Xuexiao - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

found this while re-reading mdzs on manhuatop.org I LOVE THE PERSON WHO DID THIS

Found This While Re-reading Mdzs On Manhuatop.org I LOVE THE PERSON WHO DID THIS


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2 years ago

i present to you; the stupids

(whenever i refer to them as dumb, stupid or idiots, what i rly mean is that Xue Yang is the dumb, stupid and the idiot)

I Present To You; The Stupids
I Present To You; The Stupids
I Present To You; The Stupids
I Present To You; The Stupids

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6 months ago
This Is Genuinely The Funniest Picture To Me Like Xxc Casually Strolling Down The Street With His Lil

this is genuinely the funniest picture to me like xxc casually strolling down the street with his lil sis and his gay sleep paralysis demon

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4 years ago

Well... You know. Careful what you wish for.

“Dear Journal, something strange happened yesterday. I felt something below the neck. Dare I admit it? I have feelings for one Xiao Xingchen. Sexy, non-murdering feelings. It all makes sense now, Journal. True love always springs from true hate. I’ll admit in the past I’ve fantasized about waking up with his head on the pillow next to me, except now I picture it attached to the rest of his body.”

— Xue Yang

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4 years ago
This Was Your Fault, Ever Since The Beginning.
This Was Your Fault, Ever Since The Beginning.
This Was Your Fault, Ever Since The Beginning.

This was your fault, ever since the beginning.

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2 years ago

The Untamed + Video Game Wishes: Yi City - (16/?) (pt. 1) (pt. 2) (pt. 3) (pt. 4) (pt. 5) (pt. 6) (pt. 7) (pt. 8) (pt. 9) (pt. 10) (pt.11) (pt. 12)  (pt. 13) (pt. 14) (pt. 15) (pt. 17)

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2 years ago

My issues with others for the week(the untamed edition):

1.a statement where someone said that jyl has no self respect

2.a big amount of songxiao shippers being complete assholes to people who like xue yang and any ships that involve him with also making fun of his past trauma

3.some of yall trauma comparing (making a competition out of ) wei wuxian's trauma to other characters and in the process disrespecting all parties involved life traumas

4. Demonizing jiang cheng and acting like he ever said his life was better without wei wuxian in general(I'm paraphrasing this one to the best of my ability)

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11 months ago



I will never not love them!!!

Why is Xue Yang smiling so much, to a blind guy, if it's not due to genuine feeling!!???

He thought for a moment his cover was blown! He saw his life in danger, and Xiao Xingchen was /THIS/ close to discover the whole thing!!

If his goal was to end this in the most painful way for his "enemy" Xiao Xingchen, why not end it right now!!??? Xiao Xingchen just murdered his own best friend. You will never get a better chance!

Xue Yang's goal has long since stopped being ending Xiao Xingchen's whole career, but rather making himself XXC's career!!

That is a smile of relief, of love and adoration.

I love them so much.

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7 months ago


Battle Of The Writers Episode 1 Is Crazy. It Has Tutoryim As A Xue Yang/Xiao Xingchen Flavoured Wuxia
Battle Of The Writers Episode 1 Is Crazy. It Has Tutoryim As A Xue Yang/Xiao Xingchen Flavoured Wuxia

Battle of the Writers episode 1 is crazy. it has tutoryim as a Xue Yang/Xiao Xingchen flavoured wuxia couple. it has a modern writer who is a delivery boy on the side. it is silly. it has romantic interest reading a murderer dialogue while twirling a knife and butt naked. it has "i know he is the one because remember his scent". it has 5 dudes seating around a table and reading each other's published gay smut out loud. i am seated so seated

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9 months ago

my random ass headcanon for today is that xiao xingchen is an absolute freak in bed. you may think he is vanilla asf but that man probably has ropes and whips hidden somewhere in his qiankun pouch. I just know it.

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3 years ago

Xue Yang - Jorō-gumo

Song Lan - ōkami, werewolf

Xiao Xingchen - human, youkai hunter

Xue Yang - Jor-gumo

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