Yamace - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

The straw hats are just. So queer guys

Luffy is aroace and nonbinary and just uses any pronouns because. Just look at him, please. He wouldn't know what's gender or romantic or sexual attraction even if they slapped him in the face. He also is the definition of the whole "people perceive me as male in the same way they perceive something non-human as just a little guy"

Zoro? Trans (he walks with his tits off, for gods' sake) and super gay. He is, like, 100% gay. No discussions. (and also dating Sanji, and yes, partners with conflicting labels are still their labels, stfu exclusionists)

Nami is, as quoted by a person whose username I forgot (I'm sorry if you read this just tell me it's you and I'll add your url): the lesbianest of lesbians in the story of lesbianism for lesbians by lesbians. And she obviously has her princess girlfriend, Vivi.

Usopp seems to be straight, but, in fact, they only felt attraction towards Kaya and also are 100% nonbinary, just like Luffy. Very he/they vibes.

Sanji is bisexualest person alive. And also transfem bigender, no, I accept no criticism, the absolute she/he.

Chopper does not know what is gender, because, for gods' sake, he's a reindeer. Obviously he doesn't care which pronouns you use to him.

Robin? Bisexual and trans queen. Look at her. Look at her backstory. She is so queer coded, guys, you don't know. She is also dating Franky, they are the absolute t4t couple.

Franky is straight with the biggest ever love for Robin and also trans, he modified his body to be a super-man like.

Brook is way too nonbinary for me to say it. Just look at them. Your they/them lovely grandpa.

Jinbei is, too, super aroace and I don't take criticism. Just look at him, he's got the vibes.

Vivi is, as before stated, a lesbian. That is pretty obvious, though.

Yamato is canonically trans, bitches (affectionate). And also very Gay. Definitely in some sort of relationship with Ace.

Bonney is transfem demigirl, trust me, Oda told me himself, and she came out first to her dad.

Law is transmasc nonbinary, the absolute they/he, they just got that vibe. And also very aroace, wouldn't know what the fuck is attraction even if it slapped him in the face (just like Luffy, that's why they are BFFs)

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6 months ago

Straw hat men headcanons (yeah, Yamato is here, don't ask shit)

Tw to abuse


Autistic and semi-verbal. Only communicates through echolalia of his crew's words. Has absolutely no social abilities. Stares at people VERY intensely. Has a hard time telling lies apart from the truth, because of that, developed the habit to be always aware about others. Suffers from understimulation and often has shutdowns, the only person able to help him in those situations is Luffy.

Is visually impaired due to an accident on the Kuraigana Island. Has a hard time with profundity and adapting to new environments, specially big ones. Sometimes uses his swords to tap around and know if there is an object he hasn't noticed yet.

Colorblind and dyslexic. Avoids reading because he feels embarassed due to internalized ableism. Has a hard time telling apart blue, green, yellow, purple and red. Nobody knew that until Chopper made an eyesight analysis on him, so now the crew helps him with some stuff.

Has tan skin and, for literally everybody's surprise, actually dyes his hair (even though he doesn't bath), as it's original color is black. Very tall, large on the bust and muscular. Has various scars through all of his body.

Very gay and also trans. Transitioned shortly before he met Kuina, never came out. Didn't have surgery cuz he thought it could disturb his sword abilities, so he just worked out his chest so much that it would look like that (he had small breasts, so it helped a lot). Still struggles with internalized transphobia, but is working on it, specially after Sanji came out. They dated a little before timeskip and after it went full on a relationship. It's weird, but it works for them (basically, they show off like they hate each other, but on backstage it's just love).

Basically only eats onigiri due to taste hypersensitivity, nobody other than Chopper knows how he manages to be so muscular eating only that (Chopper knows about his nutrient reposition).

Likes green and green only. Everything he has must have at least one shade of green on it.

Half of his echolalia is swearing. Likes to do it specially when fighting.

His promise is so that Kuina will be the only one ever above him, the only one able to absolutely defeat him. Sometimes, he feels like Kuina is there. His heart aches.

After timeskip, calls Kuraigana Island frequently, as he got very used to Mihawk and Perona's company (will never admit that he now got a dad and a sister).

Besties with Nami, very protective towards Usopp although he doesn't seem like. Likes sparing with Yamato and hanging around with Jinbei, as he usually leaves him alone. Hates Robin's teasing and Law's resting bitch face, although he also has one. Carries Bonney and Chopper around the ship anytime he can, Luffy's best bro ever (if Luffy ever could choose a best friend, it would probably be Zoro) as they went through a lot of shit together.

Has absolutely no music taste, will listen to anything even if it's not good. Everyone is fucking horrified.

Before Law joined, he would spend an entire fucking week on the same clothing. Now, Law will spank him if he does so. Zoro changes exactly ONCE a day, and they all look the same.

Scared of choking or asfixiating, will keep plastic (?) bags away from the ship at all costs.

Learned to play some shamisen as a kid, but very little. Due to time, is kind of bad on doing it, but he tried nonetheless in Wano.

After he got lost so many times, Usopp had an idea: to keep a balloon tied to his wrist so they could locate him from far away. Zoro does not like this at all (he still uses the balloon though).

Talks to his swords. He doesn't care if people stare, he needs to get to know their opinion. Cherishes them like nakama.

Even though he is not the most expressive guy, especially when it comes to expressions of love, he still will protect them when in danger no matter the cost.


Autistic, loves infodumping, special interest is obviously ships, no social cues so he just says whatever comes to his mind, super is a vocal stim, will often get emotionally overloaded and cry a lot.

Has PTSD due to the abandonment of his bio parents, panicks a lot when it comes to falling on the sea. Needs to stay around the crew when it happens.

Left leg amputee ever since his childhood, after he became a cyborg his special focus of the upgrades go to the left leg as he has a special love for this specific prostetic.

Very tall, large and muscular, thanks to hormonal blockers and testo. Hair was originally blonde and he used to dye it blue, but, after timeskip, it's natural. Has many scars through his torso.

Trans king, found out after he was taken in by Tom and started on hormones. Had a crush on Robin ever since he met het, but was kind of embarassed to say it until the end of Thriller Bark. Mom and dad of the crew (and Sunny's).

Likes working in the night more due to it being calmer, so his sleep schedule is a mess. He doesn't care, that way he can talk to Sunny without being interrupted.

Loves blue, yellow and red, includes those in everything he creates.

Never swears, just says weird words instead of it. Everyone other than the straw hats does not get it. He just says, idk, "bazooka" and the straw hats are like "GAAASP NOT IN FRONT OF BONNEY AND CHOPPER" meanwhile outsiders are like "???????"

Very clingy towards Robin, keeps hugging her at every opportunity and telling her he loves her, specially after timeskip as they made alliance rings for their relationship.

Regularly calls Iceburg and speaks for two hours about how Sunny is doing. It's common, whenever Luffy adopts a new nakama he makes a tour with them telling every single detail about the ship.

Hangs around a lot with Brook and Jinbei cuz they are really cool. Carries Luffy, Nami, Usopp, Vivi, Chopper and Bonney around the ship because they are all smaller than him (and won't kill him). Bros with Yamato, they like sparing (Yamato likes sparing with everybody, but that's not the point).

Loves Taylor Swift and eletronic songs, sometimes improvise some rap. It's horrible, but he tries.

Walks around the ship basically only in swimming trunks. Nami always yells at him for that, but everybody knows he'll never stop.

Is as scared of bugs as Sanji and Nami. Sprays insect repellent everywhere possible.

Surprisingly good at breakdancing. He really rocks at it.

Has a Den Den Mushi for each nakama. He just likes to verify them at most times. It's kind of tied to anxiety, but it helps him.

Stims in every way possible: visual, vocal, auditory, fidgeting, motor, biting. He just really needs stimming. Like, at all times. It's stronger than him.

Always working really hard to adapt to danger and keep Sunny and the crew safe. He does his best.


Autistic, but masked most of his life due to ableism (is learning to undo it now). Temperature hypersensibility, way too formal social script, loves fluffy and squishy stuff, fidgets a lot, rocks back and forth on his feet, has much flappy hands, has shutdowns that include self-harm.

Much taller than the rest of the crew, has a lot of scars, long beard and hair, fat and kind of muscular (he very strong).

Aroace dad, is very embarassed towards romantic and sexual relationships, but tries to be supportive. Just found out aroace existed and was mindblown. He kinda confused but he got the spirit. Robin's favorite victim of playfully flirting (he gets so embarassed it's funny).

After he entered the crew, he had a hard time being around Nami due to the guilt he felt, but they had a really long talk and now it got better. She is now his second kid (first is Koala) and likes hanging around a lot with him, very clingy towards him at the first sign of danger.

Never swears and scolds the rest of the crew when they do, specially when it's the younger ones. Very dad energy.

The most huggable person of the crew. Has received at least 2 hugs from everyone, which is a miracle considering Zoro and Law.

No favorite colour. Everyone calls him lame for that and he goes :(

Calls Koala daily as she is always with Sabo. Sabo is scared of Koala's dad, even though he is very chill with them dating.

Takes care of the younger nakama. Usually the one to pull akuma no mi users out of water. One of those to put the leash on Luffy to stop him from doing shit. Zoro keeps wanting a sparing match, but he refuses.

Likes traditional music, but does not deny any other style, as long as the song is good.

Usually wears traditional clothing cause he got so used to it he'd feel weird in any other clothes.

Scared of Robin. He likes her, it's just that she sometimes is so creepy he thinks she is going to kill him. Robin can never know this, of course.

Likes writing fanfic about other people. This comes from the time when he was a shichibukai and he wrote about his colleagues. It's a secret, of course, nobody can know.

Reads journal regularly and is the one in the most touch with the rest of the world's news when they are on the sea.

Likes touching his beard. It's fluffy. Because of it, they bought a plushie for him to sleep with. He cried because of his happiness.

Due to being big, strong and an ex-shichibukai, his very presence can make most malicious people go away. The crew grabs him along most times they get to an island.


Autistic, special interest is Oden and sake. No social cues reading, speaks very loudly, doesn't know how to match face, tone and emotion, hyposensitive to sound, sake is comfort food (drink?), variates from meltdown to shutdowns in the lack of constant stim.

Has PTSD due to being imprisoned and spanked by Kaidou. Hates confined places and anything that might restrain him. People bigger than him usually make him very uncomfortable. Just as he entered the crew, Chopper started marking his appointments.

VERY tall and also muscular, with many scars through his body. Has some oni characteristics, like the horns and pointy teeth. Hasn't changed his appearance since he came out as he is actually very comfortable with it, so he sometimes just walks around the ship with his boobs showing.

The Trans Idol Ever (like Hatsune Miku). Even though he appreciates Ivankov a lot, he also really likes his body, so he doesn't feel the need to transition with hormones or surgery. Very gay too, dating Ace on distance (shut the fuck up Akainu) and they get really clingy every time they get to find each other.

One of the physically strongest nakama, nobody wins him in arm wrestling (at least, not before an hour). Likes sparing with everyone, specially Law. There's just something about him that gets to his nerves.

Loves orange and light green. It fits him.

Is learning how to swear after leaving Wano and Kaidou's influence. Almost always screams.

Third one to eat the most, right before Bonney and Luffy. They sometimes become truly Sanji's terror.

Loves sparing with everyone, but specially Zoro. Carries Luffy, Chopper and Bonney around cause they are much smaller. Listens to Franky's infodumping for many hours without blinking an eye. Is creeped out by Robin cause she keeps appearing behind him without making a single noise.

Has been exploring his musical side, and specially likes punk rock. It's wild. He likes it.

Doesn't change clothes from Wano just because of practical reasons. Just like Zoro, almost never showers, just with the bros (Law is scandalized with the lack of hygiene of these people).

Fears cats cause they are too unpredictable. They look like they wanna murder him.

Likes painting, specially on walls. It's actually very pretty, both Franky and Sunny approve.

Loves hearing the crew's stories. It's beautiful.

Stims from hitting/punching stuff. It varies from small objects to people. It's kind of wild.

Will rip your throat with his own teeth if you say anything about his crew.

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6 months ago

The Queer Piece is real

In a continuation to this post, I'll put here queer headcanons for every fucking character I am aware of (and care about) of one piece.

Shanks: trans, gay, he/him, divorced from Buggy (but they keep coming back and divorcing again) and in a complicated relationship with Mihawk and Crocodile

Ace: trans, gay, he/him, dating Yamato

Sabo: nonbinary boy, asexual, they/he, dating Koala

Uta: trans, bisexual, she/they/white/purple/red/cute/song/art

Kuina: nonbinary, aroace, they/it/xe/ze/ey

Mihawk: trans, gay, asexual, he/him, in a delicate polycule with Buggy, Crocodile and Shanks.

Perona: transfem demigirl, asexual lesbian, any except he/him with preference for she/they/it/ghost/cute/pink/boo

Nojiko: bisexual, she/her

Bellemere: trans, she/her

Kaya: asexual panromantic, she/her, dating Usopp

Buggy: pangender, pansexual, any pronouns, being chased to death by Mihawk, Shanks and Crocodile.

Crocodile: trans, gay, he/him, has a harem with Mihawk, Buggy and Shanks.

Kiku: trans, she/her.

Hancock: lesbian, she/her

Katakuri: intersex genderqueer, aroace, they/he/it.

Pudding: transmasc bigender, he/she

Ivankov: unlabeled queer, any pronouns

Corazon: agender, aroace, it/he

Doflamingo: gay, he/him

Kuma: aroace, he/him

Moria: agender, any pronouns

Lucci: gay, he/him, dating Paulie

Kid: trans, gay, any pronouns except for she/her, dating Killer

Killer: gay, he/him, Kid's partner

Marco: paraman, bisexual, they/he

Koala: polysexual, she/her, dating Sabo

Shirahoshi: trans, she/they/cute/pink/bubble/pearl/ey

Bon Clay: bigender, she/they/he

Baby 5: bisexual, she/her

Koby: trans, acespec gay, he/they

Helmeppo: gay, he/him

Smoker: trans, demiromantic gay, he/him

Tashigi: trans, lesbian, she/her

Carrot: transfem demigirl, fluff/she

Pedro: queer, he/him

Shaka, Lilith, Atlas, Pitagoras, Edison and York: all nonbinary and intersex, all aroace (though Lilith flirts a lot with everyone), all they/them

Yasopp, Zeff, Cobra, Makino, Kureha, Tom, Iceburg, Momonosuke, Hiyori, Rayleigh and White Beard are all allies.

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1 year ago

My exact reaction after one piece ep 1015 man.


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1 year ago

My yamace anthem

Ace And Yamato // Watching Him Fade Away By Mac DeMarco
Ace And Yamato // Watching Him Fade Away By Mac DeMarco
Ace And Yamato // Watching Him Fade Away By Mac DeMarco

Ace and Yamato // Watching Him Fade Away by Mac DeMarco

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1 year ago

Bromance between boyfriends actually

To Me, This Is Romance Btw.

To me, this is romance btw.

One Piece - #999

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1 year ago

this thing REFUSED to send in one of my discord servers, because of the RED PARTS ☠️ discord istg

also some of the alt lighting schemes i considered

This Thing REFUSED To Send In One Of My Discord Servers, Because Of The RED PARTS Discord Istg
This Thing REFUSED To Send In One Of My Discord Servers, Because Of The RED PARTS Discord Istg
This Thing REFUSED To Send In One Of My Discord Servers, Because Of The RED PARTS Discord Istg
This Thing REFUSED To Send In One Of My Discord Servers, Because Of The RED PARTS Discord Istg
This Thing REFUSED To Send In One Of My Discord Servers, Because Of The RED PARTS Discord Istg

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