494 posts
I've Started Season Two Of Bungo Stray Dogs And Can We All Just Take A Moment To Appreciate How Masterfully
I've started Season Two of Bungo Stray Dogs and can we all just take a moment to appreciate how masterfully written Dazai's backstory segment is? My mind is blown and I have cried many tears. The aspiring author in me is furiously scribbling down notes.
Also I've realized I aggressively kin Dazai. Which is probably not a good sign. Haha.
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More Posts from Artofkhaos404
It is finished. Was it corny? Absolutely.
Do I have any regrets? None.
Rewatching some scenes from those movies and listening to the music has reminded me that Descendants was the first step in my "style journey" you could say. I remember seeing all the studs and black and leather of the characters and admiring how awesome it looked. I recall the very second it dawned on my pea brain "hey, you choose your clothes you goof bag, just do it." So I did and just never stopped. Kinda funny how things like that happen, isn't it?
I have also had the realization that these movies are partially where I got my love of EDM from. But the biggest realization of all is I now understand where my type in men came from. Two words: Harry Hook.
Seriously, Thomas Doherty had a GRIP on me in that film. Bro was literally going around fawning over this dominant woman, swaying when he walked, slurring in a Scottish accent and being generally rebellious all while in O-ring belts and aggressive eyeliner. Like DAMN. This is a corny kid's musical produced by DISNEY and I STILL want him.
Can we normalize listening to songs from TV shows and movies you watched as a kid? Cause you can't tell me the Descendants tracklist doesn't SLAP and I'm about to go through ALL OF IT.

More Dictatorship rough sketches. She looks like a character from a children's coloring book and I love it.
🌸🩷Hana Sato 🩷🌸
Can we normalize listening to songs from TV shows and movies you watched as a kid? Cause you can't tell me the Descendants tracklist doesn't SLAP and I'm about to go through ALL OF IT.

I think the difference confuses a lot of people, so these pictures are super helpful.
In a world where it's not on trend to live a Christian lifestyle, I would like to see my generation become some of the most radical, Jesus loving FREAKS of all time.
There was a time I felt the need to hide my faith. I felt it didn't fit me and was an out of place aspect of my identity. Felt the need to seperate myself from my Jesus because you can't be A, B or C and be Christian... right? I was so wrong. I was wrong to think I must deny my individuality to be a follower of Christ or deny my Christ to be an individual.
I was ashamed of Christ in all His glory, but He was not ashamed of me in all my filth. He is proud to call me child as I should be proud to call Him Father. I am now.
In the Bible, demons knew Paul by name. Young brothers and sisters in Christ... let us live our lives so that we never have any doubt whether Hell fears us.
"But whosever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in Heaven." Matthew 10:33