They/Them DC Comics DC Favs: Mia Dearden, Tim Drake, Helena Bertinelli, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown; Been detoxing from fanon since before 2018. Ever evolving knowledge as I consume more comics
669 posts
Shipping Rarepairs Means Reading The Same 3 Fics Someone Wrote For Your Ship 8 Years Ago. Knowing The
Shipping rarepairs means reading the same 3 fics someone wrote for your ship 8 years ago. Knowing the plot up and down, but still reading them anyway.
Shipping rarepairs means not being taken seriously by the fandom when you try to explain your ships. It means sometimes lying about them because you don't want to have to explain again.
Shipping rarepairs means having the ideas, but not having the motivation to write them because you feel like you have no one to share it with.
Shipping rarepairs means that you live in a world where some ships never seem to run out of content, but yours did before it even started.
It means clinging to the driftwood that shouldn't be gloating at all while a bunch of people speed by on a yacht.
Shipping rarepairs means that you have all of the fanfiction sites still. Even the ones that have graded or are 'cringy' because you hope to find the ship somewhere in the depths.
Shipping rarepairs means that the only content you have is either A/B/O or a cringy joke fic. It means that there are unfinished works that haven't been updated for years. It means not even having a page on AO3. It means scrolling through the same tags on Tumblr again and again.
It means looking at the WIP you have for the fanfic you wrote, but not finishing it because you know no one will read it.
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More Posts from Annah-kitathryne
OMG I wasn’t the only one thinking about this!

may i offer you a timtam in this trying time?
Tim Drake, but there would be nothing accidental about it.
Robin who upset the power balance of a whole nation, and for lack of better words started a war.
As Red Robin he infiltrated the League, and blew up the bases when they were no longer useful.
As Batman he became a dictator who was obsessed with guns.
Tim Drake would see a lightsaber, create his own, or build the best defenses against them, look at the politics and dynamics of it all, and see it as a challenge to see how quickly he could upset the power balance between and old man and the child he is trying to groom into taking over.
He would go into power and either be the best or worst leader to exist.
Me trying to write my newest Batfamily fanfic, and having to get the character dynamics just right or else I'll have an aneurysm, but also trying to have the story have character growth, and proper acknowledgment and handling of sensitive topics and issues while trying to keep them all mostly in character is a herculean effort.
It will be worth it, but it's a lot of research, building majestic castles from the ruins of different Canon, but trying to add some fanon but not too much fanon.
I have a notebook that is just a webmaster of who is on good terms, bad terms, and who doesn't know the other enough to be on any terms, while also noting which dynamics get worse or better throughout the story.
And the fact that there is a main plot and multiple subplots.
It's going to be amazing when I get it done, but right now it is just a mess.
[Ignoring my 3 other WIPs while doing this.]
Just a reminder that bisexual/pansexual/omnisexual [and any other identity under the umbrella] do end up in opposite gender appearing relationships that to the passing eye may appear hetero. This HOWEVER does NOT mean that the person stops being Bisexual/Pansexual/Omnisexual. To say otherwise is biphobic/Panphobic/Homophonic. The Queer community is supposed to be kind and opening, stop 'gatekeeping' places/spaces they should also feel safe in.
That is to also be said. Stop hating content creators who ship a bisexual/pansexual/omnisexual [and any other identity under said umbrella] character for shipping them in an opposite gender relationship. They are allowed to, and as long as both you and the other shipper are being respectful about eachothers ships that is perfectly normal. This is to be also said, Don't complain about a ship not having enough content, if you want more make it, maybe you'll inspire someone else to create as well.
I'm saying this because I'm seeing some concerning trends in queer spaces and fandoms again, and I have a voice and I will use it.
You know this brought back the Azreal question for me as well. I know there was some hard-core Azreal fans, I've met some, but 100 issues is a lot.
[Do I wish other characters got a solo yes, but I'm not going to be mad about that] I'm more mad that everytime I have tried to read Azreal I just get kind of bored. (A me problem)
So I hard agree that seeing him on a team or something would have have been really interesting. I like the idea of some sort of knock off Justice League that works in the background.
It could be one route where it's a story tone so out of what Azreal is normally placed in, or it could double down on the tone.
For a team though. It would be interesting to play off the dynamic of a bunch of 'knockoff' Justice League people having to deal with only being acknowledged as the knockoffs and not the real deal.
Azreal and four other main cast members. Start off with them being given missions by an ensemble of Justice League characters. Have them be the ones who get tasked with things the Justive League is too busy to do. Slowley over the comic run have them become separated from the main Justice League into something that is equal to the League, but just deals with different tasks. Ocassionally the comics would have a crossover with various other teams or heroes. Have a couple team ups, a couple of short term members, and add in each character getting progress in their own story.
Azreal learning over the course of the comic run that he doesn't want to be part of this life forever and have him start to settle down and leave towards the end off the comic run.
Have a character start off the story with being there because they are trying to get to the real League and have them finish with being offered a spot, but staying because this is their team now.
I would want to do so much more research into various characters that could be part of this team.
The thing about Azrael, is that while I have reluctantly become the sort of person who rotates Jean-Paul Valley around in my mind in my free time, I still don't get why he's the guy who got a 100 issue solo run. Like is he coasting off of being Batman during Knightfall fame? Was there some deep contingent of Azrael comics fans in the 90s that I just don't know about? I feel like there's just way cooler characters who could've gotten a 100 issue solo run.
Anyway, this is just a preface to my real point which is that I think that Azrael should've been a team comics character. I just think he would be more interesting to read about if there were about six other poor saps who had to deal with the fact that he would occasionally go all avenging angel mode and randomly get caught of up in weird Cult of St Dumas-y shit.
What team should he be on? This is when I reveal that I'm not super familiar with the landscape of dc's team comics (that aren't focused on teen's/young adults). I'm not sure what team comics were even running around that time. Hmmm. Options…
Batman calls up the Justice Leage like 'I have more important things to spending my time on than hanging out with you so you can have this random knock-off Batman instead.'
I read some Justice League International comics when I was tracking down Huntress' appearence, and it might be fun to stick him in the goofier atmosphere of them, but also, I don't think the comics was running anymore by the end of knightfall
Maybe Batman just puts him in charge of the secret Bat strike force, like, idk Outsiders redux? Weren't there a bunch of replacement supermen left over from the Death of Superman event? (Which I haven't read, but eh~). Maybe one of them can join him and we get knockoff Justice League or something.
Anyway, I am accepting suggestions.