I've Been Screaming A Lot And My Parents Keep Questioning My Sanity
I've been screaming a lot and my parents keep questioning my sanity
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More Posts from Anenbyraccoon
Sister: have you ever thought about perishing?
Me: yes, on multiple occasions. Maybe daily?
Sister: cool
Me: no, it means I'm suicidal
Sister: ...oh
(This is a joke, I'm not suicidal)
"You just squished the gays!"
"I'm gay, so it doesn't matter!"
Context: my sister sat on my rainbow raccoon and smushed him
Update: I called my brother homo-phonic for punching said raccoon
I trusted you!
*dramatic turn to walk away*
*proceeds to trip over nothing leaving the room*
Me being zoned out doing a simple task: *spewing random nonsense*
Parent: Did you say something?
Me, just zoned back in: I don't know, probably making fun of someone
Things that I learned my dog is scared of:
- small frogs
- beach balls
- shower faucets

My brave boy