Yyxyhyeju - Tumblr Posts
The murmurs of the night <3

pairing : yyxy (loona) x reader
Word count : 2,2k
Genre : hurt/comfort, fluff
Warnings : implied overthinking
Hi hi hi !! I've been so busy lately sobs </3 but here is a (short) post that I hope can make it up to you all :)) Thank you for being so patient with me ! I have bigger works that I need to finalize ehe ! I hope I can get to write more often ! But that's besides the point ! I hope you enjoy the following story :D
The ceiling above you was getting boring
You have been looking at it for a long time now. It's been, minutes ? Hours ? You don't have a single clue of even what time it is now, the only thing you can clearly understand as of right now, is that no matter how much you wish to fall asleep, you just can't seem to find the strength to close your eyes and drift away to dreamland
Ironic isn't it ? It shouldn't take much to just lay down and let yourself rest, yet, you can't bring yourself to do it, it's like there's something restraining you, and it's getting tighter by each second that passes, so much that you can feel yourself running out of breath, even if you're barely moving in your empty bed. The stress of fighting against the part of you that isn't willing to let your mind rest is tiring you, so much that you can feel a tear caressing your poor cheek
It's cold, a cold breeze that causes you to not be able to stop that shivering manner of yours, a cold breath coming from the thoughts that have been worrying you lately. Why couldn't today be a normal night ? Why did you have to cry today ? That was only draining you more, and yet again, you just couldn't fall asleep
"what to do" is what you kept asking yourself on and on, not knowing how to handle things, how to handle your poor figure sitting down, your hands covering your face from the embarrassment that someone could ever find you in that state
When it comes to scientific manners, the cold is described as in an absence of warmth, and for once, you can say you agree with the boring lessons you have to go through everyday at school. There is something missing, something that would help you get warmer, a whole bunch of blankets wouldn't be enough to compare to the comfort that something gives you, you miss a certain someone
You miss them, you miss their presence, you would do anything just to have them talk to you, you know you shouldn't feel like this, you should be grateful to even have them in your life, but you do feel lonely, you feel like you may not be as important as you've always been to them, you feel as if you're failing, you are scared
Scared of waking up and knowing they're not there anymore, scared of breathing without sharing the same air as them, scared of eating at a restaurant alone, without them to accompany you, scared of loosing yourself through their absence, scared of falling asleep alone, you just cannot do it
It's rather difficult to explain your own feelings sometimes, we're all mysteries after all, even for ourselves, even if we'd like for everything to make sense, it sometimes just doesn't, and it's something we have to learn to accept, or else, we'll always be stuck in a spiral of infernal questions, lost in a crowd of thoughts that can stab right in the heart you at any given moment with no warnings
Life isn't made to always be fair
You miss them so much, but you feel so scared to even look at your phone, and realize that they're once again not texting you, that they're once again busy together, without you, without even thinking of you, you just want them to be there
The people who you keep thinking of are your lovely girlfriends
They are awesome people, truly, though they haven't been very present lately, you are conscious of their tight schedule, yet, you are terrified they don't want to put in efforts in your relationship anymore, you would do anything for them, but would they do everything for you ?
Your dear girlfriends
As much as them not being here breaks your heart, thinking about them automatically makes you smile
Sooyoung is such a kind girl, she always assures you are feeling safe and the thought of being away from her is genuinely terrifying, because her being there means you being alright, she has a way to make you calm, even if she makes you incredibly nervous. She always looks out for you and defends you no matter what may happen, she loves to bicker with Hyeju about who gets to protect you the most, and you can't help but grin whenever you witness their "fights". Sooyoung feels warm, warm because you know there's always a spot available in her arms, for you to slip in and for you two to stay that way for hours
Jiwoo is your happy place, a sunshine really, she colours the days that are too bland, she brings such a bright energy around her, that just the thought of seeing her makes you smile more than anything else. She clings onto you endlessly, and you would never complain about it, since it makes you feel so loved, making you feel like you matter. When she takes your face in her soft hands and kisses you, you feel at home, you feel like nothing else matters in the world. You feel at ease with Jiwoo, at ease when she brings you close to her and swears that she will never leave your side, her words staying in your mind for days after you and her talk
Chaewon is like an angel, she doesn't need to say much for you to feel at ease, her beautiful self makes you question regularly how lucky you got to be to meet someone as amazing as her. Chaewon is such a loving girlfriend, even when her mouth stays closed for a long while, her lovely glances are comparable to thousands of love letters, she brings you peace when you need it. Life might be a mess sometimes but when Chaewon is around, it feels like paradise is being brought to you, her way of holding your hands, by gently grabbing them and rubbing her thumbs inside of your palms to remind you that she's here, or when she kisses your forehead to help you forget about what's troubling you. Chaewon is peaceful, you find an indescribable source of comfort in her, so much that if things are going wrong, your first reflex is to think of her, and suddenly, things seem to be stable again
Hyeju is not always expressive about her soft feelings, but sure thing is, she is trying to be the best for you, reminding you that she loves you whenever she thinks about it, so that you never forget just how much she cares about you. Even when you get scared to lose her, she'll kiss you on the spot to make you accept the truth that she simply cannot leave your side, she cares about you much more than you could ever imagine. Her protective gaze over you as well as her way to always have you in her arms and the few words she says to express her love for you is enough to make you feel like you matter. With Hyeju, you feel like you belong, because you do, and you will for as long as you desire, because Hyeju promised to never leave you
Thinking about them made you feel a bit of hope again
Suddenly the empty feeling faded a little bit, of course, not at all erased, it's still there, smudging your heart, but at least you get to feel a little better
Missing them so much, you just give up on worrying that you might bother them and you roll over the bed to text them. They obviously won't answer tonight, but at least it'll make you something to wake up to. Wearing Hyeju's hoodie and Sooyoung's sweatpants, you feel a bit warmer remembering it's theirs, giving you just the courage you need to open your phone
Opening your messages, you click on the conversation you share with the four of them, curious of what the new messages they sent are about
Where's Y/n D: !!
Y/n !!!! Come onlineeee <3333
They might be sleeping woo
Yes yes, but like-
I miss them :<
I miss them too
Then let's wait for them to wake up
It's not that long
We can do it
Right ?
I mean, I do really miss them
Me too wonnie, but they're probably asleep
And that's only a tiny glimpse of everything that was being said about you
So you were worrying over nothing ?
Crazy how many things the dark of the night can make you believe
It'll start by a few shivers, becoming more and more bothering, going down to the bottom of your spine, making you feel nude, from how cold you feel, from the absence of warmth around you. You then start getting dizzy, a headache that hurts more than what it sounds like, isolating you from the rest of the world. And there it comes, the night, between the four walls of your room, the darkness becomes able to mouth words, little innocent worries that soon turn into fears you cannot forget about, forcing you to stay awake, wanting to sort things out, even when it's not possible. Facing the empty sky of your ceiling, you can only imagine what it would when it's filled with stars, them, the people who make you feel important, who complete your universe
You can strangely feel your tears coming back, but this time, out of pure enthusiasm, the euphoria to know they care, and they are there, even when you are apart, separated from having lives that are too different
You choose to answer your dear girlfriends, to notify them of your restlessness
Hello :)
Baby, I'm so glad to see you
But shouldn't you be asleep ?
Hyeju is right love
Is everything okay ?
You know you can always tell us
What does it cost to be honest ?
I just miss you all so much
You wait for an answer
But nothing
"Huh ?"
You try hard to not think harsh about it
But why did they suddenly disappear ?
Did you do something bad ?
You stare at your phone, ignoring your surroundings, feeling yourself falling back to the state you were a while ago
"No, no this can't be !"
Why do you always have to feel that way ? Why do little things hurt so much
"How am I going to even fall asleep now ?"
It's strange, the night seems to be taking over again
You feel ashamed even
"What made you believe you could stay happy" this thought resonates louder and louder in your aching head
You close your eyes
Just to forget for a second
Even if it won't do much
"It's so warm" you think, you can feel yourself laying down on something that seems to be the warmest thing you have possibly ever touched in your entire life
Confused, you open your eyes again, only to be met with the sun shining right in your face
that's right
your sun
Jiwoo is here :)
To your left you can see Chaewon sitting on the bed, stroking your hair gently, and to your right, you can see Hyeju admiring how beautiful you look, not wanting to interrupt your sleep
And around you
Sooyoung's arms
They're here, they're finally by your side !
This wasn't all a dream, they really did stop answering for a while, just because they were preparing themselves to come see you in the middle of the night
"Hey cutie ! How was your sleep ?" Sooyoung asks you softly
You answer her that it was great, and you try to get up to get a hug from everyone, though, sooyoung keeps you close to her
"nono, today you're resting baby, stay here okay ?"
And well, who are you to refuse Sooyoung after all ?
"Sooyoung is right, stay there, if you need anything you can always ask us" Hyeju smiles at you, coming closer to kiss your cheek before sitting back to the place she was at
Chaewon takes your hand in hers, kissing it, before murmuring "beautiful, how could I ever fall for some this much"
And Jiwoo, her, not even a word yet, just screams and whines from not being able to kiss you because Sooyoung is keeping you away from her
“I’m so glad to be here” Jiwoo said while climbing up on the bed, joining Sooyoung to cuddle your sides
“Me too, it’s so glad to get back to our angel” gowon agreed
You smiled at them, not even knowing what to say, them being right here, was so, magic :)
“We tried to come as fast as we could yesterday night but when we arrived, you were already asleep like a baby” Hyeju laughed
“You were so cute, I had to resist the urge to wake you up and ask to kiss you on the spot !! Sooyoung made me wait until this morning”jiwoo whined
“mhh ! but now that I’m up, why don’t I get a kiss ehe !” You replied giggling, and jiwoo obviously did what you desired, soon followed by the rest of the girls, making you feel like the most important person in the world, because, in their eyes (and in mine bc ily all), you are <3
This is only the beginning of a new day
And yet you feel so right already, you just, feel, like everything is back to normal, the loves you just cannot get enough of are back, and that dear night that loves to keep you company through the dark is finally gone, letting you enjoy some kinder words from the ones you love, murmurs that remind you of your worth, and of how perfect you are :)
The end 0:
I hope this was enjoyable aha ! I wrote this in the middle of the night ! It's just a short lil fit because I thought it fit my mood well :) I will now drift to sleep myself, I wish you all to have an awesome day/night, take care of yourselves lovelies :D <3
And yes I will answer requests and inbox messages v v soon ! Thank u to everyone sending me stuff :))

Finding your way
With Loona's Olivia Hye

warnings : little makeout session !!
Wordcount : 1,5k
Probably my favorite work of fluffcember yet !! I think it’s pretty good🤭 I hope you'll enjoy <3
Walking around the streets of a town you didn’t know well enough; you tried your hardest to not let yourself get caught up in stress. You were most definitely lost, and of course, you knew you were, but you were desperately enough trying to convince yourself to hang on a little bit of hope, maybe you’d be able to find your way out after all? One of your closest friends had been away for a few months now, studying abroad in the well-known university around here. As they had left your friend group, you all promised yourself to see each other as soon as it was possible, being apart for too long would just not be acceptable Although you both had been busy, schedule filled with homework and projects to finish, you always managed to find time to message each other. And it’s on one late night that they offered you something, the opportunity to come see them and stay for about a week Holidays were right around the corner, and you had talked with your professors, they were okay with letting you miss classes as long as you’d submit the work due on time or in advance And so you did, you worked hard and rushed your studies so you could be here today, in an unknown town (at least to you), trying to figure your way to your friend’s house They were supposed to come pick you up at the airport, though right before your flight, they declared having an emergency to deal with. They apologized and promised to make it up to you, as well as giving you their home address, telling you where the key was located so you could get in within no time With a smile you got out of the airport after a few hours in the sky. You hadn’t brought much stuff, a backpack seemed enough, and knowing you were going to take quite a while to reach your friend’s place, you were very grateful to not have taken many things with you It was the end of the afternoon, the sun was still warm as the wind made your hair dance. You thought finding a taxi would be your best and fastest option, as it would mean you wouldn’t have to worry about directions because the driver would do it for you
However, you started thinking that plan was going to backfire as you were walking around for a long hour and had yet to find any apparent taxi. You had tried to check online too, but since you were in another country, you didn’t have connection, and so you couldn’t find anything. That also meant you didn’t have access to any gps of some sort, which upset you
And now, you were officially lost. You didn’t know where to go as you head down a street, figuring you’d find a spot to sit down somewhere and collect your thoughts. The sky was a bright orange as the evening had begun, you were surely not down to spend the night freezing here
Looking everywhere, searching for the sight of a comforting coffee place or a bench but you couldn’t find anything. Trembling a little, you wondered what the hell were you supposed to do?
Trying to stay steady, you continued walking at a fast pace. You felt tired and your legs were sore as the airport seemed to be so far away. You mentally cursed yourself for not booking a ride in advance, you should’ve thought of it
You suddenly felt yourself lose feet, the paths were icy and you weren’t wearing the best winter suit : sneakers, jeans and a pretty sweater, you hadn’t expected to be walking around for that long. Luckily enough, you felt something, or someone, catch you before your face could approach the ground
Standing back up, you looked at the stranger that had just saved you. It was a girl, and strangely enough, she still had her hands on you. Thanking her with your brightest smile, you let go of her grip as you wished her to have a good day before turning around, not wanting to embarrass yourself any longer
Feeling something warm on your hand, you heard her asking you to wait. Looking back at her, you were met with the most beautiful face you had ever stumbled across. Her black hair floating slightly by the wind that had gotten colder, she offered you a shy smile. You greeted her and swore you could feel your face heat up a little
“May I ask for your name pretty?” she asked you, seemingly confident
You responded cheerfully, asking her the same question
Hyeju was her name, it suited her. Despite having a part of you wanting to get out of here the fastest you could, another one desperately wanted to get to know her better. There was something going on, you couldn’t figure out what it was. You were just, attracted? She was so... hot? You didn’t know what was restraining you from offering her your number right here and then
“That’s such a pretty name”, you smiled at her timidly.
“And you’re such a pretty being” She grinned, “Be careful, the streets are pretty slippery around here” She said, approaching you, “don’t want to have that beautiful face hurt”
A hand on your cheek, inches away from you, you could feel your heart burst out of your chest. You blushed at the sight of her, so close from you
“I’ll try”, you said, followed by silence
“You’re somehow making me nervous” you admitted, looking away for a split second, maybe in hope to hide your lack of confidence, or looking for the courage you needed to lean forward and press your lips on hers
“That’s good to know”, something about her grin was so, cocky
She then spoke again
“Do you mind if I ?” and you nodded, not wanting to waste a single second of that moment
She kissed you first, and you felt an eruption inside of you, butterflies overtaking your stomach as her firm hands held your hips, pulling you in for a deeper kiss. Not taking her lips off yours, you both continued messing around
Your legs weakening at her touch, you felt her look at you with a spark in the eye, and a glimpse of lust in there as well. She seemed pretty proud of herself for that one.
You both made out for a little while, your back now pressed against the walls of a certain building. Your hands were freezing, but your whole body couldn’t pull itself away, there was something that maintained you both together
Finally letting go of her as you needed to breathe a little, you saw her stare at you, like she was planning her next move. Looking at her with the cutest look you could’ve ever done, you felt yourself pulled in right again
It was such a new sensation, and you could not have felt better. Hyeju was passionate, she seemed like she wanted to make this the most memorable moment for you, and quite honestly, you were sure to not forget about this anytime soon
Your little session ended after you both needed to get your breaths to be steady. Giggling and smiling at the other, she wrapped her arms around you
“Didn’t know I’d find my future lover that way” she told you jokingly, pecking you again
You smiled “I’m surprised myself, I was just trying to find my way somewhere, I was lost actually, but instead, I got myself trapped”
“Sorry pretty, couldn’t help but lean in when I saw you. You’re so angelic, you know that? Makes me want to kiss you all over again, to treat you good”
You blushed at her words, how come a perfect stranger could have such an effect on you ??
“But you said you were lost hm ? Maybe I could help you ? And I’d get to spend time in your company, win win isn’t it ?” she told you, and you agreed
Telling her the address you were looking for, she asked you about your friend. Turns out they had been taking a few classes in the same program together, and that she knew where they lived
Walking you there, she held your hands the whole time, saying she couldn’t let you be cold, and also because she didn’t want to take her hands off you. You arrived in no time and felt a little disappointed at the thought of letting her go just now
“What’s with that look ?”
“I’m missing you already” you answered
And she replied with crashing her lips on yours, another time. Her tongue in your mouth, you felt incredibly nervous, how come she could make you feel so good ?
Pulling away again, you pouted
“I’m taking you out tomorrow, how about that ?” she asked you, giving you a paper with her number on it
“Sounds perfect to me Hyeju” you smiled
“You can call me your love already” she winked
Maybe you hadn’t found your way to your destination quickly, but that detour was more than worth it