this blog posts tons of flags with their meanings. | not all flags are mine. | "the freak flag archivist." | pronouns you can use for me are it/meow/burn/🛴. | requests are always open.
159 posts
Saw Transitems And This Is My First Time Coming Across The Word "kokoro"! What's It Mean? /gq
saw transitems and this is my first time coming across the word "kokoro"! what's it mean? /gq
this is something i learnt from my bfffl, basically 心 (kokoro) is japanese for “heart, mind, spirit.” cool huh!
More Posts from Anarchy-flagz

Hearseplatonic + Hearsesensual + Hearsealterous + Hearsequeerplatonic Pride Flags
Hearseplatonic: platonic attraction primarily or entirely to Hearses. Hearsesensual: sensual attraction primarily or entirely to Hearses. Hearsealterous: alterous attraction primarily or entirely to Hearses. Hearsequeerplatonic: queerplatonic attraction primarily or entirely to Hearses. These could literally be attraction to hearses or attraction that feels like a hearse.

TransWicca/TransWitchcraft Pride Flags + Symbol
“TransWicca/TransWitchcraft is a transreligion term for when one is transitioning to practicing wiccan or witchcraft despite not currently being apart of that faith or culture.”
heyyo! --for the future anon
sorry this is pretty late, my account manager has been sick, anyways here you go! and btw long post warning-

edasnewhaircutgender: a xenogender and TOHftfgender relating to the new hair cut Eda gets in The Owl House For The Future.

lilithsnewhaircutgender: a xenogender and TOHftfgender relating to the new hair cut Lilith gets in The Owl House For The Future.

edaANDlilithsnewhaircutsgender: a xenogender, combogender and, TOHftfgender relating to both Eda AND Liliths new haircuts in The Owl House For The Future.

ithinkiwanttoplayanewgamegender: a xenogender and TOHftfgender connected to the ending scene in The Owl House For The Future where The Collector says, “I think I want to play a new game.”

thecollectershoodic: a xenogender and TOHftfgender connected to The Collectors hood/hat and/or to how it is used.

ohnoedaranoutofapplebloodgender: a xenogender and TOHftfgender relating to the scene and fact in The Owl House For The Future where Eda pulls out a bottle of apple blood from her hair, but the bottle is empty.

rainesgoogooeyesgender: is a xenogender and TOHftfgender connected to the scene in The Owl House For The Future where Eda transforms into a harpy and Raine gives Eda bedroom eyes.

lilithsapplebloodrecipegender: a xenogender and TOHftfgender connected to when lilith clawthron made appleblood with liliths own recipe.

McdonaldsFrappegender/Mcdonalds☕gender Pride Flag + Symbol
“McdonaldsFrappegender/Mcdonalds☕gender is a gastrogender connected to frappes and/or coffee at the fast food restaurant.”

🦚gender Pride Flag
“🦚gender is an emojigender relating to the "🦚" emoji in some way.”