Worthwright - Tumblr Posts

“I was hurting
And you knew.
So you showed me
What to do.”
Ready now - Dodie
I love these two they’re constantly on my mind omg
Still trying to figure out how to draw these two but I’ll eventually get there!
Maya: Hey Edgeworth, 20 bucks says you can't do squats with Nick over your shoulders
Miles: What? Why would I do such a thing? Not to mention I have no use for such money-
Maya: If you reach 40 squats I'll give you my limited edition Steel Samurai tea set
Miles: ...

Happy NaruMitsu 🤍White Day🤍! 🍫
Continuation of Valentine’s Day comic.

narumitsu week day 3: anniversary
[ID: An 8-page black-and-white comic featuring Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth from Ace Attorney. Phoenix has a locket necklace and is in a black tee. Miles is in pajamas.
1. There are 3 panels.
Panel 1 Phoenix leans backwards in the kitchen to see Miles. Miles is in the foreground pulling out a chair.
Phoenix: Mornin’ sunshine! Awake yet? Miles: mmrphfmr. Phoenix: Hah! Thought so. Breakfast’s on the table.
Panel 2 Miles’s side profile, glaring at nothing in particular, labelled ‘VERY SLEEPY’.
Panel 3 A close up of Panel 2, wherein Miles looks down as if noticing something.
2. There are 3 panels
Panel 1 Three plates of crepes on the table, topped with strawberries, blueberries, and whipped cream.
Miles: You made…
Panel 2 Miles looks down at the table, expression surprised.
Miles: …crepes?
Panel 3 Phoenix is kissing Miles on the cheek from behind, a hand on his cheek and another on his neck.
Phoenix: Mhm. Happy anniversary. Miles: Hold it-
3. Them conversing in chibi-head form.
Miles: Our first wedding’s anniversary was last month. Phoenix: Not that one. Miles: The second one’s not for a few months. Phoenix: Not that one, either. Miles: Well. Nothing else comes to mind. Phoenix, swooning: You don’t remember the time you dipped and kissed me in front of the Eiffel Tower? Miles, frowning: That never happened. Phoenix, grinning: Fine. That time you described me as “roguishly handsome” to your tailor. Miles, gritting his teeth: That also never happened. Phoenix, doing a ‘whatever!’ gesture: What about that time you loudly professed your undying love for me when we were both on different cruise ships passing each other in the night? Miles, glaring: Wright, my memory may be terrible, but even I know with utmost certainty that that’s never happened.
4. There are 3 panels.
Panel 1 Phoenix looks at Miles, smiling softly.
Panel 2 Phoenix glances away, eating a piece of sliced strawberry.
Phoenix: Ah, well. It doesn’t really matter.
Panel 3 Miles looks at Phoenix, incredulous, as Phoenix chews on his strawberry.
Miles: I’d hardly agree, given how much of a fuss you’re making. What is this about, really?
5. A scene in Phoenix’s point of view, presumably set in the past, in a living room. The view is partially covered at the top by Phoenix’s own hand. Miles is sitting in front of him, back lit by a television. He is placing a hand on Phoenix’s, and looking at Phoenix with a determined expression. On the table are various notes that read, from left to right: “-bably accomp- evidence, -applied.”, “-> at least 4 years - implementation - MASON? 12 - 6 trial?” “成歩堂 龍-” “MIA”.
Miles: Phoenix. No matter what, I am with you, completely.
6. There are two panels.
Panel 1 Phoenix looks up almost reverently, on eye covered by his hand shielding his face.
Panel 2 A close up on his mouth, slightly agape.
7. They are back in the present. There are two panels.
Panel 1 Miles is looking at Phoenix (the viewer), with a curious expression. On the wall beside him is a poster for Trucy Wright’s magic show, and a mirror reflecting on the opposite wall full of picture frames.
Miles: Phoenix?
Panel 2 A show of Miles’s hand on Phoenix’s, a golden band around his ring finger.
8. 3 sequential images of Phoenix moving his hand to hold Miles’s properly, then thumbing the ring.
Phoenix: Don’t worry. It’s something… certain.
End ID.]
What could’ve been 💔 (based off of one of the concept arts)

“If you get lonely, find anybody, just get lucky”

A collab I did with a lovely friend!! (You should follow her on twitter @Waffles_4935 pspsps :3)