Rarepairs - Tumblr Posts
Oki I'm bored so give me a ship any canon/rarepair/crackship/jokeship/mirrorship that you have and ask me or comment and I'll give a little story >:3
Tell me if you want it angst or fluffy :D
I'm bored and have no ideas for my Kc angst story TwT
For the ship story ideas:
A fluff story for Frank x Foxy
I know Foxy is already with Puppet in canon, but I think this idea is cute.
"Your not a monster"
A frank x foxy fluff story
Franks standing outside the daycare peering in...he scared moon last time he went in and doesn't want to do it again even though he wants to get a close look at moon he feels bad...
"Hey frank!" Foxy says and walks over to him
"Hey" frank says his voice sorta muffled
Foxy looks at the daycare "what you staring at buddy?" He asks curiously
"Moon" frank says
"Why?" Foxy asks
"I wanted to get a good look at him but I freaked him out when I tried to" frank explains
Foxy nods and looks at frank noticing his sad expression
"What's wrong love?" Foxy asks
"I feel like a monster sometimes..." Frank says
Foxy hugs frank and kisses his head not wanting frank to feel like a monster
"Your not a monster darling...your perfect just the way you are" foxy says kissing frank "even if you are a bit strange but everyones strange why should it matter?" Foxy says
Frank hugs foxy feeling better from his words...its true everyone is strange why should it matter?
"You don't need to act around me!"
A ruin x gemini angst fluffy story!
Ruins working on some blueprints when he feels someone watching him...he turns around seeing gemini! He smiles
"Hello darling" he says
"Hi love" gemini (pollux) says!
"Hey dear" gemini (castor) says
Ruin stands up
"Do you two need something?" He asked
"We need you to stop acting around us" gemini says
Ruin freezes
"What do you mean...I'm confused" he says
"Ruin you don't need to act around us...we trust you and we won't judge you" gemini says
Ruin felt like he can trust them so he nods "Very well then!" He says
Oki I'm bored so give me a ship any canon/rarepair/crackship/jokeship/mirrorship that you have and ask me or comment and I'll give a little story >:3
Tell me if you want it angst or fluffy :D
I'm bored and have no ideas for my Kc angst story TwT
WE!!!!!!! NEEED!!!!!!!! BDKOSW HCS!!!!!!!
Sorry for not answering right away anonnn drama went down
Anyways here are some hcs for u
Soundwave scared of hugs but slowly learning to love them
Soundwave also being jealous of ko and breakdowns relationship until he was joined now he’s on cloud nine
Physical/non-verbal communication made clear
They kiss soundwaves screen all the time
KO likes feeling Soundwaves fingers on his back, just gentle comforting touchies
Soundwave holds their hands with his tentacles instead
They go stargazing
Bedtime cuddles for sure
10/10 Headcanons👍
Nsfw hcs for Soundshift?
Under the cut
Soundwave is so horny it’s dangerous
Makeshift here his back absolutely blown out when soundwave gets horny
Not only does makeshift have to take soundwaves spike but also his tentacles
Soundwave wants to fill makeshift up with eggs soooo bad
Soundwave is super needy he needs valve asap
Makeshift has been bent over a lot of surfaces sometimes even bent backwards
Soundwave records makeshifts moans and overloads to jerk off too when makeshift won’t smash

Reblogging because I feel this so much it hurts.

This makes me feel so much better about my shipping.
write your rarepairs. fill that ao3 tag with rarepairs. convert people to your rarepair by making good content of it. draw your rarepair. love your rarepair. even if you are the sole person who made it up with a few people in japan drawing fanart, you have so much power and control at your fingertips by wanting to create. sure, you’ll have to make your own meals while people into popular ships can filter by precise tags to get exactly what you want, but you have something they don’t: you can make your own fandom experience enjoyable and make several people happy in the process by making that counter go up for pieces of content.
i don’t care if your favs don’t even look at each other in canon. if you see narrative parallels between them and you think they complete each other, let the content do the talking.
lots of kudos and comments is very exciting and gratifying. but each individual kudos on a crossover rarepair from tiny fandoms is such a special thing. like, each person who likes this very weird thing that made no sense but compelled me is amazing to me. you get it. thank you for getting it.
Arm floaties: When you are testing out a rarepair to see if it might be for you, but you haven't committed yet.
Ship Sizes
Supercarrier: fandom flagship. Everybody and their dog ships it. The fandom is glutted with artwork and fic. You cannot escape this ship.
Dreadnought: massively popular. Nearly everybody ships it. You can, with dedication, in theory, reach the end of the AO3 archive for the ship’s tag, but it’ll take a long time.
Cruiser: pretty popular ship. Not everyone ships it, but everyone knows about it. Has a good amount of fic/art, and probably multiple ask blogs.
Frigate: just plain popular. Feels like it could use more fanworks. New people to the fandom might not know about it, but they’ll stumble across it sooner rather than later.
Gunboat: bit of a rarepair. It might have an ask blog or two. A couple big name fans ship it. Probably only takes a few weeks to get through the entire AO3 backlog, and one new fic gets added during that time.
Tugboat: rarepair. Almost never seen except as a side pairing to a more popular ship. You can usually get through everything on AO3 in a matter of days. You’ve forgotten what it is to be picky about what you read.
Rowboat: less than a dozen people ship it. You all know each other. You exist in an endless cycle of the same five people desperately producing art and fic and one person who constantly contributes headcanons.
Canoe: you are one of maybe three people who ship it, and there’s a not-insignificant chance you’ve never encountered those other two hypothetical shippers. You spend your days paddling furiously in hopes of keeping the ship afloat, dreaming of the day you upgrade to a rowboat so you can finally rest.
Hey rarepair shippers, I'm about to change your lives.
The AO3 Primary Ship Search add-on for Firefox (it's called AO3 First Tag Search for Chrome) adds this little checkbox to the AO3 advanced search page

And if you check the box, the search only returns fics where the pairing you entered is the first one tagged. This is better than the otp:true operator imo because it will show fics with secondary/background pairings too as long as your preferred ship is the main one.
You can even use the add-on in Firefox or Kiwi browser on Android mobile.
Have fun 😘
(more ao3 tips here)

Quick request for a Twitter mutual. Tolkyle is one of my favorite rarepairs sooo, i really enjoyed drawing them, as lesbians :p.
Kylie is transgender/lesbian/graysexual. Tonya is cisgender and pansexual.
I can finally post my inktober art here since I finished my list :)

I made an inktober list at the beginning of October 2023. I decided to do a drawing every three days instead of everyday. So I had eight prompts instead of thirty-one. It really helped me since I started a new (part time job) during October.
Enough talking, here is an art compilation :3

Which one is your favorite? Tell me 💕 !
See ya in six months for my next post I guess/s
The worst part about liking a rarepair is that it's so hard to find any long-ass enemies/strangers/friends to lovers slowburn 100k+ stories like...why are there just one shots I crie
Dinner dates.
A request for @quartzitess
(heavily implied Poppy x Teagan x Flutter)

Been a while since I opened these again.
-SHIPS(as long as they are appropriate)

Shipping rarepairs means reading the same 3 fics someone wrote for your ship 8 years ago. Knowing the plot up and down, but still reading them anyway.
Shipping rarepairs means not being taken seriously by the fandom when you try to explain your ships. It means sometimes lying about them because you don't want to have to explain again.
Shipping rarepairs means having the ideas, but not having the motivation to write them because you feel like you have no one to share it with.
Shipping rarepairs means that you live in a world where some ships never seem to run out of content, but yours did before it even started.
It means clinging to the driftwood that shouldn't be gloating at all while a bunch of people speed by on a yacht.
Shipping rarepairs means that you have all of the fanfiction sites still. Even the ones that have graded or are 'cringy' because you hope to find the ship somewhere in the depths.
Shipping rarepairs means that the only content you have is either A/B/O or a cringy joke fic. It means that there are unfinished works that haven't been updated for years. It means not even having a page on AO3. It means scrolling through the same tags on Tumblr again and again.
It means looking at the WIP you have for the fanfic you wrote, but not finishing it because you know no one will read it.
Megdioplita+Soundwave, where Soundwave isn't *exactly* dating any of them but *does* have his own space in their hab and pretty much lives there. Optimus, Elita and Dion have gotten used to the fact that Megatron's amica's got the entire place bugged - he's cheaper than a security system, and being able to keep an eye on his family makes him feel more comfortable.
Idk why I thought this was hilarious lmao