THE POTENTIAL - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Sooo, anyone made the fic already????


Ethan x Jason

Jathan, Ethson, vengeful lightning.

Please. Hear me out. HEAR ME OUT.

Two dudes destined to be nothing more then plot continuation to be drives for the in characters but never main characters themselves even though they had ALL the potential to be. Dying so the main character can't get that sweet sweet goal/character development. Just wanting tk make things right for their people and Godly beings. Fighting for what they believe is right even if the line between good and evil seems blurred.

They kiss.


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7 months ago

I need Vaggie and Husk to be friends SO badly. I just think they have potential like they could possibly be one of the best duos if given a chance. I actually have so many thoughts on this so hear me out:

There's so much potential JUST because of their relationships with Charlie and Angel (Charlie and Angel are siblings but we don't need to get into that right now)

But seriously short grumpy characters with wings and their extroverted beanpole partner is killing me

So basically I can see them both ranting about what their partners are doing on a daily basis but it always ends with "I love them SO much" "Cheers I'll drink to that"

I have a feeling Charlie and Angel are both the kind of people to leave lipstick marks on their partners and just not tell them so Husk and Vaggie have to check each other out real quick before going anywhere. I mean no questions asked just one of them standing in front of the other with their arms and legs spread out until the other one gives them a thumbs up or a rag to clean it off with.

I also think it would be funny if Husk was the first person to know Vaggie was an angel he just didn't mention it. He says so himself that the residents of the hotel will spill their secrets when they get drunk so Vaggie definitely got drunk and let it slip that she was an angel but didn't remember it by morning. Husk's motto is basically "That's none of my business" so he just doesn't say anything.

Also continuing with the "that's none of my business" thing, Vaggie absolutely agrees with that sentiment as long as it doesn't hurt Charlie or the hotel. Neither of them like people digging into their business and having Alastor in their lives means someone is ALWAYS digging so it's nice to be with someone who just does not care.

Oh and they both shit on Alastor 24/7 so good for them

PREENING EACH OTHER!!! By the time Vaggie gets her wings back they're close enough for this. Husk hates his wings and is shit at taking care of them but Vaggie really wants this to happen. She does miss some things about the exorcists and that's one of them. Of course she would never say that out loud but Husk gets it and they do it anyway.

Vaggie would start flying ALL THE TIME after getting her wings like she has so much time to catch up on. Angel knows that her and Husk are good friends and that Husk hates his form so he'll get Vaggie to convince Husk to fly with her. It takes a little bit but they have fun and Charlie is really proud of her so it's worth it.

They can literally sit in comfortable silence for hours and not get bored

They bicker all the time about everything like they'll say the meanest shit but they're besties and they're joking so it's fine

They are so down to kill Valentino at any time. They have multiple plans, they have lists, they're really creative about it too.

They'll just sit, people watch, and judge strangers together

They're so judgemental but also the least judgmental??? They'd be like "Why would you do that you dumbass" but also actually listen to what's being said and try to find a reasonable solution for each other

Double dates that Vaggie and Husk don't actually want to go on but unfortunately Charlie and Angel are convincing (they have a really good time)

They were both stripped from their occupations (overlord/angel). They miss it sometimes and they feel bad about it because they were both terrible people during those times. When they get like this they always seek each other's company. Sometimes they actually talk about it, sometimes they change the subject to something completely different, sometimes they have a drink and sit in silence. Either way they only acknowledge it with each other.

Husk teaches Vaggie how to make drinks. It's calming for him (even though it's annoying that he's technically being forced to do it) so he thought she might like it. She does and is actually really good at it. When they get more residents she'll help him out behind the bar.

Sometimes they'll sing together. They sound amazing and their partners love it. Husk also tries to teach Vaggie how to play saxophone it does not go as good as bartending did

They're the only ones in the hotel that can speak Spanish so yes they do use that to their advantage

Are both so tired all the time. They just deserve a stress free nap. They end up curled up together asleep and are found by Angel in the middle of the night. He takes a picture and immediately sends it to Charlie. Charlie and Angel manage to keep the picture but are not allowed to show anyone or ever mention it again.

They would never actually admit to being friends even though they're best friends and one of the few people the other can actually stand being around


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6 months ago

Caboose and Carolina friendship could’ve been so good. He gets someone fiercely loyal and she gets someone who can just be there for her

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2 years ago
I Just Think They Could Be Neat, Idk :] ?
I Just Think They Could Be Neat, Idk :] ?

I just think they could be neat, idk :] ?

drawing Yin's horns are surprisingly difficult to me.

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1 year ago

That writers room must’ve treated the Last Olympian as some sort of bible because they truly Get the idea that Percy does not like the gods. that he does what he does in spite of his opinion. They make sure that the audience knows that Percy doesn’t find this fair and that he doesn’t like this. That he and Luke are more similar then they expect.

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9 months ago

thinking of ocean themed stories. the call of summer. but like…gray, stormy seas…the water turned so dark you can’t even fathom the depths that lay below…flashes of lightning that are only a second but rob your sight, thunder so loud it leaves you deaf, the heave of the waves and blot of the clouds throw you and your boat with no sense of direction, no care for gravity, no separation from what is sea and what is the sky…give me summer in all her cold, biting, howling fury, biting rain and stinging salt and the horrors of a sea in full rage

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1 year ago

I think, as someone who writes myself, I often forget that people make this kind of humane mistakes and it's.... normal. It happens. You say things you don't mean to, you say things you mean but it comes out wrong. Or maybe you don't say things at all.

Jungkook here is 😭 a mess 😭 and it both hurt and much too relateble because I, too, sometimes don't communicate because it's hard. I like how this ended very ambiguous also??? Like, sucks to be him but it's on him lol, OC could leave for good for all we know and it would be deserving.

Jadie:) i would like to make a request!!

Reader having to spent countless night home alone because Jungkook’s busy working at the studio? They fight and she asks him to love her more than she loves him?

Honestly i feel like JK gets frustrated with fights so he says things that come out in a different way?? Thank you so much!!!!

i went in with the angst on this one 😳 i think most of us have had similar fights before, so i was definitely channeling some of that something here OPE

cw: verbal sparring, major angst, ending is ambiguous/unresolved

Jadie:) I Would Like To Make A Request!!

By the time his car rolls into the driveway, Jungkook has nothing left to give.

A vampire disguised as a weekday sapped every bit of energy he had left. His reserve tank is empty, and when he’s running on fumes like this, there’s only one way to top up. All he wants — now, then, any time — is to bury his face where your neck meets your shoulder; to revel in your steady pulse and soft breathing; to remember that there’s life here, outside his studio.

He doesn’t waste time getting out of the car, having summoned the last bit of willpower he had to unbuckle his seatbelt and slip from the driver’s seat. Jungkook locks the car behind him and within seconds, he unlocks the door to his home. To you. It feels like forty years have passed since he left that morning, but he can still smell the kimchi from the eggs you cooked.

Did hours always used to feel like decades?

One foot over the threshold, the toe of his boot collides with something in the dark. His eyes strain to see it; and his eyebrows furrow once he does. It’s a weekender. Yours, the one he bought you to take on little getaways when your schedules aligned like planets. It’s packed and ready, but Jungkook can’t put a finger on why that is.

Did he forget about plans again? Fuck. His mind never used to be a sieve, but that’s all it’s been lately. Jungkook has to be careful not to let you slip by.

He toes off his shoes and places them on the mat on the other side of your packed bag. As he heads off to find you, kiss you, breathe you in, Jungkook takes one backwards glance at that weekender. Nothing sparks.

Where were we going again?

There’s rustling down the hall and he follows it. Underneath his timid footfalls, there’s the quiet metallic click of the medicine cabinet door as you close it. Jungkook can’t see you, but he can feel you — you and the upset ebbing outwards from you. Little concentric circles, rage rippling his way like a stone has broken through the surface.

I dropped you, again.

Jungkook reaches the doorway to the bathroom just in time for you to exit. You gasp when you collide with his chest, but that shock dissipates quickly when his hands steady you by your forearms. You clutch the bag of toiletries that you nearly dropped like it’s all you have.

The expression on your face is less obvious now that the surprise is absent — and that scares him.

“Whoa,” Jungkook tries to chuckle to lighten whatever this crushing weight is, but there’s no humor in your affect. Flat. Despondent, like you cried out all you had and there was nothing left to animate your features.

Oh, this is bad.

He needs to fix it, so he tries again, “Where’s the fire, petal?”

Oh, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Jungkook flipped a switch alright, but it didn’t turn the light in your eyes back on. Ham-fisted and stuck in the garbage disposal as it —

“I don’t know, Jungkook. Where is the fire?” You have that tone when you reply. That rare and terrifying voice where you sound calm, but he can smell the venom hitting dead air.

You, petal, are soft, but you are not calm.

You’re excitable, vocal. Jungkook can count on one hand the number of times he’s heard you speak without your perfect, dizzying rollercoaster of intonation. It’s jarring, it’s whiplash, it’s clear as day that there’s something very wrong here.

What did I do to you?

“I’d love to know,” You carve another slice as you back out of his grip. “Haven’t felt warmth in weeks. What about you, Jungkook?”

He feels concussed, in a way, like this is somehow a sucker punch you’ve hit him with. It feels like a blow when you say his name with that look in your eyes, but Jungkook knows it’s not. He knows exactly where this is coming from and he doesn’t get to pretend otherwise.

Desperate, he tries to hold you, but it’s like running underwater trying to reach you. By the time his lead limbs finally accept the signal and begin to move, you’re skirting around him and out the door.

You’re quick, but so is he. Jungkook’s long strides catch up to you easily, and when you sense him, you wheel back around to look up at him. Now, your face is crumpled and littered with tears. It’s even worse than the nothing you were wearing a few moments ago.

Jungkook pleads, one teardrop away from getting on his knees for you, “Tell me what I missed and I’ll make it up to you, petal. I swear I’ll fix it —”

“That’s the thing, Jungkook,” you sniff as you angrily wipe at your slicked-wet cheekbone. The worst part is that he knows you’re beyond the point of anger when it comes to him; it’s the fact that he’s caught you crying that bothers you the most.

“You miss everything. And you know it, too, because your first guess — your very first thought — was that you must have forgotten about me — again. What does that tell you, Jungkook? What does it say about us that this is an easy assumption for you to make? Because it sounds like a habit to me.”

There’s a montage broadcasting through the silence that settles between you. It’s every ‘I’m sorry I’m late, petal’; every ‘petal, I’m going to be here longer than I thought’; and ‘you don’t have to wait up for me.’ It’s all of those disappointed sighs you tried to swallow when you gave him grace he hadn’t earned.

A soundtrack delineating every instance where you held him up and he let you down.

It’s deafening.

“I just want you —” Your voice gives up on you halfway through your sentence. He knows better than to reach out for you now, but it’s all he wants to do. “I need you — just once — to love me more than I love you.”

There’s that sucker punch.

How could he? How could anyone love harder than you do? It’s impossible, Jungkook thinks, to try to mimic the way your heart holds everyone so completely. Laughable, almost, that no person on their best day could hold a candle to you — even on your worst. He thinks you’re pure magic.

But Jungkook has never been the best at putting the things he thinks into words, so he says, “Petal, I can’t.”

And he can’t backtrack or explain what he meant or beg you to listen because you’re grabbing that weekender off the floor. You’re slinging it over your shoulder, headed to your sister’s for the night. As he watches you leave, Jungkook recalls that there’s one thing he’s even worse at than communicating how he feels:

Sleeping without you.

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7 months ago

I feel like a traitor because I adore Spideypool with all my heart but but POOLVERINE THO. 😭

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3 years ago
Head Scientist Ellie, Specializes In Robotics, Bioengineering And Flipping Your Ass From Her Wheelchair

Head scientist Ellie, specializes in robotics, bioengineering and flipping your ass from her wheelchair

just an older design I did of Ellie for my ff because I adore her character and she doesn’t get nearly enough appreciation

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10 months ago
They're Girlfriends. I Keep Drawing Them Ican't Stop

they're girlfriends. i keep drawing them ican't stop

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2 years ago

they could have been… everything

Elena and Elijah; the tragic potential bit never was

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2 years ago

they could have been… everything

Elena and Elijah; the tragic potential bit never was

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2 years ago

they could have been… everything

Elena and Elijah; the tragic potential bit never was

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2 years ago

Well yes, what about

Jason adopting Danny?

Like de-aged Danny or normal Danny whatever the circumstances are just bumps into Jason, literally when he enters Gotham

And Jason is like "nu-uh, not letting Bruce get another one" and just, straight up chucks Danny over his shoulder, kidnapping him, and then finds out that it's good that he did that because this is very traumatized child with bad parents.

Ps. Will add more content to this cuz I got a bunch of ideas for this but not enough time rn.

Thank you. I rest my case.

Danny ghost adopting Jason. Which means the ghost king had an easily accessible son.

Ghost from all over come to gotham to see "the little baby" and jason now has to deal with ghosts cooing over him and giving him stuff.

No one tries to fight him because one time someone went after dani and they got beat into the ground so hard it made everyone aware that while you can fight the king, his children are off limits.

The batfam is concerned that when red hood gets shot a fuck ton of ghosts appear and beat the guy with the gun.

The joker hasnt known peace since it came out who killed Jason.

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2 years ago

Omg yes 🙌 and yes

Girl has to protect all her little idiots from the world around them

Hear Me Out.strong Alex @yellowbirdy

Hear me out….strong Alex @yellowbirdy

With the Enderman allergy to water, Steve having no idea how to swim, and Zack just there for the ride Alex is in charge of getting them safely across the river. Of course it’s crow that keeps Zane safe from the setting Sun with some shade from his hand

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