Writer Tag Game - Tumblr Posts

Okie dokie, as I understand it I'm to write how characters will say the line I've been giving, then come up with a knew line for who I'm tagging.

Would kinda like some non dialogue to go with the dialogue, but I guess I won't, will be missing context though

Gonna go with Downfall cause it has the most characters semi thought out, but cause my neck is killing me like nothing else I'm just gonna do four then lay down

-- "It's been a long day."

Sean: "I feel I might sleep forever after the day we've had"

Cullen: "It'll be fine, just think of this as another long day."

Michael: "I'm not as young as I use to be, and the walk to your city has grown longer then you might remember."

Seolfor: "Why from the crack of dawn to far past dust I recall we partied, sang, danced, feasted, raced, dueled, and at the end nearly embraced. I still don't forgive you ending our brimming day, Michael."


@dyrewrites @illarian-rambling @manticoremoon (I'm assuming you write)

Character voice Tag Game

I was tagged by @missionsparrow for this one, and I am very glad for that! It looks like a fun game, and honestly I probably would have hopped onto an opened tag if I hadn't been tagged anyways.

The rules are: Write a specific sentence, given to you from the one that tagged you, in several characters voices. You can use a line of action to help you along, but make sure you mostly focus on how the character voices the line!

The absolutely perfect line I was given was: "We're just friends, that's it."

The line I am to @sender-paulson, @enne-uni, @litany-writes, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @philosophika and anyone else looking to join is: "This is turning out so much better than expected."

And now, from Bacchanal Act I I give you the character voices with the line "We're just friend, that's it."

Mirabell McRae

"We're friends. That's it."

Blaine McRae

"We're just friends. Nothing else."

Darren Sutton

"I guess we're just friend, y' know?"

Morty Harper

"We're nothing that more than friends."

Anteros Jones

"Believe it or not, I am capable of making and keeping friends."

Eros Jones

"Oh, no no no. Heh. We're only friends."

Dion Liber

"Oh, nah. Nah, we're just friends."

Apollo Lykios

"We are only friends. I swear."

Diana Lykios

"I promise, they're just a friend."

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Okie, last one and then I'll be all caught up. And my goodness we got another character voice tag. Writers on Tumblr, I love yall, but we need to add a little variety to our tag games.

Okay so my line is: "Is it just me, or is it really cold in here?"

Well if it isn't broken, I haven't used it enough, lets try to come up with more Downfall lines on the spot

"Is it just me, or is it really cold in here?"(no context)

The Witch Thief: "Perhaps none of you have noticed yet, but is it not starting to get a tad cold?

Caitlin Skel: "It's freezing in here, like the breath of far deep caves still populated with Roring Burgs, we should move."

Hollower: "Cold."

Alius: "Have you noticed it yet, Michael, the chill in the air which forewarns a coming doom?"

EDIT I FORGOT TO TAG PEOPLE Your line is: "When is it all going to end?"

@dyrewrites @shepardsherd @illarian-rambling

Character Voice Tag

Rules: rewrite a line in the voice of your OCs, then make up a new line for the next people

Thanks @illarian-rambling for the tag! My line is, “God, she’s such a bitch,” although I swapped the pronouns on it a few times

Belladonna: “She’s insufferable. She has no manners, no decorum, no sense of- anything! She’s unbearable!”

Cassie: “God I fucking hate her stuck-up prissy ass. What a fucking bitch.”

Nellie: “I don’t like her. She shouldn’t treat you like that.”

Narcissus: “I cannot believe him. The nerve, the absolute arrogance- to draw attention away from me? At my engagement party? Practically criminal! He should be taken away at once. I will not stand for such despicable behavior at my engagement. This should be about me, not some minor noble with a constant need for attention.”

Ricinus: “That bitch. Whoring herself out again, no doubt.”

Goldenrod: “He’s such an unbearable bastard. Have you seen where his eyes linger?”

Cassiopeia: “That slimy little clever bitch. You think you can outsmart me?”

Stellaris: “I hate her. She’s so mean, and it makes me feel…” *gestures for the right word, eventually settles on one that’s close* “bad.”

Rhys: “She… isn’t very nice, I’ll admit.”

These might’ve gone a little further off the line than usual but I decided to have a bit of fun with this one :). Every character in this one is talking about another character in this list! I’d love to see your guesses on who’s complaining about whom :)

Anyway, I’ll see if @kaylinalexanderbooks @elsie-writes and @autism-purgatory want to play this one! Your line is, “Why are you staring at me?”

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I Physically Can't Stop Writing Everduring, But I Wish I Was Writing Something That Worked Easier For

I physically can't stop writing Everduring, but I wish I was writing something that worked easier for certain writers games

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3 years ago

—hannah’s oc fill in the blank tag game

Rules: choose an oc and have them fill in the blanks of the following statements ( created by @hannahs-creations )

for this tag i'm going to be using Spit :D !! so slight warning for cussing !!


I am inspired by Coda, but don't tell 'im that 'cause he'll get an ego.

I think that I am mutant because have you fuckin' seen me?

I have often been told I am a villain, but I don't fuckin' get it. Destroy school property and suddenly the whole damn city hates you.

I love everything about myself, which probably stems from have you seen me? I'm beautiful.

When I am up late at night, I am usually thinking about Coda, usually. How he's doing and how he's feeling, and when he's with me jus' how... happy I am, I guess.

My favorite thing to do in my free time is none of your damned business.

I really dislike Iven because have you seen his face? Very punchable.

I find that school tends to distress me.

I think I am unique because my saliva is deadly.

My most common emotion tends to be anger.

I really hate when people exist.

I find schoolwork to be tedious and feel the world would be better without it.

If I could get rid of any food in its entirety, it would be any and all. Everythin' tastes bitter and gross, I'd be better off if I could photosynthesize.

I think pigeons would be my spirit animal because they're fucking annoying bastards. It's perfect.

I believe I'm better than everyone because I'm better than everyone.

I feel annoyed about this game.

I have zero, zip, zilch pets.

I [am/am not] afraid of commitment because relationships are inherently terrifying. Being vulnerable is inherently terrifying. I could also kill anyone I kissed.

If I became a villain, it would be because I'm filling the role everyone laid out for me.

If I became a hero, it would be because I finally did something praise-worthy despite my morals.

I consider myself to be a antihero.

I think I am not the main character of my own story.

I wish I was done with this questionnaire.

If I could kill one person without getting into trouble, it would be the Principal.

I find that people that exist are really stupid.



@night1rst , @saucysquared , @001arial , @pretend-im-normal , @vylequinne , @screnwriter , @apocalypsewriters , @opes-magnas , @zoya-writes

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3 years ago

writer questions tag

Thank you Rose!

what are the tiny trinkets that watch you write?

I don’t really have any particular trinkets, but if I write at my desk, I have hundreds of multicoloured paper cranes sitting on the top of a tiny shelf, and a few quotes that cheer me up on big palm cards that never stay on the wall

pick one: typewriter with nice clicky noises but some of the keys stick, pen and a notebook that always feels like it's open to the middle but an eternally cramped hand, or perfectly sharpened pencil and loose paper but will you be able to find the loose paper? who knows?

The typewriter! I genuinely want one, and I don’t think I’d mind if the keys stick. It adds character?

and questions for my amazing writer friends @pagesofcursive @writing-is-a-martial-art and anyone else who wants to!

What’s your favourite kind of extra thing to make for characters that isn’t intense writing? (like moodboards, playlists, incorrect quotes etc.)

What’s your favourite kind of angst to write?

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8 months ago

OC Questionaire Tag✨️

Thanks for tagging me @the-golden-comet!

Answering as Kazimier from 🌐7 Circles🌐

1. Do you go to the gym? If so, what’s the first thing you work on?

Nah, I get enough of a workout in my normal routine. Shapeshiftin' looks easy, but it's pretty similar to tensing your muscles for a long time- makes you sore in the same way, anyhow.

2. What is your favorite dessert?

I avoid sweets if I can. People who have sweet lust are too.. clingy. Ya know, the kind that gets upset if you leave right after, or worse, they think you got somethin' special with them. Ugh.

3. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?

I'm pretty well off in Du'Preve, big fish in a small sewer and all that. I guess it would be interestin' to see what kinda underground markets the upper districts got though.

Your questions:

Do you collect anything?

What was your favorite toy as a kid?

Can you swim?

Tagging: @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @wyked-ao3 @lychhiker-writes +Open Tag (Hmu to be +/- to my tag games list!)

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