artofkhaos404 - contributing to the khaos
contributing to the khaos

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More Dictatorship Rough Sketches. She Looks Like A Character From A Children's Coloring Book And I Love

More Dictatorship Rough Sketches. She Looks Like A Character From A Children's Coloring Book And I Love

More Dictatorship rough sketches. She looks like a character from a children's coloring book and I love it.

🌸🩷Hana Sato 🩷🌸

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More Posts from Artofkhaos404

1 year ago

It is finished. Was it corny? Absolutely.

Do I have any regrets? None.

Rewatching some scenes from those movies and listening to the music has reminded me that Descendants was the first step in my "style journey" you could say. I remember seeing all the studs and black and leather of the characters and admiring how awesome it looked. I recall the very second it dawned on my pea brain "hey, you choose your clothes you goof bag, just do it." So I did and just never stopped. Kinda funny how things like that happen, isn't it?

I have also had the realization that these movies are partially where I got my love of EDM from. But the biggest realization of all is I now understand where my type in men came from. Two words: Harry Hook.

Seriously, Thomas Doherty had a GRIP on me in that film. Bro was literally going around fawning over this dominant woman, swaying when he walked, slurring in a Scottish accent and being generally rebellious all while in O-ring belts and aggressive eyeliner. Like DAMN. This is a corny kid's musical produced by DISNEY and I STILL want him.

Can we normalize listening to songs from TV shows and movies you watched as a kid? Cause you can't tell me the Descendants tracklist doesn't SLAP and I'm about to go through ALL OF IT.

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1 year ago

Say that I WONT.

That I CANT.



And I'm telling you telling you no.

Cause you don't understand that...


In this war with myself.


The red light is blinking.

I've done so damn much but...


I'm constantly working to make my life...


But lying on my death bed...


I'll spend my whole life overcoming...


I want it to matter when my heart goes out.


Play a few shows.

Maybe for a moment I won't feel so low.

Then suddenly the labor pays off...

and I'm able to soak up the feeling of...

being a bit stable...

relieved of the burden of never giving up...

but I'm kidding myself.


-Overkiller by Qbomb

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1 year ago

Take a minute to watch this if you can because it's so good. Our modern day "punk scene" has got rly skewed ideas about what it rly is. You can be punk and believe anything. Punk Nazis standing next to anti racist punks like myself prove that point. It's about whether you'll fight for it. That's what makes you punk. Y'know I hate that I had that guy messaging me hateful things and I hate that I had to get so aggressive, but y'know, it's starting a great conversation here idk if I could have started otherwise. We all need to stop gatekeeping and accept the fact that punk isn't one thing, it's an expression of individuality and your truest self. My truest self includes JESUS CHRIST! You don't like that? Come say it to my face so I can tell you about Him!!!

I'm so so sorry to break this to you. You're not a punk. Mcr and top and Chr*stianity are not punk. Please...please stop.

Oh, I've been waiting for this...

*cracks knuckles*

First off, what authority do you have to decide what is punk and isn't? By definition a punk is someone who listens to punk music, believes in not selling out and supporting individuality. It's a social movement, not a faith based one.

Punk can go right in line with any religion and many different beliefs. If you're trying to tell people they can't be punk based off of their religion you seem to be pretty intolerant of my lifestyle. That sure as hell ain't punk, just like cussing a homosexual for their personal lifestyle choices ain't punk. Being yourself is punk. Love is punk, and Jesus is love. You can't argue with that. Jesus sat with and loved on the broken nobodies of our society and spit on the organized religions of His time. What's more punk than that?!

And as far as music, yes I love TOP and MCR! I'm also obsessed with the Front Bottoms and love me some good Showbread every now and then. If you took a few minutes to check my bio and Google those bands, you'd see one is hardcore punk and one is folk punk. You seem to not know your shit my man, especially to be going around policing other people minding their own business. I'm new to the punk scene and still learning the music and whatnot. If you were a true punk veteran, you'd be hyping up my learning process and giving me band recommendations instead of trying to police strangers on the Internet.

And all that being said, you don't know me! How can you judge someone you don't know? Blows my mind. Going around calling people posers, judging people and not respecting others is the least punk you can be. You wanna call people out to feel better about your own shortcomings? Go punch some "punk" Nazis and be useful at least.

Being bold is punk. You weren't even bold enough to leave your own username up, anon. Ha.

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1 year ago
artofkhaos404 - contributing to the khaos

artofkhaos404 - contributing to the khaos

I have no idea how this concert was free because it ROCKED HARD. I woke up with my neck sore as frick from headbanging, and that's when you know it's good.

But even more than that, Kevin Young has something to say. His sermons throughout the show were fantastic. People were led to Christ that night through the power of metal. People still think it summons demons, when it drives them out! You just gotta find the right band, and these men have something special. They spoke against suicide, against addiction, against depression. He reminded us that, because we woke up this morning, God still has a plan for our lives. The Christian rock scene is my home and I'd never belong anywhere else quite as well.

A bunch of Jesus loving freaks. Like me.

After the show I got the chance to speak to the band. I was explaining my appreciation to them for being leading forces in the Christian alternative movement and for making it easier to be so different. To be rejected by both rock elitists and the religious. Young interrupted me and just opened his arms. I didn't have to explain. He already knew.

Rockers are family. But Christian rockers?

We are held by a bond of brokenness and eternity: the outstretched arms of Jesus.

(The band saw my "Long Live the Rebels" shirt I painted and posted. They also complimented my look, so my diy and fashion dreams are pretty much complete at this point lol)

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1 year ago

Just got my YouTube Music recap from this summer. Top artist was the Front Bottoms, which brings me joy.

Top albums were the Twenty One Pilots EP, You Are Who You Hang Out With (Front Bottoms), Kings (I Am Empire) and the Anatomy of Tongue in Cheek (Relient K). So theres some recs for anyone looking for some.

Most listened to song?

King For A Day. By Pierce the Veil.

You do NOT wanna know how many times I listened to it. An ungodly amount. Be afraid.

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