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Живописный рассвет в национальном парке Гранд-Титон.
В северо-западной части штата Вайоминг в США расположился один из самых красивых и самых посещаемых национальных парков США – Гранд-Титон.
Picturesque sunrise in Grand Teton National Park. In the northwestern part of Wyoming in the USA is located one of the most beautiful and most visited national parks in the USA - Grand Teton.
Source: https://t.me/bestplacesontheplanet, https://www.tripadvisor.ru/Tourism-g143029-Grand_Teton_National_Park_Wyoming-Vacations.html
Hot take but what if Miku was from the part of Wyoming that Spirit stallion of the Cimarron was from. (and also me but that's besides the point) WYOMING MIKU !!!
Hey if anyone lives in Laramie can you tell me if im gonna be hate crimes against for being gay 💀
I’m looking to go to college there and just wanna know what I should expect LOL
It's taken 8 years living here to relize Utah borders Wyoming
I was not warned the planes would be so loud. it was alright, I had all my ear protection. the west of America is beautiful.
Mt. Moran reflections on String Lake, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA
I-80 highway through Wyoming. nicknamed The Sisters, for the three sets of hills that create an optical illusion of the road rising into the sky
Traveled 3000 miles just to be alone
A critical highway linking Idaho and Wyoming has closed indefinitely after a portion of the road cracked and then collapsed in a “catastrophic landslide,”