Wooseok - Tumblr Posts
x1 masterlist
yes, i know they disbanded. let’s just pretend they’re still a group :’(
hyeongjun and minhee are located on the cravity masterlist
drabble (inspired by alice in borderland)
one night stand ( the two of you get a lil too drunk and end up messing around in seungyoun’s bed)
wooseok saying hi to the pigeons is the cutest shit ive ever seen

Feelin’ Like

Entry for ghiblipop and tribute to Pentagon’s Naughty Boy my favorite comeback of all time

★. . wooseok lockscreens 𖹭
☆. . like or reblog if you like, save or use! hey, don't republish without credits!!
coterie: the mini rubik’s cube (1/2)
gang!x1 x fem!reader
synopsis: you’re an ordinary girl, with an ordinary life. but what happens when you catch the gang that is famous for keeping their deeds under the table, in action?
coterie’s masterlist can be found here
pairing: kim wooseok and y/n
a/n: some cursing, so proceed with caution.
“who’s is this?” you hold the small, colorful shape between your thumb and index finger, showing into the people in the room. there’s a silence in the air, and then you see the lilac haired boy lean over to “whisper” in the boy next to him’s ear, “hyung, what’s gonna happen now? do you think he’s even going to let her near him? he’s going to lose his shit.” “shh, dohyun. she chose this, after all,” he flicks the younger boy’s arm, who lets out a small yelp and rubs the inflicted area. your stomach churns as you playback the conversation in your head, and you shift your fear-filled gaze to seungwoo. he senses your discomfort and starts, “uh, y/n, you’re going to be working with,” and he gets cuts off by a slightly hoarse voice, “me.” you turn to the owner of the voice and find feline eyes glaring at you with an icy sternness. “i’m wooseok, although I did introduce myself a few seconds ago, you probably forgot my name already.” you scoff, taken aback and the rest of the boys watch the exchange between you two. “well, are you all just going to stand here and watch me?” they look back at wooseok, and one by one, left to different directions, followed by wooseok himself. you stand there in the center of the room, confused as to what just happened. “what now?” you pout, but nevertheless leave towards your room, too. the rubik’s cube is still in your hand, and you forgot it was in your hand until you saw that your hand was tightly clutching onto it. you’re sure that it left some form of indents into your hand, but that doesn’t matter. you only feel shudders when you remember the way wooseok was looking at you, with a fierce glower, while his demeanor seemed quite laid back. his hands were shoved in both pockets and he stood tall, yet slouched slightly; you wonder how that juxtaposition wouldn’t make sense normally, but he made it make sense. your thoughts are interrupted when the phone begins ringing. “hello?” you pick up, and it’s soonja, “miss l/n, mr. kim has called you into his room, and asks that you bring the rubik’s cube with you.” you assumed she was talking about wooseok, and confirmed this assumption when she mentioned the rubik’s cube. “right now?” “if possible, ma’am. he wanted you to come as soon as I called you. his room is on the ground floor, so you will need to return to the living room and it will be a room right in the corner of it.” and she hung up the phone. taking a moment to make sure your hair looks alright, you straighten out your clothes slightly, and proceed to wooseok’s room.
there is this twinge of anxiety that bubbles within you as you begin getting closer to your destination. why did the other guys insinuate that wooseok was a wrong choice? you try not to think about all the things that could possibly go wrong, and subconsciously wrap your knuckles on the door. “come in,” you hear from the other side, and you twist the doorknob and push your way inside wooseok’s room. once you’re in, you’re left staring. in his room are about six screens, with different images on each screen. it seemed to just be a lot of information, and from what you understand you see IDs, passports, and things that look like official records. “oh, it’s you,” a voice breaks into your thoughts and you see wooseok sitting on a swivel chair, circle glasses resting on the bridge of his nose. if you didn’t know him at all, you probably would’ve gushed over how dorky he looked, but then the way he acted mere hours ago pops into your head. “uh, you wanted to see me?” wooseok’s gaze shifts from your face to your hand, which has the rubik’s cube. he outstretches his own and says, “give me the rubik’s cube.” eyebrows furrowed, you push it into his overeager hand, and he holds it in front of you, twisting the shape between his fingers. “what do you see here?” you’re confused, and it’s obvious in the way you answer, “a rubik’s cube?” he moves it to see your reaction, as he shakes his head ‘no’. “it’s a rubik’s cube to you, but I see an algorithm. I see tons of solutions but only one correct answer.” he puts the rubik’s cube down before turning back to you and folding his arms behind his back. “the screens you see in this room are just that, too. they help me crack these algorithms. and believe it or not, algorithms are more common than you think.” you scratch your arm, “so, what, are you like a hacker or something?” “close. I seek out information. if the team members need to know something about anything or anyone, they come to me. all they have to do is give me an hour or so, and I give them all the information they need.” once you hear this, it takes you a second or two before your eyes shoot up at him, “so when seungwoo told me that he knew all about me,” wooseok cuts you off, adjusting his glasses that slowly slid down. “yep, I gave him all that information.” and as freaked out as you should be, you let out a sound of awe, which takes wooseok aback.
after he walks you through his entire database, your attention goes back to wooseok. you had preconceptions of the guy before walking into his room; the other members made it seem like he was going to murder you or something. but he’s not as bad as they made him out to be. but, you shouldn’t arrive at this conclusion too quickly, because when you look back up at wooseok, you see he’s stopped explaining and is now standing there, arms crossed and pursed lips. you raise the question, “so, what am I going to do?” wooseok answers this with a heartbeat, “like I’ve said, I know what you’re capable of, which is why I’m going to have you do some digging. as far as codes and stuff go, if you can’t get into something, I’ll take care of that. I’ve hacked into way too many things, so it’s child’s play for me. seungwoo’s already debriefed you, so I’ll tell you what our roles are: the other members need information on their people, what you’ll do is once I’ve hacked into certain systems, make files for each person, get down all the information that is required and then I’ll go through it and send it to the members.” you look back at him and the screens. “yeah, I guess I can do it.” you move your hand towards some of the stuff on the table and are about to examine it, when wooseok yanks your hand back, “what are you doing?!” he startles you with the loud voice he uses, and you free your hand from his grasp, “I was looking around, jeez. don’t have to bite my head off, dude.” you mumble the last part, and wooseok sighs, closing his eyes and resting his thumb and index fingers against his nose bridge. “I apologize for that, I don’t like it when people touch my stuff.” you fold your arms, “well then, how do you expect me to do stuff here?” wooseok blinks back at you emotionlessly, “I’ll get a computer installed in here, don’t worry about that. you’re going to need to make another commitment, in addition to helping me out here, though.” your eyebrow cocks up and he continued, “you’re gonna be my assistant. do whatever I ask you to do.” your eyes widen at this. just what did he want you to agree to? “don’t think wrong, I’ll just need you to run errands for me and occasionally bring me stuff, like food and shit. got it?” you consider the benefits and drawbacks of the job: sure, you’d be safe and sound and aren’t necessarily dealing with people one-on-one, so that’s great, but what if this illegal activity makes it on your record somehow? what would you do then? but then you look up and notice some hint of emotion in wooseok’s face and this was the first time he’s expressed emotion of any form during your conversation. when are you ever going to get an opportunity like this again, you think and you exhale before responding, “alright, I can do it.”
coterie: the mini rubik’s cube (2/2)
gang!x1 x fem!reader
synopsis: you’re an ordinary girl, with an ordinary life. but what happens when you catch the gang that is famous for keeping their deeds under the table, in action?
coterie’s masterlist can be found here
pairing: kim wooseok and y/n
a/n: brief mentions of bullying, cursing, and an overall emotional rollercoaster. it’s good to be back :))
so within the next few weeks, wooseok got a new desktop mailed in along with a second swivel chair. you distinctly remember wooseok calling you over to the room, and when you stood at the doorway, he sent a broad smile your way before pushing a cardboard box over to you. “what’s this?” “oh, it’s your swivel chair that you’re going to put together.” you scoffed, “what, you’re just gonna watch me?” “not really,” he motioned his head towards the desktop. “I'm gonna set this up for you, so have fun doing that!” he handed you the toolbox and gave you one last thumbs-up before turning around to your computer. huffing, a strand of hair flew in front of your face as you sat cross-legged in front of the box and eventually assembled your new chair. the only sounds that were heard in the room were wooseok’s fast typing and your small sighs as you’d exhale after putting together one piece at a time. so naturally, to get rid of the silent and awkward air surrounding the two of you, you started the conversation. “so, I was wondering, how did you get all that information on me? like where I went to school, and what my schedule and stuff were like?” wooseok’s typing speed didn’t seize but he continued, “I’m a hacker, that’s what I do.” you snorted at his comment, and this caused him to turn his head around fully to face you. “what’s so funny?” “you sound like the guy from agent cody banks, bro,” you guffawed and shook your head. wooseok just blinked back at you. “who?” this caused you to put down the wheel and screwdriver. you looked up at him, your jaw dropped. “what? you’ve never seen that movie before? alright, wooseok, the first assignment from me to you: we have to have you watch agent cody banks. it’s a classic movie.” you started telling wooseok all about your love for movies, and how you grew up watching some of the films your parents found to be iconic and then movies that were iconic in your generation. you seemed to be so lost in your own little world, that you didn’t notice wooseok was now finished setting up what he needed to and was not diligently listening to you, watching the small twinge in your eyes only grow brighter as you progressed further. “oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to bore you or anything. movies just get me so riled up,” “no, I didn’t mind it or anything.” you were caught off guard by the tone in his voice. “you know, you’re different now than what you were two weeks ago. I was scared to even talk to you,” you mumbled the last part to yourself, hoping he wouldn’t hear but alas, a bitter smile made its way onto wooseok’s face, “yeah, well I haven’t had the best experiences with people, in general.” you did get him to watch cody banks later that night though, which he enjoyed (you thought you saw him smile).
that was one of the few non-work-related conversations you’d had with him. well, if you count work as wooseok walking you through the programs, and file systems, then yeah. but you hadn’t gotten your first real assignment until a few days later. it was three in the morning and you were sleeping soundly when you heard rapping against your door. you groggily opened your eyes, sight still blurry from sleep and you staggered out of bed, the corner of the bed bumping you just above the knee. “ah, fuck,” you mutter, rubbing the inflicted area as you continue to the door. you open the door, and squint, making out wooseok standing there, chest heaving. “what in the world?” wooseok enters your room, pushing you to the side. “may I ask what you’re doing in here, at 3 AM?” “I’ve got your first assignment, and we need this done as soon as possible.” it took you some time to comprehend his words. “wait,” you start, “you want us to start on this now?” wooseok nodded as if it was obvious. if your eyes didn’t shoot open before, they were now. “so hurry up, come out and into the computer room, I’ll give you the details there.” “can I at least bring a coffee with me?” for a second, wooseok squinted, then grunted, “fine,” before walking out of your room, leaving the door ajar. “uh, thanks for closing the door,” you grumbled, before changing out of your pajamas and fixing your appearance a bit. you went into the kitchen and began making your coffee (you only got around halfway through, though, because soonja came into the kitchen, helping you make your coffee. you thanked her and insisted she go back to sleep, but she refused until the coffee mug was in your hands.) slowly, you walked to the room with steady steps, and knocked with your other hand. seconds later, the door gently swung open and you made your way to your chair, silently praying that it wouldn’t fall apart then and there (it didn’t). after taking a swig of your coffee, you set it down and pivot your seat to face wooseok, and before you can ask him anything, he starts, “seungwoo needs some details on the military leaders, because he’s about to send dongpyo to one of their bases and we need all the information we can possibly get.” then he jotted down a list of things he needed you to get. you scanned the note and it seemed like you only needed to find who this guy was affiliated with, in terms of his friend circles. not bad, you think, before getting to work. so from three to almost five-thirty, you’re hopeless, and although wooseok offered to help, a part of you wanted to do this by yourself. so you refused, to which wooseok nodded, then said, “I’ll be heading to bed, let me know when you’re done.” you mumbled a ‘yep’, then kept going. it’s not like you didn’t know what you were doing, you thought, it’s just slightly more difficult than you perceived it to be. luckily, wooseok left you something similar to a cheat sheet, and you quickly were able to get the information.
at this point, you were about seventy-five percent done, and just finished research on the military leader’s favorite bar’s owner, when something striked you as interesting. the bar owner was from the same high school as jinhyuk. lee jinhyuk; the guy who got you into this whole thing. after jotting that information down, you couldn’t help but let your curiosity get the best of you, as you clicked on the high school name. loads of records popped up on your screen, from student yearbooks to records on all the staff from the past 10 years and the student incidents and records. you set out to look for jinhyuk’s stuff, again, out of sheer curiosity. only then were you surprised with what you saw on the screen. a picture of jinhyuk, tall and lanky as he still was with his arm hooked around wooseok. he still looks the same, albeit his features have definitely sharpened since and dare you say, he looks much more attractive now. you don’t know if it was from the lack of sleep or the caffeine, but you pieced some things together: jinhyuk did mention to you that he was close with one of the x1 members, and you did ask wooseok how he got the information on you, it’s clear that jinhyuk and wooseok are still quite close and they probably share everything with each other. your curiosity sunk into you further, and then you went back to the database before searching up wooseok’s name under the high school. the first thing you saw made your heart stop; it was an article labeled, “student runs away from school after severe bullying”, and reading it, you learned that around five or six years ago, wooseok had transferred midway through his senior year to this high school, for “personal reasons”, and people had called him a freak and had bullied him, pulling all sorts of stunts on him. one day he just ran away from school. as you read the finishing sentence of the article, your eyes started to sting and you couldn’t look at it anymore. you quickly closed the tab, gathered all your information and sent it right away to wooseok, shaky hands hovering over the keyboard. you press enter, clear your throat and whisper ‘going to bed’ because you can’t trust your voice right now, and you hurry on back to your room, where after some difficulty, you’re able to find your languor once more and fall back into a deep slumber.
when wooseok and you began opening up towards one another, he showed you a different side of himself. he was no longer the asshole you made him out to be when you first met him; rather, he made a complete 360 of his original impression. but now, you understand why that may have been hard for him. your mind wanders off into these thoughts and you don’t notice that wooseok has been calling you for some time. it’s only when he barges into your room, finding you on your bed, eyeing the blank phone screen in front of you. “y/n,” you flinch, and look up to meet wooseok’s concerned gaze. “what’s going on? I’ve been calling you for a while,” you clear your throat and snap your eyes away from his, before saying, “sorry, I was thinking about something, did you need something?” wooseok’s eyebrows furrowed at your sudden movements. why did it seem like you were avoiding him? had he done something wrong? maybe he upset you? these questions began to hiss at his anxious state, that he was holding together in front of you. “uh, I just wanted to make sure you didn’t have any problems last night, looking for the information,” he starts, but you stop him, reassuring him with a smile too wide and a nod too positive, but it’s convincing enough as he nods quietly, before muttering that he’s gonna go, then gently closes your door as he leaves the room. you let go of a breath you didn’t know you were holding and push your hair back with your hands. it’s hard to avoid wooseok ever since you learned of his past; you see him every day, now, because you kinda have to. not that you don’t want to see him because of course, that’s not the case. in fact, you’d say you were growing quite fond of the man for some time now. which is why avoiding him has grown to be such a difficult task for you. but seeing him will only remind you of what he’s been through. you felt guilty for learning all this information without his being aware of it, and it felt like you violated his privacy. and you did, and so whenever you saw him, that guilt went off in your head like an alarm, a reminder.
you were paying the price for your curiosity, so much so that one night, you couldn’t sleep. it was like the guilt was eating you away, so much so that it was now in the way if your everyday life. you kept your conversations with wooseok minimal and silently did as you were told because you were afraid that it would be a matter of sentences before you burst. you grunted, burying your face in your hands as you paced back and forth in your room before you decided to put on your robe and slippers, then headed out to the backyard. the sounds of the cicadas and the stars shining in the sky managed to calm your jittery state, and your breathing relaxed a bit until you heard, “y/n? what are you doing out here?” you turn and lo and behold, by the back door leaned a relaxed wooseok, hands stuffed in his pockets. “couldn’t sleep. I had to clear my head,” you tell him, turning your head back to the sky. his footsteps are approaching closer and the sound of your heartbeat starts to reach your ears. then, his hand rests on your shoulder and you turn slowly to face him. “what’s going on? you’ve been distant for some time, you never talk to me anymore... did I say something?” you shake your head instantly, reassuring him that he didn’t do anything wrong, but then his voice grows louder, “well, why have you not been talking to me then? you’re avoiding me and I don’t even know why!” shocked by the sudden outburst, you don’t realize that tears are welling up in your eyes and wooseok’s widen. “I-I’m sorry, oh no, no, please don’t cry,” and wooseok, panicked, begins walking backward. enough is enough you think, and you wipe your eyes violently and whisper, “wooseok, sit, I’ll tell you everything.” and so you do. as you tell him the story, you notice the changes on wooseok’s face, this being one of the only times he’s expressed emotions as vividly as he ever did with you. “I didn’t want to say anything because I felt guilty. I felt like I did something I shouldn’t have, and I’m really sorry,” but he cuts you off, emotion thick in his voice, “no, I’m sorry. I get it, you were only curious. I transferred midway through the year because my family was breaking apart. my dad used to gamble, and he gambled away our home. my mom was fed up, so she took me and my younger brother and we ran away from him. I don’t talk about this a lot; in fact, I only told seungwoo about it, but, the reason I left was... was because it was suffocating living like that. wake up in the morning and go to school, only for people to push you around, take your stuff, and then the whole cycle repeats itself. I wasn’t alone, though, because I had jinhyuk. I spoke to him before I left and I told him I would leave, of course; he’s more than a friend, he’s like a brother to me. that’s why he and I are still as close as we were. but anyway, that’s why I have problems when there are circumstances in which my personal space gets violated. I don’t like it when people touch my things, I don’t like it when things aren’t a certain way and seungwoo knew this before he offered me this position.
“I get it, you were only curious, that’s why you made the decisions that you did. thank you for telling me, I thought I had done something to make you upset, and so I felt .” wooseok finished, looking up to see you silently crying. his hands reach up and wipe your tears, and you choke back a sob. “why are you crying?” “because you didn’t deserve any of that, you have such a good heart, wooseok. you are such a good person and it’s upsetting to know what you went through.” then you wrapped your arms around him, tucking your face into his neck. at first, wooseok doesn’t know what to do, body freezing at your sudden action, but then he slowly melts into your embrace and reciprocates it. after you calm down a bit, you push away from his embrace, bashfully gazing to the ground. “I’m sorry about that, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable or anything,” and wooseok smiles at your cute form. “y/n,” you look up at him through your lashes and see the grin on his mouth and wow, you didn’t think he could get more attractive. “I like you.” and although a pink hue settles on his ears, he continues, “at first I was upset you picked me. I thought I would teach you stuff, and you would just mess things up all the time, and I would have to correct your mistakes, but you proved me wrong. you’re one smart and kind young woman and I’ve had the honor and privilege to work with you. but with time, your quirks and habits grew on me, and well, so did you. so tell me, will you go out with me?” your heartbeat picks up its pace again and leaning in, you plant a small peck on his lips, and before you can pull away, wooseok’s arms wrap around your frame, pulling you in and deepening the kiss. then wooseok pulls back, cupping your face in his palm to lock his eyes with your own. “yes, kim wooseok, I’d like that very much.” and it is safe to say that since that night, you’ve experienced nothing but beautiful, radiant days, and peaceful, serene nights.
a/n: ahhh that’s over! thanks for waiting, I hope you guys liked it! this was written after my midterms so some parts of the storyline may seem a bit wonky, just fyi, but that’s all for wooseok. now, who do we want to see next? did you think it was going to be wooseok? if not, who did you associate with the mini rubik’s cube? comment down below <3
˜”*°• *.* ˜”*°• ! pentagon masterlist ! •°*”˜ *.* •°*”˜

| Headcanons |
Pentagon As Boyfriends (solo headcanons)
Hui | Jinho | Hongseok | Shinwon | Yeo One | Yanan | Yuto | Kino | Wooseok
| Reactions |
Nothing Yet!
| Fake Texts |
Pentagon reacting to you asking them to tie a ribbon on it 18+ pt.1, pt.2, pt.3
| Drabbles |
Nothing Yet!
| Series |
Nothing Yet!
| Timestamps |
Nothing Yet!
Pentagon Wooseok as a boyfriend!

requested: no
enjoy boyfriend wooseok!
— sunnie
♡ But...
♡ SOFT as all HELL
♡ Would carry you on his shoulders if he wasn't afraid your clumsy ass would fall off
♡ Even though he is WAY more clumsier then you
♡ Holding hands can sometimes be a problem
♡ Because he will either yank your hand and you will fall or he will just be clumsy in general
♡ (But he blames you for having short arms)
♡ Has a thing for Noona’s like Shinwon
♡ Because he likes to be taken cared of and wants to have less responsibility in the relationship
♡ Kind of relationship where you could wear heels and never worry about being too tall
♡ Because
♡ Well...
♡ He’s a GIANT
♡ When the rap parts of songs come on he'll sit there and quote lyric after lyric to you
♡ (Because he quirky like that)
♡ Adores cuddles almost as much as he adores you
♡ So when cuddling
♡ Just know..
♡ Even though he is GIANT he is BABY GIANT
♡ Out of everything dating him is like dating a giant baby!
taglist; @bigkpopstan, @baka-writings, @haechansfbuddy, @jeonronwoo, @jiminslostjam, @bluejaem, @jisungismymom, @hyuckography, @i-luvsang, @neocrush, @moonshineboyz, @chewryy, @sugarcherriess, @neochan, @jinkoh, @shinwolo, @hazyhae, @angelbabyyy99

- byeon wooseok - 변우석
Choices : Aqua Line

⇢ Synopsis: A night with your three best friends takes an unexpected turn when you admit you’ve been trying to decide which member of Pentagon’s ‘Aquarius Line’ you like most.
⇢ Warnings: Foursome, rough switch Kino, Simp Wooseok, exasperated Dom Yuto, oral (m/f receiving), Wooseok has a case of big cock syndrome, pwp, unprotected sex, size kink, ‘Pip Squeak’ pet name, spanking, choking, etc… ⇢ Pairing: Wooseok & Kino & Yuto (Pentagon’s Aqua line) x reader ⇢ Genre: smut. ⇢ Word count: 9.5k ⇢ Tropes/AU’s: Best friends to lovers, Long time Pining brought to the surface with a ripping of an emotional bandaid, polyamory, non-idol au.

Entrance Fee Note : Please do not skip!
This fic was written by a writer who is unable to get a ‘day job’ due to debilitating disabilities. This fic is Pay by Donation, meaning it’s not behind a paywall that forces everyone to donate, however, even $1 would make a massive difference-
For those unable to donate anything, please at least reblog the fic if you liked it
For those able to donate $3, I have Paypal and Kofi as a ‘read by donation’ collection bin

“What are you thinking about?” Yuto asks, taking a seat. You make room for him by lifting your legs off the couch, allowing your friend to slip under them. His warm hands find your calves and he brings them to settle in his lap while you both get comfortable on the couch that Wooseok has been hauling around since his last year of high school, when he’d won it in a bet with Yeo One on whether or not their two friends were hooking up with the same girl at the same time.
You grin at the memory, pushing your body against the fuzzy blanket that covers the dark leather couch much of the time- Yeo One hadn’t bought the expensive sofa with the intention of it becoming a part time bed for teenage boys, too lazy to get up after playing video games at all hours.
Wooseok has made the stiff, leather couch comfortable with layers of blankets and pillows, and over the years it’s been worn down by countless people.
“This couch.” You breathe, leaning your head to the side, against the cushion.
“How high are you?” Yuto laughs, his hand moving to find your foot, where he runs a finger along your heel. The brief contact causes you to jolt yourself away from the mischievous Japanese boy, who had rolled into your life around the same time Wooseok and Kino had, in tenth grade.
The four of you had been put together in a group project, only to find out that all three of them had been born within the same ten days. The ‘Aquarius Line’ had bonded immediately, and the three were easy going enough to welcome you wholeheartedly into the festivities of newfound friendship.
What had started off as a ‘year abroad’ for Yuto, turned into him moving to Korea full time, and the four of you have been inseparable ever since.
“For real.” Yuto says gruffly, grabbing your foot to pull it back into his lap before running a ring clad hair through his tousled half mullet. “What are you thinking about?”
“Something stupid.” You sigh, cocking your head and studying him. “You?”
Your friend shrugs, flashing you that grin that you’ve come to love so much. “Something stupid.”
“You two really need to work on your social skills.” Wooseok sighs, having caught the tail end of your brief interaction.
He collapses on the couch and you quickly pull your legs to your chest in an effort not to get crushed during the big man’s process of forcing himself between you and Yuto.
Wooseok has a red cup in each hand, and he holds them out expectantly.
“Who needs social skills when we have you and Kino.” You smile, accepting one of the drinks and taking a sip- only to scrunch your face up in disgust. “What is in this?”
Wooseok shrugs, leaning back against the couch with a lazy grin. “I confiscated it from Hui.”
“No wonder it tastes so bad-” You hold the cup out to Wooseok and he reluctantly accepts it. “Hui drinks the strongest drinks of any of us.”
“He has to find the energy to deal with us crazies somehow.” Yuto chuckles, sniffing his own cup and swirling the contents inside before taking a test sip.
“Speaking of crazies,” you stretch your arms over your head, looking out at the room, “where’s Kino?”
“Haven’t seen him in a while.” Wooseok says, arms finding the back of the couch while he looks around, the cup held by long fingers now resting just by your shoulder.
“Didn’t he go off with that pretty girl in the glitter shirt?” Yuto asks.
“Maybe-” Wooseok cocks his head, eyes narrowing. “Was she his ‘go to’ tonight?”
“Must be.” Yuto responds quickly. “He didn’t invite the other one.”
You sigh, finding the whole thing to be a little crazy.
Being best friends with three dudes has a lot of positives- but listening to them detail their fuck schedules and fuck buddies is not one of them.
“Stop being so grumpy.” Wooseok shoves you, and you realize you’ve been wearing your feelings on your sleeve for everyone to see.
“I’m not.” You insist, but you can’t wipe the expression of distaste from your face.
“You are. You hate Kino and his fuck buddies.”
“I just- I just don’t get why the three of you are so into hookup culture.” You sigh. “I mean- what’s the point?”
“The point is getting your dick wet, Squeak.” Yuto chuckles, and the nickname makes your skin heat.
They’ve tried a number of pet names for you over the years, but Pip Squeak has been the only one that’s truly stuck- and it’s no wonder. It’s completely fitting. You stick out like a tiny lil nugget next to your three massive besties, the youngest of whom towers over everyone you meet with his monstrous height of six foot three.
“She doesn’t need to get her dick wet.” Wooseok rolls his eyes, a mischievous grin breaking onto his face a moment later. “She’s already as wet as can be.”
“Wooseok!” You and Yuto both react at the same time, your foot kicking at Wooseok’s lap while Yuto shoves him, and the massive man simply giggles, taking the physical onslaught with a shit eating smile.
“Why are we fighting Wooseok?” Comes an excited voice, and Kino tosses his body onto the couch, landing half on top of all three of you with his head in your lap.
“He’s being a bad boy.” You respond, fingers finding Kino’s freshly dyed, soft pink hair immediately, a habit you’d picked up years ago.
“Am not!” Wooseok insists. “Tell me I’m wrong.”
You sigh loudly, rolling your eyes while Yuto chuckles.
“I’m missing something-” Kino says from your lap, looking up at you with massive eyes, “tell me?”
“All I said was that Y/N doesn’t need to look for fuck buddies to get her dick wet because she’s already wet as shit.” Wooseok states factually, which, to be fair, is a complete recount of what he’d said.
“And you know this for a fact?” Kino teases, looking at his friend with a half shocked expression and widened eyes.
“Well-” Wooseok visibly shrinks, his shoulders slumping, his skin brightening with pretty pinks. “I mean-”
“For a moment there, I thought I’d missed a massive milestone in your guys’ friendship.” Kino says, letting out a sigh of relief as he gets comfortable in your lap again, turning onto his side so he can nuzzle his face against your thighs, which he’s declared countless times to be the best pillows in the whole universe. “If the two of you started hooking up, I think the world would have to end.”
“It wouldn’t be that crazy.” Wooseok fires back immediately, and his ears turn bright red.
“It would be crazy that out of the three of us, she’d choose you.” Yuto says smoothly.
Wooseok holds up a hand as if he’s going to hit his friend, and Yuto stiffens in his seat, his carefree expression turning stern in an instant. “It’s my birthday we’re celebrating right now.” He reminds his younger friend. “Show some respect.”
Wooseok groans but lets his hand fall to his lap again. You’ve never met a trio of guys so centered around their birthdays.
Born within a ten day span, these three are constantly utilizing their positions, whether it’s by Yuto expecting respect as the ‘oldest’, or Wooseok playing baby.
“I think she’d choose me.” Kino says wistfully from your lap, turning to look up at you so he can reach a hand to play with your hair.
You think it’s interesting to be talking about this, especially since this very question has been on your mind so frequently as of late. It had been on your mind when Yuto sat down, and now here it is again.
“She’s not choosing you, Kino.” Yuto scoffs. “She hates your hookup culture.”
“My hookup culture?” Kino laughs, lifting his head so he’s able to look at Yuto by his feet. “Says you!”
“How did I ever become friends with three man sluts?” You sigh teasingly, shaking your head at your three constant companions, who erupt into chaos.
“You love us.” Yuto insists while Kino defends his behaviour, and Wooseok pretends to look scandalized at the notion of him being a ‘man slut’.
The bickering subsides when Hui’s voice bellows “Wooseok!” from somewhere else in the house, and your foursome dissipates quickly thereafter.
You find your way to Yanan, who is trying his best to be helpful in the kitchen as the festivities wind down.
It’s just the core group of friends left in the house now, and before you know it, everyone is in the kitchen. Conversation is easy, and another hour ticks by before Hui finally pushes off from where he’s standing by a wall to announce he’s heading home.
There’s a brief discussion over cars and who is sober enough to drive, and once his friends are accounted for, Hui turns to you. “Do you need a ride home?”
“She’s staying here.” Wooseok says before you can answer, his arms wrapping around you tightly. It’s not uncommon for you to sleep over at ‘Aqua House’, as Wooseok had dubbed it when they moved it. In fact, last year, you’d spent all of Birthday Week (10 days) here- your ‘mere presence being the gift we want most’…. or so they’d insisted.
“As always,” Hui sighs as he puts his shoes on by the door, eyes assessing you and your three monstrous best friends, who tower over you, “be careful with her.”
It’s a lasting joke in the friend group that everyone is waiting for Wooseok to accidentally sit on you and break you- or maybe for Yuto to hug you a little too hard one day-
“No promises.” Wooseok grins happily, tightening his embrace around you until it borders on being painful.
You can’t stand him sometimes.
You love him so much.
“Call me if they demand too much and you need an escape.” Hui warns you, earning some irritated sounds from the men behind you, who are eager to have you to themselves.
“She’s ours.” Kino insists, arms wrapping around you so you’re now sandwiched between him and Wooseok.
Hui rolls his eyes as the final person in your group slides up against your back, resting his chin on top of your head. “We’ll take care of her.” Yuto promises.
You’re truly trapped now.
The moment the door is closed behind Hui, sealing you in with your best friends, Kino and Wooseok jump into action. The larger of the two grabs your arm, dragging you towards the living room, while Kino mirrors the motion on your opposite side, in the direction of the kitchen.
Yuto tightens his grip on your waist, making it clear he’s not intent on moving.
“What’s the plan?” The man behind you asks.
“Movies.” Wooseok states.
“Drinks first.” Kino insists.
“What do you think, Squeak?” Yuto’s fingers press gently into your skin, and you can feel the warmth of him through your thin shirt, his heart beating steady at your back.
You hate it when he makes you choose between activities, why do you always have to be the Wooseok and Kino tie breaker?
“I don’t care.”
“Movies.” Wooseok states again, pulling on your arm.
Kino tugs your other side, “Drinks first.”
Yuto sighs. “I’ll go choose a movie with Wooseok, you two can make us drinks. But make it something good, okay?”
“No promises.” Kino grins, pulling you away from Wooseok successfully this time.
Yuto catches your eye and you laugh, a silent agreement to do your best to keep Kino under control in the booze department.
“You,” Kino grabs at your waist when you reach the kitchen, “go here.” He lifts you up and sets you onto the countertop. “And i’ll make the drinks.” He smiles up at you and you laugh.
“Did you really need me to come help you then?”
“It’s really helpful for you to sit there and tell me I’m the best bartender in the house.”
“Like that’s a hard title to win.” You roll your eyes.
Wooseok can’t cook (or do anything of the sorts) to save his life, and Yuto- well, Yuto has a taste for cheap beer, which disqualifies him immediately from the race.
You have to admit, Kino moves like a professional. He glides from cupboard to counter, grabbing glasses and setting them up next to you. You watch the way his body moves, muscle visible with each motion, and when he shakes one of the drinks, you have to tear your eyes from his biceps.
He might be the smallest of your three friends, but he’s still much taller than you, and most women for that matter.
You’re so busy watching Kino’s back that you don’t realize he’s paused his fluid motions. He turns, and you see he’s put an apron on- the one that says ‘kiss the chef’. Hui had bought it for Yuto for secret Santa one year in an effort to get the young frat boy to cook more often-
You cock a brow at your best friend as he slips between your legs, hands finding the counter on either side of your hips. “So?” He grins. “You gonna kiss the chef or what?”
You laugh. “Not sure you even qualify as a chef when you just said you’re a bartender.” But you grab his chin all the same, forcing Kino to the side so you can plant your lips on his cheek.
Kino’s smiling when you let him go, appearing satisfied, and he returns to his drink making.
Within minutes, he has all four orders ready to go, and he carries a tray to the living room with you in tow.
As Kino sets the tray down, Wooseok stands and sighs. “Well, if you insist.” He grabs Kino and presses his lips to his cheek, much like you had.
Kino recoils with disgust, shoving Wooseok- only to be attacked on the other side by Yuto, who manages to get a kiss placed right below Kino’s ear that has him shivering and jumping back, hiding behind you. “Save me Squeak!”
“You wore the apron!” Wooseok laughs, and you know he jumps at any opportunity to terrorize his friend.
“Just drink your drinks.” Kino groans, taking off the piece of fabric that had just cost him another 2 of his 9 Kino Cat Lives- you’ve seen him receive a sneak attack kiss from at least Hui, and you’re pretty sure Yeo One as well, so you wonder how many Kino Cat Lives are even left.
“Remember when I sat next to you tonight?” Yuto says in your ear, arms wrapping around you as he pulls you down onto the couch. “And asked you what you were thinking?”
“Something stupid.”
“Yeah.” Yuto lets you get seated next to him but he keeps an arm around you, eyes briefly moving to Kino and Wooseok who are bickering about the movie on the other side of the couch. “I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.”
You laugh.
The man from Japan grins, but there’s something serious in his eyes. “I’ll go first if you want.”
“I was thinking about how good you look tonight.”
“Yuto-” Your voice is something near a whimper, shocked and left speechless at the turn of events that has just been orchestrated by your best friend. He’s told you how pretty you are before, but there’s something about the way he’s saying it now- it’s different.
“Your turn.” He says, one large hand finding your thigh, smoothing up and down the denim that covers you from him. “What were you thinking about?”
You can’t tell him that you were thinking about him, Wooseok and Kino- that you were trying, for the billionth time, to decide which of the three you prefer the most- because if you were going to potentially ruin things with the other two, you want to know you are doing it with the right one-
But no matter how many times you’ve run it through your brain, you’ve come up empty handed. Unable to choose.
How do you say that to him?
“What are you two talking about?” Kino’s voice is your saving grace, and he puts the drink he’d made for you into your hands. “She looks like she’s seen a ghost.”
“I just told her what we were all thinking.” Yuto shrugs.
“Liar. I was not thinking.” Wooseok states, turning to look at you as he takes a deep breath. “What wasn’t I thinking?”
“That she looks good tonight.” Yuto says.
However, when Yuto says it, he says it in a tone that’s friendly.
He doesn’t say it as he had a few seconds ago, with a voice that was low and seductive.
You can’t believe him.
“It is a nice outfit.” Kino agrees lightheartedly, leaning into the couch and propping his feet up on the coffee table in front of you.
“Okay, but hear me out.” Wooseok sits up in his seat, his massive hands hovering as if he’s going to say something profound- “I always thought-” a pause, taken to ponder, big eyes blinking, “outfits like that are meant to be ripped off in like, an hour? two hours- tops. How are you still wearing that?”
You all groan, but Yuto’s grip around you tightens. “He does have a point.” Yuto says. “Do you want to change into a hoodie and some sweatpants?”
“Are we all going to ignore the fact that he practically said I look like-”
“A pretty little whore.” Kino interrupts you. “It’s okay, you look like that a lot of the time.”
You stare at Kino with shock for a moment, and then you look at Yuto, confidence flooding through your body. If they’re going to call you a pretty little whore, and touch your thighs, and be like this- well, you can play too.
“The stupid thing I was thinking about earlier was who out of the three of you I want to fuck the most, or at least, who I’d risk it all for.”
Yuto meets your gaze with an intense look of his own, and he licks his lips. “Go on.” He prompts, voice hoarse and sexy. “Who’d you pick?”
“I wasn’t able to pick. I never am.” You respond, turning sideways, facing your body towards the three insanely handsome men you call best friends. Wooseok is looking at you with wide eyes, jaw dropped, and Kino is sitting perfectly still, something that is very out of the ordinary. “Do you guys want to hear a dirty little secret?”
Yuto’s hand squeezes your thigh and it’s Wooseok who mumbles a whiney; “Yes.”
“Since I’m never able to pick-” you reach out, tracing a finger across Yuto’s collarbone, still hidden by his shirt, “I usually just end up imagining all three of you, and end up even more confused than when I started.”
“Well,” Yuto grabs you by the waist and easily pulls you to be straddling his lap. Dark eyes gaze up into yours. “I think we can help you figure it out.”
He leans in, and just as he’s about to kiss you, you tilt your head, his lips making contact with your cheek.
Yuto groans, fingers digging into your waist, and you laugh. “Come on, you know I can’t just risk all our friendships like this-”
“Why not?” Kino moves closer, a hand reaching up to grab the back of your head, forcing you to look at him.
“Because what if I like all three of you the same?” You ask, looking past Kino’s shoulder at Wooseok, who is seated farthest from you on the couch, and is now being all but blocked out.
“Then you like all three of us.” Yuto says, his hands applying pressure to your hips, forcing you down so you can feel how hard he is against your core, even with both your pants in the way. You stop a groan just as it’s about to escape your lips.
“I told you,” You breathe as Kino releases his hold on your neck so you can look at the man under you again, “I’m not into your hook up culture.”
“This isn’t just going to be a hookup, and we all know it.” Yuto tells you, leaning up to have access to you again, only for you to turn your cheek at the last moment, repeating your behaviour from before.
“Have any of you even had a foursome?” You question, and you’re pretty sure the answer is no. If they had, you’re sure you would have heard about it.
“No, but it won’t be much different from a threesome.” Kino insists, his fingers dancing up and down your arm, eyes taking in your form with a glimmer of darkness in their iris’s: lust.
That’s never been there before… at least, not that you’ve noticed.
“Says the guy literally excluding dude number three.” You laugh, meeting Wooseok’s dumbstruck gaze again. “What do you think, Woo?”
“I think-” He coughs, clearing his throat. “I think we should take this to the bedroom where there’s more space.”
“Good idea.” Yuto stands abruptly, and you grab his shoulders to steady yourself, his hands slipping down to your ass, effectively holding you up while you cling to his front like a koala bear.
“Hey!” You turn to nip at Yuto’s ear gently with your teeth, the biggest scolding you can do in this position. “I haven’t even said yes yet.”
“Sure you haven’t.” Yuto breathes, continuing through the house towards the bedrooms.
Kino and Wooseok are following close behind, and they walk shoulder to shoulder. You let your eyes take in their differences, from Wooseok’s more relaxed, grunge, all dark look, with his longish hair length, and massive, beautiful eyes- then there’s Kino, looking substantially smaller than his six foot three counterpart, and just as different in colour scheme, all pink hair and pops of colour in his outfit-
“You guys really think this won’t ruin anything?” You ask, letting your anxieties truly show as Yuto steps over the threshold into his room.
“How could it ruin anything?” Yuto retorts, placing you onto his bed before straightening to look down at you.
“It could ruin everything.” You frown. “What if one of you gets jealous-”
“Yes, Yuto?”
“Are you going to get jealous if I fuck her brains out?”
“No.” A pause, then; “Hey, Wooseok, are you going to get jealous?”
“See?” Yuto grins down at you and you groan, grabbing one of his pillows and covering your face with it.
“You’re not getting it-” You whine, removing the pillow after a moment.
“Then explain why you’re so worried.” Yuto reaches down and grabs one of your socks, pulling it off your foot even as you try to kick him away- he’s always going after your ticklish spots and you are not interested in him being a freaking tickle sadist.
“I’m worried, because you say it’s not going to be a hookup, but then you also say that you can all apparently promise not to catch feels and get jealous-”
“Who promised not to catch feels?” Now it’s Kino snatching at your foot to remove your second sock, and you’re left kicking at the three men at the end of the bed with bare feet.
“Our little kitten doesn’t get it.” Yuto tuts. “Wooseok, explain things to her.”
Your gaze moves to the tallest, youngest man in the room. He’s off center, on Kino’s right side, and he’s watching you with those big doe eyes of his.
Wooseok rubs the back of his neck, cocking his head at you. “You’re not the only one who’s thought about all this stuff.” He says. “The three of us- we’ve talked about this sort of thing happening-”
“You have?” You ask in shock, this being the first time you’ve ever heard of this.
“Of course we have Squeak.” Kino says, using your distracted state to grab at you, striking faster than a snake, and getting your ankle in a harsh grip that he uses to drag you down the bed towards them.
“And we all agreed,” Yuto explains, “that whoever you choose, the other two wont get upset.”
“And now that we know you want all of us-” Kino has dragged you all the way to the foot of the bed, and he releases your ankle in favour of latching onto the rolled cuff of your jeans, tugging gently.
“Besides,” Yuto lets out a small chuckle, “Wooseok’s already been telling girls who hit on him at bars that he’s dating you so they back off. He’s a little more committed to you than Kino or I can afford to be without knowing you return the feelings.”
Your eyes shift to Wooseok again, and you notice how the redness has returned to his ears. He’s looking down at the floor, and your heart swells with emotion.
You look between your best friends, “So you three-”
“Have been hopelessly in love with you for years, Squeak.” Yuto finishes for you. “So let us take care of you. And don’t be worried about consequences. There are none.”
“Are you sure about that?” You cock a brow. “I think if Hui finds out about this, he might have a heart attack.”
“Like I said, only good outcomes.” Yuto chuckles, then he holds out a hand for you. “Come here.” You reach for him ,and Yuto easily pulls you to your feet, bringing you close until you’re chest to chest. “Let us help you learn not to worry so much, hmm?”
One of his hands comes to cup your face, thumb brushing across your cheek bone lovingly. Yuto looks down at you with dark eyes that have stars in them, and you let out a breath you hadn’t known you’d been holding.
You trust Yuto- and you trust Kino, and Wooseok.
With one final ‘please, Lord Jesus or whoever is up in the sky- please let this not end badly’ you feel a surge of adrenaline run through you, and it gives you the courage to lurch onto your tiptoes, throw your arms around the back of Yuto’s neck, and press your lips to his for the very first time.
His hands immediately slip down to your waist, and he tugs you closer, kissing you back. He captures your lower lip between his own, suckling on it for a moment before letting his teeth drag against you, earning a small sound that rises out of your chest before you can even stop it.
Yuto grins against your lips briefly before kissing you harder, prompting you to open your mouth and allow his tongue to glide across your teeth. His hand slips down from your waist to your ass, giving you a delicious squeeze-
And then two new hands are grabbing your hips, forcibly making you turn, taking Yuto with you. Someone presses against your back, and it’s easy for you to guess who it is.
Kino’s fingers dig into your hips, pulling your lower body away from Yuto and back towards the new man behind you. Your pink haired friend grinds against you, his lips finding your neck and sending a shiver through your body at the new, unexpected contact.
You find yourself reaching behind you, finding Kino’s hair and lacing your fingers through it, tugging gently and earning a groan that reverberates against your throat. Kino’s teeth graze your jugular and Yuto breaks your kiss in favour of going at the other side of your neck, one of his hands grabbing at your jaw and pushing up, giving both men more space as they suck little love bites into your skin.
Now that your mouth isn’t covered with Yuto’s, your sounds slip out unhindered, little whimpers of delight that earn growls of interest from the men all but claiming your throat - your very breath - as theirs.
Then you remember the soft man missing from this equation, and his name tumbles from your lips. “Wooseok-”
Yuto chuckles darkly against your throat, and then he adjusts the grip still pushing at your chin, so he can insert two fingers into your mouth. “You think you’re funny don’t you?” Yuto asks, nipping at your earlobe. “Saying Wooseok’s name while Kino and I worship you like this.”
You moan around his fingers, blindly grabbing at Yuto’s belt to drag him closer.
“You want him first, don’t you, Squeak?” Kino hisses against your neck. “You always care about your baby boy first, isn’t that right?” He pulls his face away from your skin, and a moment later, his fingers are wrapping around your throat, squeezing.
You moan around Yuto’s fingers and he removes them from your mouth, both men giving you enough space to answer them.
“Yes,” you gasp, pushing your ass back against Kino, “Wooseok deserves it.”
Fingers squeeze your neck again, and Kino’s lips brush by your ear when he asks; “and we don’t?”
You let out a groan when Yuto pushes his leg between your thighs, and it’s the first real contact on your core, sending shivers of pleasure through your body. “You two stole my socks.”
The men caging you in begin to laugh, and if you weren’t so distracted by their hands on you- their massive bodies locking you in between them- you might have laughed as well, but the most you can do is latch onto Yuto’s shoulders when he pushes his thigh up against you harder.
“Fine.” Yuto says, voice low. His hand comes to cup your face, and you open your eyes to look up at him. “You can have Wooseok first. But if you were anyone else- I’d make him wait.”
“Let’s make him wait.” Kino pouts behind you, and a moment later he’s latching his lips onto your neck again, finding your sweet spot and exploiting it for the pretty gasps that immediately leave you.
“So you’re going to say no to her?” Yuto laughs, rubbing his nose against yours gently before kissing you with the same softness.
Behind you, Kino groans, and you know he’s been defeated.
“How are we going to do this?” Kino asks, and you realize nearly immediately that he’s not talking to you.
Yuto stops kissing you to consider it for a moment, even turning to look at the bed. Then he says, “Wooseok sitting against the headboard, Squeak on his lap, you can be behind.”
“And you?” You grab the front of Yuto’s shirt, looking up at him with wide eyes.
“I’ll wait.” He assures you. “Someone has to tell these two which positions are going to work.”
“I know positions.” Kino mutters behind you, making both you and Yuto laugh.
Kino must not like being laughed at, because his hands grab your hips and he roughly turns you to face him, looking down at you with a dark gaze. “You think this is funny?” He grabs your face, nearly shaking with what looks to be repressed emotion, and all your laughter dies in your throat. “You have no idea-” He groans, unable to finish his sentence.
“Then show me.”
He grabs your face with both hands, smashing his lips to yours.
If Yuto had been eager but collected, Kino is the opposite side of the same coin, eager and extremely enthusiastic, his tongue clashing against yours immediately. His thumb presses against your cheekbone as he kisses you- and then his hands disappear- only for your shirt to be torn off your body.
Kino’s lips move to your neck and you let out a gasp, fingers threading in his hair while his mouth begins it’s descent. His lips press sloppy kisses to your collarbones and then the swell of your breasts, one of his large hands splaying across the small of your back-
He grabs at the latch of your bra and you whimper, body tingling with anticipation-
While Kino undoes the clasp, the largest set of hands yet finds your shoulders, pushing the straps of your bra down gently. Lips press butterfly kisses against the nape of your neck and your shoulders, a stark contrast to Kino, who successfully gets your bra off and moves his attention to your breasts.
“Fuck-” Kino groans, cupping your left boob in his hand and kneading it while his tongue darts out to tease your other nipple- then he’s grabbing at your legs, lifting you up while the man behind you gets out of the way, allowing Kino to toss you onto the bed, his body landing on top of yours.
Kino’s mouth continues its downward, and then his fingers are finding the waistband of your jeans, tugging roughly- only to allow the denim to fall back to your skin. Kino looks up at you and you gnaw at your lower lip, your own hands moving to undo the button, then the zipper- and when you lift your hips, Kino immediately follows through and helps you pull your jeans off.
“You’re in for it now.” Yuto chuckles darkly, and your gaze shifts to the man from Japan, who has moved to sit in his gaming chair, and is facing the bed with an amused expression on his face.
You don’t have to ask what Yuto is talking about.
It’s a running joke amongst your male friends that Kino loves giving oral- it’s one of the things you’ve spent a lot of time fantasizing about, and now that he’s between your legs- he definitely delivers.
The pink haired man pushes your thighs up to your chest, letting out a soft groan when he brings his mouth to your panty covered core. He places an open mouthed kiss on your entrance, tongue pressing against the fabric of your underwear and making your legs twitch.
“Are you seriously going to tease her while we’re standing here waiting?” Wooseok groans next to you, and you have to admit, you agree with his exasperated tone.
“I’m not forcing you to stand there and watch.” Kino responds quickly, fingers hooking in your panties. When he pulls the fabric to the side, his breath fanning over your heated core, a shiver runs across your body, and your hands instinctively reach for his hair.
“Kino-” You whimper, voice betraying your need.
Your friend looks up at you with mischievous eyes and a grin, then he brings his face to your heat, dragging his tongue across your entrance teasingly. His hands adjust your legs, pushing them up against your chest harder, spreading you open as he places his entire mouth onto you, tongue pushing into your wet hole.
Your fingers tug at his hair and you gasp, back arching. It feels like little shocks of happiness are scattering across your skin.
The bed dips next to you, and then a large hand covers your breast, thumb brushing over your pebbled nipple, earning another sound of pleasure from deep within you.
Wooseok looks down at you, eyes full of wonder, and your heart lurches in your chest. You grab your youngest lover boy, pulling him to your lips.
He’s surprised at first, but it only takes a moment for Wooseok to start kissing you back, his body shifting as he shuffles closer, leaning half over you so he can kiss you harder while his fingers pinch at your nipple.
Kino sucks at your clit, and you shiver, legs closing around his head as a sudden orgasm erupts through your body. You grab at Wooseok’s shoulders, moaning desperately into his mouth while Kino continues to lick and slurp at your entrance- a moment later two of his fingers push into you, and you think this must be the most wonderful feeling your body has ever felt.
The pink haired man’s digits curl up, and you can hear your pussy squelching even over the gasps and whimpers that are escaping you.
Wooseok’s moved his kisses to your neck, and your noises of pleasure fill the space, but you can’t bring yourself to care.
Kino lets up when your legs truly begin to shake, and when he pulls away, your feet fall flat on the mattress, knees closing.
Wooseok’s still working on your neck, one hand worshiping your breast, but after a moment, the hand begins to move downward. He drags his palm along the outside of your leg, up to your knee, then he applies a bit of pressure, prompting your thighs to open.
He moves between your legs slowly, giving you time to push him away, but the moment he’s pressing down against your core, your thighs tighten around his waist.
“Wooseok?” You blink up at him.
“Yeah?” His voice is shaky.
You push at his shoulders, and Wooseok lets up, allowing you to roll, switching positions so you’re now on top of him. Your friend’s hands find your hips, and you grab at his shirt, prompting him to sit up so he can remove it easily.
His lips find your breasts the moment he discards the fabric, and his fingers splay across your back, keeping you close while he moves his kisses up to your neck. He reaches your lips moments later, and you push on his shoulders, causing you both to fall back onto the bed, your hands pressed to his chest, which flexes beneath you.
You roll your hips, and you can feel Wooseok’s cock pressing up against his jeans. You avoid the obnoxious buckle on the belt that he’d found thrifting last December, you’d always known there was a reason you hated it, but have never been able to put your finger on it- now, you realize it’s because it makes Wooseok’s crotch about as inviting as a chastity belt.
“Off.” You mumble against your friend’s lips, reaching a hand between your bodies to tug at the belt buckle before releasing it. Wooseok had had the audacity to put the damned thing on, he can remove it too.
Large hands fumble, metal brushes your exposed abdomen and makes you shiver, Wooseok kisses you deeper in response, managing to get the belt off with one hand while the other returns to cup your face. He’s pulling the leather band completely out of the rings of his pants and throwing it to the side a moment later, and as soon as it’s gone, your hands return to the waistband of his jeans.
The two of you make quick work of undressing him, and before you know it, he’s bare in front of you, and you’re practically drooling at how big he is.
You lick your lips, kissing Wooseok quickly, then beginning your descent. He shivers when you kiss his abdomen, and your fingers wrap around his cock a moment later, earning another hiss, as well as a hand in your hair.
Wooseok looks down at you and you meet his eyes, bringing your mouth to the head of his cock and kitten licking. The gorgeous man lets out a strangled gasp, throwing his head back into the pillows, hips lifting off the bed, and he releases his hold on your hair to grip at the bed sheets. You humour the needy man, sinking your mouth onto his length, taking as much of him as you can.
A hand lands on your ass, surprising you and making you jolt, which sends Wooseok into the back of your throat. You gag, pulling away from Wooseok while your hand continues to pump him, and you look over your shoulder at Kino.
“I know you said you wanted him first-” The mischievous man grabs a fistful of your hair, pulling you up and away from Wooseok so your back is now to Kino’s chest. He runs his tongue from your collarbone up to your ear, and you shiver at the cool stripe it leaves in it’s wake. “But what if I fuck you while you suck him off? There’s no reason you can’t take us both, hmm?”
You gnaw on your lower lip, nodding eagerly, and Kino laughs. He lets you go, shoving your back roughly, and you eagerly return to your task, mouth wrapping around Wooseok once more.
You feel Kino rip your panties at the waist, and you can’t bring yourself to care, taking them off completely would have required you to adjust positions, and it would have taken much too long.
One of Kino’s hands lands on the small of your back, and it glides down your spine while you feel him lining up with your entrance. He coats himself in your slick first, rutting against you but not pushing inside, and you groan around Wooseok, toes curling with anticipation.
Kino chuckles behind you, and then he thrusts into you all at once, both hands moving to grip your hips. “Try not to choke, sweetheart.” Kino warns, and you just know he’s grinning like the complete asshole that he is-
His first thrust sends you forward suddenly, and you nearly gag, groaning at how quickly he’d almost made you fail his warning. You pull your mouth off of Wooseok, fist pumping up and down his length while you suckle on the head, finding this less risky with Kino behind you and at full energy.
Wooseok doesn’t seem to mind the change, and one of his large hands comes down to cover yours, applying pressure that tells you to squeeze him harder. You follow through, and the man below you lets out a groan.
The sound of praise goes straight to your core, and you feel yourself tighten around Kino, who reacts with a laugh, then smacks you across your ass just enough to sting.
You whimper, a little shocked at just how much you’re enjoying Kino being rough with you. An orgasm is building in the pit of your stomach, and you rest your head on Wooseok’s thigh, eyes closing, allowing yourself to enjoy the feeling of Kino fucking you silly with even more intensity.
“She feels so good.” Kino groans, and you whimper in response, adoring how he’s ignoring you and talking about you to the others like this.
“Don’t rub it in.” Yuto’s deep voice sends a tingle rushing through your entire being, you’d almost forgotten he was there-
Kino simply laughs, and his hips rut into you faster and harder- you’d thought he’d be losing energy by now, not fucking you even better-
“Gonna cum for me, Squeak?” Kino grabs at your hair, and he hauls you up to his chest for the second time tonight. His hand moves to your throat to keep you where he wants you, and his strong forearm is like a security bar holding you up where it presses across your chest, allowing his other hand to grasp your breast roughly.
You can’t respond, but you manage a nod, and Kino’s condescending laugh at the motion sends you over the edge. You throw your head back onto Kino’s shoulder, pulse thumping loudly in your head from the way he’s cutting off your oxygen with the hand still on your throat.
You can feel him everywhere.
Your fingers latch onto his wrist, not to pull him away, but to anchor yourself as waves of pleasure wash over your entire body. Kino is steady behind you, and he works you through your orgasm with a pace that turns erratic as his own high becomes nearly too much for him to bear.
When he finally slows down, releasing your neck, you take a strangled breath. You feel a soft kiss to your shoulder, and then the roughness returns, with Kino pushing you onto Wooseok’s chest.
The maknae catches you, holding you close while you catch your breath. But when you shift, and feel Wooseok’s cock twitch with interest where it’s pressed between your bodies, you’re determined to pull yourself together and fuck all three of your friends. You can’t stop now.
Your hand forms a fist, and you push yourself up, looking down at Wooseok. Then you lift your hips, grabbing your friend’s cock to guide him to your entrance. You sit down just as Wooseok’s hands find your waist, a wide eyed look on his face.
He’s big.
So, so big.
And with you sitting on top, he fills you completely
Your wet core flutters around the new intrusion, and you curse yourself for ever having thought prep with Kino - who to be fair, had felt to be quite well endowed himself - would prepare you for your six foot three bestie with hands larger than your entire head.
You press your palms flat to Wooseok’s chest, and you lift yourself a few inches before sinking back onto his length, a whimper leaving your lips as your body adjusts. He feels so good splitting you open like this-
Wooseok’s fingers press into your hips, lifting you slightly, only to slam you back down onto his cock, and you nearly wail from pleasure. He adjusts his feet on the bed behind you so he can thrust up into you better, and you find yourself becoming practically a rag doll for the large maknae below you, who man handles you despite your top position.
You don’t care that Wooseok’s taken the power from you. Your mind going blank, unable to think about anything other than how good he feels-
“Sit up and move to the headboard so you can lean against it.” Yuto’s voice interrupts your pleasure haze, and your eyes open when Wooseok moves, following through with the instruction and dragging you with him.
“Now you kitten,” a hand brushes by your shoulders, and you shiver, “turn around. Face away from Wooseok for me.”
You do as you’re told, and two pairs of hands help you. They even ensure you sit back on Wooseok’s cock, and he groans. You feel him press against your back, his hand snaking around your front to play with your clit, lips finding your shoulder.
Wooseok’s legs are spread ever so slightly, and Yuto is kneeling there in front of you.
In this position, it’s almost hard to look up at Yuto, and your hands press down into the bed, arms straight and holding you above Wooseok’s knees while you grind back against him in a mock reverse cowgirl position.
The good thing is, you don’t have to look up at him, and your eyes immediately lock on your target. Your hands move to undo Yuto’s pants- only for Wooseok to push into you, making your balance falter, almost causing you to fall flat on your face- but you catch yourself at the last moment.
Yuto laughs above you. “Our little chew toy.” He says fondly, beginning to undo his belt. “I’d love to hear you squeak, but I need your mouth for other things.”
Yuto even guides himself to your lips, and you eagerly accept him, whimpering with delight when his hand finds your hair, and you realize he’s going to facefuck you while Wooseok thrusts into you from behind in the reverse cowgirl Eiffel Tower hybrid position you’ve found yourself in.
You give yourself up completely to Yuto and Wooseok, their little chew toy, and your whole being floods with pleasure from them using you.
You hollow your cheeks around Yuto, and he fucks your mouth harder, cock hitting the back of your throat.
“Fuck!” Wooseok groans loudly behind you. “She gets to fucking tight when you do that-”
“Then I’ll do it again.” Yuto says simply from above you, and he continues to fuck your face, making sure to press into your throat a second time.
Wooseok moans even louder, fingers digging into your waist, confirmation that making you choke on Yuto’s cock makes your pussy squeeze like a vice grip-
“Can you just cum already?!” Yuto says, and you know by his tone that he’s speaking to the man behind you.
“No, you cum! I’m not cumming in this position!” Wooseok argues back.
“The fuck you aren’t!”
“I’m not.” Wooseok says, voice something near a growl.
Yuto groans a moment later. “Guess it’s my turn.” He mutters, pulling out of your mouth suddenly.
You look up at him with teary eyes as he pumps his cock-
“Don’t cum on her, or in her mouth!” Wooseok commands from behind you.
Three “what!?”’s ring through the room, but with another massive groan, Yuto follows through with even this ridiculous command, and Kino tosses him a shirt in record time to use in lieu of your body. You all look at the fabric, realizing it’s Wooseok’s- and Yuto explodes into his friend’s shirt with a manic laugh.
Wooseok groans loudly, lifting you off of his cock and tossing you onto the bed next to him. He’s between your legs an instant later, pushing back into you as he captures your mouth with his own.
He fucks you fluidly, with a rhythm that’s just the right speed, and he fills you so perfectly-
You dig your fingers into Wooseok’s shoulders, your orgasm washing over you like waves of warm sunshine. You bury your face in Wooseok’s neck, whimpering while Wooseok echoes your sounds with groans of his own.
One of his hands is on your hip, and he squeezes you gently there, rhythm faltering, thrusts becoming slower but harder, more intimate.
You find yourself lacing your fingers in his silky hair, dragging his face from your shoulder so you can kiss him, losing yourself in his lips as your orgasm subsides and Wooseok slows down to a stand still.
Neither of you move for a few seconds, simply breathing together, feeling each other’s hearts racing through your compressed chests. Then Wooseok takes a deep breath and pushes himself off of you.
“I’m going to the shower.” He announces.
Yuto groans, following the younger man a moment later, and you’re left with Kino.
The pink haired man has his sweat pants on, and he comes to sit on the end of the bed, fingers brushing against your ankle. You pull your leg away, looking down at him suspiciously. You definitely can’t go another round-
“Relax.” Kino says, shifting closer, and he shows you a wet cloth in his hand. “With Wooseok in the shower, there’s no way you’d get any water.” He tells you, bringing the warm fabric to the soft flesh of your inner thigh. “Let me take care of you.”
You take a deep breath and rest against the pillows, closing your eyes and spreading your legs for Kino. You let out a whimper when he brushes by your clit, and then his lips press a gentle kiss to your inner knee as if to say ‘sorry’, and he proceeds with more caution.
“Hmm?” He nuzzles his cheek against your knee, finishing his work.
“What you guys said earlier, about being in love with me-”
“You think we didn’t mean it?” He pulls away from you, hands closing your knees.
You open your eyes, worried you’ve upset him, but then Kino is laying down next to you, covering you both in a blanket and adjusting your body to turn you into his little spoon.
He curls around you, pressing a kiss to your shoulder.
Your heart melts for him, especially when his hand slips over your waist, sneaking down to the bed in search of your fingers, which he promptly finds and captures between his own.
“This just feels like a dream.” You sigh, closing your eyes, trying to enjoy being with Kino in this way without overthinking it.
Kino laughs against your shoulder, pressing more kisses onto your skin. “Well, i promise to be here in the morning when you wake up, and the morning after that, and the morning after that-”
You laugh, rolling your eyes at your friend, who nips at your ear lobe. You shiver at the contact of his lips on the sensitive shell of your ear. “Where did you learn to be so rough like this?” You ask. “I knew you have a reputation in bed, but that was-”
“Did you like it rough, Squeak?” He squeezes you tightly, lips trailing along your neck.
“Yeah-” You let out a breathy sound, toes curling when he focuses on the sweet spot below your ear, and you can feel Kino smiling against it a moment later.
“I’ve noticed you have a thing for pain.” Kino says. “Sometimes, when I hug you too tight, you let out these little sounds-” You feel your skin heating, knowing exactly what he’s talking about, and Kino chuckles, squeezing your hand. “And what can I say?” Kino’s teeth graze your shoulder. “I’m nothing if not a giver in bed.”
Your pussy throbs at his words, and you push your ass back against him.
Kino lets go of your fingers, and then his hand finds your thigh, moving from the outside in, and gliding up to your core. “Let me give you another one?” He asks, kissing your shoulder.
“I can’t believe you two.” Yuto’s voice always seems to shock you, and you think you’ll have to get used to being intimate with one person while two others watch and can jump in at any moment-
“How was your shower?” Kino asks, his warm body leaving yours in favour of sitting up to stare at the man standing in the doorway. You mirror the motion, pulling Kino’s blanket with you.
“Wooseok’s been in there the whole time. He just finished,” Yuto’s eyes move to you. “Come on, Squeak.”
“I’ll come when Yuto’s done.” Kino tells you, turning and grabbing your jaw to keep you still while he presses a kiss to your lips. He’s gone much too fast for your liking, letting you go with a mischievous grin before collapsing back into the pillows. “Oh-” He says as you crawl from the bed, his hand grabbing the fabric that’s still wrapped around you, “and leave the blanket.”
Yuto laughs, grabbing your hands and pulling you to your feet. The air is cold against your exposed skin, but Yuto is quick to pull you to his warm chest. He turns you so you’re facing away from the door, and then he steps forward, forcing you to move back, step by step, all the way to the bathroom. He does this sort of thing with you frequently, usually when you’re clothed, so you’re used to this wordless behaviour.
You bump into Wooseok, literally, as he’s exiting the bathroom, and suddenly it’s two warm bodies pressed against your own.
Wooseok is so tall. When he towers over you, you notice his hair is still wet from the droplets that land on you.
You giggle, pressing up to Yuto in an effort to escape Wooseok from dripping onto you, and your best friend - like the dog he is - deliberately shakes his head out.
Yuto shoves at Wooseok before he can get too much splattered on the two of you, and pushes past the younger man. He helps you to the shower first, then kicks off his sweatpants, joining you under the warm water.
Neither of you say anything, but you’ve been at this comfort level in your friendship for years now, and have often shared pleasant silences in each other’s company.
Kino keeps his promise and shows up when Yuto leaves. He holds you close to his chest, sharing the warm water with you.
When you exit the shower, Kino hands you a shirt and some boxers, an outfit you’ve worn on many impromptu sleep overs here.
“My bed is biggest.” Kino says as you exit the bathroom, and you laugh, knowing full well that all three men all have queen mattresses because they’d got them in some weird three for one closing sale in your first year of university-
“Kino-” You turn to argue but your best friend bends down, lifts you up by your thighs, and tosses you over his shoulder. When you say his name this time, it’s a scream, and it makes him laugh.
It also earns a groan from Yuto’s room, and a moment later he appears, following the pink haired thief.
Kino tosses you onto his bed, getting under the covers with you and regaining his spot as the big spoon. He tucks you close to his chest, letting out a contented sigh.
Yuto claims your other side soon after, laying on his back, allowing you to tangle your legs with one of his.
Wooseok is last in the room.
He takes one look at you, sees you’re all but monopolized on either side, and in one motion, he flops his body over all three of your tired, and completely unexpecting, forms.
There’s an immediate commotion and struggle, and you’re too tired to do anything but laugh, closing your eyes and knowing that you’re safe with your three best friends in the entire world.

Honestly- these 3 are the loves of my life, i can’t BELIEVE they exist- being born in the span of 10 days- truly made to be together : ( hope you liked it!
If you’ve made it to the end of the fic and enjoyed it, please consider donating to my Kofi, or Paypal :) any amount helps
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© smileysuh — all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any fic, reaction, or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed.
Tallest Male Kpop Idols
Seungjun, (KNK) - 190 cm
Rowoon, (SF9) - 189 cm
Zelo, (B.A.P) - 189 cm
Wooseok, (Pentagon) - 188.4 cm
Jungshin, (CN Blue) - 188 cm
Lou, (VAV) - 187 cm
Mingyu, (Seventeen) - 187 cm
Changmin, (TVXQ) - 186 cm
Yanan, (Pentagon) - 186 cm
Youjin, (KNK) - 186 cm
Jihun, (KNK) - 186 cm
BM, (KARD) - 186 cm
Sunghyun, (IN2IT) - 186 cm
Chanyeol, (EXO) - 186 cm
Stream Sha La La para que pentagon pueda tener su 1st win