Felix Skz - Tumblr Posts

I haven't done a portrait in like a decade, but the result is decent enough for me to not be ashamed to post | Lee Felix, Stray Kids

Genre: Fluff/Slow burn
Au:Non-idol/Vampire/Strangers to lovers
Additional info: Reader is Female and a human while Minho is a Vampire. Reader is visiting family during the holidays and encounters Minho throughout her stay an oddly amount of times. Stray Kids are a clan of Vampires. Mentions of Hyunlix.
Next: ->>
“I’m leaving now, I’ll be there in a few hours. Yes Umma, I packed enough warm clothes.” You were currently on the phone with your mother as she frantically told you what to pack and asking when you were arriving.
After moving across country to attend University in Seoul, leaving your family up in the mountains, it has become very important for you to take things like holiday break off and spend time with your parents and little sister.
“I’ll call you when I get into town, but I have to go or else I’ll be there even later.” You reminded her, quickly saying your goodbyes so you could load up your car and drive the most grueling 5 hour drive of your life. It was worth it though, anything is worth it when you get to see your family.
You were on the road in no time, taking quick stops to get gas or buy a few snacks but after 5 hours you finally made it to the familiar cabin you grew up in.
You got inside quickly, escaping the cold and entering the warm house as you saw your little sister and dad on the couch. "Appa! Soomin!" You said, getting their attention with your voice.
Soomin, your little sister who was only 14, jumped up and ran over to hug you. Since you guys had such a big age gape there wasn't that much sibling rivalry between you two and the relationship is super sweet.
You also didn’t have to worry about clothes, makeup and skincare products suddenly disappearing since by the time you moved out the house, she was only 6.
And now you're 26, fresh out of medical school/ college and currently looking for a job. That being said, that isn't the only thing your mom has pestered you about. The topic of love has come up many times and each time you've replied that between studying and self-love your life is too hectic to add someone else to the mix.
Thankfully she's on the more understanding side and had dropped the conversation after a few failed attempts of asking about how your love life was going.
“Umma is making some tea right now.” Soomin explained while picking up one of your smaller bags. “The room is still the same.”
After you moved out of the house the room that used to be yours was the guest room but after Soomin got older and wanted a bigger room they switched them. So technically the guest room is Soomin’s old room and not yours.
“Thank you.” You said quickly as you followed Soomin upstairs despite knowing full well where the room was.
It was nicely decorated, on the more minimalistic side but that was fine with you. Soomin left quickly so you could get yourself situated and that’s what you did for the next 20 minutes.
You took out your clothes, curler and/or straightener, hair products, makeup, and many more stuff. You filled the dresser with your clothes and that’s when you heard your mom from downstairs.
“Soomin! Y/n!” She called out, yelling for them to come to the kitchen since the tea was ready.
You quickly made your way downstairs, Soomin and your mom already there as your dad stayed in the living room. He wasn’t a big fan of tea. “So, How have you been lately?” Your mom asked after sliding over a cup of tea towards you.
You shrugged your shoulders, picking the cup up for a sip. “Nothing interesting lately, I sent in some job applications but haven’t gotten any words back yet.”
Your mom understood that well, knowing it took time to find a job fresh out of university. “It’s good you’re atleast trying.” She said before standing up. “I know you just got here but, do you have anything in mind for what you’d want for dinner?” She asked as you smiled and shook your head.
“It’s ok Umma, really.” You tried to convince her but, as if you were straight out of a cartoon, your stomach growled and your mom looked at you with an ‘really?’ Look and signature hand on her hip.
“You know what, Jjigae sounds good!” You said, remembering the warm and hearty Korean stew that your mother was always good at making. “Ohh! That’s sounds good!” Your sister said immediately, looking up at your guys mom. “Appa wouldn’t mind having that either, you know he doesn’t care as long as there are soft boiled eggs too.” She added which made your mom nod in agreement.
“Great! I’ll start making that.” She smiled and turned around to grab all the ingredients out of the fridge. She brought out the meat, they recently gotte pork belly so that’s what they were going to use. Along with veggies before she paused. “Oh no…” she dragged out, grabbing a mostly gone tube of soybean paste.
“Aish, I’ll head to the store to grab some more.” She sighed but you’d topped her. “It’s ok Umma, the store isn’t far away, I’ll go get it and you can cut up the vegetables and meat so it’s ready to go when I come back.”
“Are you sure?” She asked ever though she was already grabbing her apron and tying it around her. “Yes, I’m sure.” You reassured her and she smiled more. “Ok! Thank you!”
You nodded and quickly went to the door to slip on your shoes, grabbing your coat again and keys before going to your car.

The store wasn’t busy, thankfully, but it was rearranged differently than you remembered and you were having a hard time find the soybean paste. “They had it with the broth last time…” you muttered to yourself as your eyes scanned the shelf’s of canned chicken and beef broth.
“They moved it to the fridge section.” A voice said, scaring you since you hadn’t heard footsteps behind you.
You turned around to find a young man, dark brown almost black hair, equally as dark eyes and blank stare face. His cheekbones were high and he had a deep cupids bow with a plush upper and bottom lip. ‘How can someone be so… perfect..?’ You thought to yourself in awe.
He, after seeing your wide eyes, quickly flashed a smile. “Sorry, I heard you talking to yourself and thought I could help.” He explained, making you sigh a bit in relief.
“It’s ok, your hearing is amazing by the way!” You noted, a bit shocked he was able to hear your quiet muttering. “Been told that before.” He grinned, one laced with mischief and smugness. “You’re looking for soybean paste right? I only know because it used to be here.”
You nodded with a small smile of your own. “Yeah, you said fridge section? Is it by the butter?” You questioned and he nodded his head. You knew if you stayed any longer you would inevitably blush if you’re not already.“Thank you.” You said before walking off to get the small tube quickly.

“Can you go to the library with your sister? She usually goes alone but since you’re here I would feel better if she was with an adult.” Your mom asked while tying her hair up.
She approached you as you were sitting on the couch and you smiled up at her. “Sure! To double check, they didn’t move that too did they?”
You asked in a joking yet serious tone. After the grocery store, you had wanted to go to the strip mall, only to find it’s location moved and demolished. It also just so happened that the local ice skating rink also moved spots!
You were beginning to think the town was just going to get up and leave too.
“Yes, same place it’s always been”. Your mom chuckled and you stood up while stretching. “Ok, I’ll go drive her now.” You said as she took your spot on the couch next to your dad.
“Drive safe then!” She smiled and waved as you and your sister got into your car. “Since when did you go to the library?” You asked as soon as you guys buckled in. “I don’t.” Your sister smirked.
“Wanna know where I actually go?”

“Soomin, where do you even get the money from?” You asked, parking right in the town center where there were lots of shops open for business. It looked straight out of a hallmark movie.
“I do people’s work for cash, the longer I know them the less they pay me. Which means they recommend me to their friends and I always get new clients! I’m currently doing all of my 4th period classmates work.” She smiled smugly and you chuckled.
“Hustling for money at the ripe age of 14, maybe you are my sister.” You joked, messing up her hair with your hand before getting out of the car. “I won’t rat you out to mom but that doesn’t mean you get to drag me around today. If we spend more than 2 hours here Mom will get suspicious.”
Soomin nodded in agreement, closing the car door before jogging up to you with a big smile. “That’s fine! You haven’t been here in forever, let me show you around!”

It was close to the time you guys were about to leave when you entered an actual book shop. “I know I said I don’t like books, but I need one to read for English so I can write a report on it.” Soomin explained, leaving your side immediately to go to the fantasy shelves.
You went to your own way, roaming the fiction side a bit. You were in the dark romance section before bumping into someone. “I am so sorry!” You apologized quickly, turning around to see a blonde slightly shorter male there.
Damn, had there always been this many gorgeous people?
“It’s all good, I didn’t see you either.” He said, his voice way deeper and richer than you expected. You couldn’t help but blush and turn to look away. “Sorry if this seems nosy, but are you new?” He asked before you could fully turn away.
“Not really, I grew up here but moved a few years ago for school. I’m visiting family this week.” You explained and he nodded. “Ahh, understood. My family and I moved here a few years ago so that must be why I didn’t recognize you.”
You nodded also and couldn’t help but glance down at the book he had in his hand. “Vampire story?” You guessed, seeing the fangs on the cover as they hovered above a rose in a glass case. He smiled instantly and nodded.
“Yeah! I don’t do much reading but my boyfriend has been pestering me a bit, says that gaming for too long hurts my eyesight.” He rolled his eyes as he explained and you laughed softly at the sass. “He’s not wrong, blue light actually makes it harder for you to sleep also. Doctors recommend that people don’t use any electronics 2 hours before bed if they want to fall right asleep. Otherwise you’ll just be staying awake for the whole night.”
He blinked a bit, processing your information with surprise. “Wow, you sounded like a doctor yourself!” He chuckled which made you blush in embarrassment.
“Sorry, I study medicine so I tend to info dump whenever the topic of health comes up.” You explained which only made him laugh more.
“I get it, my boyfriend is that same when it comes to art. Like painting and drawing.” He reassured you. You were about to say something else when his head snapped to look at his right.
“Hey hyung!” He smiled brightly as a guy came around the corner where you two stood. “Ready to go home, Felix?” The guy asked and that’s when you recognized him. His familiar monotone but lively voice triggering a blush to dust across your face.
It was the guy from the store, he was now in black jeans, gray V-neck tshirt and a black & white plaid jacket. He had regular white sneakers and black ball cap that made his dark drown hair almost cover his eyes.
“Awh, already?” Felix pouted before sighing and nodding his head. “Bye, hope to see you around.” He grinned before walking up to the guys side. “I’m ready Minho-Hyung.”
They left quickly, not giving you a chance to say bye before the bell above the door rang and they began walking on the brick sidewalk.
It was a strange swirling feeling in your stomach at the sight of the man who you now know as Minho. It made you stare off in space for a bit as your mind raced with him. Was him and Felix related? It would make sense, they were both stunning human beings. Almost too stunning to be human.
The town was small, but was it small enough to run into someone twice in tow days back to back? Maybe, it had been awhile since you had been here. “Uhm, earth to Smile McGee.” The voice of Soomin said, pulling you out of your trance.
You blinked a few times, the brain fog clearing and you smacked her shoulder. “I told you to stop using that dumb nickname.” You hissed, remembering the times you used to have braces and when you had a few friends over they teased you with that nickname.
She was only 4 at the time but seemed to remember it like it was yesterday.
She mumbled an “ouch” and gave you a small glare. “Anyways, I’m ready to go.” She said, holding up a hefty sized book. “Maybe you are a nerd.” You mumbled, eyeing the huge book before shrugging and buying the book for her.
“Who was that by the way?” Soomin asked once you guys exited the bookstore. “Who?” You rebutted and she rolled her eyes. “That guy you were talking to, the blonde haired one.”
“Ohh.” You said, nodding before shrugging your shoulders. “His name is Felix apparently, I don’t know him personally though.” You explained and it was her turn to nod her head.
“And that other guy?” You felt the same swirling feeling in the pit of your stomach as she referred to the other guy. “Minho, I actually ran into him yesterday at the store. I only just now learned his name.”
Soomin hummed in thought before looking up at you with a smirk. “He’d make a good boyfriend~.” She said, bumping her hip with yours as you shook your head in disagreement.
“No way, I just got Umma to stop pestering me about dating; you can’t start.” You lightly scolded her as she just ignored you. “He was handsome though, you can’t deny that. Both of them were.”
You grumbled slightly, looking off to the side so you wouldn’t have to verbally agree with her. She knew she was right, the proof was the guy’s themselves.
Felix had a softer and more happy vibe with him, a golden brown eye color and blonde hair cut in the style of a mullet. He had many silver rings adorning his fingers and piercings on his ears.
He was dressed in a black turtle neck, dark blue jeans and a mocha brown fluffy jacket. His style was different from Minho, along with his appearance.
While Felix had freckles and slightly bigger eyes, Minho had not one mark on his clear and slightly tan skin. He had two silver mini hoops on one ear while three mini silver hoops on the other ear.
His outfit was a bit more casual compared to Felix’s but his stunning and sharp face made up for that.
“Whatever.” You grumbled back at your sister, sighing a bit as you both made it back to your car.
Safe to say, you stayed up a bit longer than usual with thoughts of a certain dark eyed boy.
Want to be tagged for the next chapter? Message me to be added to my taglist!

HELLO?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?! LEE FELIX WTH?!
My View - Lee Felix

Synopsis: Felix was a hard-working guy. He never thought he would be able to achieve his dreams of being a performer. It was even better that he got to experience this journey with his best friends and his biggest supporter, you, his significant other. That doesn't mean Felix doesn't have his bad days.
"If only you could see things from my perspective right now."
Pairing: Idol! Lee Felix x reader Genre: Angst - frustration from rehearsals, established relationship, comforting Felix, fluff towards the end. (I would seriously go to war for Felix)
Word Count: 2.2k
Pulling up to the JYP building always filled you with excitement. Every time you step through the front doors, you never knew what was awaiting for me. Part of that was due to the eight rowdy boys who called the building their second home. You often heard them before you saw them.
Felix and you have only been together for a few months now. You were still an unfamiliar face walking around the building, which the boys used to their advantage when they wanted to pull pranks and get into trouble. Well, seven of them were always up for causing chaos. Chris preferred to watch from afar and quickly clean up any messes that popped up before anyone noticed. Such a great leader.
You were easily becoming a part of the Stray Kids family. The younger members looked to you as a shoulder to lean on, someone to give advice. Felix’s hyungs approved because they saw how much joy you brought to their sunshine. You were never shy of showing you affection for Felix, always reminding him of your pride in not just being his partner but watching him do what he loved the most. You helped bring normalcy into their lives where they were just a group of guys in their 20s living their best life. They just happened to have high profile careers.
You, on the other hand, worked in the nonprofit sector. Your job focused on education opportunities for immigrant youth. Ironically, your job occupation is one of the many things Felix found attractive about you. Not only was he captivated by your beauty, but he admired your drive and compassion. It takes a lot from someone to do the work you do, but you made it seem so effortless. It just showed how much you cared.
It was late on a Thursday night. You and your team had been prepping for a fundraising event which was taking much of your attention and energy. Nobody really understands how much goes into a nonprofit until they work in one.
Today was one of the days where you two felt like you were pulled in different directions. Felix has been busy the last few days with dance practices, so you knew he had late nights as well. You two would send texts to each other throughout the day, checking in and supporting each other the best you could. Saturdays were reserved just for the two of you for date nights though, so you were relieved knowing you’d see him soon.
The only thing on your mind was ordering take-out and sleeping. That completely changed though when you got a call from Chan. That's odd. He never called me.
You picked up the phone as you put your keys into the apartment door, about to unlock it. "Hey Chan, what's up?" "Y/n? Are you still at work?" "No, I actually just got back to my apartment. What's going on?" "Come to the studio. Now. It's Felix."
Your heart dropped at the mention of Felix. Your mind began racing through all the possibilities of what could be wrong. Was he injured? Did something happen? Whatever it was, you knew you couldn't waste anymore time. "Y/n?" "Sorry, I'm coming," was all you said.
Just as quick as you unlocked it, you yanked the keys out and slammed the front door shut. Your feet carried you quickly down the steps leading up to your unit and straight to your car in the parking lot. You had this sickening feeling in your gut that something was wrong. Especially by the urgency in Chan's voice. He was not the type of guy to sugarcoat anything.
By the time you got to the JYP building, Hyunjin was upfront waiting for you. That's not a good sign. You parked your car in the guest parking lot before jumping out with your keys, forgetting about your pursue. All that mattered was how quickly you could get to Felix.
"Hyunjin-ah, what's wrong?" "I don't even know. I was just told to wait up front for you, so I could make sure your car is locked. He's in the practice room."
You tossed your car keys to Hyunjin before you took off running towards the practice room. You noticed that five of the other boys lined up the hallway outside of the room. Chan must be in there with Felix. The sight made your heart drop.
Your heavy breathing and footsteps gained the attention of the five members outside. They both looked concerned yet relieved to see you. You didn't have enough time to ask questions before making your way towards the door. All of their eyes were trained on you.
Very gently, you knocked on the door. You didn't want to cause anymore stress, regardless of what might be happening on the other side of the door.
"Changbin, I know you care, but we just need y/n," Chan shouted out from inside. "Chan, it's y/n. I am here."
Silence filled the hallway as everyone seemed to listen in. You could hear footsteps from the other side of the door. You didn't even know you were holding your breath as your mind spiraled to what could be happening on the other side.
The door opened slowly. It revealed Chan who seemed to be a bit revealed. But looking into his eyes, you knew that there was something wrong.
"Guys, listen, I know we all car about Felix, but he only wants y/n right now," Chan explained. His voice was scarily calm yet also quiet. You were always appreciative that Chan looked out for his members, his brothers, his kids. Especially always looking after Felix.
The rest of the guys nodded their heads. They stepped back to make Sur they weren't overcrowding the doorway. All of them cared for one another, so they would do anything for each other.
Chan slowly opened the door, granting you access. He smiled at you as you swapped positions. You were now inside the room where as he joined the rest of the kids out in the hallway. The door closed behind you which caused you to turn fully towards your beloved.
He was sitting on the floor of the practice room, his head in his hands. Of course, some practices got Felix frustrated. You were always there to comfort him, to help him work through any of the choreography to the best of your ability. He always managed to work through it, seeing those frustrations as motivation. This was different.
It was eerily silent in the room. The only thing you could hear was soft sniffles. Each one causing cracks in your heart.
"Lixie?" You called out. You didn't want to make things worse and startle him. You also were aware maybe that he needed space, so you didn't want to violate any of his personal space.
He picked his head up, looking straight ahead. Your eyes met in the reflection of the mirror. A trail of tears was marked on his cheeks, the light catching the wet trail. His eyes were a bit red, which you weren't sure if it was how long he'd been crying or from his hands pressed into his gorgeous face.
His eyes didn't leave yours. He needed you.
Without running over, you walked to him. You knew sudden movements would make matters worse. In this room, it was just the two of you. You moved with urgency across the practice floor until you were in front of him.
Once you were in front of him, you took a seat on the floor in front of him. You were sitting criss-crossed, your hands gently reaching out to his. You offered a gentle smile. His hands slipped into yours. It was a start. "What's going on, love?" You asked gently.
Now, you weren't sure if Felix wanted to even talk about what he was dealing with. However, you knew it was better to offer than say nothing at all. Felix always knew he could vent to you whenever, but you still liked to remind him that it was safe to do so. You would wait here all day if need be, if that is what Felix needed.
"I'm not good enough," he murmured.
Your heart shattered hearing his self-doubt. There were times Felix got frustrated because he was just so passionate about performing. This is the only thing that he thought he was meant to do in this life. Sometimes you wondered if he thought back to when he got eliminated during their pre-debut days.
However, you knew how hard Felix has overcome to set that now minor setback. He was one of the most recognizable idols in k-pop, proving that to be true with his impressive vocal range and his impressive dance skills. He was born to be on stage. Yet, that didn't mean he didn't doubt himself.
"What happened?" "Lee Know was showing us new choreography he wanted to learn. It acquires a bit more acrobatics than what we usually do. I thought it would be no problem for me, but-"
You could see tears swelling in his eyes again. Some fell but he tried to quickly blink the rest. Letting go of one hand, you squeezed the other to show you had no intentions of leaving. With your now free hand, you reached forward to gently wipe the tears away that were falling onto his cheeks.
His head gently tilted into your thumb. Taking note, you let your full hand cup his cheek. He sighed at the feeling of the warmth of your palm. You smiled gently to see him responsive to you.
The last thing you would want is for Felix to feel like he is doing this on his own. He had his members, his family supporting you and he also had you. Felix always uplifted you on your worst days, helping to remind you of your self-worth. And you would always do the same. This was one of those moments where you needed to reemphasize your role as his significant other. "But I just can't get it. I can't move my body correctly which makes it feel like I'm not trying hard enough," he murmured. "Like I'm failing. You hear groups coming and going, how things can shift overnight. What if I'm the reason stays don't stay and why Stray Kids becomes just a memory and not a legacy? I don't want to disappoint you or the boys."
For a moment, you remained silent. You already were working through the words to say. While you weren't an idol yourself, you didn't want to invalidate Felix's emotions. You knew that the music industry was brutal and there were a lot of risks involved.
What you did know for sure was just how successful Stray Kids is, how successful he is. He was facing a challenge, like he had before, and he would overcome it. Felix just needed to believe in himself. "Baby boy, this is the first day of learning this choreography. It's not going to be perfect no matter how much you wish it was," you sighed. It was the truth. It was frustrating, yes, but it required practice. "I know for a fact though that the boys would never allow you to fail. Maybe you can keep practicing with Lee Know, or maybe you guys change the choreography. The guys will never let you feel like you fail because you guys are one team which means that you help each other out."
Felix nodded his head gently. He was slowly starting to accept his words but he couldn't quite ignore his personal demons yet. That is where you come in. You weren't going to leave his side until your sunshine returned.
"I don't want to disappoint you either." "Felix, love, that is impossible. You are my life, my love. I am impressed simply by your existence."
He raised an eyebrow at you, confused yet encouraging you to continue speaking. You gladly will praise him as much as he needs to hear, or how much anyone was willing to listen.
"I have never met someone as compassionate as you. Even when you are tired, you go out of your way to show your appreciation not just to your fans, to stay, but to the members, your family, and even me. You always are there to lend a helping hand because you care about everyone else sometimes before yourself. It is true you radiate sunshine because you capture everyone's attention, you can make everyone smile just by being in the same room as you."
For the first time since entering the dance studio, he smiled. His forehead leaned forward until he pressed against yours. You smiled up at him, just happy to see him feeling the slightest bit better.
"I am so lucky to have you even when I'm silly and can't regulate my emotions." "Felix, it's normal to feel frustrated. You know better than anyone that I get that way too. But that's why I'm here. I'm here to support you on your best days, your worst days, and the days in between."
You pulled back gently from him. You tilted your head up until your lips pressed against his forehead lingeringly. At the acton, he could feel his ears turn red but also his smile grow. His eyes fluttered shut, just to take in the moment.
He was the luckiest guy in the world to have you, and you felt like you were even luckier.
Our Story Won't End - Lee Felix

Synopsis: "I refuse to give up on us." Pairing: College Student!Lee Felix x fem. reader
Genre: Angst. Established relationships, arguing with one another, fighting for one another with one another.
Word Count: 2.8k

Felix re-read your text message to him over and over again. How could he be so ignorant? It felt like he had the opportunity of a lifetime, but he had just wasted it.
He had to make things right.
Last night, Felix took you out on a date. A first date, to be exact. Everyone had been waiting for the moment where he finally confessed his feelings to you. I mean, everyone seemed to see there was a connection between the two of you besides the two of you. For him, he just had to build up his own courage to believe you were were interested in him.
The two of you met through Hyunjin, who shared an Art History seminar with you. One day, when Felix was waiting for Hyunjin to get out of class, he saw you emerge from the building. Instantly, Felix had to find out your name.
Just finding out who you were led to this beautiful friendship. But the friendship slowly was beginning to transform to mutual pining. You had always found Felix attractive. The first thing you noticed about him was his freckles, which looked like as if they were kisses from angels across his cheeks. And he noticed your bright smile. You had the ability to light up whatever room you stepped into, capturing everyone's attention.
That sheer observation made it more urgent Felix makes a move before someone decided to come along and sweep you off your feet first. He at least wanted the opportunity to prove his capability of being the man you needed.
Your friends and Felix's had taken it upon themselves to get you two together, one way or another. It had been a struggle for a few weeks, but eventually, Felix got the bravery to finally ask you out.
He had anticipated this date for a week and a half. The only reason why the date was pushed back so far was due to midterms. He completely understood as he had his own papers and projects to turn in. Any amount of time would be worth it to finally get some one-on-one time with you.
He promised to take you out to a nice dinner in town followed by a walk along one of the bridges connecting downtown to another part of the city. It had a breathtaking view of the city. A hopeless romantic, he knew the view wouldn't compare to you though. All he wanted was to bring you somewhere to show you off and wow you. Word had traveled from Hyunjin that you were growing frustrated with dating, the lack of effort people were putting into planning dates.
Felix saw the challenge and wanted to beat it. The ultimate victory would be claiming you as his.
However, the date itself was a recipe for disaster.
First of all, it started raining that afternoon and wasn't forecasted to lighten up until the next day. There was no way that Felix would postpone the day, not when you both had been counting the days. Adding an extra day seemed torturous to the both of you. He promised that he would come up with an alternate plan for the bridge after dinner, something that would keep the night going and keep you both wet and warm.
That part at least was out of his control. Everything else that proceeds unfortunately was caused by him.
Changbin and Minho had came home from an early afternoon gym session, their own way to combat the dreary afternoon. After every gym session resulted in a feast by the two. Mainly by Minho because Changbin most likely would cause a fire. Felix decided to join in and enjoy the meal with his two friends.
He wasn't going to pick you up until 6pm. He would be fine. Besides, if he ate now, he wouldn't overstuff himself at dinner.
A full stomach led to a sleepy Felix. And his bed seemed so tempting. A quick nap wouldn't harm. He would be able to stay out all night, if you wanted.
However, Felix missed a key detail. He never set his alarm or asked any of his housemates to wake him up, so he had ample time to get ready for the date.
5 Missed Texts from y/n 1 Missed Call from y/n
Felix jolted awake from the feeling of vibrations against his bed. He looked down to se you had attempted to call him, and now you were in the process of leaving a voicemail. What is going on? Is she okay?
Seeing the time flash on his phone, his eyes widened and heart dropped. 5:45pm. Fuck.
Quickly, he began to frantically text you.
"Hey sweet girl, I'm sorry. I took a nap 🥲 Let me hop in the shower and I'll be over"
What crushed Felix the most was that you texted back almost instantly. He wouldn't be surprised if you cancelled the date. Not when he treated it like it was nothing by foolishly taking a nap.
"No worries! Just text me when you're heading over"
God, he didn't deserve you.
By the time Felix showered, got dressed, and was ready to go, it was 6:20pm. Probably the fastest shower he's ever taken but still didn't feel fast enough considering you were waiting on him.
"Hey, aren't you supposed to be on your date?" Chan asked him. "Yeah, yeah, I'm going," Felix muttered back.
He had no time in side conversations as he was late as it is. Chan, sensing the irritation of the young man, put his hands up in defense and walked away. Felix hated being short with people, not wanting to be rude or inconsiderate. He was definitely getting inside his own head for being so irresponsible.
"heading over right now" "ok! drive safe and text me when you are here 🩷"
At least you didn't seem too mad at him.
Felix rushed out to his car in lightening speed. It was moments like this when he wished superpowers weren't fictional. If he could, he would snap his fingers and already arrive at your doorstep. Anything to cut down on the time you were waiting for him.
The drive was quite smooth considering how much it was rain. Puddles were already starting to gather on the roads. Of course, Felix wasn't driving recklessly despite the pressure he was facing. He was trying to remain as cool and collected, especially as people tend to drive unpredictable when there were hazardous conditions. The last thing Felix wanted was to cause a bigger mess by letting his frustrations get the best of him.
It was while driving he began to realize just how full he was. Maybe the rushing around to get ready or sleeping on his stomach upset his stomach. What he did know was that he couldn't sit down for a full meal as he promised to you. "Shit," he sighed. You had been so understanding so far. He was sure you'd get it.
The GPS was guiding Felix to your apartment. Every now and then, he would glance to make sure he was heading in the right direction. Once he saw he arrived, he turned it off to begin to hunt down for a parking spot. There were times Felix was grateful for having a car, as it helped him get around easily around the city. Yet, moments like this, when there seems to be no available parking made him wish he didn't drive.
The only available parking spot was about a block and a half away from your apartment. It was still raining, but nothing as crazy as it was when he left his own apartment.
"hey! just arrived" "oh perfect, I'll head down. see you soon!"
His heart fluttered at your text messages. The date had started on a rough start considering he was late, but he was determined to make sure it was still a good date. One that at least would land him a second date where he could really win you over.
Turning off the ignition, he stepped out of the car. However, he was immediately met by a car splashing water on him as they sped by.
"You've got to be kidding me!"
How can this get any worse?
Buzz buzz
He glanced down to see your name flash on the screen. He tried his best to let the anger subside before picking up the phone. Not exactly the best tone to start off the evening.
"Hello?" "Hey! I don't see you."
Felix's eyebrows furrowed together and he frowned. He glanced around his surroundings as he stood on the sidewalk. What? Did he put in the wrong address?
"Are you positive? I'm like across the street from you."
There was a pause. Maybe you were checking your surroundings? Maybe you didn't quite catch him the first time because of the passing traffic?
"Yeah, Lix, I'm positive. Are you on Oakwood?"
Oakwood Avenue? Felix was about to respond but he glanced up at the light post at the corner of the sidewalk. He squinted his eyes to see the green street sign to indicate where he was. Instantly, his confidence flattened.
Gates Street.
"Oh y/n, I'm sorry. I'm on Gates." Felix began to look around to try to figure out which way he should walk, so he could get to you. What an impression he was making, huh?
"Don't worry, Felix! I can start walking in that direction. You're about one block away from me. I'll start walking right now." "Ok."
Felix hung up first before sliding his phone away in the pocket of his rain jacket. The bottom half of him was still soaked from being splashed, including his shoes and socks. This was just a disaster. The only saving grace was that he was finally going to be able to see you.
That was why Felix remained where he was. If it was anyone else, he would have just turned on his heels back to his car and head home. He couldn't do that to you, not when he kept you waiting both for the day of the date but for himself. He had to try to salvage the rest of the evening.
From a distance, Felix saw you approaching him. His eyes widened to see how you were dressed. Even despite the rain, you went above and beyond. For him. You were wearing a black silk skirt with white tennis shoes, a mix of different styles but still spoke true to your personality. You also wore a black ribbed shirt underneath your pink rain jacket. You had your hair down in your natural hair. Felix always loved how your hair looked. He wanted so desperately to drive his fingers through it. He also took note of the gold earrings you wore. You looked heavenly.
And it made him feel like absolute shit. The fact he was dripping wet didn't hide his outfit choice. He wore a simple pair of jeans, a black hoodie, and black sneakers. It was almost as if he just picked whatever clothes he thought were clean.
"Hi Felix," you greeted him, a wide smile on your face. "Hi y/n," he smiled weakly.
Not much was exchanging between the two of you. Felix did open the passenger door for you, to help you in. He quickly jogged around to the driver side before slipping in. One of the things you adored about Felix was his bubbly personality. He was the definition of sunshine. Unfortunately, it seemed like the sunshine was being blocked out by the rain.
"So I was thinking maybe we can go out to eat and just sit by the bridge? I know it's not the same as walking it, but I figured we could still go see it?" "Oh yeah, that sounds great! Are we still doing korean barbecue?"
Felix's stomach churned at the thought of eating that much food. He quickly shook his head as he buckled himself into the seat. You couldn't help bur frown. You had been looking forward to going to the restaurant since he proposed the idea when he asked you out.
"I'm sorry, y/n. My stomach hurts a bit. Why don't we just do drive thru so we can eat in the car and not get wet anymore?"
Trying to be optimistic, you nodded your head. You kept a gentle smile on your face. You were still getting the chance to spend time with Felix. He at least still showed up for the date. It was something better than nothing.
"Yeah, Felix, that sounds good." "McDonalds?"
Maybe you spoke too soon.
Staring at the text you sent Felix, you let an exasperated sigh. You really wanted things to work out with Felix. He seemed like a genuine guy, someone down to earth and unafraid to express himself. You needed a change from the typical guy you go for. And Hyunjin hyped up what a great guy Felix was.
And it was evident from how much Felix texted you. You had been under the impression that he was into you, especially with how detailed he was about your plans for the first date. You had gotten so excited just for it to burst.
You tried your damn best to be understanding. Things change, and dating in college doesn't always mean you have to have the most romantic first dates. You had just be hyped up to expect more to be left with next to nothing.
Part of you was also upset just that he seemed not to care when he met up with you in person. He seemed to say all the right things to lure you in, and maybe he assumed he didn't need to impress you? That you were already his?
If that's the case, you didn't want to be a part of it. You wanted someone who was going to put in effort, just as you did. Or at least as much as they could. You realized that putting 100% effort is an unrealistic ask, but you at least wanted someone to communicate with you. You just couldn't shake off that Felix seemed to be in such a sour mood throughout most of the date.
Did he really not want to be with you? Did he only go out with you because you knew Hyunjin? It just left you feeling shitty.
Knock knock
You looked up from your phone, which laid on your comforter, to look towards your bedroom door. Your roommate was peaking her head in with a soft smile. You couldn't help but raise an eyebrow and match her smile.
"What did you do?" You playfully asked. "I didn't do anything. All I'm saying is that you might want to come downstairs."
And just like that, she slipped away. Your curiosity was peaked, so you had to go investigate. Slowly, you pushed yourself off the bed to go venture downstairs.
"Hi y/n."
That voice. Your eyes looked down the staircase to see Felix standing at the front of the door. He had an apologetic smile on his face as he stood within the threshold. There was a bouquet of flowers in his hand with a small plastic container of brownies, or at least that's what you believed from the distance.
"Oh, hi Felix. I guess this is why you left me on open," you laughed awkwardly.
He shared in that awkward laughter. You couldn't deny that your heart swelled that he still showed up at the door, but why was he here?
"Y/n, I know I don't deserve a second chance. I really fucked up our first date. Literally has to go down in history as the worst first date of all time."
Well, there is no arguing with that. Yet, you still were willing to hear him out. You made your way down the staircase until you reached the foyer, only a few feet away from him now. Up close, you could see more of the freckles that made you weak in the knees.
"I've been waiting for the chance to take you out, to treat you special and I failed. Of course, getting to see you was amazing. You're even more incredible than Hyunjin described. I owe you a massive apology for wasting your time and treating you poorly. If you could, I would love a chance to make things right."
"Brownies are a good start," you said.
His eyes widened slowly, registering what you just said to him. "Really?" he whispered.
You couldn't help but giggle, genuinely this time. You nodded your head as you stepped closer to him, taking the flowers into your arms. "Come on, we can go to the kitchen. I can make some tea or something. Maybe we can watch a movie and eat these brownies?" You suggested.
This definitely was the second chance Felix prayed for.
Unfortunately based on a real date I had this past weekend just with an alternative ending that I would've liked. Essentially had to end things with a cute guy for putting in very little effort 😅
Dating in yours 20s is definitely an *experience* let me just say that

THE MIXTAPES (lee felix x reader) - Chapter 8
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y/n is a coward that is in love with her bestfriend. what other way to express yourself than posting mixtapes about your love on twitter?
@rindomo @ificouldhelpyouforget @chloracha @soobin-chois @a-katsukitty @sunflowerbebe07 @gothmingguk @literallyags @quennlenn @svtbabies @knownunknown345 @amongusjaeger @mits-vi @multifandom-bitchy @fight-me-m8 @wtfmara @captivq

THE MIXTAPES (lee felix x reader) - Chapter 14
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y/n is a coward that is in love with her bestfriend. what other way to express yourself than posting mixtapes about your love on twitter?
@rindomo @ificouldhelpyouforget @chloracha @soobin-chois @a-katsukitty@sunflowerbebe07 @gothmingguk @literallyags @quennlenn@svtbabies @knownunknown345 @amongusjaeger @mits-vi @multifandom-bitchy @fight-me-m8 @wtfmara @captivq @amara-marsarsmars @firnze @mchslut @facelesswrittess @purenjuniverse @fylithia @whiplaaaaaaaaash @starryunho

⋆ 𓏸. singing like an angel ⋆。☆

Hyunjin and Felix - Arena Homme Plus

𝔽𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕩 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔹𝕓𝕠𝕜𝔸𝕣𝕚
Knock on your door
(bsn ending #7)
felix x reader! Lee yongbok x reader! word count: 1.6k
bsn alternative ending wherein; felix was the light in your dark days.
an: im sorry i cant respond to any messages yet huhuhu \. and yes i changed the title for felix . please love this also

part 1 and part 2 first
According to science, everyone needs the sun.
And you understand why.
The Earth needs the sun…
The plants need the sun. You need the sun.
But what happens when you’re trapped in your darkest days? How can you find the sun when everything around you is drenched in shadows?
Not everyone knows this, but you’ve been quietly suffering from depression. It’s a constant, heavy weight you carry, and anxiety is its relentless companion. And to be honest, you aren’t okay. You’ve managed to keep going, somehow, some way. But then, you met your friends, and they brought a spark of light into your life. They became your lifeline, your reason to keep moving forward.
Yet, even with their support, there are times when the words get stuck in your throat, when you can’t bring yourself to talk about the storm raging inside you. Yes, they would understand, without a doubt. But there’s a part of you that insists you should keep it to yourself, that you should solve these problems on your own.
But Felix… Felix saw through the cracks in your armor. As your friend who lives just three floors above you, Felix has always been more attuned to your unspoken struggles than anyone else. He’s the one who noticed when your smiles didn’t quite reach your eyes, when your laughter felt just a little too hollow. He’s the one who could sense something was wrong, even when you tried your best to hide it.
One night, when the weight of it all became too much, Felix knocked on your door, holding his familiar yellow chicken stuffed toy—a silly, comforting thing that always managed to make you smile, even on the hardest days. It took you minutes to gather the strength to move, to drag yourself toward the door. But in the end, you didn’t open it. The effort was too much, the darkness too overwhelming.
When you didn’t answer, Felix’s heart sank with worry. He tried the handle and found it unlocked. Anxiety coursed through him as he pushed the door open. Without hesitation, he rushed inside. And then he saw you—crumpled on the floor, your body trembling with silent sobs, your face buried in your hands as tears poured down. Seeing you like that broke something inside him.
Without a word, he dropped to his knees beside you and pulled you into his arms, holding you tight against his chest, as if he could shield you from the pain that threatened to consume you. He didn’t ask what had happened, didn’t press you for answers. He just held you, his warmth seeping into your cold, aching bones. His steady heartbeat beneath your ear was a lifeline, a reminder that you weren’t alone. He stayed with you the whole night, cradling you in his arms, his presence a barrier against the darkness that sought to engulf you.
Indeed… science is correct. We all need sunshine in our lives.
And in the midst of your darkest days, you found it in Felix.
At first, he had an excuse—a noisy neighbor who supposedly kept him up all night, a reason for his sleepless nights. But that wasn’t the whole truth. Felix did talk to the neighbor, but that wasn’t why he started staying over.
The real reason was you. He couldn’t bear the thought of you being alone in the dark. Whenever he felt something was off, whenever he sensed that your silence hid more than you let on, he’d grab his stuffed toy and head straight to your door.
The yellow chicken became more than just a toy; it was a symbol of his silent promise to always be there for you, to be the light in your darkness. And whenever the nightmares came, when the shadows threatened to pull you under, he would place the toy next to you, hoping it would bring you a small measure of comfort, hoping it would remind you that you weren’t alone.
Felix had been thinking about something important for a while. One day, he brought it up to Han in the library.
“I’ve been considering something,” Felix said, his voice a mix of uncertainty and determination.
Han looked up from his book, curious. “What’s on your mind?”
Felix took a deep breath. “I think it might be better if she had someone close by. Someone who can be there for her.”
Felix was genuinely worried about you. He believed it would be better for you to have someone close by who could support you, especially during those tough times. But Han, who knew Felix had feelings for you and also had his own affection for you, wasn’t sure if it was a good idea. Han didn't know the full extent of what you were going through, as Felix had promised to keep that private.
Han was skeptical, partly because of the complicated emotions involved. He wondered if it was just Felix’s way of trying to be close to you or if it was about something more practical. A man and a woman living together could easily be misinterpreted, and Han felt uncomfortable with the situation, even though Felix's intentions were purely protective.
Felix understood Han's concerns but felt conflicted. He wanted to be there for you, to offer the support you needed, but he didn’t know how to navigate these delicate feelings or how to convince Han of his good intentions.
So, Felix continued to do what he knew best: checking in on you whenever he felt you might need someone..
and that was to knock on your door, with his yellow chicken stuff toy.
and whenever he knocks, he just wish he would never see you again in that state again.
Why would Felix go to such lengths for you, especially when you were just a friend?
You thought of yourself as just a friend to him, but Felix felt something different from the very first moment he saw you.
The way you greeted him the first time with a simple "hello" struck a chord deep within him. It was as if, from that very instant, he realized that you were more than just a friend to him.
Felix's feelings for you grew beyond friendship, and he found himself wanting to protect you, to be there for you in ways that went beyond mere companionship. He felt a strong urge to support you, to be the person who could make a difference in your life, especially during your toughest moments. His desire to be close to you and offer his support came from a place of deep care and affection.
after that night in the party..
did you know what Felix do?
he knocks.. on your door.
His heart was heavy with worry and guilt. He felt sorry and couldn’t shake the feeling that he was responsible for what was happening.
He knocked urgently, his mind racing with fear about what might be happening on the other side. When no response came, his anxiety grew. He felt a desperate urge to break through the door if it meant reaching you faster. His voice cracked with desperation as he shouted, "Open it!" He hoped his plea wouldn’t disturb the neighbors, but his concern left him with no other choice.
When the door finally swung open, Felix’s eyes met yours. Without a moment’s hesitation, he pulled you into a tight, protective hug. His embrace was firm, but gentle, trying to convey all his worry and care in that single, comforting gesture.
Felix’s face was etched with deep concern as he held you close. His worry was palpable, his fear evident in every fiber of his being. He had been so frightened about what he might find and was deeply relieved to be by your side, ready to support you however he could.
"Felix…" you murmured, your voice trembling. He pulled back slightly to look into your eyes, his hands resting gently on your shoulders. His gaze was filled with a deep, genuine worry.
"What is it?" he asked softly, his eyes searching yours for answers.
"I'm doomed," you said, your voice rough from crying. The tears had stopped, but the pain was still evident in your expression.
"Why?" Felix asked, his voice steady but filled with concern.
You hesitated, unsure of how to explain what you were feeling. The turmoil inside you was hard to put into words.
"I…" you started, struggling to find the right words. The weight of your emotions made it difficult to speak.
"I love you." Your eyes locked onto his, hoping he would understand.
Felix froze for a moment, his mind trying to process what you had just said. He stared at you, his expression a mix of shock and tenderness. The silence stretched between you, and it made you feel anxious and exposed.
"I…" you began again, but before you could continue, Felix made a decision. He gently pulled you towards him and kissed you.
The kiss was tender and full of emotion. It was a kiss that spoke of comfort and healing. Felix’s lips on yours were soft, and the warmth of the kiss seemed to wash over you, easing some of the fear and anxiety that had been building up inside you.
In that moment, you felt a profound sense of peace. Felix, who had been your anchor during the hardest times, was now offering you solace through this kiss. It was as if the kiss was telling you that you didn’t have to be afraid anymore, that everything would be okay.
As you pulled away, you realized that with Felix by your side, the fears and worries seemed a little less daunting. He was your light in the darkness, your comfort in the storm. With him, you felt that you could face anything.
an: this was kinda short but i hope you felt what im trying to show. i love precious yongbok it hurts.

➳ 🍜 ⌗ ˏ˝ ✗ ˞ good day in my mind !! ☻

Birthday angel
Like or reblog if you save.

midas touch
큐피드의 화살은 눈이 멀 수도 있지만 항상 마음 속에 그 표시를 찾아냅니다.
cupid's arrow may be blind, but it always finds its mark in the heart.
.° ༘🎀⋆🩰₊˚ෆ
synopsis: kinktober day #1 — hair pulling (trichophilia)
pairing: roomate!felix x fem!reader
content: 18+/explicit (MDNI tyvm), viewer discretion advised, so highly suggestive it’s probably considered smut, college au, second person view, older fem reader, mature and unestablished relationships
warnings: noona kink, colour word system used, profanities and suggestive language, teasing, bruising and consensual pain, bdsm power play and loss of control, mentions of orgasms, age gap, coercion, whiny kink, dom reader and sub lix, hair tugging, begging kink if you squint, mentions of oral sex, pain kink i guess, dry humping, begging, pet names (pretty boy, angel, doll, good boy, love, sweetheart), hickeys
word count: 2.3K (2392)
note: i wanted to commit to the ‘kinktober’ trend, but…four days in and not looking very strong😓😓 i also wanted to post something for channie’s bday yesterday but that didn’t happen either :( the smut scene was supposed to be wayyyy longer but i kept on having unsystematic bursts of motivation and really needed to upload some content. i think tmrw i’ll try to write smth, maybe fake texts or a short story where the reader/felix/another member comes to terms with their kink but nothing smutty actually happens. i might even be able to sneak in a fluffy kinks drabble later tonight but that’s probably just a load of big talk. anyways i hope you guys really do enjoy this🫶
inspired by: rosy by @rosylix, slowly to me by @jilixthinker, and pretty please by @naeviskz
song reference: midas touch by kiss of life
“lee felix!”
you had entered the dorm, only a few minutes prior to felix’s arrival. and much to your dismay, the sight of an empty cookie jar greeted you, its desolate state an affront to your cravings.
the racket of keys stirred your senses, and the squeak of his high tops along the wooden floor announced his arrival. you called out, your tone laced with disappointment.
the aussie‘s head protruded from
the around the corner. “is something wrong noona?”
your gaze narrowed. “you know exactly what’s wrong, lix. i’ve been craving those cookies all day!”
a sheepish look crept across his face. "oh, uh, about those..." he began, scratching the back of his head.
you sighed heavily. “you owe me.”
“yeah, yeah,” felix drawled as he advanced towards the couch on which you were accommodated.
as he walked over to you, his blonde locks caught your eyes. felix’s hair was styled in two braids that were gently woven from the crown of his head, cascading down either side of his head like two delicate rivers of gold. each braid was tightly woven, with subtle wisps framing his face.
he plopped down beside you, his nonchalance testing your patience. a lecture about the sanctity of shared snacks brewed on your lips, but a mischievous spark intervened. your hand darted out, tugging at one of felix’s braids in protest.
you expected defiance, not a high-pitched whine that fled his lips as he tried extracting his braid from your grasp.
you stared at him, your heart skipped a beat at the unexpected vulnerability, and it took him a moment to cognise what he just did. felix’s face flushed pink, his relatively small hand rose to cover his pink, plump lips, and he breathed in shakily.
for a moment, the dynamics shifted, and perhaps it was a hormonal surge, or some other weird psychological phenomenon, but suddenly you found yourself conquered by a newfound self-assurance.
felix’s eyes met yours, a flicker of euphoria in his gaze, ignoring the unspoken tension that had just become palpable to him too.
“well, well, well,” you smirked, your vision tracing the blush that now dusted felix’s cheeks. “that was quite the intriguing sound you just made, pretty boy. mind if i uh…hear it again?”
felix’s dark eyes clouded with guilt as he hesitated, but you tightened your grip on his braid, the motion eliciting another sharp whine from his lips.
“n-noona. please,” he spoke breathily.
“captivating,” you purred, the fingers on your spare hand tracing the contours of felix’s jawline. “i didn’t realise you could make such…arousing noises, love.”
“you’re enjoying this…aren’t you?” he asked, his voice trembling.
you chuckled, otherwise ignoring his question. “you know, i’ve never thought about this before,” you mused as you continued to hold felix’s braid. “but these braids of yours really suit you.”
felix’s breathing was now noticeably shallower, his chest rising and falling at a rapid pace. he tried to speak, but the words got caught in his throat, replaced by another whimper as you wrenched on his braid, this time even harder than the last.
“please,” he managed to say, his voice a hoarse whisper, “i can’t...i need—“
your smirk widened as you heard the desperation in felix’s voice. you could feel the heat and tension radiating off of him, and it was clearly affecting him just as much as it was affecting you.
“hearing you like this…it does something to me,” you whispered, voice low and husky, cradling his braid.
“please,” he asked again, his voice thick with need. “touch me. i n-need to aah feel you. please.”
your heart was racing now, the sound of felix’s voice and the way he was begging for your touch driving you wild. you wanted nothing more than to give him what he was asking for, but there was a part of you that wanted to tease him just a little more.
“i think i’ve discovered a secret of yours, angel,” you murmured, leaning closer to felix. his ears flushed crimson as he attempted to turn away.
slowly, you reached out to his other braid, toying with it between your fingers before giving it a light pull. felix involuntarily let out a soft whimper, his eyes widening in surprise at the sudden intensity.
your lips curled into a sly smile, relishing the effect you had on him. “it seems like i’ve got a little weak spot, don’t i?”
felix’s voice dripped with smug satisfaction. “oh, you definitely do,” his words laced with a thick, raspy undertone, which, despite your dominant position, left your head reeling.
you released one braid, your fingers drifting up to softly cup felix’s chin, guiding his gaze to meet yours. his eyes were now visibly darker, a mix of shock and arousal, as he struggled to regain composure.
“you have no idea how much it excites me to hear you making these sounds,” you whispered, your thumb tracing the lines of his parted lips. “absolutely intoxicating, lixie.”
“feels like you’re shre—shredding my sanity, noona…” felix gasped.
“oh but look at you doll,” you purred, your eyes roaming all over his flushed face. “all red and flustered, it’s adorable.”
“i am not adorable. i’m supposed to be…to be hot mm. you’re supposed to be c-cumming at my blissedth state,” big talk for someone who was still trying to gather his thoughts, felix’s mind a jumble of sensations. and with each passing second, your words and touches were making him more and more unravelled.
“hot? you’re incandescent, felix, burning me up with every whimper. but let's see who breaks first—your control or my restraint,” you replied.
“i don't know how m-much longerrr i can...ah, fuck,” another drag at felix’s braid, securing a lewd groan from him.
“i could get addicted to these little noises you make,” you continue, your fingers now delicately outlining his jawline. “i’d make you whimper and whine and beg for more.”
“y-you’re already making me. you’re, you’re playing dirty…stop gloating mm,” he spoke, trembling.
“dirty? you have no idea how filthy i can be. and i'm just getting started. unless you want me to stop? or do you want me to push you further?” you grinned like a crescent moon, knowing felix’s resolve was crumbling with each passing moment.
“you’re insane... but i think i’m cra-zier for ngh wanting more,” felix slurred.
your breath hot against his ear, you whispered. “just imagine how you sound when i do…this.”
with a single, swift movement, you tugged harshly on both braids, pulling his back to expose his neck. felix let out a guttural moan, his eyes fluttering shut as the sensations coursed through him.
“oh, god…” felix whined, his body arching, yielding to your touch.
you took your chance. holding your breath, you leaned towards felix’s exposed neck, and you latched your lips onto the upper edge of his collarbone. gently at first, although the sudden contact seemed to have already aroused him judging by the way his body jerked at your touch.
a stifled gasp slipped from between felix’s lips as your tongue darted across his skin, making his adam’s apple bob as he swallowed heavily, fighting the urge to make any more sounds.
“aw don’t get all shy now pretty boy. let noona hear those angelical noises,” you teased, detaching yourself from his skin with a slight drag of teeth.
you licked a strip across the sensitive skin of where you just kissed him. felix did not hesitate this time, eluding a low groan which contrasted from his whines.
you began to suck at a new spot on his neck, closer to where his adam’s apple was, his braids still tightly in your grasp. you could feel the way his pulse was thrumming though his veins under your lips. felix’s hands, which had been laying uselessly at his side, jerked up to grip at your waist as an act of steadying himself.
his grip on your waist was hard, his fingers practically digging into your skin as he struggled to keep himself from trembling. felix’s breathing hitched in his throat as you continued to lavish his sensitive spot with attention, your tongue leaving a wet path in its wake.
your hand progressed upwards, solidifying itself at the base of felix’s hair, holding as tight as ever. he let out sobs in pain and pleasure.
he started to feel light-headed, tipsy, overwhelmed by the feeling of heat rushing through him, spreading lower throughout his body. felix’s usually rational mind was fogged by the sensation of your hand in his hair, and your mouth on his throat.
he was losing control, and he knew that he couldn't take much more of this.
and neither could you.
you could feel the heat pooling in your stomach, your own desire growing stronger by the second. you couldn’t resist him any longer. the way felix was unraveling under your touch, the sight of him desperate and needy, was too much to handle. you wanted him, you needed him just as badly.
you gave felix a particularly hard suck, pulling his skin in through your teeth. the whine that followed ripped at your core and you almost combusted on the spot. that had to have been the highest moan you had heard from him, from anyone at that.
you lift your head up, gazing at the boy below you who was losing all coherent thought.
“colour, pretty boy?” you inquired, your lips throbbing from all the sucking.
“green…d-don’t stop. don’t ahh- fucking stop, noona-yah,” he panted, words illiterate.
your spare hand came up to rest upon felix’s right shoulder, rubbing smooth, consoling circles around the area.
you swooped your head again, your warm breath dancing across the skin of his neck for mere seconds before you latched yourself onto his neck, now directly on top of his adams’s apple.
“ooh…ooh f-fuck noona! ye-yes! mm, harder…” the noises he was making were blood curdling, toe curling even.
you swear you just cummed. you gushed with slick, your own body quivering now. the temptation to let go of felix and please yourself seemed like a losing battle.
instead, you relaxed your full weight upon felix’s lap, rocking your hips onto his erection, and oh boy, he was rock hard.
he exhaled another huff, followed by a string of curses and other incoherent words. you lost suction of the hickey you were forming, smiling lowly into his skin. as if it wasn’t already obvious that you had him right where you wanted him, and still pushing him over the edge.
you attacked his adam’s apple for the second time, opening your mouth wider to tease a larger area of his skin. his hips subconsciously bucked upwards into you, earning a sigh on your end. your warm breath on the newly-formed hickey sent felix into complete overdrive.
his hands slipped past the upper edge of your sweatpants, expertly finding the waistband of your panties, pulling the lace into view and rising it up level to your hip line. you winced in pain as felix began fingering your lingerie, occasionally bumping the side of your hip, where he had left bruises from his tight grip earlier on.
the hand that was on felix’s shoulder jerked up to his braids once more. you ran your fingers through the plaits, unravelling them like you unravelled their owner, leaving waves in his milky blonde tousles.
you kissed the spot where you were marking your possession, moving your placement to the underside of his defined jaw, teeth gnashing at his freckled skin. his laboured breathing echoed through the room, a symphony of surrender.
“s’good…oh you’re so g-good noona. what have i…been m-missing out onn?” felix spluttered.
you just yanked his hair in response, his braids now completely unthreaded. every word and every sound he expressed ignited your nerves, set your heart alight. your oxygen was depleting steadily, but you weren’t going to stop and take a breathe. you were going to suck felix’s skin to the death and die a happy woman.
but as that thought was revolving around your brain like an eagle circling it’s prey, felix came to an abrupt halt, releasing your lingerie and letting it hit your skin like rubber ricochetting. he mustered the strength to grip your shoulders, before gently prising you off him. a look of concern came over you, worry concealing the lust in your eyes.
“felix, sweetheart, i’m so sorry…are you hurt? what did i do?“ you voiced, exasperated.
“noo i’m all good…y-you’re all good, noona-yah. oh you’re fucking, fucking phenommmenal, god. i just…i need a favour,” felix tripped over his words.
“of course. anything, felix, you’ve been such a good boy. just tell me what you need. let me take care of you,” you replied.
your expression was filled with concern, worry, and just a hint of lust as your eyes travelled over his body, taking in his red face, messy hair, and heaving chest.
felix’s heart slammed into his rib cage, as his eyes locked with yours. he took a deep breath, feeling the air catch in his throat as he tried to speak.
“n-noona,” he murmured, his cheeks flushed an even darker shade of red. “i need you to…can you let me…?”
your heart skipped as you heard the hitch in his voice, they way it trembled with need and desire. you knew what he wanted, you had made him fall apart under your touch just a moment ago, but you had to hear him say it.
you leaned closer, moving your body against his, letting your breath brush against his ear as you encouraged him.
“tell me, pretty. tell me what you need.”
a full body shiver ran through felix as your breath ghosted over his skin, sending a wave of heat straight to his core. he closed his eyes, drowning in the sensation of your body so close to his, the weight of your words in his ears.
he swallowed hard, his voice quiet and husky again as he finally spoke.
“…can you hold my hair back…whilst i ea-eat you out? please?”
oh. well, you thought that he was going to ask you to suck hickeys onto him further down, on his chest maybe. or he might’ve asked for you to kiss him.
but when your pretty roommate offers to give you head, are you really one to decline it?
part 2??
©fallingforfelix, 2024 tag if inspired

❛❛kinktober masterlist❞
here’s my kinktober 2024 series masterlist! i’ll try to make 31 posts for the 31 days of october…but we all know i suck at sticking to schedules. my requests are open as per usual so feel free to drop a request ᡣ𐭩.
01 ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏☄️ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏❛❛hair ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏pulling❞ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏ᯇ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏(midas ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏touch) ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏★ 02 ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏🍊 ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏❛❛sunlight❞ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏ᯇ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏(sun ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏kissed) ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏★ 03 ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏📙 ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏❛❛music❞ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏ᯇ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏(siren ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏song) ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏★ 04 ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏🧶 ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏❛❛hands❞ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏ᯇ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏(untitled) ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏★ 05 ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏⛺️ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏❛❛ghosts❞ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏ᯇ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏(untitled) ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏★ 06 ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏🦊 ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏❛❛oral❞ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏ᯇ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏(tongue ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏twister) ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏★ 07 ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏🏮 ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏❛❛breeding❞ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏ᯇ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏(untitled) ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏★ 08 ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏👘 ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏❛❛infidelity❞ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏ᯇ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏(untitled) ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏★ 09 ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏🍁 ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏❛❛virginity❞ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏ᯇ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏(untitled) ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏★ 10 ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏🥮 ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏❛❛somnophilia❞ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏ᯇ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏(lucid ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏dream) ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏★
©fallingforfelix, 2024 tag if inspired

❛❛sun kissed❞
햇빛이 내 영혼을 가득 채울 때, 당신을 향한 나의 빛나는 사랑이 넘쳐흐릅니다.
as sunlight fills my soul, my radiant love for you overflows.
.° ༘🕯️⋆🪐₊˚ෆ
synopsis: kinktober day #2 — sexual arousal from sunlight (actirasty)
pairing: felix x gn!reader
content: teen and up, viewer discretion advised, a tad bit fluffy, suggestive, second person view, no ‘y/n’ or pronouns used, gentle romance, slow burn
warnings: emotional intimacy, sexual undertones, mild romantic tensions, emotional affection, sensory description
word count: 0.2 (276)
note: so quite obviously this wasn’t upload last night as promised lol. guess who fell asleep trying to do their drama coursework at 1:00am and i’m on holidays rn🤦♀️ this is barely smut as well…
song reference: say yes to heaven by lana del rey
actirasty — a term coined to describe sexual arousal or attraction experienced in response to sunlight.
felix — with his infectious laughter and radiant smile, he has always been a source of joy and warmth in your life.
the feeling that bubbles up in your heart when he’s around is more than just mere friendship or happiness. it’s a sensation as bright and invigorating as the sun itself, a mix of admiration and intrigue that makes your heart skip a beat. you can’t explain it, but being around him electrifies your senses and makes you crave more of his presence like a flower reaching for the sun.
weather and time are irrelevant when it comes to felix’s ability to uplift your spirits. even on the dreariest, cloudiest days, his mere presence can transform the darkest gloom into a ray of hope. his energy is like a virus, his personality an inescapable pull, and his very essence radiates a warmth that seems to melt away all traces of despair. like a personal sun shining in your life, felix has an uncanny ability to bring joy and positivity wherever he goes.
sometimes, you’ve pondered if this unique connection you feel to felix is solely your own experience or if others share the same feeling as you. perhaps it’s his authentic kindness, unwavering positivity, or his talent for making others feel significant and treasured. whatever the reason may be, you’re grateful for the influence he has on you, and you hold each moment spent with him in high regard. the way he affects you adds a special spark to your life, and you cherish every moment you spend in his company.
©fallingforfelix, 2024 tag if inspired

당신의 목소리는 내 영혼의 음악입니다; 내 마음을 노래하게 만드는 멜로디예요.
the sound of your voice is music to my soul; it's the melody that makes my heart sing.
.° ༘🪼⋆🌀₊˚ෆ
synopsis: kinktober day #3 — moaning (auditory fetishism)
pairing: bsf!felix x fem!reader
content: teen and up, viewer discretion advised, suggestive, second person view, no ‘y/n’ or pronouns used, texts, and voice messages (they’re ‘transcripted’ don’t worry), non established relationships
warnings: emotional manipulation, blurred boundaries, potential gaslighting, pressure and coercion, objectification, pet names (doll, angel, honey, baby, good girl, darling, pretty), begging kink, flirtation and seduction, profanities
word count: 8 photos
note: something a little different with the texts, so i hope u guys enjoy. i am literally in love with felix’s profile pic in the texts, he looks so cute omgg🥰 also i can’t be the only one obsessed with 1-800-hot-n-fun by lsfm. WHERE THE HECK IS SAKI?!
inspired by: stray kids horny texts (felix’s part) by @thefantasyden and accidentally sexting bestfriend!stray kids (felix’s part) by @iwassupremacy
song reference: 1-800-hot-n-fun by le sserafim
part 2

©fallingforfelix, 2024 tag if inspired

❛❛1-800-hot-n-fun, 02❞
당신의 목소리는 내 영혼의 음악입니다; 내 마음을 노래하게 만드는 멜로디예요.
the sound of your voice is music to my soul; it's the melody that makes my heart sing.
.° ༘🪬⋆🏙️₊˚ෆ
synopsis: kinktober day #3 part 2 — moaning (auditory fetishism)
pairing: fwb!felix x fem!reader
content: teen and up, viewer discretion advised, suggestive, second person view, no ‘y/n’ or pronouns used, texts, fwb
warnings: derogatory language and slurs (whore), inferences of sexual activity and harassment
word count: 3 photos
note: as promised, here’s part 2!! it’s not long at all i’m sry
inspired by: my imagination lol
song reference: 1-800-hot-n-fun by le sserafim
part 1

©fallingforfelix, 2024 tag if inspired