM, she's got Thorn's knack for people by this time, and it really helps in this situation. This table is actually pretty awesome. Kinkajou hypes everyone up and keeps them all confident in their choices, Moon is a good mediator of course, and Qibli is a delightful person to play alongside. Anemone sometimes struggles with being the bad kind of power gamer, but she's trying to be better and the group is very understanding. Tamarin maybe doesn't speak too much, but true to life when she does it's deeply impactful. This group does a lot of therapy thanks to Sunny running it, and other than Qibli and Anemone skirting the line, it's very family friendly.

Another JMA group is actually run by Turtle! He's a little nervous to commit to it, but Peril has always wanted to play and convinces him to run a oneshot after Clay talks about playing with his friends. She thinks Clay would like her more if she also understood the game (not knowing he never did), and Turtle used to play with his brothers in huge group games. They end up running drop in oneshots, but most dragons are pretty scared to play with Peril, save for a few. It ends up being very healthy for them, as it helps quiet Turtle branch out, and dangerous Peril get closer to other students. The funniest one is Pike, who as I said before thinks this game is evil. He thinks he is infiltrating the villainous practice to see if it is dangerous to Anemone, but ends up absolutely loving it, in secret of course. The trio ends up playing together more and more often as a way to get better at people together, and Pike becomes much less insufferable. These three get REALLY intense with rp, and eventually welcome a curious and dumbfounded Winter, who wants to learn after hearing about Moon and Qibli's group. These players should hate each other in one way or another, but they have a fun time being really aggressive and intense, and despite feeling intimidated, Turtle has a great time with such a heavy rp game.

Also, somehow through Winter the group ends up hosting a game with Linx and Snowfall, which is a crazy day.

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2 years ago
When You Draw The Absolute Silly Creature Ever
When You Draw The Absolute Silly Creature Ever

When you draw the absolute silly creature ever

Yes I gave her the funny haha sans eye flames who’s gonna stop me? The EYE police??

Anywhenejemejj had fun drawing this at 3-4 am teehee ❤️❤️ okaye bkehgc byebye

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11 months ago

Was really bored so I made some arc 2 WOF characters as humans(kind of) in my fav Picrew

Was Really Bored So I Made Some Arc 2 WOF Characters As Humans(kind Of) In My Fav Picrew
Was Really Bored So I Made Some Arc 2 WOF Characters As Humans(kind Of) In My Fav Picrew
Was Really Bored So I Made Some Arc 2 WOF Characters As Humans(kind Of) In My Fav Picrew
Was Really Bored So I Made Some Arc 2 WOF Characters As Humans(kind Of) In My Fav Picrew
Was Really Bored So I Made Some Arc 2 WOF Characters As Humans(kind Of) In My Fav Picrew

In order, left to right- Kinkajou, Winter, Moon, Peril, and Qibli

Check out the picrew here!

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10 months ago

Time for headcanons, my dudes 😔🥺

Time For Headcanons, My Dudes

In my headcanon, adult Peril really wants a cub with Clay, but because of her fiery ability, babies do not live to hatch. The reason for this is the high temperature, due to which the egg is formed incorrectly

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6 months ago

Gaslight the Moon AU doodle page! (Human AU because dragons are hard :P) (honestly if this is gonna be legible at all it’s gotta be clicked sorry about that)

Gaslight The Moon AU Doodle Page! (Human AU Because Dragons Are Hard :P) (honestly If This Is Gonna Be

Not a HUGE fan of how the glowing eyes turned out but it’s f i n e I’ll figure that out at some point

(of course the events of the bottom right image is followed by Moon apologizing profusely for “panicking over nothing” and then everyone has to tell her “Moon the history cave ACTUALLY exploded you foresaw that” and she’s like “??? No I didn’t??? That was purely a coincidence you guys its not like I can sEe ThE fUtUrE or anything” and it takes awhile but eventually people realize “oh frick she ACTUALLY thinks she’s telling the truth”)

The idea for Moon and Turtle cowriting a story came from @aloewing and I loved it so much I had to put it in here :D

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5 months ago

A scenario I kinda wish would’ve happened in canon is that somehow or other the topic of Peril eating rocks for a majority of her life comes up and PYRITE IS HERE.

So Pyrite’s all “no wait don’t you see she’s had her mineral intake for a LIFETIME now!”

And Winter’s like, “I… don’t think that’s how it works…”

Cut to the Hailstorm reveal and I’m betting Peril either absolutely hates or finds it VERY funny

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8 months ago

Peril and/or Clay for the soul?

Peril And/or Clay For The Soul?

perls with a side of clay served fresh

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7 months ago

♡♡This is for my girlfriend, this is for my BFF, girlfriend♡♡

Me And The Bestie

me and the bestie 💞💞💞

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1 year ago
It`s A Good Day To Forget About Your Work And Finally Take A Graphic Tablet. She Is Nice, And You`re

It`s a good day to forget about your work and finally take a graphic tablet. She is nice, and you`re nice too. Take care about yourself and be safe

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9 months ago
Peril from Wings of Fire standing in the SkyWing arena. Her wings are slightly raised, her mouth open, and one talon lifted off the sand. The image is framed such that her eyes are not visible.

Submission for the Wings of Fire wiki's banner contest

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9 months ago
Doodle of Glory and Peril from Wings of Fire, flying through a cloudless blue sky. Glory is underneath and partially camouflaged, turning her head back to look at Peril.

Peril had told her a story, once. From some old geezer of a SkyWing, with a name Glory had forgotten less than a minute later.

Now, she's looping in ever closer spirals around a dragon whose touch could kill her, scales flitting in and out of the blue of the skies. Peril adjusts her wings in the wake of another one of Glory's circuits, her eyes still roving the skies above when Glory blinks into existence below.

"One of these days you're going to fly directly into me, and all I'll be able to do is say I told you so."

Glory doesn't respond with anything more than a flash of a grin, half distracted by piecemeal memories of that tale. It was about some dragonet that flew too close to the sun. Built wings out of wax because he didn't have his own.

She wouldn't mind it, she thinks as she inches closer, the heat radiating from Peril's scales not at all tempered by the wind. Let it scorch her wings and char her scales; she wouldn't want to go out any other way.

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9 months ago
Glory is curled on a marble tree, a chain around her neck connecting to the base. Peril sits next to her, both looking down at the chain. The background is tan and laced with gold.

Peril wasn't sure how long they had been sitting here. She wasn't quite sure who had brought up melting the chain first, either.

She knew she could. It wouldn't be hard.

"We could leave, right now."

She wasn't sure who had said that first. Maybe they were both thinking it.

Glory wasn't usually this quiet, this still. Peril could see how tense she was, even as she draped herself across the marble tree. Glory looked like the prisoners in the arena. It reminded Peril a bit too much of cowering, but that didn't seem right. It wasn't at all like what she knew of Glory.

Still, she recognized the stillness that meant a dragon was doing everything they could to stop trembling, the muscles like a coiled spring and ready to run.

There was never anywhere to go.

Peril wasn't meant to be this still either. Her job was to be feared, and that meant stalking towards her opponent with a grin, goading them into fighting back, doing anything she could to make the fight entertaining. Anything to see Queen Scarlet nod in approval and declare her efforts thrilling.

She could melt the chain, and Glory could leave, and they'd vanish into the mountains, into a freedom Peril didn't dare to dream of.

Her talons were close enough that only another step would sever it. She didn't. Maybe it was because she was afraid. Afraid of being caught, as she had been every time she visited Glory. Afraid of the possibility the chain wouldn't melt, and their half baked plan would fall apart immediately. Afraid of what freedom meant.

She wondered if Glory was afraid too.

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9 months ago
Glory and Peril are in a valley spit by a small river, looking into the cave the Dragonets of Destiny lived in. Steam is rising from Peril's footsteps.

"It looks exactly like we left it."

All of it: the scattered scrolls Starflight abandoned, the broken stalactites from the struggles, the smoke signal that had long burned into ash.

Dune's body was gone; Glory didn't think about what happened to him.

Peril stepped in carefully after her, fumbling around errant scraps of paper. She brought a talon up to a torch in the wall, and it burst to life a moment later.

"It's... dreary." Peril's voice was slow, as if she was sounding out the word as she spoke it.

"That's one way of putting it! Six years wasted here. We ended up leaving because your mother was planning to kill me."


The following silence made Glory's stomach twist in a way she didn't feel like deciphering. She still didn't know how to talk to Peril, but perhaps that was just because she'd spoken to a total of seven dragons over the years. Peril was probably equally maladjusted.

She huffed out a breath, shaking out her wings before stooping to gather the scrolls. "Well, we're not going to get you reading by standing here. I don't want to spend any more time here than I have to."

That was why they were here, Glory reminded herself. Material to practice reading, to teach Peril some of what she'd been missing out on, maybe some kindling to vent her frustrations later.

She was already in the next room before Peril responded, voice so quiet Glory barely heard it.

"Thank you."

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