OC Concept: A Powerful Sorceress Who Has Lost Her Memory. If The Names Are Not Helpful Above, The Character
OC concept: A powerful sorceress who has lost her memory. if the names are not helpful above, the character has a jewish upbringing.
the last name is lake if that helps.
reblog for more votes. please :)
miathefroggy liked this · 1 year ago
More Posts from Asocial-skye
i know that i've stayed out of star wars for a while, but like, can i say something?
you guys do know that the whole aww obi-wan totally knew or the council obviously knew thing is fake, right? like they didn't. they really didn't. the prequels fall like a house of cards set of fire and spraying acid if they knew. the whole point of a ✨ forbidden marriage✨ is that NO ONE knows.
the amount of people who have either commented on my posts or i've seen commenting on other people's posts saying that the council or obi-wan would've been fine with it because they totally knew you guys when their evidence really is a subtle joke in a piece of media they are happy to declare subcanon the second it doesn't line up with their carefully constructed fanon is waaaay too many.

Because I'm only seeing other Jews posting about this, non-Jews I need you to be aware that for the past month or two there has been a wave of bomb threats and swattings at synagogues all across the US. They usually do it when services are being livestreamed. I haven't seen a single non-Jew talking about this. High holidays are coming up in a few weeks, which is when most attacks happen against our communities. We're worried, and we need people to know what's happening to us.
bruh who came up with the whole 'the gays can't do math' thing? like people really looked at gay people and decided 'ah yes. this is the group that looks at the quadratic formula and vomits out their eyeballs.'
i’m starting to think that Kevin McCarthy is going to be the last speaker of the house.