Ser Oscuro - Tumblr Posts

"self portrait" by Talula Merriwether, 2020
flutterposting 🎀

I'm not even afraid anymore. What're they gonna do? Kill me? Give me what I want? Yea fat chance

Are you afraid of the dark?
bf taking break from work to check up on me

The shadow man who hides behind your shower curtain 👁️
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whos the hat guy with red eyes in that post you reblogged? Is he from a game or anime

This is an artistic depiction of the "Hatman". The hatman is a shadow person, a sort of cryptid, who many people have claimed to see as a hallucination, particularly when undergoing sleep paralysis. Some paranormal/spiritual types believe that the hatman is more than a simple common hallucination but some sort of supernatural entity. If you're curious about the supernatural interperatations you can find some alleged encounters here .