Yongbokie - Tumblr Posts

the blue green hair omg how many letters are in lee felix
Not Again (H)
I had to write a suspenful story for school so I thought why not post it on here too. Please let me know if you enjoy it and would like some stories more like this one. Reblogging is gracefully appreciated
This is my work you can not repost or upload this story on any other platforms.
summary- he can’t escape it. but what is it? what do they want from him. he can’t let it happen. not again.
warnings‼️⚠️: horror, mention of taking pills(medicine) , paranoia, kn$fe mentions(for protection, not suicidal meanings)
This is not felix from stray kids this is a made up story
felix’s pov
Desperate cries for help echoed in the dark room as he remained unable to move. Back pressed firmly against the wall, his breathe quickened as it got closer and closer until… Gasping for air Felix is awoken by his alarm. “3:00am?” Felix voiced out loud. He didn't remember setting an alarm for 3:00 a.m. He sighed out as he flopped back down on his bed, pulling his comforter up his body. A little
shooken up by his alarm he struggled to go back to sleep.
Finally what felt like ages he fell back asleep only to be awoken again by his phone ringing. “Hello” exhaustion evident in his voice as he layed back down, sliding his fingers threw his tangled hair as he yawned. “Dude, where are you?” questioned the voice on the other side. Squinting as he pulled the phone away from his ear, he looked at the bright letters across the screen. “10:00am!?” he shouted out into the open jolting up from his bed. “ Sorry man, I’ll be there in 5.” he replied hastily, ending the call, then rushing to get ready. While washing his face in his bathroom, an erie feeling washed over him. Quickly looking up he was met with only his own reflection staring back at him. Nothing. He sighed, mentally telling himself to stop being so paranoid.
He rushed out of the bathroom throwing on clothes and booked it out of his room. While he was running down the stairs he saw something out of the corner of his eye. Stopping for a second he did a double-take. Nothing. He cursed and continued down the stairs out the front door not forgetting to lock it behind himself. He ran out to his car and was met with the all to familiar cold morning air. “ Did I not take my pills?” he questioned himself.
Maybe that’s why I’m so paranoid he thought. He reached into the center console of his old car and pulled out his pill box. Opening the box he peered down into Friday's section. Staring back at him almost tautingly were four blue pills. He grabbed them and reached into his back seat searching for a water bottle. Finding one lodged under his seat he threw the pills into his mouth and downed a big gulp of water. Starting the engine he was off.
After a 5 minute drive, he pulled into the diner parking lot, he examined himself in the rear view mirror before hesitantly stepping onto the pavement and heading inside. The doorbell, dangling on the door, chimed announcing his arrival. He spotted seven people crammed into their usual booth at the back of the diner. Fidgeting with the rings on his fingers, he felt uneasy as if someone was watching his every move. His first friend turned his head spotting him walking to their table. “Felix, what took you so long mate?” Chris asked. “Sorry my alarm didn’t go off,” felix said lying through his teeth. In all honestly all he wanted to do was to stay home. Unfortunately for him they had remembered, of course they would. He was thankful for his friends dont get him wrong, but he just hasn’t been himself lately.
Though grateful for their presence, he’d been having an overwhelming sense of paranoia. It’s making him feel crazy.
3 of his friends got out of the booth so he could sit by the window, his favorite spot. Leaning against the window with his head on his hand he couldn’t help but get lost in his thoughts as he looked out the window, his friends chatting in the distance. While peering out of the window of the diner a flip switched on in his head and he hastily sat up straighter when he noticed a person across the street dressed from head to toe in black clothing. His eyes widen as he began to recognize what he was looking at. “Oh no please no,” he kept whispering to himself.
Catching the attention of his friends they begin to ask him what’s wrong. He quickly looked over to them saying it was nothing. He let out a sigh of relief as they didn’t question him any longer , and turned back to look out the window, only to see the person wasn’t there anymore. His mind was racing as he kept wondering wether what he saw was really there or if it was just his mind playing tricks on him. Yet again, he was off in his own world, not paying attention to the other people at the table.
He only responded when he was being talked to and as quick as he arrived, the lunch was over. He got up quickly mumbling out an excuse to leave quickly. While speed walking to his car he fumbled with his keys when he took them out of his pocket. Trying to find the right key to open his car he dropped his keys in a puddle of murky water. He qrimaced as he quickly grabbed them and opened his car door.
He jumped into his seat reaching over to his glovebox. Roughly pulling it open he let out a sigh of relief as he made eye contact with the knife. He grabbed it gripping it in his hand while starting the engine. He was going to make sure it never happened. Not again. Speeding he made record time arriving home.
He ran up to his front door realizing it was unlocked. Stopping while the door swung open he began to question, “I’m sure I locked it.” Without a second thought he roughly turned around and shut the door locking it while running around the house to make sure everything was locked. Every window every door, nothing was to be left unlocked. He ran up the stairs into his room pulling the door open and just as quickly shut and double locked it. Crouching down in a dark corner shaking with fear while he waits. He prayed he would be safe. He prayed and prayed hoping the lord would finally hear him. He doesn’t want to die. Not again.
Felix gasped as he sat up in bed. “Thank god it was just a dream,” he voiced with a sigh of relief. He turned over to his clock on his night stand and groaned, laying back on his bed. 3:00am. Again. Why he kept wondering. Why me. Why can I never escape it. Why again. Oh god please. Not again.

My cat boys
My View - Lee Felix

Synopsis: Felix was a hard-working guy. He never thought he would be able to achieve his dreams of being a performer. It was even better that he got to experience this journey with his best friends and his biggest supporter, you, his significant other. That doesn't mean Felix doesn't have his bad days.
"If only you could see things from my perspective right now."
Pairing: Idol! Lee Felix x reader Genre: Angst - frustration from rehearsals, established relationship, comforting Felix, fluff towards the end. (I would seriously go to war for Felix)
Word Count: 2.2k
Pulling up to the JYP building always filled you with excitement. Every time you step through the front doors, you never knew what was awaiting for me. Part of that was due to the eight rowdy boys who called the building their second home. You often heard them before you saw them.
Felix and you have only been together for a few months now. You were still an unfamiliar face walking around the building, which the boys used to their advantage when they wanted to pull pranks and get into trouble. Well, seven of them were always up for causing chaos. Chris preferred to watch from afar and quickly clean up any messes that popped up before anyone noticed. Such a great leader.
You were easily becoming a part of the Stray Kids family. The younger members looked to you as a shoulder to lean on, someone to give advice. Felix’s hyungs approved because they saw how much joy you brought to their sunshine. You were never shy of showing you affection for Felix, always reminding him of your pride in not just being his partner but watching him do what he loved the most. You helped bring normalcy into their lives where they were just a group of guys in their 20s living their best life. They just happened to have high profile careers.
You, on the other hand, worked in the nonprofit sector. Your job focused on education opportunities for immigrant youth. Ironically, your job occupation is one of the many things Felix found attractive about you. Not only was he captivated by your beauty, but he admired your drive and compassion. It takes a lot from someone to do the work you do, but you made it seem so effortless. It just showed how much you cared.
It was late on a Thursday night. You and your team had been prepping for a fundraising event which was taking much of your attention and energy. Nobody really understands how much goes into a nonprofit until they work in one.
Today was one of the days where you two felt like you were pulled in different directions. Felix has been busy the last few days with dance practices, so you knew he had late nights as well. You two would send texts to each other throughout the day, checking in and supporting each other the best you could. Saturdays were reserved just for the two of you for date nights though, so you were relieved knowing you’d see him soon.
The only thing on your mind was ordering take-out and sleeping. That completely changed though when you got a call from Chan. That's odd. He never called me.
You picked up the phone as you put your keys into the apartment door, about to unlock it. "Hey Chan, what's up?" "Y/n? Are you still at work?" "No, I actually just got back to my apartment. What's going on?" "Come to the studio. Now. It's Felix."
Your heart dropped at the mention of Felix. Your mind began racing through all the possibilities of what could be wrong. Was he injured? Did something happen? Whatever it was, you knew you couldn't waste anymore time. "Y/n?" "Sorry, I'm coming," was all you said.
Just as quick as you unlocked it, you yanked the keys out and slammed the front door shut. Your feet carried you quickly down the steps leading up to your unit and straight to your car in the parking lot. You had this sickening feeling in your gut that something was wrong. Especially by the urgency in Chan's voice. He was not the type of guy to sugarcoat anything.
By the time you got to the JYP building, Hyunjin was upfront waiting for you. That's not a good sign. You parked your car in the guest parking lot before jumping out with your keys, forgetting about your pursue. All that mattered was how quickly you could get to Felix.
"Hyunjin-ah, what's wrong?" "I don't even know. I was just told to wait up front for you, so I could make sure your car is locked. He's in the practice room."
You tossed your car keys to Hyunjin before you took off running towards the practice room. You noticed that five of the other boys lined up the hallway outside of the room. Chan must be in there with Felix. The sight made your heart drop.
Your heavy breathing and footsteps gained the attention of the five members outside. They both looked concerned yet relieved to see you. You didn't have enough time to ask questions before making your way towards the door. All of their eyes were trained on you.
Very gently, you knocked on the door. You didn't want to cause anymore stress, regardless of what might be happening on the other side of the door.
"Changbin, I know you care, but we just need y/n," Chan shouted out from inside. "Chan, it's y/n. I am here."
Silence filled the hallway as everyone seemed to listen in. You could hear footsteps from the other side of the door. You didn't even know you were holding your breath as your mind spiraled to what could be happening on the other side.
The door opened slowly. It revealed Chan who seemed to be a bit revealed. But looking into his eyes, you knew that there was something wrong.
"Guys, listen, I know we all car about Felix, but he only wants y/n right now," Chan explained. His voice was scarily calm yet also quiet. You were always appreciative that Chan looked out for his members, his brothers, his kids. Especially always looking after Felix.
The rest of the guys nodded their heads. They stepped back to make Sur they weren't overcrowding the doorway. All of them cared for one another, so they would do anything for each other.
Chan slowly opened the door, granting you access. He smiled at you as you swapped positions. You were now inside the room where as he joined the rest of the kids out in the hallway. The door closed behind you which caused you to turn fully towards your beloved.
He was sitting on the floor of the practice room, his head in his hands. Of course, some practices got Felix frustrated. You were always there to comfort him, to help him work through any of the choreography to the best of your ability. He always managed to work through it, seeing those frustrations as motivation. This was different.
It was eerily silent in the room. The only thing you could hear was soft sniffles. Each one causing cracks in your heart.
"Lixie?" You called out. You didn't want to make things worse and startle him. You also were aware maybe that he needed space, so you didn't want to violate any of his personal space.
He picked his head up, looking straight ahead. Your eyes met in the reflection of the mirror. A trail of tears was marked on his cheeks, the light catching the wet trail. His eyes were a bit red, which you weren't sure if it was how long he'd been crying or from his hands pressed into his gorgeous face.
His eyes didn't leave yours. He needed you.
Without running over, you walked to him. You knew sudden movements would make matters worse. In this room, it was just the two of you. You moved with urgency across the practice floor until you were in front of him.
Once you were in front of him, you took a seat on the floor in front of him. You were sitting criss-crossed, your hands gently reaching out to his. You offered a gentle smile. His hands slipped into yours. It was a start. "What's going on, love?" You asked gently.
Now, you weren't sure if Felix wanted to even talk about what he was dealing with. However, you knew it was better to offer than say nothing at all. Felix always knew he could vent to you whenever, but you still liked to remind him that it was safe to do so. You would wait here all day if need be, if that is what Felix needed.
"I'm not good enough," he murmured.
Your heart shattered hearing his self-doubt. There were times Felix got frustrated because he was just so passionate about performing. This is the only thing that he thought he was meant to do in this life. Sometimes you wondered if he thought back to when he got eliminated during their pre-debut days.
However, you knew how hard Felix has overcome to set that now minor setback. He was one of the most recognizable idols in k-pop, proving that to be true with his impressive vocal range and his impressive dance skills. He was born to be on stage. Yet, that didn't mean he didn't doubt himself.
"What happened?" "Lee Know was showing us new choreography he wanted to learn. It acquires a bit more acrobatics than what we usually do. I thought it would be no problem for me, but-"
You could see tears swelling in his eyes again. Some fell but he tried to quickly blink the rest. Letting go of one hand, you squeezed the other to show you had no intentions of leaving. With your now free hand, you reached forward to gently wipe the tears away that were falling onto his cheeks.
His head gently tilted into your thumb. Taking note, you let your full hand cup his cheek. He sighed at the feeling of the warmth of your palm. You smiled gently to see him responsive to you.
The last thing you would want is for Felix to feel like he is doing this on his own. He had his members, his family supporting you and he also had you. Felix always uplifted you on your worst days, helping to remind you of your self-worth. And you would always do the same. This was one of those moments where you needed to reemphasize your role as his significant other. "But I just can't get it. I can't move my body correctly which makes it feel like I'm not trying hard enough," he murmured. "Like I'm failing. You hear groups coming and going, how things can shift overnight. What if I'm the reason stays don't stay and why Stray Kids becomes just a memory and not a legacy? I don't want to disappoint you or the boys."
For a moment, you remained silent. You already were working through the words to say. While you weren't an idol yourself, you didn't want to invalidate Felix's emotions. You knew that the music industry was brutal and there were a lot of risks involved.
What you did know for sure was just how successful Stray Kids is, how successful he is. He was facing a challenge, like he had before, and he would overcome it. Felix just needed to believe in himself. "Baby boy, this is the first day of learning this choreography. It's not going to be perfect no matter how much you wish it was," you sighed. It was the truth. It was frustrating, yes, but it required practice. "I know for a fact though that the boys would never allow you to fail. Maybe you can keep practicing with Lee Know, or maybe you guys change the choreography. The guys will never let you feel like you fail because you guys are one team which means that you help each other out."
Felix nodded his head gently. He was slowly starting to accept his words but he couldn't quite ignore his personal demons yet. That is where you come in. You weren't going to leave his side until your sunshine returned.
"I don't want to disappoint you either." "Felix, love, that is impossible. You are my life, my love. I am impressed simply by your existence."
He raised an eyebrow at you, confused yet encouraging you to continue speaking. You gladly will praise him as much as he needs to hear, or how much anyone was willing to listen.
"I have never met someone as compassionate as you. Even when you are tired, you go out of your way to show your appreciation not just to your fans, to stay, but to the members, your family, and even me. You always are there to lend a helping hand because you care about everyone else sometimes before yourself. It is true you radiate sunshine because you capture everyone's attention, you can make everyone smile just by being in the same room as you."
For the first time since entering the dance studio, he smiled. His forehead leaned forward until he pressed against yours. You smiled up at him, just happy to see him feeling the slightest bit better.
"I am so lucky to have you even when I'm silly and can't regulate my emotions." "Felix, it's normal to feel frustrated. You know better than anyone that I get that way too. But that's why I'm here. I'm here to support you on your best days, your worst days, and the days in between."
You pulled back gently from him. You tilted your head up until your lips pressed against his forehead lingeringly. At the acton, he could feel his ears turn red but also his smile grow. His eyes fluttered shut, just to take in the moment.
He was the luckiest guy in the world to have you, and you felt like you were even luckier.

you steal his hoodie
pairing: felix x reader
genre: fluff, crack
taglist: @angelzforu @tinyelfperson @ujimoo
Knock on your door
(bsn ending #7)
felix x reader! Lee yongbok x reader! word count: 1.6k
bsn alternative ending wherein; felix was the light in your dark days.
an: im sorry i cant respond to any messages yet huhuhu \. and yes i changed the title for felix . please love this also

part 1 and part 2 first
According to science, everyone needs the sun.
And you understand why.
The Earth needs the sun…
The plants need the sun. You need the sun.
But what happens when you’re trapped in your darkest days? How can you find the sun when everything around you is drenched in shadows?
Not everyone knows this, but you’ve been quietly suffering from depression. It’s a constant, heavy weight you carry, and anxiety is its relentless companion. And to be honest, you aren’t okay. You’ve managed to keep going, somehow, some way. But then, you met your friends, and they brought a spark of light into your life. They became your lifeline, your reason to keep moving forward.
Yet, even with their support, there are times when the words get stuck in your throat, when you can’t bring yourself to talk about the storm raging inside you. Yes, they would understand, without a doubt. But there’s a part of you that insists you should keep it to yourself, that you should solve these problems on your own.
But Felix… Felix saw through the cracks in your armor. As your friend who lives just three floors above you, Felix has always been more attuned to your unspoken struggles than anyone else. He’s the one who noticed when your smiles didn’t quite reach your eyes, when your laughter felt just a little too hollow. He’s the one who could sense something was wrong, even when you tried your best to hide it.
One night, when the weight of it all became too much, Felix knocked on your door, holding his familiar yellow chicken stuffed toy—a silly, comforting thing that always managed to make you smile, even on the hardest days. It took you minutes to gather the strength to move, to drag yourself toward the door. But in the end, you didn’t open it. The effort was too much, the darkness too overwhelming.
When you didn’t answer, Felix’s heart sank with worry. He tried the handle and found it unlocked. Anxiety coursed through him as he pushed the door open. Without hesitation, he rushed inside. And then he saw you—crumpled on the floor, your body trembling with silent sobs, your face buried in your hands as tears poured down. Seeing you like that broke something inside him.
Without a word, he dropped to his knees beside you and pulled you into his arms, holding you tight against his chest, as if he could shield you from the pain that threatened to consume you. He didn’t ask what had happened, didn’t press you for answers. He just held you, his warmth seeping into your cold, aching bones. His steady heartbeat beneath your ear was a lifeline, a reminder that you weren’t alone. He stayed with you the whole night, cradling you in his arms, his presence a barrier against the darkness that sought to engulf you.
Indeed… science is correct. We all need sunshine in our lives.
And in the midst of your darkest days, you found it in Felix.
At first, he had an excuse—a noisy neighbor who supposedly kept him up all night, a reason for his sleepless nights. But that wasn’t the whole truth. Felix did talk to the neighbor, but that wasn’t why he started staying over.
The real reason was you. He couldn’t bear the thought of you being alone in the dark. Whenever he felt something was off, whenever he sensed that your silence hid more than you let on, he’d grab his stuffed toy and head straight to your door.
The yellow chicken became more than just a toy; it was a symbol of his silent promise to always be there for you, to be the light in your darkness. And whenever the nightmares came, when the shadows threatened to pull you under, he would place the toy next to you, hoping it would bring you a small measure of comfort, hoping it would remind you that you weren’t alone.
Felix had been thinking about something important for a while. One day, he brought it up to Han in the library.
“I’ve been considering something,” Felix said, his voice a mix of uncertainty and determination.
Han looked up from his book, curious. “What’s on your mind?”
Felix took a deep breath. “I think it might be better if she had someone close by. Someone who can be there for her.”
Felix was genuinely worried about you. He believed it would be better for you to have someone close by who could support you, especially during those tough times. But Han, who knew Felix had feelings for you and also had his own affection for you, wasn’t sure if it was a good idea. Han didn't know the full extent of what you were going through, as Felix had promised to keep that private.
Han was skeptical, partly because of the complicated emotions involved. He wondered if it was just Felix’s way of trying to be close to you or if it was about something more practical. A man and a woman living together could easily be misinterpreted, and Han felt uncomfortable with the situation, even though Felix's intentions were purely protective.
Felix understood Han's concerns but felt conflicted. He wanted to be there for you, to offer the support you needed, but he didn’t know how to navigate these delicate feelings or how to convince Han of his good intentions.
So, Felix continued to do what he knew best: checking in on you whenever he felt you might need someone..
and that was to knock on your door, with his yellow chicken stuff toy.
and whenever he knocks, he just wish he would never see you again in that state again.
Why would Felix go to such lengths for you, especially when you were just a friend?
You thought of yourself as just a friend to him, but Felix felt something different from the very first moment he saw you.
The way you greeted him the first time with a simple "hello" struck a chord deep within him. It was as if, from that very instant, he realized that you were more than just a friend to him.
Felix's feelings for you grew beyond friendship, and he found himself wanting to protect you, to be there for you in ways that went beyond mere companionship. He felt a strong urge to support you, to be the person who could make a difference in your life, especially during your toughest moments. His desire to be close to you and offer his support came from a place of deep care and affection.
after that night in the party..
did you know what Felix do?
he knocks.. on your door.
His heart was heavy with worry and guilt. He felt sorry and couldn’t shake the feeling that he was responsible for what was happening.
He knocked urgently, his mind racing with fear about what might be happening on the other side. When no response came, his anxiety grew. He felt a desperate urge to break through the door if it meant reaching you faster. His voice cracked with desperation as he shouted, "Open it!" He hoped his plea wouldn’t disturb the neighbors, but his concern left him with no other choice.
When the door finally swung open, Felix’s eyes met yours. Without a moment’s hesitation, he pulled you into a tight, protective hug. His embrace was firm, but gentle, trying to convey all his worry and care in that single, comforting gesture.
Felix’s face was etched with deep concern as he held you close. His worry was palpable, his fear evident in every fiber of his being. He had been so frightened about what he might find and was deeply relieved to be by your side, ready to support you however he could.
"Felix…" you murmured, your voice trembling. He pulled back slightly to look into your eyes, his hands resting gently on your shoulders. His gaze was filled with a deep, genuine worry.
"What is it?" he asked softly, his eyes searching yours for answers.
"I'm doomed," you said, your voice rough from crying. The tears had stopped, but the pain was still evident in your expression.
"Why?" Felix asked, his voice steady but filled with concern.
You hesitated, unsure of how to explain what you were feeling. The turmoil inside you was hard to put into words.
"I…" you started, struggling to find the right words. The weight of your emotions made it difficult to speak.
"I love you." Your eyes locked onto his, hoping he would understand.
Felix froze for a moment, his mind trying to process what you had just said. He stared at you, his expression a mix of shock and tenderness. The silence stretched between you, and it made you feel anxious and exposed.
"I…" you began again, but before you could continue, Felix made a decision. He gently pulled you towards him and kissed you.
The kiss was tender and full of emotion. It was a kiss that spoke of comfort and healing. Felix’s lips on yours were soft, and the warmth of the kiss seemed to wash over you, easing some of the fear and anxiety that had been building up inside you.
In that moment, you felt a profound sense of peace. Felix, who had been your anchor during the hardest times, was now offering you solace through this kiss. It was as if the kiss was telling you that you didn’t have to be afraid anymore, that everything would be okay.
As you pulled away, you realized that with Felix by your side, the fears and worries seemed a little less daunting. He was your light in the darkness, your comfort in the storm. With him, you felt that you could face anything.
an: this was kinda short but i hope you felt what im trying to show. i love precious yongbok it hurts.
happy birthday our prince

Double The Trouble

Paring: Angel!Yongbok x Bottom!Male reader x Devil!Felix
Genre: smut
Summary: The Angel and Devil on your shoulders decide to show you what's the best option for spending your night.
More: Masterlist
A/n: I've wanted to write this fic for a while, but it took me ages to find the picture of the two Felixes.
As M/n stood in front of his bed, lost in thought about whether he should jerk off or use one of his toys, he suddenly felt a strange sensation wash over him. It was as if two opposing forces were now somehow present on his bed, just a few feet away. Curious, he glanced over and saw two figures lying side by side on his bed. One was a blonde-haired man with a soft, gentle expression; the other was a dark-haired man with a more intense, brooding demeanor. The blonde-haired man, named Yongbok, seemed to be trying to stop the dark-haired man, Felix, from doing something. But Felix, with his piercing eyes and confident grin, appeared to be having none of it. "Use us," Felix purred, gesturing towards himself and his twin brother. "You know you want to."
With a shiver of anticipation, M/n climbed onto the bed and straddled the twin brothers. He reached out, gripping their T-shirts in his fists as he lowered his weight onto their chests. Their muscles flexed beneath his skin, and he could feel the heat emanating from their bodies. "Felix, please," Yongbok whimpered, his voice barely audible above the pounding of M/n's heart. "Let him decide for himself."
But Felix's only response was a wicked grin as he raised his hips, pressing his erection against M/n's entrance. "Oh, he's decided, brother," Felix growled, his voice low and threatening. "He's decided that he wants us both." And with that, he thrust his hips forward, pushing himself deep inside of M/n.
M/n cried out, arching his back as the thick length of Felix's cock stretched him, filling him completely. He gripped the bed sheets tightly, feeling the pain and pleasure mingle into something primal and overwhelming. Yongbok watched helplessly from the side, his own erection straining against his pants.
Felix began to thrust roughly, his hips slapping against M/n's ass as he pumped his cock in and out of him. M/n cried out, the sensation too much to bear as he felt himself begin to lose control. He could feel the pressure building inside him, the need to release the tension and pleasure that Felix was creating.
Yongbok, watching from the side, felt a mixture of envy and longing as he watched his brother take control of M/n. He wanted to be the one to make him feel that way, to claim him and show him the pleasure that only an angel could bring. But for now, he could only watch as Felix continued to take M/n to the brink of ecstasy.
Felix's thrusts grew wilder, his hips slapping against M/n's ass as he drove deeper and faster. M/n's cries of pleasure were intermingled with gasps of air as he struggled to keep up with the intense sensations coursing through his body. Sweat beaded on his forehead and trickled down his spine, pooling between their bodies.
Yongbok, watching from the side, could no longer contain himself. He reached out, gently grasping M/n's cock and beginning to stroke it in time with Felix's thrusts. The sensation of having two of his favorite people touching him at once was overwhelming, and he felt himself growing closer to the edge.
Felix, sensing Yongbok's touch, growled low in his throat, "You're just jealous, brother." He thrust deeper, forcing M/n to moan in pleasure as he felt both their hands moving on him. "But I'll share." He thrust harder, his hips slapping against M/n's ass as he pumped his cock in and out of him.
M/n, overwhelmed by the sensations, arched his back and cried out, "Yes, please!" His body tensed, and he felt the familiar tightening in his gut as he neared his release. He gripped the sheets tighter, his nails digging into the fabric as he tried to hold on.
Felix, sensing the impending climax, picked up the pace even more, his thrusts becoming frantic and unrelenting. He growled, "That's it, my pretty boy. Let it all out." His hips slammed against M/n's ass, his cock filling M/n to the brink.
Yongbok, feeling the tension building in M/n's body, increased the pace of his strokes, his fingers moving faster and firmer against M/n's skin. He leaned in, pressing their lips together as he thrust his tongue into M/n's mouth, tasting the sweetness of their shared desire.
M/n, overwhelmed by the sensations, arched his back further, his hips bucking against Felix's thrusts. He moaned into Yongbok's kiss, feeling the pressure building inside him, the need to release the tension and pleasure that Felix and Yongbok had created.
Felix's grip on M/n's hips tightened, his thrusts growing even wilder as he felt M/n's body tensing beneath him. The sound of their skin slapping together filled the room, a rhythmic symphony of desire and need. Yongbok's fingers moved faster on M/n's cock, his touch rough and demanding as he stroked him in time with Felix's thrusts.
M/n felt himself on the brink of release, his whole body trembling with anticipation. He moaned into Yongbok's kiss, his hips bucking against Felix's relentless thrusts. His vision blurred as the sensations built up inside him, and he felt the first wave of release wash over him. He cried out, arching his back as he came, his seed spilling onto the bed sheets and his own hand.
Felix, sensing the change in M/n's body, thrust harder, his hips slamming against M/n's ass as he felt the tightening around his cock. He groaned, his eyes rolling back in his head, and came as well, his hot seed spilling inside M/n as he laid down on the bed underneath him.
Yongbok, still hard from watching Felix fuck M/n, crawled up on the bed and pick M/n up from his brother's lap, and positioned himself between M/n's spread legs. He lined his cock up with M/n's opening, the head teasing the puckered hole as he looked down at M/n's face. "F-fuck, yer still s' t-tight, dammit!" he murmured, before thrusting forward, burying himself to the hilt in one smooth motion.
M/n cried out, arching his back as Yongbok filled him once again. The sensation of being so full was overwhelmingly pleasurable. He reached down between his legs, still coated in their cum, and rubbed it over his swollen cock. He moaned, feeling the tingle of arousal return as he stroked himself.
As Yongbok's pace increased, so did the wetness between M/n's legs. He reached down, his fingers coated in their combined juices, and massaged his swollen cock. The feeling was exquisite, and he could feel himself growing closer to the edge.
Felix, who had rolled onto his side to watch them, propped himself up on one elbow. He smiled, admiring the sight of Yongbok thrusting into M/n. "You look so fucking good like that M/n," he murmured.
M/n moaned, the sound filling the room as he felt Yongbok's thrusts growing deeper and faster. He arched his back, pressing his hips up to meet each thrust. The sensation of being so full of cum and cock was overwhelmingly pleasurable. He reached down between his legs, still coated in their combined juices, and stroked his swollen cock.
As he neared the edge, he glanced over at Felix, who was watching them intently. Seeing the desire in his eyes, he felt a surge of power and need. He reached out, hooking his leg around Yongbok's waist, and drew him closer. "Fuck me harder," he gasped, feeling the pressure building inside him.
Yongbok obeyed, thrusting deeper and faster, his hips slapping against M/n's ass as he pounded into him. The sound of their bodies meeting filled the room, a primal symphony of desire and need. M/n's fingers dug into the sheets, his head thrown back in ecstasy as he felt himself on the brink of release. He could feel Felix's gaze burning into him, and it only served to fuel the fire within.
As Yongbok continued to thrust, M/n arched his back, his body tense and ready to explode. With a guttural cry, he came, his hot cum spurting onto the sheets beneath him. His vision blurred, his entire being consumed by the overwhelming pleasure coursing through him. He felt Yongbok's cock twitch inside him, and then he was coming as well, filling M/n's ass with his seed.
Their bodies still joined, they collapsed onto the bed, panting heavily. Felix crawled up beside them, his eyes shining with satisfaction as he ran his hand over M/n's sweat-slickened skin. "You were so fucking hot like that, M/n," he murmured, pressing a kiss to his neck.
Yongbok propped himself up on one elbow to look down at M/n. "You're incredible," he breathed, tracing a finger along the other man's jawline. "I can't get enough of you." He leaned in, their lips brushing together in a chaste kiss.
Guys I'm sorry i'm not that strong, I don't feel so good guys

໒꒰՞ ܸ. .ܸ՞꒱ა ꒷ ᘡ ۫ 🐥 𖨂 hᥲρρᥡ fᥱᥣι᥊ dᥲᥡ ! ៹

𝓒𝔀: 2𝓷𝓭 𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝓹𝓸𝓿, 𝓾𝓼𝓮 𝓸𝓯 𝓨/𝓷, 𝓯𝓮𝓶! 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻, 𝓯𝓵𝓾𝓯𝓯
𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓒𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓽: 1039
𝓔𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮: 4 𝓶𝓲𝓷 4 𝓼𝓮𝓬
Felix had been having a stressful day, a string of tough dance practices and long studio sessions leaving him feeling exhausted. As he entered his dorm room, he found Y/n sitting on his bed, her legs tucked beneath her, a book forgotten in her lap.
Felix walked over to the bed silently, not wanting to disturb her. He couldn't help but smile at the sight before him. She looked so small and peaceful, her face relaxed in slumber. He gently sat down on the edge of the bed, taking a moment to watch her, the steady rise and fall of her chest soothing his tired mind.
As if sensing his presence, Y/n stirred slightly. Her eyes fluttered open, and a soft smile spread across her face when she saw Felix sitting beside her. "You're back?" she murmured, her voice still groggy with sleep.
Felix nodded, reaching out to brush a strand of hair away from her face. "Yeah, just got back," he said softly, his fingers gently tracing the line of her jaw. "You were sleeping pretty deeply."
Y/n yawned, stretching lazily. She shifted closer to him, her head resting against his shoulder. "I didn't even realize I'd fallen asleep," she admitted, her eyes drifting shut again. "I was reading to pass the time, and I guess I just got too comfortable."
Felix chuckled softly, his hand coming to rest on her back, rubbing small circles there. "Comfy enough to take a nap, huh?" he teased, his tone light and affectionate. "You must have been tired too."
Y/n hummed affirmatively, snuggling closer to him. "Yeah, today was a bit exhausting," she admitted, her voice muffled against his shirt. "I missed you, though."
Those words tugged at Felix's heartstrings. He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her into a tight embrace. "I missed you too," he murmured, burying his face into her hair. "But I'm here now."
Y/n nuzzled her face into his chest, feeling the steady sound of his heartbeat against her cheek. "You smell good," she mumbled, inhaling deeply. There was something comforting about his familiar scent and the way his arms encircled her body.
Felix chuckled, a warm smile on his face. "Just good, huh?" he teased, gently squeezing her closer. "I was hoping for 'amazing' or 'irresistible' at least."
"You would smell irresistible if you made me some of your brownies" Y/n comments
Felix pulled away slightly, looking mock offended. "Excuse you," he teased, poking her side playfully. "Are you saying the only way I can be irresistible is if I make you brownies?"
Y/n giggled, her eyes glinting with amusement. "Not the only way, but it would definitely help your case," she replied, feigning a serious look. "I have simple needs, you know. Food is the way to my heart."
Felix faked a pout, his bottom lip sticking out exaggeratedly. "So, you're just using me for my baking skills, huh?" he said dramatically, placing a hand on his chest as if wounded.
Y/n couldn't help but laugh, swatting at his chest playfully. "Oh, stop it. You know I love you for more than your brownies," she admonished a gentle smile still on her lips.
Felix's pout melted away, replaced by a warm smile. "I know," he said softly, nuzzling his face into her hair again. "But seriously, I'll make you some brownies later, okay? Just don't expect them to be perfect."
"Your brownies are always perfect"
Felix couldn't help but grin at her words, feeling a surge of affection for her. "You're just saying that because you're biased," he murmured, his finger tracing a pattern on her back.
"Biased? Biased about what?"
Felix chuckled, his tone filled with playful banter. "Biased about my baking skills," he clarified. "You're always going on about how amazing my brownies are, even if they're just average."
Y/n swatted his chest lightly again. "They're not just average! They're seriously good," she protested, her expression half-serious, half-joking. "And I'm not biased! It's just the truth."
Felix chuckled, loving the way she defended his skills. "Okay, okay, I'll take your word for it," he conceded, a smirk playing on his lips. "But honestly, it's kind of adorable how much you praise my brownies."
Y/n raised an eyebrow, a mock look of offense on her face. "Adorable? I'm just being honest," she said, trying to sound indignant but failing to hold back a smile. "Your brownies are genuinely delicious, and you know it."
Felix couldn't help but laugh at her reaction. "Right, 'honest,'" he teased, poking her side again. "I should start charging you for these compliments, you know. My ego is inflating rapidly here."
Y/n pretended to ponder his words, tapping her chin with her finger. "Hmm, maybe I could pay you in hugs and kisses instead of money," she suggested a playful gleam in her eyes.
Felix faked a shocked expression. "Now we're getting somewhere," he said, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "I like this idea. It's a win-win situation for both of us."
Y/n laughed, leaning in closer to him. "Yeah, I get to indulge in your brownies and your cuddles, and you get your ego stroked. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me," she teased.
Felix wrapped his arms around her again, pulling her onto his lap. "You're not wrong," he conceded, resting his chin on top of her head. "And let's be honest, your cuddles are always appreciated anyway."
Y/n snuggled against Felix, relishing the warmth of his body and the comfort of his embrace. "You're making a compelling case for yourself, you know," she murmured, her voice soft.
Felix chuckled, his fingers gently stroking her back. "Is it working?" he asked, his tone playful.
Y/n pretended to consider his question for a moment before nodding. "Maybe just a bit," she admitted, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "But don't get too cocky."
Felix feigned exaggerated arrogance, puffing out his chest. "Too late," he declared with mock bravado. "I already feel invincible."
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully. "Yeah, yeah, Mr. Irresistible," she teased, poking his stomach. "Just don't let it go to your head."