Shipping Wars - Tumblr Posts
I really don’t understand ship shaming
Like seriously what are you so mad about? You don’t like seeing it? Mute it. Block it. ignore it at least, but don’t harass people just because you don’t like a pairing. Be normal.
It’s so ridiculous that we even have to say it. Let people have fun ffs.
Why must everyone fight about ships! As long as your happy, you don’t need to fight ! Please! Get along!
i hate the discourse and I love learning about other ships and people’s reasoning and evidence behind them. Style’s cool, K2 is cool, Kenman is cool, and I just happen to be a Kyman shipper. Can’t we all get along?
I forgot to continue reading and updating on Kyle in chains bc the plot was kinda getting bad. I got distracted with Kyman discourse and had to look up what "Mountain" and "Pine" Kyman meant. Now I'm following an episode guide on Kyman to better understand why people ship it and I ended up crying at "You're getting old".
How did I get here???
Just to clarify I am not a Kyman shipper nor a Kyman hater. I am just a very curious person who likes to investigate certain parts of fandoms. Atm it's unfortunately Kyman.
The only time I could say that it's a "ship moment" is probably in "You're getting old" bc I haven't seen them fight or hate on each other. Like Cartman didn't insult Kyle for being jewish at all in this episode. But the previous episode are kinda in between "Aww look at them, they're so cute" and "Cartman is being a shithead and only doing this for his own benefit". Aaaaaaaaand most of them are like one minute scenes. Like in "Lil' Crime Stoppers" Cartman defends Kyle for one second calling him a good cop, and that's it.
I can see why people may ship and why they hate it.
tbh I just find all of the fighting funny.
I just want to see wholeheartedly loving posts about my ships and other ships without the feuds. And i’ve come to realize a long time ago that is something far too great to ask.
Naruto, my dude, my bro, I am sorry to inform you but the peace that you were trying to obtain only happened in your universe and didn’t fall into ours. There are so many people fighting over things that shouldn’t be fought over, not to mention the misinterpretation of a lot of the information given.
I’m tired of the antis and haters on every app, they need to get a life, but most importantly they need to come to an understanding with reality.
‘In this world, wherever there is light - there are also shadows. As long as the concept of winners exists, there must also be losers. The selfish desire of wanting to maintain peace causes wars, and hatred is born to protect love.’ -Uchiha Madara
That is what has come of this fandom, kind of befitting isnt it?
We love what we love and look down on those who oppose our views. Everyone is competing to be right about what they know and what is superior even if the winner is clear (canon my dudes is the winner).
There are those who argue to fight for what they believe is right, trying to compromise in-between so that the fighting and the hate comments could stop on both sides. There are those who stay out of it, neutral so that they don’t have to deal with the headache that is war. And there are those who crave the fight, doing it solely to be superior and recking havoc in their wake.
We grow hatred to protect what we love, hating in a generalized state to further your reasoning of hatred. It’s how Sasuke chose to destroy Konoha at one time- it being easier to hate everyone for his brothers solitude and sacrifice. But in reality it was just a few who were truly to blame and the situation gets more complicated when more things come into play, but it doesn’t excuse what the facts have stated.
Everyone should just come to terms with what is and what isn’t, should further their knowledge on something instead of going in ignorant and blind. Take advantage of the fact that their reality is a fake reality, where they don’t have to know of who we truly want together; draw and write to your hearts content. Leave others alone and enjoy what you have. Shipping is supposed to be fun and you humans take all the fun out if it with your fantasy of online war.
I learned it’s why people steer clear of certain shows, to be in no way connected to their fandoms. Look at MHA,, the shows amazing and it’s writing even more so, especially with the new developments in the manga (i only have bits and pieces of what truly is happening but it’s all intense). But it all comes down to the ships for some odd reason. We all have an idea who Deku is gonna end up with, but just like narusasu/sasusaku we can’t help but dive into the what ifs and the idea of what it would be like if a character were to end up with another.
But as I said in the beginning, peace is far to great to be asked for. It’s that my ideology really stands between Madara and Itachi,, those who understand are probably grateful that I am but a mere human with no power to call my own, there will be no destruction on my part, but my views stand strong. And I hope that whoever stumbles onto this post understands that I truly want for the fighting to stop and for there to be no shitposts in my comments.
Antis have failed to understand what naruto was about and that’s the saddest thing.

Feeling extra messy today so another rant
But like. U don’t have to like wincest but what do u mean “why is it so common”???
Did we not watch the same show?? Wincest is possibly the spn ship with the MOST subtext. I don’t rlly feel the need to even name all the reasons wincest makes sense cuz they’re so obvious and naming them all would take a while and that’s not rlly the point of this post.
Also why r u acting like wincest is a plague or invasive species in the spn fandom. Like the spn fandom was BUILT on wincest. It makes sense that a prominent part of the fandom are wincest shippers.
It’s like going to the ocean and seeing a sign warning of sharks and being like “aw:( why do sharks have to ruin the beach I just wanna swim” as if sharks aren’t an important and natural part of the ocean ecosystem. Like that’s their HOME. They’ve been here longer than YOU (the you is destiel shippers in this fuck ass analogy) if u don’t wanna risk being around sharks at the ocean you can go to a pool or lake (other fandoms) and if ur adamant on the ocean remember sharks aren’t bloodthirsty and horrible like they are in movies, and if you stay away from ocean areas that are prominent with sharks you should be ok. And even if you come across a shark on a beach that usually dosent have sharks don’t panic! You can get out of the water. Sharks won’t attack you unless you antagonize them.
Did that analogy make sense?? Probs not but fuck it we ball
Just. Tired of ppl acting like shipping fictional incest is the worst possible thing in fandom.
I think the reason I prefer wincest spaces over destiel spaces even though I do enjoy both ships boils down to an average difference in approach when it comes to canon v fanon. Cesties tend to operate in a realm of suspended disbelief. Most just do not care if it’s a canon thing, if it’s widely accepted to be true, or even if it’s liked by the majority of fans. They just enjoy the ship for the expansion that it is and what text is given in show. Ofc they do care about canon wincest, but it’s just not the Focus because we know the brothers and their relationship (romantic or not) will always be the core of spn. Hellers on the other hand have this incessant need to Prove that their ship is real—that Dean and cas are canonically in a reciprocal, non-platonic love, and that it’s an undeniable Fact Of Canon. It’s unfathomable how anyone could watch the show and not see what they see. It’s less fun in my opinion
Shipping rarepairs means reading the same 3 fics someone wrote for your ship 8 years ago. Knowing the plot up and down, but still reading them anyway.
Shipping rarepairs means not being taken seriously by the fandom when you try to explain your ships. It means sometimes lying about them because you don't want to have to explain again.
Shipping rarepairs means having the ideas, but not having the motivation to write them because you feel like you have no one to share it with.
Shipping rarepairs means that you live in a world where some ships never seem to run out of content, but yours did before it even started.
It means clinging to the driftwood that shouldn't be gloating at all while a bunch of people speed by on a yacht.
Shipping rarepairs means that you have all of the fanfiction sites still. Even the ones that have graded or are 'cringy' because you hope to find the ship somewhere in the depths.
Shipping rarepairs means that the only content you have is either A/B/O or a cringy joke fic. It means that there are unfinished works that haven't been updated for years. It means not even having a page on AO3. It means scrolling through the same tags on Tumblr again and again.
It means looking at the WIP you have for the fanfic you wrote, but not finishing it because you know no one will read it.
When you argue over which ships are "possible" in a fandom it's like... idk are you campaigning to be the head clown at the circus?
"Those characters didn't even have a scene together!"
Okay well your OTP had every scene together and they're still not a canon couple so at the end of the day we all still put on the big red shoes one foot at a time.
"This character wouldn't be into this character because,"
You're probably right because, like your ship, it wasn't written into the actual show. Counter argument: whilst in the fandom land of make believe, we can make those little guys do whatever you want them to.
"This ship is the only one that makes sense!"
0+0=0. We're all 0 for 0, okay?
God bless rare pair writers and people who just put two characters together because they look cool. Fandom could stand for more, "okay but what if [insert bananas bonkers scenario here] happened?" tbh.
The world of Tumblr wasn’t always the most peaceful of places. Ship wars destroyed much of the land and the random hearts and double-arrows popping up in the sky could get a bit distracting. But most of the fandoms were able to get along peacefully, most staying in their respective districts/ factions /camps.
Wizards & half-bloods patrolled the districts under the leadership of Admiral Holmes, making sure everything was going well and making sure that the demons, cannibalistic doctors, & makeup-wearing aristocrats stay in place.
Each day, grand ceremonies were held by the people of the blogs in prayer to the Gallifreyan God of the Tardis as Supreme Princess Dean Winchester oversaw it all on his floating Chevy Impala.
After our Minto/Zakuro break, it seems the boy shipping pattern to the episodes has continued; episode 7 was Aoyama focused, and it looks like the next one will switch to Ryou. “Romance on the High Seas!” We’re getting the cruise chapter! 🤩 Now the preview image at the end of episode 7 showed Retasu and Ryou, which is in reference to these scenes in the manga:

This is really all we get of this ship in the manga, but the old anime expanded it further, and I have a feeling TMMN will do the same. However, I would like to remind everyone this is not the only ship floating out in the ocean in this chapter, because this also happens:

Oh yeah! 😍 Romance on the high seas indeed, that’s the cruise I’ll be sailing on, Ichiryou all the way!!!! I hope they lay on the attraction real thick, because like I’ve said before, I want to be devastated when this titanic goes down, stringed quartette and all (I’m just a masochist that way 😆) !
I’m also really looking forward to seeing the girls in their formal attire:

Almost as excited as seeing Ryou in his (almost)! 😍
The episode we’ve all been waiting for (or at least I have 😁), one complete with an armada of ships (unless you’re team Kishigo, sorry guys, this episode is not for you 😅)! I thought it’d be fun to count off just how many ships we saw during this voyage. These are in order of appearance, and not a ranking order (because we all know who I’d put at the top 😆). Climb aboard the love boat and set sail with me, and get ready for a ton of boat jokes, because why yacht?
1. Leading this fleet of ships, we have the cannon ship: Ichigo and Aoyama.
They kind of had to at least show these two together at some point in this episode since they are the main couple, but for an episode called “Romance on the high sea” they got very little screen time together. 😅
I find it kind of funny that Ichigo doesn’t mention that two of her coworkers she’s going on this cruise with are guys, and one of them she’s seen shirtless, and then made him a snack after seeing him shirtless. 👀 But I guess it’s not technically lying if you’re just omitting information, right? 😆 That seems to be Ichigo’s philosophy in this relationship anyway.

Aoyama completely fails at asking Ichigo out; hey, maybe sometime, at some point, we can maybe, sort of, go to the ocean together, maybe. Dude, when you ask a girl a out, you need to have an exact day and time picked out, she has a very busy schedule, and she needs to know an exact time to pencil you in for (that’s why you haven’t been on a date since episode 3!). Get it together boy! We’re jumping overboard here.
2. Second in this flotilla, a non cannon couple in the original, but I’m starting to think it might be in this one: Mint and Zakuro.

I mean, it’s pretty hard to argue with giant letters that say, “I love Zakuro.” Now, I do believe that it is possible to love and admire someone without being “in love,” or wanting a romantic relationship with that someone, and I think in the original series, that was the case between Minto and Zakuro, but in this series, I’m not so sure. I’m still holding out for my own personal head cannon ship of Zakuro and Seiji 😆 I think if Mint was going to lose out to someone, she would be ok if it was her brother, because then she could really call Zakuro “Onesama.” And look!

My new boy is in the next episode! There’s hope for my ghost ship! 😁
3. The third ship in the convoy: Lettuce and Ryou. I feel like this ship is really pushed by all the Ichiyama shippers because it takes care of the Ryou problem; Ryou puts a kink in the Ichigo and Aoyama ship (because Ichiryou is just so much more natural and they’re freaking adorable together!), so they have to put Ryou somewhere, why not with Lettuce? She likes him! But does he like her? Well, he doesn’t not like her, I’ll give you that. He’s very nice to her, probably more to her than anyone else, but I think that’s because he knows she’s sensitive, and she wouldn’t be able to handle a joke like the others would. He knows she lacks confidence, and so he does what any good friend would do, and he tries to help build her up.

My first thought when I saw this: Ryou, you can’t give alcohol to a minor! Second thought: where’d you get Felix felicis?

A placebo? Clever boy 😏 Way to make that girl fall in love with you. Back to the question of does Ryou like Lettuce the way Lettuce likes Ryou...

The boy is oblivious! 🙄
4. Number four in this cruise line, and my personal favorite: Ichigo and Ryou! I was floating blissfully when these two were on screen together. I love the background jokes these two make with each other, I love how they both just end up staring at each other from across the hall, I love how gently Ryou takes her hand (he’s so timid 😭), I love how sweetly he encourages her (it’s not just Lettuce he speaks nicely to, guys!),

I love how naturally Ichigo just leans into him, I love everything about this scene, even the gut wrenching feeling I got when Ichigo hurt his feelings! 😭 He was so sad!

Ichigo, if you have to tell yourself you only have eyes for Aoyama, you don’t only have eyes for him 😆 Also, you’ve been on like two dates with him, it’s not like you’re married. You might just find you like Ryou more. 😏 Prediction for the next episode: Ichigo is now avoiding Aoyama because she feels guilty about dancing with Ryou, so the other girls set up a date for her. And if we’re really lucky, we might get to see Aoyama and Ryou meet for the first time 😈 I hope it’s as good as the manga meeting! Give me more fuel for my fantasy cruise!!!!!!
5. This is my second favorite ship from this episode: Pudding and Tarto (or should we call him “Tar Tar?”)

What can I say? They’re just adorable kids being adorable together! 😍 I love how soon we’re getting they’re introduction, because it means we’ll get more time develop their relationship. They definitely have the most hope of becoming the next full fledged cannon couple!
6. Brining up the rear of our armada: Lettuce and Pai. Ok, there’s not much to this ship, but I wanted to give the LettucePie shippers some hope anyway. Here we have Pai looking at Lettuce in a way that he hasn’t looked at anything else in the two episodes he’s been in so far.

A glimmer on the horizon! You’re welcome.
The moment we’ve all been waiting for 😆

♫ jealousy turning saints into the sea ♫
Spamton my favorite songs are from the new game Sonic X Shadow Generations OST. Look up Sonic x Shadow to learn more :)
C'mon guys, skeletondance can do better than this! It's the show's entire premise!