addictedtooverwatch - Overwatch, Bracelets, Writing, and More!
Overwatch, Bracelets, Writing, and More!

This is my blog which is mainly about Overwatch. I go by Nova. You can use any pronouns for me, but I mainly use She/Her. My twitter is @demjion

247 posts

Overwatch/OW2 Theories: Casinos Link To Talon And Why It Is Important.

Overwatch/OW2 Theories: Casino’s link to Talon and Why it is Important.

Sorry this is so much writing, I had a lot to say! ~ Nova

The other day I made a post about the MEKA Squad and might have mentioned that Casino was going to get his own theory, so this is it. A while ago, I made a post about why D.Va is joining the Recalled Overwatch and while I still think that that post still holds up on its own, I now have a reason why she would join the Recalled Overwatch rather than “she just wanted to help more people”. What is that reason, you might ask, well have you read the title of this post? This is all about what connections Casino, who we hardly know about, has to Maximillian (and if you don’t know who Maximillian is, to be brief, he is Doomfist’s accountant and a high-ranking member of Talon).  

So, let me explain! 

His Aliases: We know that D.Va is a play on the world “diva” a synonym for a female singer/popstar, D.Mon is a play on the word “demon”, Overlord is a reference to StarCraft, and King is... well King is King, but why Casino of all names. I think that the developers chose “Casino” because it is in reference to the fact that Monte Carlo, Monaco is famous for its casinos. Going off of that, Maximillian owns a casino in Monaco. 

Mech Name: D.Va’s mech is Tokki, D.Mon’s is Beast, King’s is Singijeon, and Overlord’s is Mastermind. All the names of the mechs are in either English or Korean, but Casino’s is called La Princesse Sereine in French (the Serene Princess in English). As well as being in French the name of his mech might be a reference to the Serene Highness which is what the reigning families in Monaco are called. 

His Previous Occupation: While all of the MEKA Squad used to be former professional gamers, either playing StarCraft or Mecha Guardian V, Casino was a former Formula One racecar driver. This is a nod to the Monaco Grand Prix is a Formula One race which Casino may have attended(not sure if I’m saying that right, I don’t know much about cars or races). 

“Why is this all so important,” you ask, because this would be a really good reason for D.Va to join Overwatch. If Casino betrayed MEKA , that would be a really good opportunity for character development for D.Va. I say this as a D.Va one trick, she isn’t that deep in terms of character. Right now she comes off as a reckless kid who live streams her battles. After Shooting Star she will probably be more mature, but having Casino betray them would give her a better reason to fight compared to fame, money, or because she had it. 

And, hey, I want a Talon tank that is charismatic. I love Sigma, but I want someone who is the kind of character to take up space with the way they move and talk, kind of like Mauga, whenever we get to see him, and I want a villain that is evil for the fun of it. Most of the main Talon cast, in game, was forced into it or does it because they has other motives, but making Casino the character who likes being evil would make him a good villain because he used to be friends with Hana, and that would really give her a good reason to join Overwatch. Finally, having him join Talon in game would probably give us more fun interactions with Sombra which I am 100% down for. 

Anyways, I think I am going to take a break for a day or two, life has been pretty busy recently, but I’ll make sure to make a post about Fio first. 

TLDR: Casino’s aliases, previous job, and mech name are all reference to Monaco, where Maximillian is from. If Casino ends up being a Talon tank, it would be important because it would give D.Va a really good reason to join the Recalled Overwatch. Also, I want a Talon tank that is charismatic and evil for the sake of it. 

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More Posts from Addictedtooverwatch

3 years ago

Overwatch/OW2 Theories: Fio

I am writing this while waiting for my Nintendo Switch to update so I can play Overwatch. That’s why it’s pretty short, but it wasn’t going to be that long either. Hope you all are as excited about the Roadhog skin as I am. Although I play D.Va a lot more than any other hero, I am a tank main with D.Va, Wrecking Ball, and Roadhog being some of my most played heros. ~ Nova

Alright, back on topic! Since Archives are coming up in a couple weeks, I was thinking about what I could talking about before it started. I came up the my theory on the Mystery Storm Rising Omnic(link), I wrote about what skins I wanted(link), so this theory is going to be about Retribution, my favorite game mode. The first thing that came to my mind was Fio. So, I’m going to go over what we know about her and I’m going to theorize about what role she might play in the future, if she plays any at all. 

Basics: Fio is a former Blackwatch pilot who was deployed to pick up Gabriel Reyes, Jesse McCree, Genji Shimada, and Moira O'Deorain in Rialto during the Venice Incident(which is the Retribution game mode). I’m not exactly sure who her voice actress is, it might be Echo’s voice actress, Jeannie Bolet. If you want to listen to her from Retribution, here is the link, her first lines are at 4:25.  

Overwatch Theory: Since we know Fio was a pilot, after Blackwatch and Overwatch disbanded, she probably joined the Air Force of the country she is from (maybe the USA? I’m not sure). Eventually, she would have gotten the recall message. We know that she didn’t respond to it like Tracer, Mei, or Reinhardt and Brigitte, but it would be cool if she showed up. It would me interesting to see her interactions with McCree and Genji.

Talon Theory: We know from Baptiste’s short story, What you Left Behind, that some ex-Overwatch/ex-Blackwatch member joined Talon after the groups were disbanded, some examples are people like Moira and Gabriel Reyes/Reaper. So, it is possible that Fio joined Talon. During Blizzconline, the Overwatch Devs. mentioned that we might get to play as Talon characters during hero missions, so they might have Fio as the pilot that drops them off wherever they need to go.  

Anyways, I got a lot more done yesterday than I thought I was going to, so I might just not post tomorrow. I think that I’m going to start theorizing about possible new characters and new maps, but I am going to make a post about ideas for future mini events/character challenges since Roadhog just got one. 

TLDR: Fio was the Blackwatch pilot that saved Reyes, McCree, Genji, and Moira. After Overwatch/Blackwatch disbanded, there are two main options of what would have happened to Fio. One, she joined the Air Force of her country, then she eventually shows up to help the Recalled Overwatch. Two, she joined Talon and acts as a pilot for Talon themed hero missions.

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3 years ago

Overwatch League: SF Shock Midas Roadhog 2020 Championship Skin

A while ago, we were told that the San Francisco Shock was getting a Midas Roadhog skin for their 2020 championship win. We got a glimpse at it but now you can buy it. Roadhog got the skin since recent buffs at the time made him a key part of the SF Shocks win. Super played Roadhog during the four match series. Like the Good vs Evil Echo Fleta MVP skin, it is 200 Overwatch League tokens or $10 in USD. If you want to know more about the creation of the skin, check out the concept art video on the Overwatch League YouTube channel. Now to the badly taken screenshots. 

Overwatch League: SF Shock Midas Roadhog 2020 Championship Skin
Overwatch League: SF Shock Midas Roadhog 2020 Championship Skin
Overwatch League: SF Shock Midas Roadhog 2020 Championship Skin

Anyways, I’ll be doing a post about possible ex-Blackwatch character soon.

TLDR: We got the Midas Roadhog skin for the SF Shock 2020 Championship win. It is 200 OWL tokens or $10(USD).

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3 years ago

protect asian lives. say it with me.

“protect asian lives”

asians worldwide are being beaten and killed. and it keeps going unnoticed. if you are being silent, fuck you.

the amount of hate crimes against asians have risen 1900%. it’s not our fucking fault we are in this pandemic. asians arent a virus or a disease. leave us the fuck alone.

now say it again.


3 years ago

PachiMarchi Roadhog Skin Challenge!!!

Alright, so because Season 27 and the Roadhog skin challenge are starting today, I am not going to be posting the theory I said I was going to. I’ll post it tomorrow so I can put more effort into it! I hope you all are as excited for the skin challenge as I am! ~ Nova

PachiMarchi Challenge on the OW Website!

PachiMarchi Roadhog Skin Challenge!!!
PachiMarchi Roadhog Skin Challenge!!!
PachiMarchi Roadhog Skin Challenge!!!
PachiMarchi Roadhog Skin Challenge!!!

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3 years ago

Overwatch/OW2 Theories: Future Character Challenges

With the Pachimari Roadhog skin challenge, I wanted to speculate about what character challenges we might get in the future. So far, we have eleven character challenges; Nano Cola D.Va, Pachimari Roadhog, Maestro Sigma, Mardi Gras Ashe, Brick Bastion, Kyogisha Hanzo, Marammat Symmetra, Comic Book Tracer, Bastet Ana, Combat Medic Baptiste, and Dr. Ziegler Mercy. So, I’m going to go over some fun ideas for skin challenges based off real world holidays and pieces of lore. 

Holiday Skin Challenge Ideas: 

Summer Solstice Lucio: This would be in between the Anniversary and the Summer Games, so in late June/early July. I don’t have as clear of an idea of what the skin would look like compared to other skin ideas, but it would be shades of blue, yellow, orange, and white, kind of like a sunrise. 

New Year’s Wrecking Ball: So this would be around New Year’s, so between Winter Wonderland and Lunar New Year, if Winter Wonderland started earlier than normal. So, Hammond would be in a white and black suit and the wrecking ball itself, would be a disco ball. 

Valentine’s Day Hanzo: This would be around Valentine’s Day, before the Lunar New Year event. I’m not exactly sure what the outfit would look like, but it would have a red, white, and pink color scheme. I think that it would fit Hanzo best because he is an archer and cupid is depicted as an archer. Ashe(maybe not Ashe since she got the Mardi Gras skin) or Widowmaker would also be ok, but it should be a sniper in my opinion.

Lore Based Skin Challenge Ideas:

Bride Widowmaker: This would be between the Anniversary event and Summer Games, or between the Summer Games and Halloween Terror event. This would be based off a photo of Amelie and Gerard on their wedding day, so I think that would be cool.  

Veteran’s Day Reaper: This would be in November, around the same time the Symmetra Marammat challenge happened last year. This would be a holiday based skin and a lore based skin. He already has his Soldier: 24 skin which is supposed to be a military uniform skin, but I think giving him a skin similar to Soldier: 76′s Commando and Night Ops. skins would be cool because he was part of the US military, like Soldier 76, before joining Overwatch. 

Patrol Officer Orisa: This would probably be between Archives and Anniversary. We know that Orisa was built from one of the destroyed OR15 bots from the Numbani Doomfist fight and we know that the OR15′s were used as defense bots that worked with the police. So, I think that Orisa should get a police skin that would be similar to D.Va’s Police Officer skin and Brigitte’s Riot Police skin. 

Deadlock Rebels Ashe: This probably wouldn’t be a character challenge skin, since Ashe already got the Mardi Gras skin. It will most likely(hopefully) be an Archives Event skin just like Deadlock McCree. If it is a character challenge, I think that it would happen in June/July of this year since the Deadlock Rebels book is coming out in June 2021. 

Anyways, I think I’m going to go over a character I want added to the game soon or a map that I want added to the game that wasn’t actually added but already had a concepts created for it. 

TLDR: Some ideas I have for possible character challenges include: Summer Solstice Lucio, New Year’s Wrecking Ball, Valentine’s Day Hanzo, Bride Widowmaker, Veteran’s Day Reaper, Patrol Officer Orisa, and maybe Deadlock Rebels Ashe. 


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