ADHD Autistic fangirl. Ace Lesbian. Love Owl House

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Im Here Too! I Am Ace

i’m here too! I am ace

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More Posts from Aprileclipsestudios

1 year ago

Too Many Story Ideas

So, I know I need to post on here more, but I need to talk about some stuff. 

What do you do when you have too many story ideas in your brain, but can't keep one long term? Because I started writing my Bianca di Angelo Lives AU again, but I’m also working on a screenplay and now another story idea is developing for a book trilogy.

My current plan is to just work on the fanfic on the side when I have time with my main project being the screenplay because that has the end goal of being a film by 2025 for school. But this book trilogy I know I can’t start writing it because it will just take over, but I want to at least outline it and develop the characters.

And on top of that there’s a one-shot I want to write in The Dragon Prince because I can’t get the idea out of my head and I want to write it, but it’s a one-shot so there's not the worry of not finishing it. 

It’s like I always have a story to tell, but I just keep getting new ideas that I want to work on. Should I just write all the ideas down as ideas in some notebooks to look at another time when I get more ideas for stories? Because maybe I’ll want to write them later in life when I’m not working on something else. 

This isn’t something that is only happening now, it’s been happening for years. I have stories I started writing in notebooks but abandoned because I wasn’t interested anymore. I just want a way to work with the creative flow and actually finish stuff before starting other projects.

Does anyone have any advice?

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1 year ago

Random She Ra thought

Ok, so I've had this thought/theory/idea in my brain for about a year now.

So, Angella is immortal, so she can survive without food and water, right?

And now that they're in the larger galaxy they can create stable portals, correct?

So, what if they figured out how to make a portal to Angella and got her out. Like, I bet Entrapta could program a stable portal to get to whatever the weird dimension is so the others could get Angella out. I've started picturing like Adora, Catra, and maybe Bow teaming up with Entrapta to do this to surprise Glimmer and Micah.

I would love to see a fanfic of this and might write one at some point, but no promises.

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1 year ago

I’ll read it anyway

Random She Ra thought

Ok, so I've had this thought/theory/idea in my brain for about a year now.

So, Angella is immortal, so she can survive without food and water, right?

And now that they're in the larger galaxy they can create stable portals, correct?

So, what if they figured out how to make a portal to Angella and got her out. Like, I bet Entrapta could program a stable portal to get to whatever the weird dimension is so the others could get Angella out. I've started picturing like Adora, Catra, and maybe Bow teaming up with Entrapta to do this to surprise Glimmer and Micah.

I would love to see a fanfic of this and might write one at some point, but no promises.

1 year ago

send asks to follower!

what is your favorite pokemon?

no pressure to answer. have great day!

my favourite pokemon is evee or the little fire fox one that I don’t remember the name of. It’s been a long time since i watched it or anything

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1 year ago

My Avatar Yue AU

So, in this AU Yue is the Avatar, but I guess that was pretty obvious by the title. A few pockets of airbenders survived and one of them sought refuge in the Northern Water Tribe (the Northerners respect the air nomad culture and don't meddle with it. as for teaching women bending, female airbenders learn airbending, if only for the fact that they aren't considered learning combat because air nomads are pacifists)

Yue knows she can waterbend, but is only allowed to learn healing because the Northern Water Tribe is still sexist. Nobody knows Yue is the Avatar for a long time, Arnook figures it out when Yue is about 12-13 and keeps it from everyone because the north shouldn't get involved with the war. Aang is an Airbender only, and he is born in the North Pole. Aang and Yue are best friends.

Shortly before Yue's 16th birthday she overhears her dad and Pakku talking in another room: Arnook wants to tell Yue she's the Avatar, but Pakku is trying to convince him otherwise. Yue ends up saying something (i'm not sure if I should word it as a confrontation because Yue doesn't seem like the confrontational type [yet] but more just shock and 'you were keeping secrets about me, from me'). Yue tells Aang about a day later and he suggests going to the South Pole (they don't know all the waterbenders there are gone) we still have Appa, so they decide to run away (they each pack a bag first, and Yue leaves a letter for her dad). Yue's Avatar guide animal is gonna be some sort of rabbit hybrid, I just don't know what to cross it with.

Yue isn't going to learn the elements in order, mainly because she has a master airbender with her from the start.

Sokka is 17 in this AU, so in my mind he was just old enough to go with his dad and all the other men. At some point more recently he got separated from everyone else and ends up trying to find his way to the South Pole for some reason. Also, he has a scar, but I'm thinking he got it in a really stupid way, like he slipped down a hill with some sharp rocks or something.

Ty Lee is an airbender, too. Azula and Ty Lee find this out at the same time. Ursa tried to be a better mom for Azula, so Azula actually cares about at least one person in this (Ty Lee) and they run away from the Fire Nation and kind of just hide in the Earth Kingdom woods. Maybe Azula does some random vigilante shit. I don't know what I'm doing with Mai yet, though.

I'm debating if Katara left the South Pole at some point earlier. She might have because she wouldn't have a reason to leave like the same timeline, I just need to find a new motive for her to leave (probably going to find Sokka for some reason. Maybe Hakoda sent a message that Sokka got separated from everyone else?), and maybe she left when she was like, 13. I'm thinking that maybe she ends up stranded in the fire nation and gets taken in by none other than Hama. Katara hasn't had her emotional growth and is still Katara from the beginning of season 1 and she doesn't have Sokka or Aang for moral support and I think she would be a bit more impressional... aka, I'm gonna have Hama teach Katara waterbending and bloodbending.

So, back to plot. Yue and Aang start travelling to the south pole, of course they are stopping along the way and will meet some people. First, in the semi-north woods of the Earth Kingdom, Yue and Aang meet Azula and Ty Lee. Now, I don't think Yue trusts them... yet, and neither does Azula (as in she doesn't really trust Yue and Aang) Ty Lee is more trusting, and so is Aang, especially after he finds out Ty Lee is also an airbender. Azula and Ty Lee agree to join Aang and Yue. Yue and Azula agree to sort-of trust each other.

Soon enough, Aang agrees to start teaching Yue and Ty Lee airbending as they travel. Ty Lee has already airbended a bit and can pick up on the techniques to improve a bit easier. Yue on the other hand, has never airbended before and has to figure out how to do it. Maybe Yue is slightly jealous that Ty Lee is getting it quicker than her. After some help from both of them she'll get it.

As they head further south Azula reveals stuff about the comment (I have no idea how to get Roku to tell Yue about the comet and all that stuff, and Azula would know when the comet is coming, even if she's been gone for at least a year). Azula also currently refuses to teach Yue any firebending; half because she doesn't think Yue can handle another element yet, and half because she doesn't want to try to train someone (and probably doesn't yet trust herself to teach someone).

They end up a short while north of Kyoshi Island when a strange boy they don't know comes out of the trees. This boy is Sokka. They help Sokka get to the south pole to see his sister, but he also tells him that his sister, Katara, is the last waterbender in the south pole, severely deflating Yue. They still accompany him. They all find out Katara left about half-a-year earlier to find Sokka. Zuko has been tracking the person he's hearing about, the Avatar. Zuko however, still believes the Avatar is an airbender. So, hims and Iroh have been tracking the Avatar across the globe, to the south pole. Zuko still captures Aang under the impression that he is the Avatar, and Aang just goes along with it because he wants to protect his friends. Yue, Sokka, Azula, and Ty Lee go to rescue him. Azula is not in any way happy to see her brother, and still feels like she is better than him, I'm not sure if she'll get involved if not just so I can leave Zuko's reaction to her being there for later.

Soon enough, Azula agrees to teach Yue the basics of firebending. I think this might be the hardest element for Yue to master, Yue is the embodiment of water (specifically moon water) in my head, and fire is the opposite of water. if anyone has any other ideas for what the hardest element for Yue to get would be, please leave a comment.

Anyway, from there we are gonna briefly go to Kyoshi Island. They won't stay long enough for Zuko to follow them there, though. I just need them to meet Suki.

Now, when they get further into the Earth Kingdom they meet Toph. Yue and Azula know how to talk to upper-class people and are able to subtly lie to convince Toph's parents to let her come with them under the guise of Avatar political meeting things. Toph will be starting to train Yue earthbending after a little while.

I haven't figured out how Zuko's redemption would go in this yet, or how the battle of the north happens, if it even does.

They will be meeting Katara at some point, I haven't figured out if it will be when they go to the fire nation or before that. The whole Eclipse invasion will still happen. Katara will definitely be at least slightly more aggressive, essentially a bit of Dark!Katara. She would definitely be extremely aggressive towards Azula specifically. She also still hasn't had any sort of resolve of her mother's death, and it has fuelled her anger (through Hama's manipulation, I'm gonna call it that because she's using Kya's death as a point to make Katara angry at the fire nation) like, she's probably willing to kill someone in this AU, and more likely to actually do it than canon Katara.

Katara is gonna teach Yue combat waterbending, in exchange Yue could teach her healing and Katara can become a bit closer to canon Katara.

This post was originally gonna have multiple fic ideas I have for AtLA but this post got really long with this fic alone, so, I'll talk about other stuff later on.

Also, a bit of this was inspired by another tumblr post, but I never kept the link, so I can't link it, I'm sorry. I also don't remember who the post was by.

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