6mommymilkers9 - heymommymilkers

(18+) Author of books and writings from many genres. Information on them will be below. Go ahead and click the 'follow' button for notifications on updates.

105 posts

This Is All I Have To Say About Asmodeus

This Is All I Have To Say About Asmodeus

This is all I have to say about Asmodeus

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More Posts from 6mommymilkers9

5 years ago

The woman made of light

The Woman Made Of Light

She was always there. The woman fitted in white. Whenever he was upset, having an episode, or just lonely, she was there for him. Even in times when he could not see her. This was one of those times.

She looked down from the heavens, seeing the figure of the man she knew all too well. His laughter ringing throughout one ear and the other. A laughter that was manic.

Although, she loved it just the same. With her feathered wings, she flew away from the sight and passed the large golden gates written into age old books.

She flew to a man. A man people called God. As she landed on the marble steps to his large throne, she bowed before speaking.

“My lord, please forgive me for interrupting whatever you were doing, but I must go. I must down to Earth in a body made of flesh.”

God nodded, knowing exactly what she had meant.

“Very well,” He spoke. His voice calm and bright. “You must remember, once you are there, your wings will be stripped and body able to have wounds. Is that what you truly desire?”

With a nod of her head, God did as she asked. She was placed onto what humans called concrete, her body now fitted with an outfit of pure white.

The busy streets held many voices. Many voices she and the others have heard. Though, she could never point out any names.

She walked, looking for the man her heart, her soul in fact had called out for. Many faces were seen, until she found the one she was looking for.

More of a painted face really. He was lying on the ground in an alley way, his face holding bruises and his arms curled around his as a weak form of shielding himself.

Her face torn into worry, quickly running to him and helping him up.

“Arth-Are you okay? What happened?”

With a groan, he wiped of blood that spilled out of the corner of his mouth, leaving a trace of red on his right sleeve.

“Boys-Thry took my sign and beat me. Ah-“

He tumbled a bit, his knee wanting to give out, but held strong.

“Here, let me help you. I’ll take you home. Just show me where that is.”

She knew clearly where he lived, but could not tell. All she did was hold onto him as he walked her to his place, holding onto her once in a while as he limped.

That was three years ago. Three years since that faithful day the woman in white had met the clown.

A relationship had blossomed and they knew each other like the palms of their own hands, except one thing. The clown didn’t know what she actually was, and she was going to keep it that way.

An angelic laughter rang throughout the tiny apartment in Gotham City. The laughter of Y/n L/n. The same woman who helped the clown, Arthur Fleck.

As a movie kept rolling, she watched with her sparkling eyes what was playing on the screen. A laugh erupting from her throat whenever something comedic happened.

Arthur was in the kitchen, trying to find something to eat, but not finding a single crumb.

“Y/n! Love, there isn’t anything in the kitchen. Want to go out to eat?”

“That would be great Arthur! Let me get my wallet!”

With that, she turned off the television and grabbed what she had needed, and met Arthur at the door.

Human life was hard for the angel, but day by day it grew easier for her to understand how to be human.

Arthur kisses her forehead and they went out the door and the building. Waking hand in hand, he spoke.

“You look beautiful love. The same as when I first met you.”

A smile spread onto Y/n’s face, her pearly whites shining in the sunlight. “Thank you Arthur. You look as handsome as ever.”

His face formed a small smile as a light tint of pink trickled onto his sunken cheeks. “Thank you darling. It’s nice to hear that from someone dear to me.”

She giggled, which caused Arthur to laugh. Which made in turn having them both laugh their heads off, getting strange looks from the passerby.

As the walked into an alley, they both failed to spot a human in dark attire from behind them, a sharp object making a glint.

Their laughter calmed down, now going silent and without word. Though they stole glances from one another, smiles never leaving their lips.

That stopped, a sudden knife being held against Arthur’s neck, and a deep voice speaking with hate and darkness.

“Give me your money and he lives. If not, you both die.”

Y/n looked at her lover with worry, and faint “Help.” coming from his lips as the knife got tighter around his neck.

“I don’t think so.” She spoke, a blight light coming from her body and beholding what she truly was.

Her wings flapping in the wind and a small, yet deadly dagger now being held in her hands. Shocked, the man dropped his knife. But before he could run, she slammed her free hand around his throat, squeezing tightly.

Arthur just sat there. More shocked than any person would have been. But before his mind could even race, the angel spoke.

“I may be a woman of God, but I will break his rules if you ever lay a hand on that man ever again. Heed my warning scum, now leave.”

She threw him on the ground, now looking like the same woman she was before. No wings, no dagger.

As the theft ran, she helped Arthur up from the ground, only speaking once. “Arthur, love. I know you may have questions, but please let that wait until after dinner. I’m hungry.”


He walked alongside her, his mind racing with many questions. He knew what she was. Having his mother read him the Bible, he knew from the moment she was a creature of God, but one question remained.

Why? He felt as if he didn’t deserve her. That he was too imperfect for her. Yet, she is with him. So, why him?

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4 years ago

Hell can wait

Paring - Beelzebub x Reader

Triggers - N/a

Warnings - fluff, good feels, yelling

Summary - The reader is the deadly sin Wrath in needing of some comfort as she hears the bad news of Armageddon

 Hell Can Wait

It had been a long, dreadful day for the living sin. She wasn’t a very...patient woman. Many knew her as Wrath, but her lover, Beelzebub, knew the sin by her name, Y/n. On the outside she was cold, evil dripping from her veins and words. On the inside, she wasn’t that bad. She had feelings, albeit very little, though she did have them. It just so happened she fell for the Lord of The Flies themself. As did Beelzebub. The demons would have never guessed. Beelzebub was a demon without feeling, yet they fell for the deadly sin. To which, the sin walked up to her lover, seething from the ears. All was silent as the demons around watched, knowing what was about to happen. “He what!!” Yelled the sin, the outline of her veins turning a dark red, almost black as she stood in front of her lover. The echo of her yell traveled through hell, it’s just what happened when Wrath felt...wrath. “The boy changed reality.” Beelzebub buzzed, almost unfazed by her temper. They were used to it by now, though in the past they were afraid of it. Y/n took a deep breath, pinching the bridge of her nose as she tried to calm herself, though her veins lied for her, pumping thick and large with rage. “Satan himself couldn’t even stop him?! Well great!” She called out sarcastically, plopping down on the Lords throne, not caring that she did so. “What are we going to do now Beel?” She asked, the sin trying to calm down the best she could. She didn’t like losing her temper with them, even if it wrath is she is. “I don’t know Y/n. I do know the angels will pay for this.” They replied, picking up the woman with their arms, sitting on their throne with the sin in their lap. Beelzebub didn’t show affection much, this being one of the only times they ever had. Mostly to keep the sin calm, they didn’t need more paperwork on what damage would happen on Earth. “I swear I’m going to kill those feathered Jesus freaks.” She replied, wrapping her arms around their waist, sighing softly. Their veins had calmed, showing she had as well. If anyone were to pay attention, Beelzebub gave the faintest hint of a smile, but anyone could have missed it. Y/n didn’t, which made her smile as well, calming her down instantly. A row of her pearly whites shown in the damp place, the only thing that was bright in the entire place. “Come on Beel, lets go somewhere else.” She spoke, snapping them to their room. She didn’t like people watching them, liking to keep her ego high. She snuggled against the demon, making them huff slightly, but wrap an arm around their lover. “We will win Y/n. One way or another. We will bring hell to heaven and Earth.” They spoke, a slight buzz in their words, making the sin smile once more. Many people found the buzzing rather annoying, but to her it was music. “I know my love. For now, let us enjoy each other for now. Tomorrow, we’ll plan for the end.” She spoke, giving the demon a small peck on their lips, resting her head on their chest, hearing a faint heart beating. She didn’t see it, but Beelzebub smiled as they held the deadly sin in their arms, silently agreeing with her. Hell can wait for a day.

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5 years ago

chop top with a pregnant s/o

Chop Top With A Pregnant S/o

•You thought he was protective before? Think again. As soon as you told the family you were pregnant, he wouldn’t let anyone touch you. I mean ANYONE. Not Bubba, Drayton, or even Nubbins!

•He loves to rub your belly and sing his favorite tunes to his unborn child. He doesn’t fully care if the baby could hear or not, but he thinks they can. Plus it’s quality time with you and his own little family

•He is the sweetest guy ever! He’s there to help you with anything and everything. Choptop will help you do the most simple things and the ones you can’t. He’s a whole different person

•He always talks about being a dad. He’ll talk to you forever about it and even to the others. Drayton eventually slaps him upside the head or pushes him away after he gets tired of it

•The whole world will know. Some strangers walk by and he’s running up to the telling them the good news! Victims caged up? They know too. Everyone does

•Choptop and Bubba will help build a crib and everything yours and Chops child will need. There’s a whole tunnel that looks like a baby sanctuary

•Choptop is super careful around you. He was before, but never like this. He takes the utmost precaution around you it’s ridiculous. Almost like you’re a porcelain doll ready to break any second

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4 years ago

First kiss headcanons for the Sawyer brothers?

Hey everyone! It's been a while! Well I'm back and better than ever!

Also sorry I didn't write for Nubbins, I don't know his character well!


First Kiss Headcanons For The Sawyer Brothers?

• If anything, it was super sloppy and out of the blue. You were sitting on the couch, watching an old film and boom! Choptop comes into the room all excited and hype and kisses you.

•He isn't a good kisser and truth be told, he never kissed anyone before. So it was really sloppy, like kissing a guy after 6 shots of strong whisky. And there will definitely be a sneaky boob grab

•it was really sweet though cause he was showing his full affection. He definitely will be kissing you more often


First Kiss Headcanons For The Sawyer Brothers?

•It was a very nervous kiss. He is a big man and he always has the fear of hurting you. So he would be as gentle as he could ever be when kissing you. Of course you'd have to be the lead in kissing

•It would have been on valentines day or your birthday that he would kiss you. He wanted the first kiss be special and why not on one of those days? He wants anything to be special with you

•His eyes would light up when kissing you. This man has been touch starved and never had a relationship with anyone so this was very new to him.

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5 years ago

Okay I need to know: Bobby or Paul? What’s the verdict? Where’s the receipts?

It’s Bobby! There’s been a lot of mix up because of a fake wiki account saying his name is Paul, though it is Bobby!

Here’s the link to the actual wiki for him!


Chop Top
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Wiki
Bobby "Chop Top" Sawyer was one of Leatherface's brothers. He appears in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 as the main antagonist, portrayed by

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